HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-05-17.. RESIDENTIAL.. zz 5 lto*th sttr streeAPPLrcAr r,N /PERllrr Spr'ingfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ?.ece;-Lt f #t4.n .qb t€,00 , dr2 IC.N ,60 ,lO 5A.3L SPFtINGFIELD ww?r*ffi LU* nturYrt {4Yo ?/,* /o,l'eL ^# os73 6 Siqred:L,^- Date: 5-/7-9L Job Locaticn: 1230 North 5th Street ?cr Lot # 55OAAesessore Map #2 )+I Subditt sion Ervin A. and Gloria J. BeckerCi.met: Address: 1230 North 5th Street f l+6-Bf )+BPhone )+ Desa4be llork: Attach garage to house (Utifityl Value 21500. t--l t-; Da'te of App itobi Additicn RenoCel Lise. #PkoneConxractots nffiess General Plurbing ELectrical L DE\!1LEI1!! CP, i:AW) Sanitay saner eapped .t prop.T"r* li/:e Septio tank p:n2ed crui filT.ed uith graizl linal - t,h.en abcue itens oxe ec:alexei c.x.C uhen detclitior: is coralete o? st!\J- ture nouei o"i prerises cieaned. tp. 7.e iicnes dLocklf@ cEfEt >2E-:AD Plwnbing coanec'tions -- saue? oC, aatet Electrical Cazection - Blockirq, set-uD and. plutnbing connections nr"i.st be qpra:e<i. befoz'e requesting eleelrical inspecli.o- Aecessory Suiliing PirnL - After pcrei..es, skirting, ,Jecks, etc. @e ccnpleled. Constrteticn Lendet I-t is *.he rcspotts'ibi_Litg of the pezTtrit hoZder to see that aL! inspectiona dre nade at .-he propet tine, ihat acch addtess is reniaZl-e iryf _tJy st?ee.t,. ad titct the permit, eard ia Located at the fwni of tl,e p"ope?ty.*Euilding Nuisiovt apttcxed -cl^ot shcll retna'ln on the Bualdnng Sitc'at all' tlnes." Pn1CgDUPEi F04 lysPgc?ruil,19=Qr\EST:CALL 726-3769 (yeeorCer) state yout City desigrated job ntntber, job aibess, type of inspee;icnre.1uesxed cCiien'gou diLL be "eady for inspection, Contractcrs olo a*"rr-rr*.r.L"d pt "" nunbcr.' -p.equests o"L";iZa bZfcre'7:c0 a:i'*ill be nade the sane <izg, "equests ncde aft* 7:00 an tiLL be naCe tke nest.arkinE da-g. i--1 SITE IlISP!C!]C)T: | | escauction, but UIIDERSLAB P!U!,BIXC, ILECTRIC,I,L' iECHitilICAL: lo be made before any work is cooeted. EC)TIIIG t F)TJNDATiCN: lo be rmde ;fier t'"enci;;-ale cauated atd. forns ate erected, but aLar to pout'trq ccncteta. UNDIRCPAUIID PL'-MEI;IG, SIWP,,'I,4Y!R, DRAIIIAGE: lo be nale prioz, to ftl-Lirq i:z'enchee. WDERFLCCP .DLUI,EU]G 1 \ITCEANICAL :@o7 floor insulation or decking. P1S? AND tsEAll: To be na.d.e orior to -^- installaticn of floon insuT,aiion or deckin4, RALIG|! ?1U'!EI:|G, ELECTRLCAL .' !48q9- GllT'these iwoecticns 'ncue beet; naCe and. apprcued. il?.EPLACE: Pr'Lor to pLceirq facJngmcterials and. before iranLng i,nspee- tion. FRA.I!!N}: i'lttst be req-uested aftet, appz,oual of rough, plwnbing, electri-cal & neclanieal. ALL roofittg braetttq & ehir,meys, ete. rntst be . ccttpleted- !!o ucrk is to be con- ' cecled until this i,nsoectr)cn itz,s'been made anC appro"^ei. lTilAL PLUI/,BI\|G PTilAL I4ECA}IICAL ?7rtif ?fcaaofaaf yoio CitA-Desigr,ated Job ltunbet Is Seohzr INSULATION /VAPOR BARLIT!. IIISP5C?fi iI : ?o be nad.e after aLL insulaticn ed. requiz.ed uapor borie?s @e in pl,ace but before ary Lath, Wpsult bcoti or mLL coreying is applred, ard. before ary insulation is concealed. DRY'|ALL I\ISPZCIICN: Ic be nade after aLL dtyaall is in pLa.ce, but prJoz, to ang tapinq. LAS%I: Steel Loeatton, boni beans, gzvutiio4 oz, uerticels in accordotce ,tith U,B,C, Seeticn 24L5. \iC1DST)'/E: After instalLation is atnplercd. CURB & .APPPCACH A-DPCN: After forns @,e ereAAW&A tu pour.Jng eonc?ete. SfDETiALK ,3 DRf\TVAI: For aLL con- crete patt,.n4 uithtn st"eet right- of-ung, to be maCe after ali ecea- uatlnq earolete & forn LD?k & eub- base ncterial in pLace. ' To be nade after prior tc set up of I il E Y IEIICE: rtrhen eonpLate -- Pro'tiCe gates or nouable seetians through DIIT -;rr! I GI ixl @ ALL proiect ca.ditions, such as ohe i.nstallation of slreet trees, co:ai.etion ol i:re required Landsccpitg, eic., rmtst be satisfied before the tsUILDI)iC lIllAL ecn be req-uesxeC. lIilAL tsUILDING: The FinaT- 3uiltiin4 fnspection mtst be tequested cilet, the 7inal ?lutrbing Electrical, oa !4eeincniccl inspecticns haue been ncde arui ap.orcxaC *ALL,I4AIII!'L|S AJD JLqA::CU?S:IUS:3E ACXSSTSL:, .\DJL'S::2:,'::O 32.',!1:J,.'.! ,':O::S:3 CI?Y x x -1-c - vt - SOLAR *CESS REQ.-L-co c RL Ct otrc : R3 v+F Beitoons: Lot Faces -Ene?ou Sources Se:backs Df Cayace Lccess,llater leatet lla"th East South |laacis=o,;e llest bt Sq. FtE. X of Lct Cctterage I of Stortes Total leight !opogrqhg LCr lwg _ Il.te?icr _ Corner _ Ptnhcnile CuL-de-sac Building Vtllue & Perrnit This pentr:,t is grarted on the er?"ess eordition tlu,t the said-constraciion s7nl-L, '-n all vescects, conf:rn:o the )rdir,"arce =riocted.3l:he :it'1 of Sprirlgfieid, :.ncituilng the Soning Crdinanee, regulcting ;he ccnstrtet:-cn ad. use of buildir,Es, and. nay be suspend.ed or reuckei et cn! tine u?on uic' Lation of a.y prcttiaions of saiC 1rdirances. VaLue 2,rOO 'm^fi A f at A f t:t c 1u Siyed on^14- 2 .00 2\.96 .96 Euildina ?e!,-nlt lotal Changes Plumbing Permit No pe?son sha.ll constmtet, insfalT-, a'!.tet ot eitarqe an! Ttea cr ecisting plwnbing or drainage systan in uhole or in part, unLess such person is the Legal possessor of a talid plwnbet,'s License, eueegt ti2dt d pelson nay do plw,bing aork to p"ape?tA ahieh is ormed, Leased or operateti by the appli- cdnt. 5. oo 15 .00JFlbt;.res Residantial (1 ba""h) Seuer JDAie buJreroxce .60 t5.6o Electricol Permit Were State La,t reouit,es t|'a.t the electz,ieal aork be dcae by atr lleettieal Contractoz,, the electrieal poriion of lhia per,mit sha.il not be uali,C until the Label lns been sigzed bg the Electrteel Contrec+or. .00 15.00 rtxt4 2N€u/E*end Circuits Sertiee Stcte TotaL ico<istote Mechonicol Permit Vent ?ot Zshanst HocC f.g PeTnn D JSgilale?, l{eeilanical Penrtt -- ENCRCAC.{}48!!T -- Storc4e ll-.'n-m--^^ SLaeratk 20 ,Vobt-l-e ilcne :3TAL A|ICU:]T DUT: *)b. Jo f HAW CARIEULLy lXWIntD the cornpleted aoplt-ca*.icn fcr pezmii, cnd dc hereby eertify tilat aLL ilfotnation h.eyeon is true and ecr':.ect, cnL I frrtker ceruii,g their @rU ard ail aork ceriotmed slnll be Cote it aecct- Cznce',rith the Ordinc-nces of th,e City of SprtngfteT-ti, cnd the Lc;s of the State of )r'eaan pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, sl. i'l"at W 1CCU- ?AllCY oiLL be rade of GnA st:-lcx'ure aithoui pet-ni.ssiol. of ihe 3uiZitng Di-uision. f iuz,then certiit thtt cnlg oont?eeto?s ani atplcgees aho cte in conolrance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet 4ZyJr-=1982- 7 Signeti Date 5- t7- Recaipt l: JOB NO. ITi14 'ialat 15.0O State Sut,zhaqe lotal (narocs P Lclt !zcnL7ie? Dqn Sm"i th