HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-04-16?ece:.rt !13e27.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorth stt, sto"ffPLrcA?r0,/PERttrr Sgmrqfield, 2regon 97477 Building ?iuision ? 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEI.D Iour City'Desigra,ted, Jab Mnber Is: aN c "9\$ A\ \\J w d u 0 )\' Date: Ceneru.L CoaatrrcCca Lendel_ ?cati--o,J rrq^oati r*a lj is lhe reegoncibi-Li;y of the penrt: iotd* b ,ee '-t@t al! inspectiotla @e nad.e at )he propet tirne, t!.at ftzr tb street, cnc tltct' the p*rri; ad ia l,ccated at the frctt of th,e crooertt..SuiUirq jiui:io- cpinot;ed plbt shc.Ll rena-Jn on ttlE tsuild.inA Situ at aLL' tihes.- ?20C!DU?9-?04 i;:SPsrnil 19?L5ST:CALL725-3769 (recorCer) state youc City l,esigr-zted iob mc,ber, job aC&ess, type of it'rpec2icntacttestcd a:-<i u!':en you trill be reariy Jb-r i*pection, confractcrs oi Ane:s-narc and. pitone nutbcr. .2equescs receiued befcre- 7:00 at'-"iLL be wnie the tane Ccg, reqltests nclie cfid ?:00 ott aLLL be rul,e tlu nest wrking'das. uDnqA .S.freg1 iS t,2n;-'-'., Job bcaticn: Aa,esaot3 :1ao X ?a l-ot il Subdiisicn: A-:nen: Ad*ess Phone: Data of A?pliaticn_ Deac?ibe h'ork:rl ilqs Va!ue Shf\ su;e.oACliCca RattoCaL I Plwtbiq conneczicns -- a'q)et otC, ua:ar Etectrical Ccnteetion - Blockitt4, aei-u3 and. plwnbing connect'ione tast be eptcu-eCbefore requesritq eleclrical insgec:io;'- Acres€o?i EuiEing ?izzl - Aftar ;crehes, sklrtirg, d,ec?'s, etc. @e c4ie:ed. tsLocktng otd Set-tp D INEPSLA] ?:L'IATYG, ZLZC?IC,IL 'iECi.r.:liCAL: To be nacie beiore cn1 t,lork ia covcted. FOf::iC , FAU;DATIC:I: lo be naCe diet ;ffi;-Ecatated arl fctns cre etected, but priot ."o SITS I:lS?Senl: 7o be taCe aftet ll=ca.Jctioil. cuc pricr tc se! up of Jdns. TNSLILATTON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICTIOII : To be raze after aLL insulaticn cri required vqor bav-ie?E @e in pla,ce bat befate ory Lath, Wpatn bcqC or tpLL auering is qglied, atd befote oty iroulation is concealed. DRY,IALL MSP!eI?!l: fo be nanie aiter aLL &y"nLL is in place, but prior to alg ta?i?€. W.S1NPY: Steel Location, bo1d. beans, grculing or uerticcls in accotdotce ,ntrh A.B,C. 1ection 2415. ,I)ODST1Y!: Aftet irstalTa.tion ia eroLeted.: CURS 4 APPRCACE A.?PCN:Aftet fornsse erecteC but prior tn DClTnnO coflc?ete. SIDYTAL|( E lRflTnA!: Eor aLL cor Pinal - ihez cbcue itens are ccnoleteicti uhen Certclitiott id catplete br st*ic- ture noua-C ori prar:rises eleaneC up. la nsT .t:to gg;.:.t: To be raie pr-cr to', I Gfritiio; Jloor lwui)tia, cr dccking, .7.0t;cE ?"_i:s!:!c. ?lz:P!c:a , :.tzc1- uz;zl ti,.cse ir.scec;icz,s hsue beer. avie td, :2Vrcv'ei. fi-?3?ilCt.' },r!or 'a 2lz:ir4 !c--"gnccemala at^d before irettnq inaoec- tiot2. ?PAYI1IC: i&Ba be rec.tested a:'iar A?tcuc'. oi raqh pltr.tirq, Jleccti- a.L I nechaai;a!,. AL! noi.lng btar)rg I chilorcgs, etc. Ee;sc beattpletcd. :!o .,p?< is to be ccn- . cu.lad until :his i:nsoecdca iae 'beea ,,o,!,e atd, cVprtt;ed. a ccncz,et€.. to Itenchce. aUDEPlaccR !'LiJig J::C 2 :,EC1Ail rCAt :lo ce nace pricr co inscali.ztion of floor ir,suktion o" dzckit:g, FilAi P!.UET:]C FI:IAL ,'giAITCAL cvetenA@-Grii street right-of-try, '-o be naCe a;'!er all, ecca- vatitg sdnplete & forn uork & sub- ix,se naterial in pb:e. -F9iY39.' lthen catolete -- *oaiCe fiG or :nouable sect'ians ihrough P. U. E. ALL pro;ect cadi:icns, tuch as the "l.ns;alZc.ticn of stteet trees, ccrylexion of the reqttireci lctasccpizg, .tc., tust be satisiied beiore tiv iliLif::C !!|!AL :an be requested. 1 \ iI)lAL AUMI:IC: Tae Final 1uild.in4 fnsoecrion ntst be tequeste<i 2i'-er thc Fittzl Pl-tu:bitg \J Zleccr'ical, od tleciu,--:Jccl insoecxicns isue been na<ie anti cpproued,. ,:l ,l 'AiL :|AJEC!:S AilD CLEAilCU?S :!AS! 3E ACCiSi!7Li, .LD;LS?:!:::: :O 35 :IADE !.? ::0 ::ST ?C Cry ?a!e ! oj' 2 S@ri'.qg taset eq_oed. .t f?op€?fij Liie Septic totk ptqed a;d, filleC vtth gti;ai tr Tr T T r ',\soLAR-ccEss REe.-t-co c* bt sq. F4". Z cf t*t C-tto-tece I of Stor)es iotal !e'-gh= Toporyiq EuiUirq ?enit S*.te Totcl llcya Pltnbi,tg Perrit Perrit Sr'cte lotal Pe*ot fsstttca !,leciun)ccl Pemr|t _ lnzerict _ Corne? ?aniznrile CUL-<ie-sac /Ccr-s=3ecacEa -- Pees -- Build ing Vo lue & Perm it This penttt ia grcnted on the eqtess cotdition ..ltat ;he saii constmetion sha.Ll, in all ysepaass, confcrm to the crdittantce eCoa;e,i by the Ci;y ofSgr-ngiretd, jncludtng- ..he 2oning C,rdinane, regtlc:ing ;h'e ccnstr,lctiZncd..use of bu:.Lciings, otd m=-g be susoend,ed or revcl,.ei at cr.! tine upan uic-la,tr-on of z.y pr"u-i""ons of Za.!,C Criir.znces. Receipt #: * Plumbing Permit ll9 ?erson slall _cotsi;ntct, iaatcl!, altet ot chan4e cnA rca er e:istingqlwyina cr citainage sys-l? in aiple or in patt, 'rot"sL auch Verson is'thc le-gal .posseasor of a oalid. gLunberrs Licensb, e-zce?t thct a oZr"*, raX dopltnbing uork to prope"t! ah.ich is oued, Leaeed or ogetztet by the qpti-@tt. Electricol Permit vhere state bt requires that the eLectrical uonk be ccne by qt g'lectmlcal contmctor, tlte eleetrtcal portiott of this pemrit si@Lt rot- be ualil, untilthe Label les been ai.grLp.ti by the {Lectrlcal' tontractot, Mecho nicol Permit 1 PLcn uaE2 I f flAW CL?E?aLLy EXAUJ,IED the cotn-o!.zted oolicaticn lor te*i;, cnd dchereby ce*ify ttat aLL i-fo:r,atibn heteon' is tnte ":^e "Zi"il, i^e tfitther -certify th,a,t oty arl. aLL uork eer|'onled ahall be done in acccr-darce tith the 2ydincees of thz City bf SpringfieH, od, che La;s of tiestate of ct'eocn pertainrna to the uo"k cescribcd herein, ad. :ip.c )to cccu-F!-xc'l ',rlli be zaie oI' ary 3t"uctrre aithout oetmissiott cJ' the iu;.idinc Di-vision. ! :'urthe" certifS thz.t otly cont?ae:ops a,7 4lsyees uho eZ it:ca--:oliance ulth CRS ?01.055 uiLL be- used on this ptoject I i yoail.a iltte Lot Faces - Aace,ss llo!r4 2an f,es ; So;tit Hest --::.1'7 TaLue :.,d.in bcca ?alAt VA!!./E S.D.c. l.s = ''"t'" ;to. I FE? Id.=tzres Res:,C,a*ial lI bcth) Sotitet Se.ten lAr U ftrJ'dW.OO ,,io N a,t / E* znl, C irc:,ti t s Senrice alt | 2at;tc Ettr.-zce 3!U'S E:ltc.tst llooC Vent Fzr Vcodstate --,;ic:,cAc:/:.!!:t7 -- Sect;-j;:t gztosit Storcse ltcinter*:e Pe*it SUe.:alk ?2!AL *'.!CUltT DLtt: a daa S,Jgne<i Da=z ,UDT,JOB -{cccss:-r 3# lffi '-:-i.cE L L2atff ^n L !o!:L C*czzes State iec'-r.Jc.=i i:bel ,