HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-04-11\\.- t!.. RESlr'*NTlAL" APP L I C A't' t 0N / PERI4I ? 225 North Sth Street Spz"ingfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPHINGFTELD q .rob Locaticn: Assessors Map #?cs bt # Svbdiviston: Anter Address: (tr Phone: Citg: (zip: Descrtbe lloyk: ValueDate of App Lieation +tr qr) t^ru EbAdditian RenoCeL n oard Res.XI Plumb l.lechanica IDate General tr Srr Elec tr c lan I^t ie the tespond'ibi_l,ity of tlc permit loldet to aee tlut aLL inopections oe nade at the ptoper tine, that ecch addrees is readnhiefron tle stteet, and tltat the p*nrtt eed ie Located at the frcni of tlte orooertu.*Building D.iuicior: appz'oxed pl,cn slcll remain on the Bunlding stte'at aLL' tikes." PR0CSDUPE=Fo\INSPEOI1N.EI.9|4EST:CALL726-3769(tecordet) state yout citg Cesignated job nttdber, job aCiress, type of inspeeti-cnrequested and uhen gou uLLL be ready for inspection, Cont?aetots oi Asners tlcne Lnd ptone m,nber. Requests receit;-ed befcre- 7:00 a:t,,viLL be rrude the eane dcy, "equests mcd.e af{x ?:00 on vtLL be nad.e the nect wrki$ d ::,",:":":":"'* *' qlt \tE7Reouincrl rnsneatl'-ans you! city Desi-gr'ated Job Nwnber rs: |IlL INSPEC?I1N: ?o be made afterqeao;;lon;Et prior tc set ip of forrne. Iltf!!4!Ip!1!4!0R B48N E R r t] spE c rr 0N :DETIOLI?fi\] OR !,:OW) BUILDI;ICSIo be nade after aLL insulaticn ed required oapor bavie?s @e in place but before ory l,ath, Wpsutn boatC or tnLL couering is appLied, cnd beforeay insulation is concealed. ANDERSLAB PLUI,IBING, ELEC?RICAL 8I WCHAilICAL: To be nade before ang ttotk is cooeted. FOOTTNG & FOUNDATICN: Io be tmCe;ft e r=;;;-t" enct e s-ar e ee c au at e d and fonns ote eteeted, but prior to Wu?ing ccnerete DRWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be made Scni,tag saset capped et ptoper4i Line Septic tank ptped a'nd filled trith gra;tel DRATilAGE: @-f,renctee. UNDERFLOOR PLUI.EING & I|ECHANTCAL: of floor insulation oz. deeking. P1ST AND BEAI4: ?o be nade prLot, toffidT&ldof floor insu|a,tion ot deckittg. RoUGH PLA[gil|G. ELECTRTCAL & I[ECH:_ ANfCAL: No uot'k is to be co-*ez,ed GliL these inspections lnnse been made and approued.. FTPEPLACE: Prtor to placirg facingmaterials and befot,e froring inspee- tion. PRAi.lIllG: Must be requested after cpptouaL of rough plurbing, electyi- eal & neclnnical. ALL roofinq btactng E chimnegs, etc. rntst be . conpleted. llo uctk is to be con- , cealed until this i.nspeetion lns'been made anC appror:ed. FTUAL PLU!,NIIG FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL afte"-a1-@nalfis in place, but prior to any tapirq. MAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot, oettieals in accordqrce utth U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOTIE: @nadA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON:ee erecteC but prtor to conc?ete. SfDWALK & DRf',EllAY: For aLL eon- crete pat;ing uithin street right- of-tny, to be maCe aftex, aLL ecea- oating conplete & fotn wrk & sub- base natet*Lal in place. Mobile Hcnes Blocking od. Set-up Plwtbing eonnecti,ons -- aaDe? od, uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocktng, set-ua and. plunbing eonnections tnist be apprct;ed before requesting eleclrical inspeclion Accessory BuilCing Firnl - After pcrckes, skirting, decl<s, etc. Ge cornpleled. w.4 to E I ! After fonns 'pourLns ?ENCE: gates Hhen conplete -- ProoiCe or motsable seetions thrqugh P. U. E. ALL p,oject conditions, such as the installation of slreet trees, eon-o\eiion of the required Landseqing, ete., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDTN} FIIAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: fhe Einal Building Inspection mtst be requested aftet' the Final Plwnbiry ELectri.cal, attd. Meelur-i.cal Inspections lwrte been nade and apptotseC-I *ALL I.IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIENT TO BE I.'!ADE I\'T IIO CCST TO EITY Pege 1 of 2 Final - I{hen abctte itens are ccnpleted and uhen dqncli-tion is eorplete or sttac- ture noued and. pz,enrtses cleaneC up. (_- : ..- i- t-t ,., fiug u BeCrooms L-CO Gitr.:CB NO Zme: TotaL SOLAR ACC-ESS REQ.- Lot Faces - f flAW CAREEULLy EXAUINED t,te conpLeted application for pernit, and' do t'rereby certify that aLL infot'nation het'eon is ttae and, eorueet, an'l' f furth-er eertifA that anA ard aLL Dork pe?fo!*ned elwll be dote in aceor- dance rvtth the ?rdinances of the City of Springfield' attd the La:';s of the state of 1regcn pertaining to the wtk Ceseribed herein, end tlat ll0 )CCU- PAttcv ttill_ b-e n -ude of anp structure r,vithout permission of the Building N-oision. r fwthen eet'tify that only cont"acto"s ozd enplcyees uho ar:e inconpliance uith )RS Z0L.0SS uiLL be-used on this projeoit -Pf,an Eraninet'uave !!eat DT House Iat Sa. Fta. % cf Lct Cooerage # of Stories Total lleight Topography -- Fees -- F?G x ValueI?EI,I TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Date Paid Fee Receipt # Building Volue & Permit Thispenrttisgrantedontheetpresscondition"t*,ttl*,said.c^onsttaction il*LL', in alL rZspeeti,- eonfortnio the zr&Lrnnce adop.ted by the City 9f ipotrrgii.nla, inclld.ing' til \oil."g CYdtnanc-e' r'egulating the ccnstmtcticn irl i'" of -buildings'" *rd- ^"y be" suspen.de'1 ot' v'buokeC at cny ti'me upon oic- lation of ety prctsisions of said 0t'dir'ances' Bui.Lding Permit ?otal Clargea State CHARGENOE?3fiEM Eishttes Residential (1 bath) Sede" @ Plumbing Permit No person shall constrwet, installr- alter ot cltange,any neD-c? eristi'ng ilitli or d,,ainage systel in ultole ot in patt, unles.s such person is tle i"iil p"o""nr"oo oio ts"alid plttnbe-r's Lic-ens-Z' e^r9ept tlat a P?"son natl !o- iiGtliri uork to poopnity ihi.h i" ovned' Leased on operated by the appli- cant. Plunbing PenrLt State Tctal Nau/Ectend Cit'cuits Seruice Electrico I Permi t l,thez,e State Lau requires tlwt the electrical uot'k be done by -an Electtical Citro"tor, the el)etuLcal pottion of this permi.t slwll not be oalil. until the Lobel has been si.gned by the EleetricaL cont?dcto?' lotal CIIARCENC,FEE b?w,tst HooC Vent Fot Vcodstote * Mechonicql Permit PernrLt fssucnee Mechanicel Penrit -- ENCROACILMENT -- Pernit Cu?bcut Sideualk L MobiZe Horne TOTAL AI4OIJII? DI,IE: A 8\ 5D Signed Date /r LOT TWE _ fnterior _ Cotner _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac lJatar t T5C31 V\Chnraes F\nnnae F?lltS Aalal, ahmoes State Sec,n'itu Deposit Storaqe l,lni-nlonnnto Fence ELeetnical