HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Final APPLICANT 1/29/2021 (2)BUDGET BLINDS SPRINGFIELD9 OR 3a92 _ NORTH A STRFFT TSENj ` S -70�7E 47.35F 13-7 _ 10 SEBA / / J cc` — _ — EXISTING _ --5,85 06 27 E 71,62' 5 89 5814 E 37.72' / ` _ — — _ I FIRE HYDRANT "' — — — — — — — - - SIDEWALK TO —"— — — — 0 AND WATER ;'S.=O" :>.: RIGHT OF WAY — - / ,VALVE--- — _ STREET � GROSSING - f x f NO kluv / 5TORMWATER }. ------------ ILTRATION 25- 12'-9 13'-0" I 1 EXISTING GATGH BASIN SIGN TO BE REMOVED,,,.,', CURB/BUMPER LUI , { j, t t �z t O ' ` � 1 O I ( STORMWATER O$ { P s zj ~r x FILTRATION PLANTER VAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 / V I ? F4 i I j W 9-9 L 9. ft - Q, 1 O 1 10 9-9 r 1 m I SHARED ACCESS DRIVE — — — — — — — N 89 — 44 31 W_ 109.00— — — — — — — — — — — — — — I ' EXISTING CURB SITE P SCALE: 1" 10' 17-02-33-41-02502 AND 02602 AUTOMOBILE PARKING GALGULATIONS LOT AREA: 25,112 SQ FT (0.58 ACRES) OFFIGE/RETAIL: 4,357 SQ FT @ 1:300 = 14.5 BUILDING FOOTPRINT 6,760 SQ FT (27%) WAREHOUSE: 3,267 SQ FT @ 1:1000 = 3.3 SIDEWALK AREA: 2,143 SQ FT (9%) TOTAL PROVIDED: 18 PARKING LOT/DRIVE: 9,512 SQ FT (38%) Roof Plan LANDSCAPE: 5,881 SQ FT (23%) BIGYGLE PARKING GALGULATIONS STORM FACILITIES: 816 SQ FT (3%) (3) SHORT TERM AND (1) LONG TERM REQUIRED TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 74% Storefronts Schedules (4) TOTAL PROVIDED TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA: 26% All (1) IS LONG TERM, COVERED, AND VISIBLE Al2 Window $ Door Details FROM RECEPTION/GUSTOMER GOUNTER Roof $ Misc Details 5000 VICINITY MAP SGALE: 1° = 50' III Tj I-- -- — SHARED ACCESS DRIVE ENVELOPE INSULATION LEVELS AND GLAZING SPEGIFIGS: Roof: R-30ci Walls: R-21 (wood framed) Slab Floors (unheated): R-15 for 24 in (under slab) Opaque Doors: R-3 (min) Fenestration: U 0.36 (metal, fixed) I SHGG 0.25 (see specs) North is 10.5% South is 14.66 West is 36.0% (36.6% of total window area) East is 0% (0% of total window area) ❑ SHEET INDEX Al Site plan A2 Landscape Plan A3 First Floor Plan A4 Second Floor Plan A5 Roof Plan A6 Exterior Elevations A7 Sections AB Storefronts AJ Storefronts Schedules A10 Occupancy/Exit Gode Analysis All Floor � Wall Details Al2 Window $ Door Details A13 Roof $ Misc Details 5000 Gover Sheet 5010 Notes 5011 Notes 5012 Notes 5100 Foundation Plan 5102 Main Story Wall Framing Plan 5110 2nd Floor Framing Plan 5112 Second Story Wall Framing Plan 5120 Roof Framing Plan 5400 Sections 5500 Details 5510 Details 5530 Details Gl Site Assessment G2 Grading Plan G3 Utility Plan 380 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 541-344-3332 Fax: 541-344-1597 www.arborsouth.com PROJECT Budget Blinds 58th & N A Streets Springfield, OR Site Plan JOB NO 0820 DATE 26 January 2021 DRAWN BY Steve Bill Tyler CHECKED BY Bill REVISION 0 NIF24BERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SHEET NO Al © Arbor South Architecture, PC Budget Blinds LANDSCAPE PLAN SLA LE: 1' =10' ❑ LANDSGAPE SGHEDULE It MK COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME NOTES/REMARK5 4 AR RED SUNSET MAPLE AGER RUBRUM 'RED SUNSET 7 CALIPER I STREET TREES 4 FL OREGON ASH FRAXINUS LATIFOLIA 7 CALIPER 4 GK FLOWERING DOGWOOD GORNUS KOUSA 1" GALIPER 24 VD DAVID VIBURNUM VIBURNUM DAVIDII 5 GALLON 39 PM ENGLISH LAUREL PRUNUS LAUROGERASUS'OTTO LUYKEN' 5 GALLON 21 LA DWARF ENGLISH LAVENDER LAVENDULAANGU9nFOLIA'MUN5TED' 1 GALLON 23 PEAH HAMELN FOUNTAIN GRASS PENNISETUM ALOPERGUROIDES'HAMELN' 3 GALLON 1 RFG BLAGK EYED SUSAN RUDBEGKIA FULGIDA'GOLDSTRUM' SPACED 18" OG 16 SJ GOLD MOUND 5PIREAJAPONIGA'GOLD MOUND' 5 GALLON 1 RUG CREEPING RASPBERRY RUBUS GANCINODES SPACED 18" OG 12 EUAG BURNING BUSH EUONYMUS ALATA'GOMPAGTA 5 GALLON 1 AU KINNIKINNIGK ARGTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI SPACED 18" OG 16 BETG I DWARF JAPANESE BARBERRY BERBERIS THUNBERGII 'GRIMSON PYGMY 3 GALLON LAN05GAPING NOTE5 1. A PERMANENT UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE PROVIDED PER 5DG 4.4-105(G) AND SHALL BE GONTRAGTOR DESIGNED 2. ALL PLANTING 5HALL BE INSTALLED PER SDG 4.4-105(1) AND SHALL BE GONTRAGTOR-DE516NED 380 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 541-344-3332 Fax: 541-344-1597 www.aiborsouth.com PROJECT Budget Blinds 58th & N A Streets Springfield, OR INDEX Landscape Plan JOB NO 0820 DATE 26 January 2021 DRAWN BY Steve Bill Tyler CHECKED BY Bill REVISION O� o t rim A RAND111 V4 O MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SHEET NO A2 © Arbor South Architecture, PC Budget Blinds FIRST FLOOR PLAN SGALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 6,7605QFT 106 380 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 541-344-3332 Fax: 541-344-1597 www.arborsouth.com PROJECT Budget Blinds 58th & N A Streets Springfield, OR INDEX First Floor Plan JOB NO 0820 DATE 26 January 2021 DRAWN BY Steve Bill Tyler CHECKED BY Bill REVISION MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SHEET NO A3 © Arbor South Architecture, PC Budget Blinds a E* PA 4'-6" LM 11'-6" if 01 16-0" SECOND FLOOR PLAN. SCALE: 3116" = 1'-0" Use and Occupancy Classification - Chapter 3 Group M, Merchantile and Group B, Business. Exterior: Wall Construction (2x6 studs), Ground Floor Construction (concrete slab on grade), Second Floor Construction (wood framed second floor), Roof Construction (wood framed roof) TypeV B Construction, non -sprinkled Building Heights and Area - Chapter 5 Mixed Use Occupancies: Section 508 Building is Mixed Use, Separated Occupancies. Mixed Use, Separated Occupancies: Section 508.4 Al lowable Area: [A i / Aa 1 ] + [A2 / Ao] + [A„ / Aa j < 1 [5,083 /9,000]+[ 1,677 /9,0001 _ 0.564+0.186 = 0.75 < I Required Separation (Table 508.4): Between M & B : No Separation Allowable Building Height per Table 504.4 Allowable 40 feet Fire Sprinkler System Increase (504.1): N/A Actual Building Height 22'-8" from grade plane (average grade around building) to maximum height of highest roof Stories Allowed: Table 504.4 Allowed: 2 (for B) stories and I (for M) story Actual: 2 stories at B; I story at M Mixed occupancy per OSSC 504.2 allows 2 story TypeV B, Non- Sprinklered at center portion of the building per Table 504.4 when in accordance with OSSC 508. Per OSSC 508.4, building contains separated occupancies of B and M. Each space complies with the most restrictive provisions of OSSC Chapter 9. In OSSC Chapter 9, there are no sprinkler requirements for B occupancy and the provisions of OSSC 903.2.7 for group M do not require sprinklers for the M occupancy for this building. Therefore, sprinklers are not required for this building. Allowable Building Area: Table 506.2 Base Allowable Area: At = 9,000 sq. ft. (Allowable increases not needed) Actual area: 6,760 sq. ft. < 9,000 sq. ft. Type of Construction - Chapter 6 Construction Classification: Section 602 Type V B Construction, 602.1 Fire Separation Distance: Table 602 - listed for M occupancy as most restrictive Exterior walls with a Fire Separation Distance less than 5 feet are required to be 2 -hour rated. Exterior walls with a Fire Separation Distance between 5 and 10 feet are required to be I -hour rated. Exterior walls with a Fire Separation Distance of more than 10 feet have no required rating. All walls are greater than 10 feet, thus no rating is required based on Fire Separation Distance. Fire -Rated Construction - Chapter 7 Exterior Wall Openings Based on Fire Separation Distance: Table 705.8 & Section 705.81 Fire Separation Distances: Allowable Openings: 0-3 feet Not Permitted 3-5 feet Not Permitted 5-10 feet 10% UP, NS 10-15 feet 15% UP, NS 15-20 feet 25% UP, NS 20-25 feet 45% UP, NS 25-30 feet 70% UP, NS 30+ feet No Limit Wall: FS.D.: Allowable: Actual: North Wall: 35'-9" No Limit N/A East Wall: 50'-4" No Limit N/A South Wall: 53'-10" No Limit N/A West Wall: 35'-4" No Limit N/A Fire Walls: Section 706 No Fire Walls Required Fire Barriers: Section 707 No Fire Barriers Required Separated Occupancies Section 707.3.9 Mixed occupancy per OSSC 504.2 allows 2 storyTypeV B, Non- Sprinklered at center portion of the building per Table 504.4 when in accordance with OSSC 508. Per OSSC 508.4, building contains separated occupancies of B and M. Each space complies with the most restrictive provisions of OSSC Chapter 9. In OSSC Chapter 9, there are no sprinkler requirements for B occupancy and the provisions of OSSC 903.2.7 for group M do not require sprinklers for the M occupancy for this building. Therefore, sprinklers are not required for this building. Fire Partitions: Section 708 No Fire Partitions Required Smoke Barriers: Section 709 No Smoke Barriers Required Smoke Partitions: Section 710 No Smoke Partitions Required Floor and Roof Assemblies: Section 711 No Floor and Roof Assemblies Required Penetrations, Fire -Resistant Joint Systems & Opening Protectives: Sections 712-716 Not Applicable Ducts and Transfer Openings Section 717 Not Applicable CODE ANALYSIS Concealed Spaces Section 718 Not Applicable Fire -Resistance for Plaster Section 719 Not Applicable Thermal- and Sound -Insulating Materials Section 720 Not Applicable Fire Sprinkler System - Chapter 9 Not required. Means of Egress - Chapter 10 Occupant Load: Section 1004 Business areas: 150 gross Mercantile: 60 gross Common Path of Egress Travel: Table 1006.2.1 Allowed: 75' max Actual: 74'-0" from furthest point Per Space Required Number of Exits: Section 1006 and Table 1006.3.3(1) or (2) One Exit Max Occupant Load, Groups B, M: 49 2 exits are required if common path of egress exceeds allowable above. Required Exit Separation (per Space & per Story): Section 1007 Required: 1/2 max overall diagonal 77.0' / 149.5' = 51.5% > 50.0% Exit Access Travel Distance: Section 1017 & Table 1017.2 Allowed (Group M or B, NS): 200 feet Actual: 115 feet Corridors: Section 1020 Fire -resistance rating per Table 1020. 1, (Group M or B, NS): Fire -resistance not required; Occupant load for each exit path does not exceed 30 Number of Exits & Exit Configuration - Section 1006 Per Story Required Number of Exits: Table 1006.3.2 Min. Number of Exits per story: 2 per story, (except as modified in 1006.3.3 below) Allowed Single Exits: Section 1006.3 & Table 1006.3.2 [Delete if not used] Single Exit Allowed (M or B occupancy): st Story: 49 occupants max, 75 feet travel distance 2nd Story: 29 occupants max, 75 feet travel distance Actual: 2 exits from first floor; I exit from second floor Required Interior or Exterior Exit Stairway: Section 1023 and 1027 Interior or Exterior Exits Stairways Req: None required if 2 stories or less (per 10 19.3, Exc. l ) Exit Access Stairways: Section 1019.3 Enclosure Resistance Rating; Fire -resistance rating, 4 stories or more: Fire -resistance rating, less than 4 stories: Not required per 10 19.3, Exception 1. Stairs - Section 101 1 Interior Exit Stairways & Ramps: Section 1011 Where Required: Section 1023. Not required per 10 19.3, Exception 1. Minimum Stair Width: Section 1011.2 Width, base: Width, sized (Section 101 1.2): Accessibility - Chapter I I Parking Spaces: Table 1106.1 Total Parking Spaces: Required Accessible Spaces: Required Van Accessible Spaces: Water Closets & Lavatories: Comply with ICC A 117.1 Interior Environment - Chapter 12 2 -hr rated -hr rated (or equal to floor assembly penetrated, 2 -hr max) 44" min. (36" min. occ. load < 50) 1.8" min. (occ. load x 0.3") 18 1 1 1202: Refer to Mechanical drawings for ventilation compliance. 1204: Refer to Electrical drawings for lighting compliance Plumbing - Chapter 29 Required Water Closets: Number of fixtures required per Table 2902.2: Total occupant load: 80 occupants Occupants per gender: 40 occupants Required Water Closets: I unisex Total occupant load: 80 occupants Total Water Closets Required: I we Water Closets Provided: 1 unisex One lav/wc total is sufficient per 2902.2, Exception 3 (mercantile less than 100) and Exception 4 (business less than 50) Drinking Fountains: Table 2902.1 Not required. Energy Conservation - 2019 Oregon Zero Energy Ready Commercial Code 380 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 541-344-3332 Fax: 541-344-1597. www.arborsouth.com PROJECT Budget Blinds 58th & N A Streets Springfield, OR INDEX Second Floor Plan JOB NO 0820 DATE 26 January 2021 DRAWN BY Steve Bill Tyler CHECKED BY Bill REVISION ati lir t RAVIIA1 i* '-EOGENE, ZIP:tGON -- OF 001Q MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SHEET NO A4 © Arbor South Architecture, PC Budget Blinds SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 3/10" = EAST ELEVATION SGALE: 3/10" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 3/10" = NORTH ELEVATION S GA L E: 3/10" = 11--0" 380 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 541-344-3332 Fag: 541-344-1597 www.aiborsouth.com PROJECT Budget Blinds 58th & N A Streets Springfield, OR INDEX Exterior Elevations JOB NO 0820 DATE 26 January 2021 DRAWN BY Steve Bill Tyler CHECKED BY Bill REVISION MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SHEET NO Arbor South Architecture, P Budget Blinds CONSTRUCTION NOTES 13 INSTALL 8" DIA. PVC SDR35 DRAIN PIPE, 14 INSTALL CLEANOUT 15 INSTALL 12" INLET 16 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE 17 INSTALL 24" INLET 18 CONSTRUCT FILTRATION PLANTER PER DETAIL HEREON 19 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM DRAIN INLET 20 INSTALL 6" DIA. PVC SDR35 WASTEWATER PIPE 21 CONNECT TO EXISTING WASTEWATER STUB WITH CLEANOUT 22 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE RIM 30 INSTALL 1" WATER SERVICE AND METER Vegetation shall not become overgrown and shall be managed to include controlling noxious or invasive vegetation. At the end of the first year and again at the end of the 2—year warranty period, all plants that do not survive must be replaced by developer. Establishment procedures, such as control of invasive weeds, animal and vandal damage, mulching, re—staking, watering, and mesh or tube protection replacement, shall be implemented to the extent needed to ensure plant survival by developer. Vegetation management after the warranty period is the responsibility of the property owner. ADJACENT BUILDING OR EDGE OF PLANT BED SPACING "D" ROW "A" SPACING "D" ROW "A" 3" O.C. 2.6" 18" 0. C. 15.6" 6" O.C. 5.2" 24" O.C. 20.8» 9" O.C. 7.8" 30" O.C. 26.0" 12" O.C. 10.4" 36" O.C. 30.0" 15" O.C. 13.0" 48" O.C. 41.5" CROUNDCO VFR .SP,A CMC DISI CRA IV NO SCALE ELEVATIONS FOR THIS SURVEY ARE BASED UPON EGRESS EASEMENT GRAPHIC SCALE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BENCHMARK #69: A BRASS CAP MARING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF DONATION 20 0 10 20 40 80 LAND CLAIM NO. 74, ELEVATION = 512.98' (NAVD88) 6" X 30" CONCRETE CURB I 12" INLET OR 24" INLET PER PLAN C PER PLAN 4" OPENINGS EVERY 6' 4„ o W J U a/ Q 2/o m L� 1. THE THICKNESS OF THE CONSTRUCTED MEDIUM, INCLUDING OR IN ADDITION TO THE GROWING MEDIUM, AT THE BASE OF THE POND SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 24 INCHES THICK. 2. THE BASE OF THE POND SHALL INCLUDE A CONSTRUCTED MEDIUM COMPRISING A MIXTURE OF SAND, NATIVE SOIL, LOAM, AND COMPOST. THE FRACTION OF ORGANIC CARBON (FOC) IN THE CONSTRUCTED MEDIUM SHALL BE CLASS 50 RIPRAP, TOP OF A MINIMUM OF 0.20 (I.E., 40-50%) ORGANIC MATTER. IF THE GROWING MEDIUM DOES NOT CONFORM TO THIS ALL ROCK BELOW PIPE INVERT. WTOP OF MINIMUM FOC REQUIREMENT, THEN THE CONSTRUCTED MEDIUM WOULD BE PLACED IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIRED ROCK TO BE A MINIMUM OF WALL GROWING MEDIUM. jj 8" THICK 5' MIN. = BLOCK WALL EQUAL NUMBER OF PLANTS FOR EACH ZONE SPACED ONE FOOT ON CENTER OVER THE ENTIRE FACILITY 11= _ ZONE A POND BOTTOM CAREX OBNUPTA 4" POTS 82* EA. (NORTH PLANTER) 115* EA. (WEST PLANTER) —N� JUNCUS PATENS 4 POTS 82 EA. (NORTH PLANTER) 115 EA. (WEST PLANTER) *BASED ON ONE PLANT PER SQUARE FOOT RIP RAP APRON DFrAff No SCALE wFIL TRA TION PLANTERNO SCALE ( IN FEET ) I inch = 20 ft. z Q J F— D b W d' 0- 0. Q 0 Of 0 Q W } in Q W LL W aW W W z a a V z W W W z V z W J A I � z W_ w W � 0 Q n cr� o V) y ry W � O I- - m — D U n N O (0 `T N N O N O Ln N Q � > O X X Q Q 0 N I zI w N Q F- < o � 0 0 W W z Y 0 U M w w = 0 U 00 qtO M 00 (0 wV- Q� Uao O Z� 00 M Z C� W T, O Z CL �o WU) W > o W .91 0 EXPIRES DEC. 31, 2021 SHEET 3 OF 3