HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-03-24" RESIDENTIAL.. 2zs Not th sth streeaPPLicA, r,N /PERl,r? Springfield, Onegon 97477 Building Diuision -dA a4F4/ 40-o / Dat SPFIINGFTEI..D ?eceict I Date: x' v I-! id lhe responc'ibility of-the pentrit hoZd* to see that aL!.Jnspectiona @e nade at 2he pzoper ti,ne, that acch a,Cdress ts z.endabiejroot i;n st?eet, anc thct the permit cazd. ie Lccated at the fzwnt'of tle i.rooertu. '2ui1C!.-4 Viuicro- t-opnoted ptin sicll remain on thi a"lZal.."b-!il"-Lt-"tt'-tli^""7- Constrtcticrt Leruiet CALL 7 L be nade the sone dcg, requcsts nc.l.e 26-3769 (recordet) state lou City Cesigrated job nrntber, job olc;css, typeinspeeLior,, Cont?acto?s or Oi,tners- ,rzre cnd. phcne ntr,ber.- .2.qr."=n r"ZeitZCafter 7:00 a v[LL be na.Ce tke neet uorking daE. your citv Desista.ted. Job Nubetr", " "E 3\4=n ae;of insiee=icn befcre 7:C0 a:. a POst ain ze*,t: lo be ncie pr\ot +.o , i TGyiLGi{cf ;-r,oon irsu-ta,ricn or Ceckirq, F.Ct.C:; ?!A!P!:tC, ::!3:PIC:L t ;,!ycl-,titi*ffi ttttt'il tkese- :)r"soeciiozs hcue been noie ctd ;pptcu'e,!, .t:-it?I;;.' Prtor :o pkc-Jr4 l=cinancter)als ard, before ftc.ting inspec- tior:. !Rn-,!i!lC: i,tust be recuested afler aporou,;L of rcugh plurbin4, electrJ-cal & neei,anical. AL! rcoy'irg brccitg 2 chinmegs, etc. rrasy be . ccmglexeci. llo .;crk is to be eon- ' ceiled until this insoec:icn has'been nod.e end apDrov-ed. ;JSULAT:AN /\A.POP -2.A.RRII? :!SP!C!ICT : To be naCe after aLL ins.,tLaticn cd, required oqoz, bavie?s @e in place bat beJbre ory lath, W?s1t t bcatC cr vnLL eouering ts cpplied, ad befcre eq insula;ion :s concealeC. DRYHA.LL rNSP?C!ICN: To af ier aLL ct guall ,!.s i.n but prior to ang taping be aaCe ol.eee, i,lASC!li?!: Steel Location, bond beans, gzoutir"4 ot uerticats tn accord.orce ,,nth U.ts.C. Secticn After installatlon is CUPB & APPRCACE APP.2N: After fornsae ez.ecteC but prJor to pcuzirq eoncrete. SIDgll,tLK & DRI',TiAY: For eLL eoz- crete pauing uixhtn st?eet right- oi-tnA, tc be nade aftzr all- erca- oat"Jng canolete & forn wrk & sub- base rcter)al in place, !!NCE: rr4ten conplete -- Prcuiie gates o" nouable aectians through D II ' ecx eor,.Citions, ;uek as the i.nstallaxlcn of slreet trees, :orcletion cf zhe' Land.sccpir.g, ctc., mtst be saxisiied be;'cre the tsUiiDI:lG lIilAL :cn be reqtestei eraa r!|cf-a-?.n, escaoattan, bui forns. ?o be na<ie afterpriar to ae! up of u:tp!1sL;3 ?:L':.3!.fG, !LEC??IC,I.L I;,9Cili.;iilL: To be natie be'cye anuffi-l{72"*ered.. ,-l ll I r:lII LC9!:JC I F0U:tDA?:a.v: lo be taCe ffi;- 1" et;i;;- il,;-es, c qs a t e d arL forns are etectei, but cr.tor tc pouz"ing ccncreta. U !! DiR C?.9!!lt D P Lu-tlE Il; C, SlW.c., u.1T E R, DPA.iIIAGE: 7o be nate pt--or co fil-Lira crenchee. U:I )EP.!:CCP ?LU:9 i:IG 1 .'I!I!!A!I! CAL : @oi f'Loor inauicxian or Cecking. FT|AL PLU:,IEI:IC FI;IAL :IECIIA:IICAL =TtlAf =f?anoft.?. LLt^u rtpv-.1:thu ALL pro;j required n F|NAL BUnDr:tc: The Final Bur.Ld.u.g rnsoeeticn nttst be- recuested zfler th.e ii.t,al ?Lu.rbing \J ilectrical, qd lleciariccl inspect:-ons'441)c been naie ara'apotcuzi. /qiob Loecticn Aesessore Nao # };ner: s PrZrru Fl€LJ)9-t 17L'- s,,P€NC€K- Phcna !,Lt 146 - 0.3 sa Desc?ibe Wotk: v ausTnu- u)ooD sT6u€..\ ctt t tnqeJ, lro rJ enmgusi/Bl-€- PAD AND wALLI AppL II * # Ftstl6B Hope{ BeAt? S(6r.l4tuas SeleBo LAB - Tt - rzt Percerf s z:tle1Y P,€S EDCSTA CANTRACT F 115?C LUe A ^ ))-' ,-' ^- RanoCeL PLMbing ,9&rr &t -y3LtlJI'fs ud ._Jv:r Sanilotl seset capped .t p?cpa?Di^ Li.e Septic totk p:i:qed ard. fiLLeC tith gratzi ?inal - i,lren cbcue itens ate ecnalecei ard. ahen le,tcl'-zian is eonclele ty s:-;:-tute noueC anc =r;iaes eleanei tt. ).!obi tsLoeking ad Sat-up Plwnbing eonnecticns -- a€ilo? d. aaner Electrical Ccmnection - Blcekiry, set-ut an4 pltnbing eonneetions m;st be apptcted before requesting electrical inscecliov: .A.ccessct,; Suiliirq ?inal - After :cz,ehes, skitting, deci,.s, etc. @e ccnple-.ed. Aa.-q 7 a+'t.ALL !4ANHCLES ATID CLEAIICUTS !,IUS? BE.|CCES,i?LZ, ADJUS?:I::;I lO 3Z:.'"^.08.1.? !:O::S::C CI:Y $/ Tr{ Subdi.uistcn: Ad.&ess: 933 At. /?'n I wM: T 9-aa 9 JOB NO lpt Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Ccuenage ! of Stor|es .uvur rcbS.Le Penr[t fssu,cee Meei^anictl ?ernit State Tctc! Ci,a.rces soLAR *CEss REQ.- Crouc LCr T',!?g _ b.tericr _ Cormer _ Pc,nhand.Le CuL-<ie-sac L-CO G+ e/Consx:Beitcons: Reeeipt #: Sig':",ei: Electricol Permit Where State La't requires tha.t the eLectrical wcrk be done bg an llacirical Contl,acto?, the electrLcal portion of this petmit sLwLL not be ualiC until the LabeL ha.s baen signed by the Electrical Contrd.ctor. Mechq nicol Permit PLoz Ercriner Dara f HAW CLREFULLY !XA.!"!INED tle cornpleted aopLlcatior,. for permit, ctxi da herebg certify tlat aLL itfotnation h-eteon ls ir,ue and. eoz,rect, anC f fur+.ker cetliJr- that any ard eLL aork tc-rl'otttted sLaLL be done it aecor- dance,,rith the 1rdinences of the Citg cf Springfield, anl. the Lc;s of tne State of )regcn pertaininc to tke aork Cescribed hereir., cnC liur x0 ?CCa- P!.llCI urill be rruCe of cny stl,uctula uithout permisaion of the Suilding Dt- trision. I fuz,ther eertifg ii".at o:t1-y ccnty'actors and etrplcgees dLo cr2 tn conpl{ance u:.th CRS 707.055 ,,:iLL be use<i cn thie prcject 3-J4-&s Lot leces - 2f -- Fees -- F!C :(Value 4^F1f rt4f t,f an^1<- PLan Building Volue & Permit This perntt is granted on the .,xir?ess condi-tion tltnt the s,itd-eonsttuccion shall', in aZL rbsoects, eonfcrl .o the )?ditwnce edooted i2iy the Clty cf Springfield., tncluitng :he Sonina CrCinanzce, neguictirtg the ecr.str'tc:')cn cnd use oi butldings, cnd nay be susoerieC or reuckei at cti t'-ne u2cn oLc- lation cf ,r.y prcuisicns of saiC Ct'd"Jrances. J4 De4vt t3 - a- '. J v ?otal Ch,c:gea .:u.?EE CAP.GE !;"stttes &eailient'Lal (1 bath) SeuerScrr) Plumbing Permit llo pereon sl,,all canstp"tct, instal!, aLter oz, clange dnA red cz' e:isting pLwnbtn4 cr cbainage s7sta"n in ahole or in paz't, unless sueh person is the Legal possessot of a ualid plunber's License, eacept that a pelson nav do plznbing xork to p"ope?t! uhich is otn.ed, Leased or aperated by the appli-' caflt. Plunbing Perrit ,'i0 ;itr CiA?,GE llau/Eetend. Cireaits Serlsice :i:;4 afi ?TU I bhalst Hcod. Vent lot ',lcocisto:;e -- 1:lc.r.cACI.\:!:t? -- Sea-tri Pem,:t 5LAe)aL4. iCTAL A.],!OU]17 DUE: T : Mobile Hcnte I S.U" (.{) H,0.O Storeoe !4ainterzr.ca, ilectn--cal Lcbel