HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-07-12.. RL5IDhN IIAL.. 225 North sth streeAPPLrcATr0!'! /PERllr? Springfield, )recon 97477 BuiLdi,ng Divi,si.on 726-37 53 L t rrpSPETNGFIELD 5rH ?cs lat I03abv Zb eno""' ](b - kTft -4 Job Iocaticn: Aesessors Mao # Subdiuision: Antet Addtess: ci.tA It' t-t Na) qn, /1 Addition RanoCel Describe Hork: Wood@-t. - r /\0 - Pr+ & qoo 4-tz *r i 1v CC j I IIISigr.ed: i.lobile Eone Date of App 1 -tz {3 GeneraL Date Value 3C tieclra:ieal congtruction_LedgL _ -_It ie the responaibility of tle perwit hollep to aee that aLL inspec_tiotts ee nad.e at the ptoPe" tine, thdt each addrees is realabie fran the at?.e'et,. atd titat the-perzrtt-eazt ie Located at -t-h-e- frvnt of the--Wope"tA. IiguiZdi.W Dioicbn cpraed pl.an sltcll remain on the Building lttc at aLL ti,nes. pnoctDupE FoR INS4ETION RTQWST:}ALL726-3769 (tecord.en) state yout City designe-ted iob nunbet" iob aciress, typn-?f i*p2cri^cn ";;;_i;"-;""pection'cot7t!actoTsoio*i"""".^..o,apnoi"runber.P,equestsleeei,*edbefcre7:00an..iil be nnde the s&e dca, rcquestiiade afier ?:00 an vLt|, be nnde the neot':'ntking day. lour ciy Deaigr.ated Job Nwber'"' 8KD5 78 ' _-1 SITE INSPECIIOH:' I ezcauation, but . IOIms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCULlltCU': To be made befote anY ffi-liTasered. To be made aftet pr"Lar tc se+- up of POOTING & FOUNDATI)N: lo be ttaCe INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER il\j1lCTION-: To be nade aftet aLL insulaticn tu required uqon baT iera @e i,n pl'a'ce hti belore org La.th' Wpa^on b-aatC ot' tnLL ebuering is applied, atld before ag insulation i,s concealed. DRYI\ALL INSPECAf)N: Ic be made Zfte" dT@ilT'ts .in Place' but pnior to an! taPlng. I"IASONRI: Steel Location, bond ffilgrouting or oertieals in a".ond&ee uith U.B-C. Secti.on Sani:ay seaet capped et ptoperty Line -l Septic totk V"t:7ed atd filled trtth gra;s.el Final - htten abcte itens ate ccnpleted and uhen Cq,olition is conpletet ot st'ruc- tute mooed otC prewLses cleatted up' I DEI,IOLITIOII OR BUILDIICS l I I afier trenches are forms ate erected, pour"tng ccncreta. FTilAL PLUMBITIC FIilAL AECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ':.' but ptiot and to UND\RGPAUYD PLUt,tEINc? s9tFP.,W.4t-ti' DRAIIIAGE: To be maae Pt*Lor to JLL- @-iieneles.a '"re ' floot insuLati-on ot decki'ng' '1 posr AiiS BEAM: ro be nade pr'Lor to ) mtAtAt;of floo? iraulation ot' decking, -- ROUctt PLuEItc, E\ECTPIgAL e I'!EjH:- I Nlcat: No ioTk is to De cou^€r€d - ffii-these inspeetions itatse beer; made and. aPPz'ooed. 1 Fnwuct, h-Lor to Plaeitq fccing ) ^"t;n;G and. before franing i'nspee- L: ^- -l rnaluc: ltust be requested after I ffi"t"t of tough plurbing' electrL- - Ai & neciunical. ALL roofing' braeirtg a ehinmeYs' etc' mtst be , eorwleted. Ilo r'Prk is to be con- ... onileri until this inspection lae .r been nade anC aPProoed' CURB & APPRCACH APPON: AftET fOTNS ee erecteC but Prior to Pourlrq conerete. SIDEWALK & DRLIEWAI: For al'L eon- .a;t;naod,rEffi etreet tight- of-uru'. to be nade after aLL esea- uLtt Z- cowlete & for'n r'Prk & sub- base iruter"Lal in Piace. 2475. WOODSTOTIE: empT;tA. Aftet i,tttalla.tion is-*l"4r> ?ENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProoiCe g"tu on mooabte sectians thtough P.A.E. ALL proj ect conditions,sucl', as the i,nstallation of s+-/,eet trees' eonP Letion of tie required LandsecPitg' etc , mtst be eatisfied befone Ihe BUILDING EINAL can be requested'lI l I FrNAL BUTLDTN*: The Einal Build.ing rnepection mllt be reauested alter the Final Plwtbittg U tri22i,ii'"'r','H; i; ;;.;,"ii i'"p""t1o;- i;; been made atd' apptorted e Hcmes Blocking otd Set-uP Plunbing connections -- laL)e! od' ttatet i Electriccl Catneetion - BlockLng' set-up - Zra iliir)"s eonneet'Lons m;st be a-pprctec b; "f;"" neqiesting eleclrLcal inspecli'o- Accessory tui.tCittg Pinal - r''fter pctckes' skirting' decl<s' etc. dre ccttPleled. Pege 7 of 2 .ALL MANHCLES. AND, CLEANOI!:S tus| BE ACIESSTBI,E, ADJAS"MEI]I TO BE \L4DE A? lto ccsT T0 crlv I i \ I i I I I I I i I C I I I i I I I : I i I I i I I I i I.l I , j tr JOE NO.961 6 5(rLAK A(,t;t5s KEV.- Occuaancu Grot L-CO G- Beavoorts: frt Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Coteraga ! of Sbrtes ?otal P.eight Topogtaphy LCT ?WE'V Intet iot [at Faces - ul ') Coner Panhandle CUL-de-sae #: Mechcrnicol permit Permit fssuanee Meclwnicel permit -- ENCROA CHMENT -- ,2" b { Pendt TotaL Ctttbeu! Sida,talk Nobile Hane TqIAL AI,IOUN? DIIE:' f HAW CAREFULL, EXAITINED the eompleted. appltcation for penrtt, and. d,oherebs eertify tnat att-inlotnZ;;,;i;-irz;.""^ie tzae and. correet, anc, rr;;:2";i:;il!#:_"r"d-"?;;::,i-eZ"q"a"i*-ili-il,Ii,o."on_ rr^*;:_;i"',";:;:"";:;ry:ff n"[.,H"ri,J!,o.["!"!#iz!ii,l1;rf J,l;,*""i2;r:]",_Pr'.ilcy vitl be naCe of qy" struii""" itirrt penrission Zf i." sr;Za;ng DL_trision' r fw'then cbrtiir- tn"l- i"1y'".i,t*o"ton" cd. enplcyees uho are incalpliance uith oRS zot.b"ss "iit-i"""ZZ'i "; lL;; iilZoi*o."" lieat P.L House Cdtaoe Aceess. No?th East tt FireoLace South ll Hoodstou-e Hest l FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted ot the enpress condition tlut the sciid constnetiotts_ltall, in all _respeets, eonform to the Ordinanee ad.opted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstrwbticn @1d..use of buildings, otd mag be suspend.ed ot, rettokeC dt cny tine upon oic-Tation of anA prcuisione of -aaid Ordittonces. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Panit State Date Paid. ?otal Clntgee Sigted: NO, Fistutea Plumbing permit No person slnll eonst?uet' inetal!, alter or elo,ge dna ned cr ettstingq1*iy-_1" _lyainape sAs-t? i.n uhoie or- in- pott, "urlee"s "r.t, p"n"on is the :1?::,1?":-""lol of a ualid plwnber,s Licensb, ec,cept thd,t a pZr"on nay d,opLtnblng uo?k to property uhich is ouned, Leased ot, operated ty thn "pptl_cant. Resid.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plwtbing Pennt Stdte NO. Electricol Permit Neu/Ezfend Circuits vhere state Lan reottit es tr,a* the eleetrical uonk be done bg' im Eleett-icarconttaetor, the elict,Lc"t-po"tion-oi{tniZ*p""^+t stta.Ll rot be ualic untilthe Lobel hae been eigned. W ln"- n"Lt*tJZL, cont actor.Sezviee Total * NC CIlARCE Eehanet HooC Ventr\ot {o L9-"rc7S -r ft 3o .7s I L\u +1- fu,te Zonc: Ftp'naee E?u, S