HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-19Rcce Date: .. RESIDF\TIAL.. " APPLICATL 225 North |th Street Spningfield" 1regon 97477 BuildLng Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD,PERILIT J tu # ,I 3 5Job Locaticn: D3 o Tct Lot llAssessors Map # Subdioision: hwrnc- LA.mer: 5 ,_Phone 74/,Address: Ci.ty Descri-be l'ork/ar /u*vt0* ValuevDate of lddition RemoCel + /,Voffirrorn T General a1 Plurnbing l.lechan EIec: Erica c 1a t]Elec t t:rv1€lS rrD 0R l.:)vx) BUi 'i;CS DEI.IOLIT- Sanila'y seser capped at pt'opetty Lire Septie tank pltrped and filled uith Era:;el Final - lr4ten abctse itens are ecnpleted Zr{inn" Cer.tclition i's eotnplete- oP st?ul' lif,n-io,r"i and' premi'ses cleanec up' Blocking and Set-ttP Plwnbing conneciions -- aa)er anC uater Eleetrical Ccnnection ' BLocking' "nt--1.?-, 2"7 ptiit"g co.nnections m;st be appt'ou-ed A,i?.|rc requles t "ng e!' ec "ri cal inspec lio:t Aecescor'; BuiLC"n4 Final - y',fter pcrc-|"'es, skirting' decks' etc. are ccnPleled' Pa,,;e 1 ol I' nesponaibility of tle petmit ho,ld3r 'treet, and that the.Pe"nrlt ca"d La'Nuicion approt;ed pLan slnll tenain to 6ee that aLL insPections are nade at the front of the-ProPertY' Building Sit; at aLL tines' at the ptoper tine, that ecch ad'drees is reada'ble It iB the Locatedfromthe s on the*Bui Cesignated job nw;;ber',job aCiress' tYPe, P.equests receu)ea of insPec'-ictt P?OCIDUPE FOR INSPECTIOII REQUEST:CALL 7: @eadvfoy*-iit be made the sane dcy' nequests made 26-3769 (recot'der) state your City ncne and Phone nunber.befcre 7:00 cn inspection,Contractcrs or A)ners aftet 7:00 on viLL be made the nctt :,nrki.ng day Iout Citg Destgr,ated Job Nwnber fs:03 SITE INSPEC?ION: ercanlati.on, but To be made after prLor se up of To maCe d rcquired odpor batriers aIe LN p Lace fonne.but before ana Lath,ouDsum bcarC ot L"i."eld. and beforeUNDERSLAB PLUMBIYG, EryCTRI;CAL 8' 1',lECHittrcAI" T; be made before any Git1€-i6oered. wL L uez'ing 1,s dpp dtA Lnsu Lation concea Led. PaTTING & FOUNDATICN: To be nade ;ffi t t;;-6n nrcavated and lorrt *n ereeted, but Priot' to pouring ccncrete. nPvutt.r. TNSPECTION: Tc be made WLs.in pLace, but Prior to anY taPlng' I|ASONRI: Steel Location, bond tffii7i*orting or oerti'cals in iZiia&"" vLth u'B'c' section 2415,Tfr-fiZnches. After installation i's .f ioir insulation or decking' PIST AND BEAM: To be made Pti'.or to 6;i;TGtl;;of floor insuT'atton or WOODSTOl,/EI ccrlpT;TA decking. cuRB e APPR?A:H APPPN' , Ai!:.:-,{o-*' a'6Are"tea but Ptior to PcurLng concrete. W,#;Af ffi',,lzif !'1,"r1--.'rl,i.i. to "be nade after all- exca--uLi1o'"iptete & for'a t'tork & sub' base "na.terial i.n Place' L inspee*ions haoe been nade and aPProtted. FIP.EPLACE: Pt'ior to plccirg facing ffi;t; and before froning insPec- tion.h4ten conPlate -- PtouiCe or" ilooale' sections throughFRAI'IINC: Wst be ffiioiat of roughcil & neclnnieal. reouested aften olinbing, electri-'ALI noofing gates P.U.E. braei.ng E chinneYs, 2.13' nils. iiutoL No abrk is to be L-nitna until thi,a insPection been made anC aPProued' tbe con- ltas eet eonditions, such as the instaLlation of street t|'ees'conplctLon of the iiim """ be requested'ALL proi nequired LanCsccPir'g, ctc' ' rnts t be satisfied before thE BUILDING FIIIAL PLUMBING Lding Inspecti'otz rmtst bc t'equeste^ti. cf Le" the Fi-nal Plwnbi'ttg pf,"fio,r'"'lwuc been nade and app"oDrJ'FINAL MECIIANICAL FINAL BUILDING The Einal Bui- Electrical, and yssha1i.i.s6l Itts FINAL ELECTRICAL *AT,L MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE'ADJUSTNEIII TO BE MADE AT NO CCST TO CI?Y r-l tr Pcge Z OB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ BeCrooms:Occaoanca Cr >t Sq. Ftg. cf lct Ccuerage of Stories 'otal Height 'opography rTEM LCT TYPE _ fntericr. _ Conner _ Panlnrdle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - -- Fees -- Sounees Se Df ltouse Caraqe Access Hater lleateP North FireplaceEast South l./oodstoxe I llest x VaLue TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Volue & Permit This pemn-t is granted on the ecpress condition tlat the sciid-conattaction shalL', in atl rZspeets, conforrn to the fu'dtnance adopted tiy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinmrce, regulating the ccnstntcticn cnd use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- l-a.tion of any prcuisions of said Ondinances. Duilding Pet:mit ?otal Clanges State fl Signed: NO.ILL CHARCE Fistures Plumbing Permit Residential (L bath)Nq pet,eon slwll consttaet, install" alter or elnnge an7 nel ct, existingplwnbing o, drainage sAstq-n in uhole or in part, inlesi sueh person is- the Le-gal .possessot, of a valid plwnber,,s licensb, eucept that a pe:,son nay doplmbing uork to property uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the ippli-cant, Sani Seuer Plwnbing Pernit State * Nas/Ectend. Citcuits Electricol Permit were state Lau re-quires tha.t the eLecttical uork be done by an Electticalcontracton, the electricaL portion of this permit slnll not" be ualic untilthe Label lns been signed ly the Electtical'Contractit,,Setuice Stcte fotal NC FTE CIIARCE ,S Mechqnicol Permit Echarct Hood Vent Fan Hcodsto:;e Permit fssuanee Mechanicel Petmit 2.ao/15 -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sacat-itu Deposit Petmit Cv?bcut Si.da,talk ElectricaL LabeL Mobile Home DCG Total f HAW CAREFULL, TXLMINED the cotnpleted. appZication fo* pennit, and doh:"1?a certify that alt infornatibn nni"iir'f." t un ohd- oZlrii"ii '""a rfut'thez' .centlfv th_at any ar.d aLL uoz.k pe,fozned. shall be- doii-ir' ,."on-eance vLth the Opdinence.s of the City _of Springfield, and, the Laas of the Il?.t-?..[-o:fscn pe,tainins to the aoikZeslr.itla t"iLti,-"i-iit No occu_PANCY aill be mace of any structu"e without permisaion L1 tii a"Luing N-uisio-n. r further eZrtii-i1 tn"l iita-.oilt|".to"" and, e:nployeea uho a:.e inconpliance Dith oRS z0L.lss aiLL be"used oi thia j"iii,ii -"--- -' ,IOTAL AI'IOUIIT DI,IE:')5,15 Siglned fuatu Paid: * * Sto"age l,la'tntenance - Fence ..REslDFNTlAL.. /PERMTT iicce! 1 t- 1 \ J SPFIINGFTELD- APPLICAl. 225 North |th Stxeet Sprtngfteld" 1r'egon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 7 26-37 53 * T Job Locaticn: Ta.t Ix>t llAssessore Map # Subdi.uisi-on: II b- 893ePhone:odd,",;'1033v{)I zip:City Date of Appli.catian Describe h'ork -\t Value n Iticn,Le Home Additicn RemoCel rSt rac tor General Pl-urnb IiJ,ec tr ca Elec tr: ic ia nSur- 'IOlt oR t.iovE) BU iICS Sanitat'y seuen capped at pt'-operty Line Septic tank p';rped an'd filled uith gta;sel Final - l{hen abctte itens ate cctnpleted ind uhen Canoliti.on ie cornplete- o? atrliJ- Trin ^ort"d artd premi.aes cleaneC up' Hcmes Blocking and Set-uP Pltnbing eonnections -- aanev anC uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking' set-up , and plunbinq eonnections mtst be aPp"ctea ;; ; ";;: ;;a; """ s t i ns e L e c ! rt c aL i ns p e c ! i' o tt f,rrii**, skirtins, decks,Final - After el;c. are c'cmP Aecescot'1 Bui,LCing Pege 1 of 2 It ie the to aee that aLLinspectionsarenad.eatthepropet,tine'thatecchaddteesisrealab.;e fron the e Located at the fwnt of the -propertY.dLL tLmes.*Sui1.ding on the Bulldin(l Siie at PnocEDUPE FOR \NSPECTT1N -\EQIIEST :ca requested and uhen Aou D,LL be ready *-iLL be nade the sane dcY, tequests LL 726-3769 (recot'der) sta!;e 11our City Cesigrn Led job nmber,job aCtbe ss, tgPe Pequests receLxed of inspeeti.ctr for inspaction,Contractars or Asne;'s nrtne cnd phone ruttnber.befcre 7:00 c:t mcde after' 7:00 an uiLL be nade the ncrt;rnrking daE., lour City Desigr,ated Job Nunbat' Is: SITE INSPECTION: ercauation, but Io be rmde aftet' priot tc sel uP of TTA To naCe aL L ticn required oapor'ban'ieYs dle LN p lace fonns but before any La l;h,ggpsun boarC ot' Lied, and beforeUNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELIC?RI.CAL E I"IECW.NrcAD To be made before anY 6it-li-i6rset'ed. ULL cooerl'ng ;ion app dty Lnsu La conced Led PlOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be nsCe after trenches a"e eicauated ana Too t *n ereeted, but Prior to pouning ecncrete. DRYI,\ALL INS.PECTI.Q-N :. T.c after all drYaaLL ts.tn but Priot' to cnA taPlng be made pLace, \NDIRGPOUI\D PLUMETNG? SEIIER. Ir'4rll' DRAINAGE: To be rrude PrLor Do !LL- @-Ti6nches. UNDERFLOOR PLUJEING 4. MECHANICAL : ro be nade orLor to m-ili|Tii{oi o1 floor insul,ation or decking' MASINRI: Steel Location, bond iffiiorouting or oerticcls in icordaT.e Llith u,B'c' sectt"on 2415. WOODSTOVE:@;TA. After installation is POST AND BEAM: TisTiTTatla" of To be made to or CURB & APPRP4CI| APP:ON: . Aite;',{lnns &TJrecteC but Pt'ion to Pourtng concrete. SIDEWALK 4 DRIYqtltlY: For aLL ecn- ;;;te paurrr{l uithin street right- iirni, to be mace after aLL exca- iltl,rl"q'"o"plete & fotn uork & cub- base nateri-al in Place' No these been nade attd approoed'. FIP.EPLACE: Prior to plccirq facittg materffi; and' before frani'ng i'nspec- tion.U!eL'hrhen comPle te -- ProttiCe FRAI'IING: l'lust be ffiiooat of rough ial a nechanieal. reouested aften plunbi.ng, electni-- ALL roofirq gates or nooable secLians through P. U. E. bractng E e' eortpLetad, ceiled unti hirmeAs,etc. rntet be llo Dork ie to be eon- L thte i,nsPectton lws been nade anC approoed suc1t at: Lhe' in::t:allaLion of sLreet trees'eo:tt-lcL:on of the ^r^)ALL pnoj ecb aond'iti otts ', rmtst be saLisfi':d before t;he BUILDINC FI)iAt can be reque FINAL PLUMBIIIG required LandscePing, ctc FI MECHANICAT,FINAL BarLDrNc: Tluz l,t)nal lluildirul. rlrspat:tiort nuet bo requested 'zfLer the Final Pluunbittg ELec trical,t ora u""no'i'"'i 17" w iii"iJ-' t-' o' ii ni ide a'td' approu e d' FINAL ELECTRICAL I IALL I,IANI]CLES AND CLEANOWS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE'AD,tusrltErl T0 BE t',t.411 '4T tto ils'i r0 crv n Date I) t-t I n :,.t c OB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ BeCrooma:ne 't Sq. Ftg. of lot Ccuerage_ of Stories ttal Height opography ilIEM Total Crc, r,CT TYPE Lot Faces - fntericr Copner Panharulle CUL-de>sac -- Fees -- Plan Etcnitiey uate f Il.lVL' CAREFULL, EXAM|yET t-he conrpleted. application fo, pernit, and doherebv ce,tif.y that aLL informatiZi- iZiii"' r." ttue aitd "Z"ii"ii 'r"a tfurther.cgrtlfu th.at any o)d^oLL ""ri-pziio*ed. atult be done in.accor,-ttance ai bh the ordinancb.s of the city.Zi bpz.i.nsfiAe: ;;;;:i; iis oy tno i.l1.L,?. '1.'-9"?scn pertatnins to the ,nik 1es*.tblh iliLti,-"ii" tli, No occu-I'tilcy utll be mie, os ana st"uctute utthout permteaionLf iiiii,dlalng N_uision. r fu.r,ther cLrtiill thet ;;iu-;;:;t;;etors and enplcyeee uho are inconpliaru:e uith oRS ?01.bss uiLL be"usei-oi thie i""liii--"--- " Enerqzt SouPces Tyne Setbacks lteat ilr.use Ca?aqe Aecess llater, lteate? I/ot,th |.,:as t FinepLace Sot;th lloodatoxe It/es t x Val u,: TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1..5 c PLan Date Paid Building Volue & Permit Thi:; perrnit i.s gnanted on the eicpress condition tlwt the sciid constyaetion stwl'\., i-n ttll. respects, confotmr'to the \rdinance adopted 6iy the City of :iprtru1fte.Ld, including the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulating the ccnstructicn and use o!'buiklings, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lal.ton of any ptcuisions of said Ordirwnces. Euilding Petnrit ?otal Clnrges State Reeetpt #: N0.I't't)CHAII(;T,' Fictures Plumbing Permit No_ pet'xo,. shall. constmrct, inetal!, alter on clange an! nel ct, existingplwnbing or drainage sys_t? in uhole or in patt, -unlea-s such person is'the[e-1al.possessot' of a ualid plwnberts licenee, arcept tlut a pbrson nay dopl'w;bing uo,k to pt'operty ihich is ottned, Leased, in operatii ty lne ippli.-cant. Residential (1 bath) Seuen erl Plunbing Per.r.it 9tate rLL Neu/Ectend Circuits hrhere St.ate f,a) Electrico I Perm it requires tlnb the electrical uork be done by QN ELectriea LCorttractot,the e leetrica L portion of this permit elwllLectrical Contractot,. not be oaZiC ti LSet'uice the Labe L lns been signed by the un E State ?otal * NC CIIARCE ,s Mechonicol Permit Echanet Iloo,1. Vent Fan I,lcodstotte Penntt fssuanae MechanicaT. pertrt t * -- ENCROAL'HMENT -- See,,tt-i t Stoz,age Main Permit Cut'bcu! Sida,talk !ence I Mobile tlone ,I'0TAI, ALIOUII? DUII:''/ 88 Date ..RESIDENTIAL APPLICATi /PERMIT 'a€ 9+,# SPRINGFTELD J k 7 Ir mrt 225 Nonth |th Street Spr"Lngfield, )xegon 97477 Buildtng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 J ,) { n Date Plumbi l.Iec nl-ca Elec E r 33,lob Iacaticn: ?as lot ilAeeessore Map fl Subdivision: Otmer: Addt ess:.23 ci zip Descz"tbe h'ork: 2?z -/Z-;2,>l Value t--t Neln CD L Le Additicn Date of AppL Snt rac t {s JGenerala'1 Srr 1€Elec Et:c Lan DEI.IOLITIOTI OR Dtl 1 Sanitary seset' capped at pm.operty Lite Septic totk punped ant filled tr|th gra;tel Pi.nal - l{hen abcue i.tens are ecmpleted and. uhen derlolition is cornplete ot strus- iin ^ou.d and premises cleaneC up' Blocktng atd Set'uP Plunbing connections -- saoe! otd uater Eleetrical Ccmnection - Bloeki'ttg' lei-uP -;;;i;i;";- eonneetione mtst be aPProt;ed f,":o," ilq"""eti-ng eleclrical inspeelio:t Accessor! Buildi,ttg pcrck,s, sk"Jrting, deeks' 7e!ed. Pinal - t.fter ete, ate conP Page 1 of 2 It ie the neaponaibilitY of the permit ho thataLLinspeetionsalenadeatthep"oPertine'thatecehcddreesigread,abi.eaee fron*Bui 7-ding D,loi t, and that the ciotz appt'o"'ed P penrtt Lan ehc Located at the front of the property' on the Building Site at aLL times'the atnee SI?E INSPECTION: e.acauation, but ?o be rmde after p?tot tc set uP of card LL remain 26-3769 (recordet) state YouY Ci-tg Cesignated job nwtber'iob aCdress' tYPe Pequests l€c€Lu-€d' of inspeetictt inspection,Contractors or A,mers rntne and pTone nunbet,.befcre 7:00 an aftet, 7:00 on uYtLL be made the nett wrking daY Iout City Desigr.ated Job Nwnbev fs: To nade d required oapo? @ta Lnau Lation PnocEDUPE FoR INSPECTION ,WIIEST;CALL 7 requested ar,.d uhen Aou DLLL be readV !o? 'aiLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests ncde fonns. UIIDERSLAB PLUMBTN}, EL;EC?Rr!A! & @cnnfrfcAL; ro be nrude before anY ffi7iZuercd. but before LN LL cooering WOODSTOVE: @mpGtA. @t! Aftet installation ie bof iere ue in Place Lath, .gyp_swn 2o?"4 o". is appli.ed' and before is eoncealed. F1|TINC & F1UNDATICN: Io be rmde ;4ier trenct;s are escatsated and 1o*" *n ereeted, but Prior to pouting ccncrete. \NDERGPOUN D PLUMD rNG? SEW.ER, .W.4LE'3. DRAINAGE: To be nnde P?Lor co JLL- Tff66nchee. 'ar fLoor tnsula.tion or decking' P1ST AND BEAM: ?o be nade Priot' to ffiTfrTatl6Vof floor insulation or decktrq. RI?GH PLAtBrttG.,E?ETRr?AL e MECH: Tnici[: w ioi[-ie to be co"*et'ed ffitTthes"- inspecntons laue been made and aitprooed. EIPEPLACE: Priot to Placit4 fceing ,rrdtilffi ard befone frunirq insPee' tion. FRAIIING: litust be requeated aften "op-ffii;L of rough pLttrbing, electri- ilL 8 meclnnieil. - ALL roofitq btacittg A chinmeYs' e.tc' rrust be . compleled. No tPtk is to be eon- , oeiled until thia insPeetion lae 'been nade anC aPPtooed' CURB & APPRCACH APION: Aftet' .fonnedenected but Pnior to Pou?Lng concrete. ';i#ffi ffi ur?J,r"',ln"n"ri- of-unu'. to be made after aLL etea- iLt+"Z- eomplete & forn wt'k & sub' fuse-iatetiaL in Pizce' IT1 DRYTIALL INSPECTION: TC bE NAdC I Kl 76* ;n-AruaTra .in ptnce, ^ but Prior to anY taPing' IIASINRI: Steel Locati,on, bond 66ffi7g?outing or uerticals in o.oonid&"e Lti.th u.B-c. section 24L5, FTNAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL -.:ALLprojectconditions,suchaeLhei.nst.allationofall,eettrees.co'lplc'"tonoftie requined Landsc"pir4l"LtiJ.,'',irir-iL "iltittzl-l,"iri"i tn" aurLDrfu:G iriu' "o' be tequeeted' FrNAL BUTLDTNG: The Ei,nal Bui,Lding rnepeation m,a,t be requested after the Final Plunbirtx E L e c tric aL, ona un onori.li ri"iZZ, il"io-'hs' n i n nn nade ard' appr oo e d' E |AT,L MAIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJI]STIIENI TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO C TY Phone: f1 ytNce: tthen conplete -- Prooide.l'ffi. "r",iior"ZT[ "Zllto'"- 7r**sl' nP.U,E. z OB NO. ,t Sq. Ftg. of Lot Caserage_ of Stortes ztal Height opogfdphy !EM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- LOT ?WE Interior Corner Panlundle CUL-de-sae Lot Faees - L-COG* BeC.t oona: PLan f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED tle catrpleted applieation fot pennit, and, doyt'ela cetttf-y- that aLL inforrrution hereon' ia true aitd irtecti ard tfutthet'-eentify that any ard aLL uo?k pe"fomed elall be done in a""or-danee rrith the 1tdinancee of the Ci.ty bf bry"tngfield, and, the Lane of thestate of oregon pettaining to the :.;rrk ceecrLbed herein, otd tlnt No occu-P4Nc: ttil.L_ b^e n 7ce of arl.g atzactute tithaat pernieeion b1 tt e Building Di.-oiaion. r furthen certify that eila contracio?e od mplcyeea uho @Z ineanpliance uith )RS 701..055 uiLL be-used on thia pnoject Access.P. L.Houge Carage NoPth Eost l toxellSouthlWest FTG x Va x\t)(p Signed: # Paid: Building Pennit ?otal Clarges State Building Volue & Permit This penrtt is granted on the etpress eottdition tlnt the sciid eonstmtction "l-LL', i, all rZspecti'- ioiior*'to the Ordirnnce adop.ted biy the clty o.f spilrrg|i"fa, inc?.luding- the Zoning Ctdinanc-e, regulating the ccnsttucticn ira "-uL of -buildi,ngs, and may be suapended on reookeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of any prct;isione of said Ot'dirnnces. * No person shall conatract, inetal!., alter ot ehange any neD cr esieting plumbing or. dtainage BAstan in ultole or in part, unlees sueh petson is the Legal poseessor of a valid plwtber's licenae, escept tlat a pelson nag do plwnbing uork to p?ope?tV uhich is oulned, leaeed or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Where State Lan requiree tha,t the electrieal uork be done by an Eleottical Contraetor, the eleettical portion of this pernit slall not be oaliC until the Label lwe been eigned by the Electtical Conttacto?. NO.ILL CHARGE ILL D Firtures Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Penrtt State Sweh,ange Naut/Extend. Cincuits Setoice State Total Plumbing Permit -- ENCROACTMEN? -- NC.CIIARCE ,t Mechonicol Permit Eshast HooC Ucodstoue Vent For Pemit fssumtce Meelnnicel Permtt Secat4tv D?posic f!9oog" l,bi4tenance Perntrit ,ndt L\ttbcut Sideualk .vence Electrical label l,bWle Hqne UTO?AL AMOUN? DUE:* * Signed Date Sel Wctcr