HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09 Stadium Sports Pub Liquor License AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/7/2020 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.:Robin Holman - DPW Staff Phone No:541-726-3662 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP FOR BIG SKY HOSPITALITY INC, DBA: STADIUM SPORTS PUB. ACTION REQUESTED: Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for Stadium Sports Pub, located at 563 W Centennial Blvd. Springfield, OR 97477. ISSUE STATEMENT: The owner of Big Sky Hospitality Inc has requested the City Council to endorse its OLCC Liquor License Application. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: OLCC Liquor License Application. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The license endorsement for Big Sky Hospitality Inc, DBA: Stadium Sports Pub is for a Change of Ownership with Full On-Premises Sales. The license application has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate City Departments. OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION 1. Application. Do not include any OLCC fees with your application packet (the license fee will be collected at a later time). Application is being made for: License Applied For:CITY AND COUNTY USE ONLY Date application received and/or date stamp: NaiYie Of Cite Or COum7: € Brewery 1" Location Brewery Additional location (2'd) [1] (3'd) € € Brewery-Public House (BPH) l"location BPH Additional location (2'd) € (3'd) € € Distillery (7 Full On-Premises. Commercial Recommends this license be: € Granted € Denied B%/: € Full On-Premises, Caterer [) Ful)On-Premises,PassengerCarrier € Full On-Premises, Other Public Location [] Full On-Premises, For Profit Private Club Date:€ Full On-Premises. Nonorofit Private Club € (irnwpr Salps Privilpop t(iSPi I 'f Inr;itinn- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - l--l- I - I- --l- -J - - oztt'appiitaiuiireceiove"ac:UsiElrNl€lY9() ' Date application accepted: l I fl3 90 GSP Additional location (2'd) € (3") 11 € Limited On-Premises € Off-Premises € Warehouse IJ Wholesale Malt Beverage & Wine License Action(s): c4oJl glrN [] Winery l"f Location Winery Additional location (2'd) € (3'd) € (qth) 0 (sth) € 2.ldentifytheapplicant(s)applyingforthelicense(s). ENTITY(example:corporationorLLC)orlNDMDUAL(S)1 applying for the license(s): Big Sky Hospitality Inc. App#l:NAMEOFENTITYORINDIVIDUALAPPLICANT App#2:NAMEOFENTITYORINDMDUALAPPLICANT App #3: NAME OF ENTITY OR INDMDUAL APPLICANT App #4: NAME OF ENTITY OR INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT 3. Trade Name of the Business (Name Customers Will See) Stadium Sports Pub 4. Business Address (Number and Street Address of the Location that will have the liquor license) 563 W. Centennial Blvd. City Springfield County Lane Zip Code 97477 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 3 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION 5. Trade Name of the Business (Name Customers Will See) Stadium Sports Pub 6.DoesthebusinessaddresscurrentlyhaveanOLCCliquorlicense? IYES IJNO 7.DoesthebusinessaddresscurrentlyhaveanOLCCmarijuanalicense? aYES rgNo 8. Mailing Address/Pa Box, Number, Street, Rural Route (where the OLCC will send your license certificate, renewal application and other mailings as described in OAR 845-004-0065pJ.) 1300 Mohawk Blvd. c"y Springfield State OR z'rpco"gz+'z . 9. Phone Number of the Business Location TBD 10. Email Contact for this Applicat on and for the Business jerickson@centennialsteakhouse.com 11. Contact Person for this Application John C. Erickson Phone Number 541-914-0801 Contact Person's Mailing Address (if different)City State Zip Code Please note that liquor license applications are public records. A copy of the application will be posted on the OLCC website for aperiod of several weeks. ATTESTATION: "READ CAREFULLY AND MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND BEFORE SIGNING THIS FORM"" I understand that marijuana is on the licensed premises. This includes marijuana use, consumption, ingestion, inhalation, samples,give-away,sale,etc. Iattestthatallanswersonallformsanddocuments,andallinformationprovidedtotheOLCCasapartof this application are true and complete. I affirm that I have read OAR 845-005-0311 and all individuals (sole proprietors) or entities with an ownership interest (other than waivable ownership interest per OAR 845-005-0311[6]) are listed as license applicants in #2 above. I understand that failure to list an individual or entity who has an unwaivable ownership interest in the business may result in denial of my license or the OLCC taking action against my license in the event that an undisclosed ownership interest is discovered after license issuance. Applicant(s)Signature * Eachindividual(soleproprietor)Iistedasanapplicantmustsigntheapplicationbelow. * Ifanapplicantisanentity,suchasacorporationorLLC,atleastone//VD/V/DUALwho/southorizedtosign/ortheentitymust sign the application. * Anindividualwiththeauthoritytosignonbehalfoftheapplicant(suchastheapplicant'sattorneyoranindividualwith powerofattorney)maysigntheapplication. Ifanindividualotherthananapplicantsignstheapplication,pleaseprovide written proof of signature authority. Attorneys signing on behalf of applicants may list the state of bar licensure and bar number in lieu of written proof of authority from an applicant. Applicants are still responsible /or a// information on this form. App #/l'i Ll!ul:o John C. Erickson App. #1: (PRiNT NAME)Atty. Bar Information (if appiicable) App. #2: (PRINT NAME)App #2: (SIGNATURE)App #2: Signature Date Atty. Bar Information (if applicable) App. #3: (PRINT NAME)App #3: (SIGNATLIRE)App #3: Signature Date Atty. Bar Information (if applicable) App. #4: (PRINT NAME)App #4: (SIGNATURE)App #4: Signature Date Atty. Bar Information (if applicable) OLCC Liquor Llcense Applicatlon IRev. 9.28.20) Attachment 1, Page 2 of 3 OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION BUSINESS INFORMATION Please Print or Type Business LocationAddress: <5"43 W, CeBate;riiqiai[ Elm TBD 6t,<,1.- liti' fflat Seasonal Variations: [:l Yes If yes, explain: - u4' ki4i4 LI Live Music [:l Recorded Music [] DJ Music [J Dancing [1 Nude Entertainers Check atl that apply: Cl Karaoke CI Coin-operated Games € Social Gaming € Pool Tables [] Other: ff" outsoor:Q Lounge: 6 @ BAR Other (explain): ,. %, G>7 i,a% Banquet: Total Seatingl(p% OLCC USE ONLY Investigator Verified Seating: __(Y) __(N) Investigator Initials: Date: I understand if my answers are Applicant Signature: Attachment 1, Page 3 of 3