HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-04-28.. RESID=NTIAL.. 22s North stt s;toelPPLrcA'1't0* /PERI'lrr SprLngfieLd, 0r.egon 97477 Buildirq Di-uiston 7 26-37 53 MecllanieaL Conslruetton__Lgru!9l - # SPFINGFTELD kp- 72'7V Ot7l, lltt 5 A Date It iE the fron the*SuiLdiW ' respotzsibi-Lilu of tle pentit holdet to see ttut-atl inspections are nad,e at the ptope" tine, that ec.ch d,iness is reaCabie"'i:"i'"*x%#":""!"r,xy;ri**x,T,"i',3Eio'#*[yi'""L"yrrtinz:i: PP)CEDUPE FoR rNSPEcrroN =gg,qUESr;CALL 726-3769 (teeot'd.er') state aoun citg designa-ted. job ntonbet,, job ac&,ess, tgpe of inspeeiicnrequested ar'd uhen uou t'vtll be ready fot'inspeetion, cili.l""i- ot a,rners-nane Lnd. plane number. Requests receixed. befcre z:00 aq'*iLL be nade the sdte d.ay, "i"srr-.it;"i"dn ij:tl* z,oo- o, ,,titi i ,*;; th;;";;;;;;l;A{Ay. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Number fs 88c s bo SITE INSPEC?ION: ezcanlation, but fotne ' ?o be nlade afterpriot, tc set up of rNSALArr)lr/vAp1R BARRTER rnSpECTr1N:Io be made aftet, aLL insulaticn andrequired oapor beriers @e in pl.aeebut before ory lath, gApsltn bootC ortnLL cooering is applied, attd. beforeotg insuT,ation is concealed. DEI.IOLITTO!] OR BUTLDIiIGS Sanitary saser eapped et properei Li-re Septic totk pa-,"rped aad filled uLth gra:sei?o be ana Io be rmCe ate eseooated and.ote eteeted, but prior topout"tng ccnerete. FilAL PLUI,IBIIIG IINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL & m DRIWALL IISPECII1N: Tc be made &erAT@;TTis in place, but prior to ang taping. MAS1NR! Steel Location, bond beons, grouting ot uez.ticals in accotdance Llith U.B.C. Section 241 5. Final - lt4ten abcue itens a.te eanpleted and uhen Cqnolitiol is cornplete br sttae- tut'e nooed and. ptemiaes cleaneC up. UND,ElgP)uxp PLUMErNG ,D1AilIAGE: ?o be made prioi-iifiT-litq trenchee. ll uaoenrr,oon ttutnruc a uectanrc,at,ttof floor insulation or decking. P.9ST 4,t!,D B_EAM: To be nade pr.tor tol,nstaLlatian of floor insuT,ation ordecking. ' ROUGH PLIJ!,!BT!IG. ELECTRICAL & I,{ECH-ANfCAL: nouffiGllL these inspeetions Tnoe_ been nad.e and approueC. FfPEPLACE: fu,iot to plaeira fccinonaterials and before f"*ri"S ,i,n"pnl_ DLO|t. FRAI.IING: tiust be requested afterapproual of rough plunbing, eiectri_cat & nectnnical. ALL roofingbraeing &- chinmeys, etc. mast" beeompleted,. llo uork is to be eon_._cealed until this inspection has'been nade anC apptooed. tq @ After installation is Blocking ord Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaie? od. uatey Electrical Ccmnection - Bloektng, set-up and_ plwnbing connections nast bb apprct;Zdbefore requeeting eleelrteal inspeetiol Accessory BuilCitg Pinal - After pcz,ehes, ski,tting, decks,etc. oe cornpleted. Le llcnes WOODS?OVE: antpLeted, CURB & APPR)ACH App,)N: After fotnsee eyeeteC but prion to pouz*[rry conc"ete. SIDWALK & DRfIEilAI: For aLL con- a,^ete paoing uithin st?eet right-of-txy, to be made after aLL b*ca-tsating conplete & forn utork & sub- base material in place. !EIf!l: h4ten conplete -- prooiCe gates ot nouable sections thnough P, U. E. ---ALL w'oiect conditions' such as the i.nstallation of street tt,ees, conpletion of the,equired Landsccping, etc." mtet be satisfied. b"f;;"-li;-;uililnc F1IAL ean be tequested.. FrNAL BaTLDTNG: The Final Buildirq Inspeetion nuat be requested altet the Final plunbirqElecttical, cnC Mectnnical rnspectlio", hq;; beun ^oi"- idioo"irA. 12€/ x/ q srJob Loeaticn: 0sAesessots Map #Tar lot # S:ubditsision: hp -(I t.--Otmet:(2 q rh sr b//7Address:Phone: ) city: Describe h'otk: Value ,+3 GeneraL q-L {-YtrDate of App Lication eikr prffAdditicn RemoCel e rq,k- *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII ?O BE I,L4DE /1.T NO CCST TO CI?,,y Page 1 of 2 lryo3 .? 5 f, /?on v I t-tw I ^*(,JOB NO.e,soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO BeCroons bt Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Cooerage # of Stories Iotal Eeight Topogrqhy LOT TWE Interior Cormet Panlnnd.Le CUL-de-sac SoureesLot Faees - Df Lace toxe -- Fees -- ITEM EIU x VaLue Building Volue & Permit This pennt is granted on the erpress condition tLat the said_constntction slnll', in all z,bspects, conform to the crdinance adopted 6y the City o.f SptingfieLd, i.ncluding the Xoning Cndinanee, regulating the ccnsttuctica ard. use of buildLngs, otd may be suspend.ed ov' reuokeC at cnA time upon oi,c- lation of qnA prcoisions of said 1rdi-rnnces. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 s Bui.Ldi.ng Pe"mtt J-State Date PaLd:->8- Receipt #: ?otal Clnrges *Signed: NO CEARGE Plumbing Perrnit No pevson sltall consttuct, instal'!., altet or cltange,ang net-ct' e*isting -plti*+ng or dtainage systan in uhole ot in pa.tt, unless such person is the iegal p"osses"or of a r:-olid pl*rb"r's Lieensb, eteept that a pelson nay lo ptimttng uork to property ilrLch is otmed' Leased or opetated by the apPli'- cant. Fist'ures Residznti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pernit * Electrico I Permit Ithet,e state Lan requires tlnt the electrieal uork be done by qn Electrical contraetot, the eleetrLcal portion of this permit shall lot be oalil until the 'La.beL lns been sigred by the Electt'tcal Contaacto". FEE Na,t/Extend Circtrits Seroice State ?otal CIlARCENC,FEE Mechqnicol Permit blunst Hood tlcodstotte Vent Fot Petm[t Issuqnee Meclnnical Pertntt Sec,ritu Deposit Storo4e Man)ntenance Permit Azbcu! Sida,talk Fenee Eleetz,ieal Label Mobile Hone {4-sa - I llAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the cotttpleted application for pennit, qnd do herebu cet,tify that aLL informafiZn hereoi is true attd correct, an'C f furth"et, cetti-fy that any ard aLL uo.r,k perforned slnlL be done in accor'- danee tLth th'e- Zydinanc"es of the city of 'spr"Lngfield, ar.rd. the Las of the State of lregon pertaininq to the uork Cescribed het'ein' crld tlwt No occu' zuiCy,hU b"e,a\e of any"sttwctute uithout permissi_on of the Bui.Ldi.ng Di,- oision. f further celtify that only contractoz'e ad, enpLcgees dho are Ln eanpliance uith oRS 701.05s uiLL be used on thie proieet TO?AL AMOUNT DUE: *t/a,?3 Date zone: LPQ^ oce4pancu Gro\-r /b-/T;;pe/Cor-st: S -;l * hrnaee PTII'S ry^+^1 r'Lnoaao State Sureh.aroe