HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-15t#.. RESIDi ITIAL.. APPLTCAT:dil/psnwr 225 llorth Sth Street Spr"Lngfield, 1regon 97477 Buil&ing Diui,sion 7 26-37 53 Plumbing SPBIruGFI=Lg J ctq Date: ( Job Loeaticn: Tc.r Lot #Assessore Map # Stbdiuision: 0tmer: Addt,ess: Desctibe Work: Additian ValueDate of UDq IOE Gener Etectrical SITE INSPECTION: ercaoation, but prLor tc set. uP ofTo be nnde after fonns rtade attd. to 1N1ERSLAB PLUMBI\G. ELlc?Rr-cAL e ffiHtr-urcAL: fo be made before anY ffi[7{6uered. E\ITING & F1UNDATICN: To .b1after ttenches are eica)atea-fo^" *" erected, but Ptiot pourLztg ccncrete. Rffi#W;'ir,Abut p,ior to anY iaPittg' be made place' Location,bond or oerticals LN u.B.C. Section 2415. ITOODST\VE: After ir*tallati'on is @r;Ta. !E!!9, gates When conP e -- Prootde oy motsable sect'tons through P.U.E. The Einal OR Sani*aty saser capped et properfi; Lite Septic tank p;ttrped and filled t'rLth gtatel Pinal - I{hen obctle itens ate cctttPleted ad uhen Cano titton is canPlete o? st?uc- ture motsed ad.pterrises cleaneC uP. Ecmes Blocking ord Set-uP Pktnbing connections '- sa))e? ad' ualet Accessorg BuilCing Ei,rnl - Aftet pcrches, skirting, decl<s' etc. a?e comP Leted. X @-trenches. "fioi" ,:."t"ution or decking' POST AND BEAT'I: -- instaLLatlan oi made Prior to insulation oY IIAS1NRI: Steel 6Zdilsrouti,Tq accordorce ttLth To be floor deck"ing. No these ir*peetions hanse- been i*ln orra aPProtted" FIPSP4.AC-E: materLaLs p1,acirg faeing-franing insPee-Prtor f.c and. before tion. EIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL IhECHANICAL cuRB & APPR-), AcH APP'PN: . Afl?:^,{:*" 66-""ectea but Prlot' to Pailmrq ElectricaL Ccmnect'Lon - Blockinq' eet-u' Z"7ifuril."g connections rrust be appra;ed i,"foi" reqiesting eleetr|cal inspeetio:t FRAIIIIIC: l'lust be tequested after ffi; ; {;;si pltkbi'ns, -.eL ec trL- Tt'|-in"t ".'Lcit. ' ALL roofi'ns. fi"iro a chinmeYs' etc' rrust be-"."|i1,nioa. ilo aicrk is to be cott- ."iiitLa- iittl this insp-ectlon tas 'i"i" ^"an anc aPProued' ALL proiect eandttiow' reqiired Lanl,sccPing' c MeelunicaL Buildirq InsPection Inspections h*tc be requested after the FinaL Plwnbi'ng and apProvee' such as the i.nstallati.on of t7ees, eonPletion i"'oZi{,."t"a.street tc., rmtst be satisfi.ed before the BUILDINC EINAL can tmtst be en made FINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL ilIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I'IUST BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUST!'IEN!TO.BE IIADE I.T NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 Iolt" CitA Desigr,ated Job Nwnber Is: conerete- 'riffi #;"iz;"".lin:":l- {{#;";,zl"1"rf#;"x!u'r*"f i- base naterLal in Ptace' tr )TX EINAL BUILDING:(X ) Electz'ical, aty''A,_)( 'r -OTAL AMOUII? DUE: */og ol * Access. Ileat DT House Lot Faces ' East e,{/ IISouthililest SOLAR ACdESS REQ.- Zone: c G 79o % of Lct Cotsez'age qa.<r^ JOB NO. Iot Sq. Ftg- # of Stoties L-CO Bedtoons: LCT TWE Interior Co?ner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Total Hei,ght ropogoqhy lE rE( x ValueSQ. F?GITE!4 Main D [a/Y] l.U7_n-@xrnI Caroort Accessortt TOTAL VALUE lnt9lZJ; S.D.C. L.5 a ).b3 \Plan Check Feefo Building Volue & Permit This pernit i.s gtanted on the eipress condi_ti,on tlw-t the_ satd-constt'uction slwll', in alL r"espects, conform to the Crdtnance edop-ted 5y the City 2f sry'ing7ield., incylding- the Zoning Crdinar,ce, regulating the ecnsttuct'icn &.C u-se of buildi,ngs,- otd may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Ta.tion of friA prctsisions of said 2t'dinances. * Puilding Perwtt Iotal Clnrgea State Plumbing Permit No pez,son slwll constntet, instal?., alter or elunzge -dnA neu-cr eristing -pltinbing or drainage systan in uhole o, in pott, unless such petson is the iegal pbsses"or of a uZlid plurber's License, e$cept that a pe"son mag {optintlig uork to ptoperty ihieh is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- eaa.t. Electricol Permit Wlere State La,t requires t1lat the electtieal uork be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of thi.s pennit shalL not be ualiC until the Label las been eigned by the Eleetu"tcaL Contractor. OWNK b3 N0.rLL ,t Z g 1 Sani Sa'ter Date Paid: Receipt #: Fiztuz,es PLurnblng venn t State Sut,cl",arge Nau,/Estend, Citcuits Iqnpct@A Seruiee 22,to & State Iotal -- ENCROACI{MENT -- NC CIlARCE ,+ Mechqnicql Permit Vcodstooe Vent Fot Erhanst Hood ,S Permit fssucnce Meclwnicel Permit Stoz,age Pernrit Cltybeut SidanLk Mobile Home f HAW CAREFULLY EXAU!ryl! lhe eornpleted. appl.ication fo-r 1)ermit, and. dotyrelu certify that aLL informatilon lrlieon Ls true anl. eor,ect, cn^C rfat'then.certify that any ard alt uo,k perforned shall be d,one in accor._dance rvith the ,rdinanebs of the cita bf'sptingri.Li, ;"d';i; Lo,s of ther s^!?-t-?_ot-??so" pertaining t. iiiiit''aescribed he,ein, and ttwt No occa_PANcy t'lill be ns'*e of any stt'uctuv,e uitiout permission 'of tie sur.td.ing Di-uision. r fw,thez, ,.71t7y ih;l ;;ra-;;i.t o"too" and, enplcyees uho are ineonpliance uith oRS z01.b"ss artL te"uiei on this i".inii--""-- d / 3,13 ,11)a ) CEARCEITEM /Resil.ential (1 bath) VaLat, I?EM