HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-03-10t#.. RESID-\TIAL.. APPLICAT]ON/PERMIT 225 North |th StY'eet SprLngfield' )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 sPHlt{GFtEl-D- yott" City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber Ia: / t^ P--N o(- 3E-- w Date: Conetn ctton_Lede? It, iB tha responcibility of ttc penrit lzolda to aee tlnt alt inspectiotts oe nade at tlte proper tine, th,at each addrees is teadnhie ftn tle atreet, @ld irrat the p*nrtt eatl. ie Located at the frcnt of tlle Wope"t!.*BuiUiry Nvisiott apprw^ed plot sltcll remain on the Bunldinq Sitc at aLL times. PPO1EDUPE FOR INSPECTION R1OUEST;CALL726-3769(tecorder) state your Citg Cesigntted job n'wiber,, job aCitess, lUee-9f inspeelicn @eadyforinspection,cont"aeta?sot,almersttarcandp7onenumber.Requestsrecei,xedbefcre7:00c,:t ,,vLLL be nade the eane &g, ?equests nad,e aft* ?:00 an uiLL be nade the neat l,nrking dag. Reoui,red fnsoeetions g ,l/, QS-rJob Locaticn: lt-o7-7L- )l rca rat # t)/OOAesessore Map # Subditsision: Q,mer: PhoneAddtess: ci Date of apprl"otton 3' 2G- ZG t)oo r Nan >-5 d n"Lrf Desct+be l'lork: Ldditicn RenoCel Lisc. #AddressConttacto?g Exp -ll r'-1qqltdGenetaL o6A Hcmes BLocking od. Set-up Plwnbirq eonnections -- aare? od. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, aet-uD and pltntbing eonneetions m;st be apprcred before requeeting eleetrical inspectiorz Aceessory BuilCing Pittal - Aftet, pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ate cotnpleted. Page 1 of 2 SIIE IIS.PEC?IQN: ?o be rrude aftet, &calratlon,@ prior tc set ip of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & MECI|IjIICAL: To be nade befoz,e any 1,6fr7i-i6uercd. P))TING & F)UNDATICN: Io be naCeAfier-t;encA are eacauated and forns are erected, but prior to pou"'tng ecncz,ete. r N suLAr r0 N / vApoR BAllllEiJ !ElE!!!pl!DEI,IOLNIOII OR :.!OWi BUILDI;]GS To be made aftet, aLL insuleticn etd. requined oqor berie?s &e in place but before otg Lath, Wpsun boa.rC or tnLL cooeying is applied, md. before oty ittsulation is concealed. tr E DRITIALL INSPECIfON: Ic be nade -, aftet, aLL C.r"yuaLL is in place, but priot, to ang taping. IIIASONRI: Steel Location, bondtffiilgrouting or oerticals in aceordotce tLth U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTO'IE: @mp;ted. Aftez, installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP,QN: After formsd,e e"ATiffinior to pour't-ng conc?ete. SLDEWALK & DRt'|WAII: FoY aLL con-c"ei;nfiGGiffi street rLsht- of-znA, to be maCe after aLL ecca- oating canplete & fom rsot'k & sub- fuse rmterLal i.n plaee. Scnilary seser capped at pt'oper4i Lite Septic totk p;nped ann fi,lled r,rith gra;sel ?inal - l{hen abcrse'Ltens are ccnpleted and uhen Cancli+.ion ie contplete ov st/ac- tu.re moued and. ptetnLses cleaneC up.E w AND9RGROUIID PLAMBING. SEWER, TIATER. 084tr!4e4: To be made prior to fil- @-66ncttee. M posr AND BEAM: To be made prioz, tott^l m6;of fioot insui)tion ot deckittg. r.-1 ROAGH PLU./IBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH-txt: .wttil these ir*pections lnnte- been UIIDEREL)1R PLUI/IBING & MECIIANICAL : @ationoffloor ineuT,ation or decking. mad.e anl. approoeC, ETPEPLACE:,rrai;i;G fi rrnu PLUMBntc fr wnru TEIHANTIAL PrLor to plaeirq facing and before fratr|ng i,nsptee- tion. PRAI,IING: lhrst be requested aftez, @t of rough plilrbing, ilectr"L- a,L & neelnnical. AIL roofittg btacLng E ehinmege, etc. trust be ' onpleted. Ilo wtk is to be eon- . cealed unti,.L thts inspeetton lastbeen tade anC approoed. ALL pnoject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of styeet trees, conpletion of the required landsecpittg, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FINAL cah be tequested. ,&\ ?LNAL BUTLDIN7: Tle Final Building Inspection must be requested after the linal Plunbing YJ Electrical, and Meehanical fnspections l14va been made and approoed. FINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEN! ?O BE TILDE /.T NO CCST TO CruY la Yt\ce: when conplete -- ProoiCe | *;tr."r nooable sections through tr tr 7.-+ t C- n , JOB NO. Lot Faees -Ener_t111 Sourees T.uoe Setbaeks Ileat Df IIouse Carage Aeeesa.l,latel lleaterNorthRange East FirepLace South lloodstou*e West Iat Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stortes Total Eeight LOT TWE _ Inter.Lor _ Corqe? _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac soLAR AC^CESS REQ.-^*\,(- Iopography L-CO Gto,BeCroone: I?EM SQ. FTC X Value I Win C,oace Carpont Aceessoru lperrto*/7*- TO?AL VALUE PLan S.D.C. 7.5 r * Date Paid a 6/Reeeipt #: Signed: Building Volue & Permit This penn:tt is granted on the exptess eottdition tlwt tLe said. eonstmctionslnll, in all respeets, eonfom to the Ordinance adopted b:y the City ofSpz"ingfield, inctuding the Zoning Cvdinanee, regulcting thb ccnstrubtibn cnd..use of buildLrqs, ord may be suspend.ed ot reuokeC at cny time upon oic-Tntion of altg prcoisione of said Ordirwnces. Building Pendt Iotal Chargea State Plumbing Permit No_ person stnll constzttct, inslall, alter ot chan4e anA nea cr eristing plwttbing or dlainage susten in uhole or in patt, unless such person is- thelegal possessor of a ualid plwnber's L.icense, etcept that d pbrson na7 do plwnbing uork to propertA which is ouned, Leased or openated by the appli- cant. NO FEE ,a etA ITEM Fi-rtunes Resil.entia.L (1 bath) Saner CHARGE -Zo c4Plwnbing Pernrit State Total .20 Electricql Permit Vhere State La,t requites tlat the electrieal uork be done bg an Elech-Leal Contractot,, the elec+.r'ieal portion of this permit shall rot be oalil untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contyacto". -aa *I ya Nau/Extetd Circuits Setoice State Total NC FOD l,ilAfrl;t, 4 60 * Mechqnicol Permit Vcodstooe Vent Fdt Erha,tst HooC PTUIS PenrLt fsaudtee Meelnnieel Peztnit .. ENCROACEMENT -. EgqyLtt Deposit Stotage lilaintetuntce Permit Czebcut Sila,talk ?ence Electrical Ia.bel Mobile Hone ru f ilAW CAREFULLy EXAMfNED the contpleted application fot pernit, artd do Itereby eettify that aLL .itfonnation hereon i.e ttue atd. ebrreet, and f f,u,tket, certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned slnll be done in aceor- dance tith the Ordinances of the City of SprLngfield, and the Las of the* State of }regon pertaining to the wtk Cescrtbed hetein, cnd. illat NO OCCA- PANCY tLlL be rnCe of anA st"uctu?e ttthout perniseion of the Building DL-oision. f further eertif.g that only eontractors ad anplcyees uho are in co:npliance Dith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thia project ?otal 8 *TOTAL ITIIOUN? DUE: *€ zo7.g?Signed Date (, /yi. - *