HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-10-24! APPLICATTON/PERTIT 225 Noyth Sth Street SprLngfield" )regon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 726-37 53 .. RESIL .NTIAL..;" //09 ilJob Locaticn:4 Tos lat #347J OAssessore Map # Sttbdiuision: 7-// Otmer: lsgy' zip Addtess City: Phone: DescyLbe Hotk:4ra-;f-^L*^Q)c,oibfrtr<- 4-(g n Ned Val.ueDate of App Licatian 0- Additian RenodeL Addtess LLsc. frContractot,s l4echaricaL Pege 1 of 2 Signed Date:/0-)4-tr{ GeneraL Plwnbi.ng ELectticaL It ia the responsibility oi tle penrtt ltolder to aee that aLL inspections aye nade at the ptoper tine, thdt each cddzess is t'e4dabi.e fran the street, ald th.at the perzrLt catd, ie Located at the fiont of the propetty.*Building Nuiciott appro"*ed plan shtll remain on t?e Building Site at aLL- tines. PR11EDUPE FoR fNSPECffOlt RI?WST:CALL726-3769(yecot,det) state yottt City Cesigrnted job ntoi:bet,, job aCitess, type-9f inspee=icr, requ.eetedd-nien go;t uLLL be ready for inspection, Cont?acta?s c? Anne"s nctne cnd pinne nutnbcr'. Requests receixed befcre 7:0C Er t""iLL be made the sanre dag, ?eErcsts mcd.e afte.r ?:00 @n vLLL be tnade the neat aorking day. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs:85roR Pomta' no,1 Taenaa+i nso QT4? TNqDN'fiTNN. escao;tlon; but To be nwde after prior tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLIIMBING, ELEC'TRICAL & WCH{-\.|ICAL: To be made before any uotk i.s cotset,ed. EOOTTNG & FOUNDATTCN: To be Imde @; tr;nctes a"e *caated and forns ate etected, but prior to pourLng ccnerete. P1ST AND BEAl,l: To be made pr"Lot, toffi€iTTif,d-o| floor insulation ot deckirq. ROUGH PLU,DIIIG. ELEC?RICAL & IIECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be cooet'ed ur T-these inspections ltnue- been made and approoeC. ETPE!-LAIE: Prior to placirg facingnat;ifl; ard. before -f".niW inrpeb- ti.on. FRA!IfNG: l,lust be requested after approtsal of rough plwnbing, elecfu,i- eaL & mechanical, AL! r,oofiztg bractng 8 ehirmegs, etc. nrast be eonpleted, llo ucrk is to be con- 'eealed until thi-s inspection las'been made anC appro.*ed. FTUAL PLUABIilG FINAL ILECHAIIICAL ETNAL ELEC?RICAL IN SULAT I ON / V A?O R B 4RR IEBJ J]E!E!!!A N :DEI.NLTTIOT] OR :,:AWD BUiLDI:|CSIo be nade after aLL insulati.cn ed requ'lred oapor burie?a ote in plaee but before any Lath, gApslon bcorC oz' tnLL cooering is appli,ed, ard before ary insulation is concealed. ' usosRcnourD pLUME_lllL_jEWtBz_t4pB',J Lirq trencles. 71 uaomrtooR zLUnBTNG & nEC*ANTzAL:tlof floor ineuLction or decking. MW; DRYWALL TNSPEC?TON: TC be MAdE @A-AT@f'k in p7-ace, but prior to anA taping. \LASONRI: Steel Location, bond Eiffijgrouting or uerticals in accotdotce tLth A.B.C. Section 24L5. Sani.tory seuer capped at ptoparfii Lire Septic tutk panped and. filled rrtth gra;;eL linal - I{hen abcoe itens ale eonpleted and uhen Certalition is cornplete or st?uc- htre moued ad. pretrtses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plmbing connections -- sate? otd uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, oet-u, and plwnbing eonnections r;st be apptcoed before requesting el,eelrLcal inspeeliott Aecessor,; Bui'LCing After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON:After fownsa.e-Ae;i;A buT prioi to pouring concrete. SLDEWALK & DRIIEWAI: For aLL con- creten6fiAfr" stteet right- of-tny, to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & forra rsork & sub- base naterial in place.Fitnl - After etc. are comp pcrckes, skirting, deeks, IENCE: hthen eornplete -- Ptouide gates or morsable sections tht'ough P,U,E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, con-oletion_of tie ,"qiirn"d. Landsccping, etc,, mtst be satisfied befot,e the BUILDfNC FIIIAL ean be tequested, 'Lding Inspection must be requested cfter the linal Plunbing 'peetions hque been nade and app"ovec. ilNAL BUILDINC: The Final Bui Electrical, and Neelnnical InsII *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I.IADE AT IIO CCST TO CITY frsr U-olc ConstTusfion_!ender JOB NO. Wcodstooe soLAR A', Ess REQ.-L-co d Bedroons Date ?otal CVtbcut f ilAW CAREFULLY EXA\LfNED the completed application for pemnit. cnd da ryrela certifa thnt aLL informatibn hereoi is inue "i .Ziiiit, *,A tfut,thet,.eert?fA that any ard. aLL aork perfotrned. stwll be drte i, acoot_dance urith the ordinanczs of the city bf bpning|ieid, i"a ta" L,as of theS_!t-e- ol -o19gon per.taining to the uoyk CescribZd hnnlir, cnd tful No ocCU_ l!;y9.1-^"fll-b-1 ryde of any structute uithout permission Zy tt. siitdtng N_ulslon- r lupthe" eertify that only eontraetor.s and enplcyees uho arb inconpliance uith ORS 201..0s5 aiLL be-used on this projeet Lot Faces -Energy Sources ?itoe Setbaeks !!eat DI House Caraqe Access llate? lleaterlloTthRallge East FirepLace South llood.stoxe I-ot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Coterage # of Stories Total Height Iopography LOT TWE _ Inte?ic" _ Corner _ Panlnnd.Le CuL-de-sac llest D^^^ Building Volue & Permit This penrit is gyanted on the ecptess condition that the said constructionsltall, in al.L respeets, conforwr to the Crdinance adopte,L 6:y the City ofSptingfield, including the Zoning CVdinance, z,eguLating thZ ccnsttu-ctibn and. -use of buildlrqs, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at "ny time upon uic-Lation of any prctsisions of said Oydinances. SQ. FTG VaLue TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: NEM x A Sigted: S.D.C. 1.5 c Duilding Pernrlt Iotal Clntges State No- pereon slnll consttuet, install, alter ot, elange anA nea cr eaisting qlwnb_irq or drainage sA2tq in uhole or in patt, unlesi such person is- tleLegal .possessor of a oalid gTrunbet,,s Licens-e, eccept tlnt a pZt,son nag doplunbing aork to propertg uhich is ouned, Leased ot, opez,atei ty tt n oppli-cant. NO FEE CHARGE * UEM Fistures Resid.ential (L bath) Seuez. Plunbing Penrtt State taL Plumbing Permit Electricol Permit wet'e state Lan "eqti?es tlwt the electrical uork be done bg an Electriealcont?aetor, the eleetrical portion of this perrrdt slnll not be ualic untilthe Label |as been eigzed by the Electrical- Contractor. khanst HooC Vent Fan -- ENCROACIIMEN? -. FEE FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Nan/Ectend Ciy,cuits Set uice fotal PermLt fssucnce Mechaniccl Pey:trtt 00 (oO 9ee4ritA Deposit Storage I"laintenance Perwtt Sida,talk Mobile Hone #: TOTAL A}4OUNT DUE:*/€,bo Date Furnace ETU'S ?enee Eleetrical Label PLcrl