HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-08-03" RtSlDhN I lAL.. zzs North stn it nlPPLrcAT: 'PERtffr Spz.Lngfield, 1z,egon 9747? BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFIFT rt tza33', Job rocaticn. 74b il.577t sP re-r A)c eteLP Aaselso:rs uap # //a$- #J Svbdiuision: Ouner:*t-t c-g Address: l"l5O City: Adliticn RanoCeL !.!obi ?aslatt IOTOO Phorc:G zip: ? -?4OS t nl Deset+be Hotk: ?sPnta / Pzf*cE c*p-t+<qs paotr &tJzjEr 3,/q0b value lt lbo( ,o**, CL 1 Date of General Pltonbing ELectrtcaL l4echo:ical IQoelnctior, tede"_+_ | I-t io the responaibility of tle permtt holder to aee that all iaspeetiow ee nade d,t the ty.-tl" atreet, atd that the petnrtt cazd ie. Located at the frctti of the propetfu*suiaing Diuicion cpvrw^ed pl^ot shcl,L remain on tle Bunlding site 'at aLL' tihes.- P:?OC!DUP\ FO\ TYSP\C?ION ,WyEST.'CALL 726-3769 (yecotder) state Aou? City designtted job re1uesced at;<i uhen gou uiLL be ready fo_t, inspeetion, Cont?actcr," o-, Atners nctne -ord ptann'*'LLL be nade the sane dcy' lequests nade aftet ?:00 on urLLL be nade the nest aorking day. propet time, that e.ach cddreas 'is vsa)ahig I I nunbe!, iob aliress, type of insoec=icn nunb*. Pequests ?ecei"^ed befcre 7:00 @i lout, City Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet, Is ?roo?z Qaatt'no,l Tn 71 SITE INSPEC?IO!'I: Io be rrude after ) e.;A;ion;fr p?iot, tc set ip of - forns._1 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL &l@ns,/brk LA cOVePed. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilDPECIION :DEt!1LrTralt 0R !.:owt E l Io be nade aftet'aLL insulaticn ed. required oapot bcrie?s @e in pl.a.ee but befoz,e ory 7,ath, Wps,on bcatC oz, tnLL cotseying is applied, ad before otg insul.a.tion is concealed. DRWALL INSPECIION: Tc be madealta-At@dfis in pta,ce, but prior to any taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot'oerticals in accotdotce tlLth U,B.C. Seetion 24L5. WO2DST1'/E: After irrctallation is ccnpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: After formsee ez,ecteC but prior to pout i.ng conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: Fot, aLL con- crete parsing uithi.n street right- 9f-txy, to be nade after aLL e*ca- oating conplete & forn tnrk & sub- base rm.terLal in place. Sanitag saser eapped ct properQy Lit:e Septic tutk p',atped add ftlled urtth gra;se| iPinal - hthen abcue itens ate ccnple and uhen Cqtclition is eotplete'on tut,e mozted od. prenrises cleaneC up. and SE'IEP or to .. ....cealed until this inspectLon lae .: been mad.e anC apptoted. ?IIIAL PLUY,BING FIIAL A*HANICAL FITIAL ELECIRICAL ted stluc- t?enchee -1 unomrr,oaR zLUIETNG & r,rECltANrcAL:tiob@ flooz, insulation or decking. 1 posr at;l atatt: To be made pr.Lor to J ilsr;Ll;;icn oi J-coor irnulaxion on deckirry. ROUGH PLLIIEIIIG, ELECTRICAL & I,{ECE- AIIICAL: Ilo uork is to be cotset,ed .until these inspections haue been nad.e arui approued.. FI.D.EPL-ACE: Prton to placirg fceing ma.terials and befote franing inepee-tion. FRA!!J!9: ltust be requested after approoal of tough plwrbing, electti-cal & nec?tanieal. ALL toofing btactng E chinncye, etc. nast be i atnpleted. Ilo tprk is to be con- IENCE: hlten eomplete -- ProtsiCe gates or motsable sections tlwough P,U. E. l l tr _lllI ALL project eonditions, such as the installation of st"eet trees, conolction o! the required Lan'rdscaping, etc., tmtst be eatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be reques PINAL BUILDIN?: The Pinal Building Inspeetion mrct be requested after the Fittal Plunbing Electrical, od. Meclur-ical Inspections h4ve been made atd approued. Hcmes Phnbing eotmectia-ns -- aa/te? ad. ualer I Eleetrieal Connection - Bloeking, eet-up and plunbing connections trust be qprcxed before requesting eleclrtcal inspeelio;t Accessory Bui.LCing Final - After pcrckes. etc. ate conpleted. skirting, decks Page 1 of 2'ALL UANHCLES AND CIEANOWS ttUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSltElll TO BE \'L4DE L? NO CCS? T0 CM I e tr tr T t \q JOB N Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Cotterage I of Stories lotal Eeight ?opography Nau/Ertend Cincuits I?!M -- ENCROACHMEIIT -- Penrtt ?otaL Cvtban! Si"d@alk IabeL TCIAL AMOUN? DUE:' ULA'{ AUUI5D KEV.. Crc Inter.ior Cortter Panh.and.Le Cul-de-sae*.-,-. Reeeipt #: f ilAW CAREPULLy EXAItINBD tle cotnpleted application fot penrLt, aiA dohereby cettify tlut aLL information heteoi is tnte and. ebrrect, anC tfurther certify that any ard aLL uork perfotned slnll be dote 1n accor- dance trLth the Otdinances of the City of Sprtngfield, and. the lcas of thestate of Oregon pertaining to the uotk cescribcd herein, erd. tllat No occu- PANcy vLLL b_e na,d.e of qa stzwcture rrithout perwtssion of the Buitding DL-ttsion. I fi*then eertifg thet only conttaciot,s a.d. enplcyees uho d; incalpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pnoject L-CO G' Bedrod'B: [-ot Faeea -Soutees lieat House Aceess. ITrltt x Value I'bin TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 z J Date Paid: Building Penrit ?otdl Chatgea Sta.te Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the espress condition that the sciid consttwctionshall, in all respects, eonform to the Ordinance eLopted 6:y the City ofSpningfield, ineTuding the Soning Cvdinance, z'egulating the ccnsttueticn otd. use of buildittgs, otd may be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at dry time upon oic- Ta.tion of otg ptcoisione of eaid Ordinances. * 3c..so /. o7 ,Ao "5o /-07 Signed: NO FEg Fisturea Ro-si,l.entia1. (1 bath) Seuet Plumbing Permit No, person shall construct, ins!al|.., altet or cltoqe cnu net cr er:isting plutnbing or dtainage sAotai in uhole or in part, unlesi such person i.s- the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnbetts License, ezeept tlut a pbtson nay do plwabing uork to prope?t! uhich is oaned, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. Plwbing Pemrit State Sentiee Electricol Permit Where State La't requires ttat the eleetz,ical uotk be d.one by'im gleetrtcal Cont?aeto", the electr.i.cal portion of this permit slull rat be oali.C untilthe Lahel hds been sig:ned b, the Electrtcal- Contracto?. NC CIIARCE bhanet ilooC Yent Pdt llcodsto;se , Mechcr nicol Permit Permit fssuaoe Meclanical Penit .-I- 3 Signed <- 0 l,lobtle llane