HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-08-15(# ,(,4t,lv u ,1 {i. , Date: ea- GeneraL Coaetruetion Lendet Springfie Diuision a a a 22,E IVo "th Ea)th Stree uQt o0z,egon 74 7BuiLdt ng 7 d o -3 E.)7 U tqcJobLocaticn: Assessors Map #Iac Lot #oo73da Ouner: Addzess: Phone:).?,2 ,fJ- zip:(*"_?./7 Desq4be I{otk: Date of Applicaticn.,"rr" fl3fr ,d**a77zzy^Wa, r ) Lg)Additicn Remodel Page 1 of 2 It iB the responsibility of ftwn the s tle pennit ltolder Diuicion appro"*ed p treet, ard tlnt pettrLt Lan shcl that-all inspections ee nade at ttp p?ope? ti,me, that eceh cd,lness is reacable ?t.!hS. frcttt of the Wope?tgBuiZding Sitc at aLL'trmes. the eatd ie to aee Located*Building L L726-3769 ') state yout, Ci tg destgnated job ntmbez,,job aCiaess, type of inspecricnCont?acta?s o?Oumers rnne end pitone numbet,.Requestl receixed befcre Z:00 anbe made the oane day, "equests nade after ?:00 an urill be nade the ne.rt aotkinE day. Iouv City Desigr,ated Job Mtnber fs:6se rc SI?E INSPEC?ION: eccanlation, but liou be To be nade aftez,pt"ior tc set up of TNSULA?TON/VAPAR BARRIER ilISPECTTON :robeiaCM tequired uapor burie?s @e in pl,aeehtt before @tA lath, Wpsum bcayC ortnLL eouering is applied, and. beforeoty irsulation is concealed. forms EIF.EPLACE:mat;AA; tion. FTUAL PLUUBING FINAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRTCAL pRy,tALL INSPECE)N: ?c aftet, aLL dtyuall is in DEu)Lrrralt 0R BUTLDIi]CS Sanitary saser capped at pz,opetty Line Septic tutk putrped and filled trtth gratel UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL &MEc!s.t{cnr,: ro be-ffi6'Fif&nng uotk is cotlered. PAOIfNG & FOUNDATICN: ?o be rm.de - alte" trenches a?e eecazsated and. forns ate eteeted, but ptiot, topotnLng ecncrete. UNDIRGROUIID PLUMEINC. SIWP, W.ATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be made prior to fil-Lirg trenchee. UTIDERFLOOR PLATIBTNG & MECHANTCAL: oy floor insulation or decking. P1ST AND p A!a: To be nade pr"Lot, toffidTTdGTof floor iwulation or decking. ROUGH PLA|BING, ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH- ANICAL: No t:ork is to be couet,ed ffiiL these inspecticns hatse been made and approoed.. be made p|a.ce, but prior to any tapinS. MASONRU Steel Locati.on, bond beons, gz,outing on uerticals in aceordstee LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. ilOODSTOVE: @mpTAA. After installation is Q!88 &4ll|UQH APPON: After fonns@,. etect;AE VAot, to pour.tng conerete. SIDEWALK & DRI',WAY: For aLL con- "t et"narr@Effi styeet right- of-acA, to be nade after aLL e*ca- oating conplete & forn uotk & sttb- base materLaL in p|.ace. linal - It\ten abctse .Ltens aye eatroleted and uhen Cqnclition is eornplete Zr sh,ue-ture moued utd. premLses cleaneC up. Hcmes od, set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sa))ez, od. aatet Electrical Ccmnection - BlockLng, set-up and plurnbing eonnections tn;st be apprcted before requesting el.eclrLcal inspeetiol Accessory Bui.Ldnng Pi.nal - After pcrekes, etc. @e eonpleted. I PrLor to placirq and befot,e froni.ng skirting, deeks, PENCE: rlhen complete -- ProuiCe. gates or notsable sections through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the installatlon of street trees, eonpletion of the required Landsccping, etc., tntst be salisfied befote the BUILDfNC FfNAL can be requested. ?fNAL BUILDfNG: The Fi,nal Build.ing fnspection mst be requested aftet the Pinal Plwnbirq Electrical, and Mechani.cal fnspections hqtte been made and approueC. facing inspee- FRAtr|fNC: Ihust be requested after apptotsal of rough plutrbing, electri-cal & neclwnical. ALL roofittg btaeing E, chinmeys, etc. rrust be ; eompleted. tto uotk is to be con- ' cealed until this i,nspection lws 'been mode anC approted. -iHtx *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS I,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I44DE AT NO CCST TO CI?Y I r eo '.-co d JOB NO.8:a SOLAR ACT s S REQ.- Be1toons Intet'ict Lot Faces -IleatLot Sq. Ftg- % cf Lct Casez'age I of StorLes Total Height TopograPhY P.L House Co?ner Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Faes -- tJu x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This permLt is gnanted' on the etpttess condition tLnt the said'consttaction slwll, in atl respects'"';;i;;i;- tt'e o?dl'nnce adop.ted bv the citv of sptingfield, ine\,uding'tl,-"'2-oil'ng crdinanc-e' z'egulating the ccnstru:-!:":r^-;A ;"'" of Luildings,' *td ^ay b.e- s-usfynded ot' reuokeC at cna ti'me upon oLc- i)tion of my pt'colsions of said 1rdinances' TOTAL VALUE s. D. c. Bui.LdLng Pendt Date Pa;-d: State Receipt #: Iotal Clnrgee Si.gned: NO.FEE Plumbing Permit No person sltall constmtet, install,- alter or elurt4e -any neu-er ecisting ;lr;b;A o, droirogu systern in ulole or. in patt, un7,e19 such person is tle injit p"ot"n""oo oy"o,"alid plunber's Lic-enie, eseept tlnt a person natl 8o ptint.thg uork to Wope?tA ihi.h t" ortned, Leased or ope,ated by the appli- eant. Fi.stutes Residentia.L (1 bath) Seuer o PLumblng L"erl"iLt State Suz'eh,ange ,6. Total * Electrico I Permit Wez,e State Las nequires th,at the electri.cal uork be dane by an Electrical Cont"acto?, the electrical portion of this permit s?nLL not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractot. Total Nau/Ectend Civ,cttits Sevryice NTM FEE CIlARCE Ucodstote Mechqnicol Permit bharct Hoo,L Vent Fut Permit fssuance Mechanical Perwtt SeeurttA Deposit Storage Maintenanee Peririt Cvrbeut Sida,talk lenee Electtieal Label MobiT-e Horne PLqn ?otal I HAW CAREEULLY EXAMfNED tle cornpleted application for pennit, and do hereby eertif.y that aLL information hereoi is ttae and. ebz,rect, and f futtker, .certify that any ard. aLL uo,k perforned slnll be done in aecot- dance urtth the 1rdinances of the ci.ty bf bprLngfield, arld, the La;s of the* state of oregon pertaining to the uoik cescribbd hnnZan, end that No occrJ- PANcy trill be nace of atla stzwctu"e rvLthout permission of the Buitding Di--oision_. r further eertifg that onLy contraetov,s and, enplcgees uho aie inconplianee aith 1RS 707.05s uiLL be-used on this projecZ uate (- Signgd -,Fuu {:, TOTAL AMOUN? DI]E:*g' / 5,6c,J o,-a-^f Date NC. State Sutchzrae ?otal (ltanaes Il-