HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-03-18#.. RESID. {TIAL.." APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfteld, 0r,egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn: i Aesessore Map #10)3.sa / SPFIINGFIEI.-D Ic.r Iat #/fu il/-olc Svbdiotsion: i Asner: ii Address: TI a") *""m;ty Additicn 1 /"/t.{1 ,"rr"{ I 2 f5.DateDate of GeneraL Cons Lendet L rt ie .the respons'ibililu oi-tto penrit holler to eee ttat aLL inspections ee naile at theJrcn the street, anC tlnt the pettrit eatd is Located at the frcnt of tlte property.tBuilding D.Juiciot appro"*ed ptan shcll remain on-tlte E":,Zatr"i'-s'ite at aLL ttnes. ..CALL726_376g(lecordel)stateyourCitgdesigrnted'job :*1f il"!_1y_ui':en gou uiLL be-eady for inspection, contract"i" ob oumers"ncmeZna punni'*LLL be nade the sone dcg, ?equests ncde aftx ?:00 on urLll be nwd.e the ncst aoriifday. lou" CitA Desigr.ated Job Nwnber fs:t%t rq Prope" tine, that each ad,lness .[,s vsaeahig ' nLoiibe?, job aCiress, type of inspeeticnnumb*, Eequests receixed befcre ?:00 ct QTl? TIIQDD'4f^^l. eccauation, but forms ?o be nwde after pt icr tc set up of INSULA?ION /VAPOR BARRTER il\SPECTION : 7o be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. required uapor borie?s &e in place but before ang Lath, Wpstltn bcayC oz,rnLL couering is applied, cnd beforeotg irculation is concealed- nlllnr TiTnnt ^o \,nffr^ I UNDERSLAB PLUI4BING. ELECTRICAL &wctlttrcnt@ns oopk is cooered. PCOTINC & FOUITDATICN: ?o be rmCe - dltet t"encnes a?e escansated and. forns. ate etected, but ptior topou!-ailg ccnerete. ERrDi!,IltAGE: To be maCe pr"tor to fil-Lirg trenchee. ANDEPFLQOR PLUI.E IIIG & IIECIIANICAL :'lo be naae pricr to instalLation of floor insuZction ot, decking, P.)ST 4t!_D B_ELM: ?o be nade prLot toLnstaLldticn o! floor insulation oz,decking. ROUCH PLUIBII,IC. ELECTRTCAL & I,{ECH-ANfCAL: tlouo@ util these irnpeetions hante beennade ard. approued. FIPUPL:AC.E: Pt*Lor to placirg faeingmcterials and befot'e lranin"g lr"pnl_ XLon- DRITIALL INSPEC?f)N: Ic be made aftez, aLL &yuall is in place" but ptior to ang taping. I.IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uetticals in accord.orce LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WO)DST)W: After irwtallation is arnpleted. CURB & APPROACH Ap.p.O!: After fortnsee erecteC but prior to pouring conopete. StDEWALK & DRftEWAy: For aLL eon- er-ete pauing uithin etreet right-of-txA, to be made aftet aLL brca-Dating conplete & forn unz,k & sub- base materLal in place. IACE: hhen conplete -- pyottiCe gates o? nooable sectians thnough P.A.E. ALL pnoject conditions, such as the i.nstallat.:.on of stl,eet trees, co:oletlon o! thetequit'ed Landsccpirg' etc.' m$t be satisfied to1o"e-lil-auL;iN:G F1NAL ean be requested.. ?rNAL BUTLDIII1: The Final Buildirq Inspection mtst be requested. cftet the Firal plubirgElectrical, cnC Mectunical Inspeciio"" 'tarl be"n naie- irrd'"pp"rind. - '-l - pnurucl l.htst be requested, afterI I appz.otsal of rough pltnbing, eiectyi_caL & meclnnical. ALL roofing btacing I ehinmeys, etc. trust" be . eornpleted. Uo ucrk is to be eon_- cealed unttl this inspection has'been nade anC approved. I ll l FIIIAL PLUI{BIIIC FINAL I4ECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL Sanitatg setser capped at propere; Line Septic totk p;.nped atd fi,Lled trtth gra;sel Final - I{hen abcoe -Ltens are ccwleted and uhen Cqnolition is complete Zr sttae-ture mooed and. przrrises cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnectione -- aaie? ad. uater Electuical Connection - Blockttq, set-uc and plwnbing eonnections nust bb app c,*:edbefore requeeting eleclrical inspeetion Aecessory BuilCing Firal - After pctckes, skirting, d.ecks,etc. @e cornpleled. Page 1 of 2 TH {r,q Ph,one: *ALL ILANECLES AND CLEANOIJTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIE}II TO BE I,L4DE AT NO CCST TO CIIY ), ?oO tr tr tr tr a Lnt Faces - Ileat House Aceess t Iat Sq. Etg. % cf Lct Ccverage # of StorLes Total Height ?opogrqhy LCT TWE Intetior Cormer Panhandle CUL-de-sac --F I?EM . F?G x Value Main TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c PLan Date Paid: b.rc Building Vqlue & Permit This per..nnt is granted on the etp\ess condition tlnt the said-construction slwll', in all nLspects, conform to the 1rdinance adop.ted Liy the gitA 2fipil."gy;."ti, inct)uding- the Zoning Cpdinanc,e, regulcting the ccnstmtcticn irA ""oZ of Luildtngs," cnd may be suspend.ed or reookeC at cnA tine upon oic- lation of Gny prcrtisions of said 1rdinances. * Building PernrLt ?otal Clnngea State FEE CHARGEN0. Fi.stutes Resid.enti.a.L (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttuet, install'- alter- or ehange,any nev-c? existing - il"kili o* drainage sgstqn in ulnl3 or in patt, unle1y such person is the Tegal p"osses"oo o1"o ,LLid pl*rbnt"s Lic-ens-e, escept that a pe"son ^ay 49 ptit ting uork to properq ihi"h i" oumed, Leased or operated by the qpPli.- Plttnbing Penrit State FNO Na,t/Eotend Circuits Electricol Permit wex,e state Lan requi"es th,at the electrical uork be done by -an Electrical Citractor, the elict,ical portion of thie pernit shall not be oalil until the Lobel tns bem signed by the Electrical Contractor' Petmii Iotal bhanst HooC Vent Fal llcodstooe Mechqnicql Permit PerrtrLt Issuorce Meclwnical Petrtt JOB NO Zone i sectz-L SOLAR AC'ESS REQ.-L-co c BeCtoonsGroucY Set'uice -- ENCROACHMENT -- t PLan Eraninet'uate Perwit TotaL AEbcut Sida,talk Fenee Mobile Hone f HAW CAREEULLy EXAI'IINED tle completed application for pennit' cnd do ij;;L; i"riia tnat a[i-;vtiiiatilon het'eoi is tvae attd' correct' an'c' r irrtL'n"-z-nntz1y tt"t onv ord aLL uork perforned sLnLL be dote in aeeo?- danee ''rLth the Ordinei.cz; "f |it City of -Springfield' .an'd' th-e Lc;s of the State of ,r,egcn p."t"iir:ig-'to the utoik Cesct'ibbd herein, cnd that N0 ,CCU- pAqcy tLtL be nade of-'*ru' "ti"Liie ,^vithot t permisaion of the Building N- ,.tision. I furthet' cez'tify that otly con-tractors otd .enplcyees u|^'o are in Loiplr|o".n'r;tt, oas 70L.'0"55 ui-LL be- used on this proiect Reeeipt #: Si-gted TOTAL A}IOUNT DUE: *2J. rr Date lr-n rTEM llatet ?U A DTT Total Clan'aes .-.