HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-08-26TH TH Phone ..REsIDINTIAL..Recetpt ! APPLTCAT- 225 Noz,th Sth Street Sprdngfield, 0regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 /PERMIT SPEIIvGFIELD lzz/{ Aq{ Ltll s CC Date: 0R i.10wt Bi./rLDii:cs Sanitoty seser eapped at pz.operty Lire Septic tank p"inped a,-td filled uith gtarel Pinal - l{lten abctse itens are ectnpleted and uhen Canclition is eornplete o? st1,u3- tuz,e noued and. prenises cleaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking od Set-up Plumbing connectians -- aa)e? orl uatet Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u> and plunbing connections rn;st be apptcu*ed" before requesting eleetr"LcaL inspeclio:: AecessorA BuilCing Firal - After pct:ckes, skirting, decks, etc. ate c.cmpleted. Job Loeaticn: Assessots I'lap # &tbdixision: O,mer: Addtess: 0ao3e 3 3 zoc Desct"Lbe lv'ork: Taz Lot # s lt Additicn FC1TTNG & EOUNDATICN: Io be rnadeAft;; t"enctes a"e e-acauated ard forms are ereeted, but prior to pourtr,g ecnerete, t-(A Val,ue 26-3769 (z,eeorder) state Aou" City desigrnted job nutnbet,, iob aCizess, type of inspec;ioiinspection, Conty,actcrs oy Oumers nctne and plane nwnber,. F.equests receited befcre 7:00 c't aftet, 7:00 on tiLL be made the nest ,aorkirg day. Iour City Desigrlated Job Ntmbet, Is: TNSUL.ATTON/VA,POR EARRTER ilISPECTTO! To be made after aLL insuLaticn a:td required oapor baniets are in place but before oty Lath, gApsun boarC or tnLL couez,ing is applied, ard. before any ir*ulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECIfON: Tc be made -. after aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to any taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outirry or oez,ticals in accordqttee trtth U,B.C. Section 2415. W)ODST),,/E: After installation is ccnrpleted. CURB & APPR)ACH APP,)N: After for+nsee erecteC but prior to pourirq concyete. SIDEWALK & DRf',EllAY: For all con- cyete naofrAtd; street right- of-ucy, to be nade after aLL eaea- oating conplete & fonn wrk & eub- base natez,ial in place. RenoCeL Home Date of AppL ication GeneraL l.lechaniecL Constructton Lender SITE INSPEC?f)N: To be nade after ercantation, but prior tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUIIBTNG, ELECTRICAL 8, MECH4-]IICAL: 7o be made before anyuotk is eotseyed. I-t is the responsibi_Lity oi the pemit holdet' to see that aLL inspections a.z,e nade at the proper time, that each adltess is re4dab'-e fyon,tlte atreet, anc that the-permit cazd is Located at the frcni of the property.*euilding Ditsicioz approxed pLan sVu:LL remain on the Building site Zt aLL' ttmes." PPOCEDUPE FOR TNSPEC?IOII RI?UEST.'CALL 7 requested ana aken gou uiLL be ready for*-iLL be made the sane dcy, requests mcde ?ra t 6o I -----a uNDERGpauuD pLUt rBt!!q_;wE!2_ w!!E&,)Lirq trenches. -1 uao*ilooR pLUrErilG & TECHANT:AL:lof floor insuLation ot, decking. -1 posr Mo BeH4: ?o be nade prior toI Tnsta|Tatic-n of floor insulZtion oy decking. --.-- RO',IGH PLU!,!BII'1G. ELECTRICAL & IIECH- I - until these inspecLiors haoe- been naie ana. appnooec. 1 npcpLnct: PrLon to placirq facingI mcG;lals and. before'fronin| .tn"pnZ- tion. -1 fru:.ttttc: I4ust be requested aftet, ) dppro,ral of rough pLwnbing, eiectni- caL & mechanical. ALL roofing braeing & chinmegs, etc. rntst be cotnpleted. lto acrk is to be cott- , cealed until this inspection ltas'been made anC approoed. IENCE: h4zen conplate -- PtooiCe gates or mouable sections through P.A.E. l l frl FTUAL PLUIIAING PINAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL \J ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of slreet trees, conpletion of the required Landsceping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDINC FLNAL can be requestcd. FINAL BUfLDfNC: ?he Final Building Inspection must be requested cfter the Final Plunbing Electrical, anC Meelnrical fnspections hque been nade and. approueC. *ALL ILAI]HCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\I? TO BE I.:.1DF.T.T ilO CSST TO CI?Y :u* tr SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co cJo B No. &r0 Cro,Bedtoons Lot Faces -Enerqu Sources Tyne Setbaeks lleat DT House Cczyaqe Access,Water lleater Not,th Range Fireplace South Woodstote Lot Sq. Ftg- % cf Lct Casera7e_ # of Stoz.tes Total Height Topograpby LC? ?WE fnterior Corner Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac West -- Fees -- Building Vcllue & Permit This pennt t is granted on the eq)r,ess corrdition that the said construetionslnlL, in aZL respects, conforn to the Ordirnnce adopted fiiy the City ofSpringfield, incl-uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstr,tcticnqnd use of buildirqs, and nay be suspend.ed or yeuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of dnA prctsisions of said }rdir,ances, SQ. FTC ?O?AL VALUE NEM x Va *Qna1a- Building PertnLt ?otal Ctnrgea State Receipt #: D^+- D-;r. Check Plumbing Permit No_ person stnll _construct, install., alter or eLnnge anA netn cr ezisting plwnbing or drainage systanr in ohoLe or in part, unless such person is- the Legal possessot, of a oalid plumber's License, escept that a pbrson may doplunbing uotk to property uhich is oumed, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. FEE au A Dac Fistuaes Sani Seuer Plutnbing Pernit State Electricol Permit Were State Lau tequites tlnt the eleetrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contracto", the eleetrical portion of this permit sltall not be oaliC untilthe Label \ws been signed by the Electtical Contyactor. Permit khatst Hood -- ENCROACHMEXT -- FEE UILMAL Mechqnicol Permit Neu/Erterd Circuits Setoice State Total Vent Fq-t llcodstotse PennLt fssuanee MecVnnical Pe?rrtt 9eanlty Deposit Storaae I,lainternnce PLaiz uate t. Permit IotaL Cutbcut Sida,taLk !enee L Mobile Horne * f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMfNED tle eornpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify tlnt aLL infotmation hez,eon is tnue and eortect, anC f fuz.ther cettify that any ard- aLL uork perfor-ned sLnLL be done in aceor- dance trtth the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieLd, and the Lans of theState of )regcn pertaining to the aork Cescribed herein, end tVnt NO OCCU- PANCI uill be mqde of ang strueture uithout permission of the Buitding Di.-oision. f fu,ther eet,tify that only eontractot,s aiid. enplcyees uho ar-e ineonpliance aith ORS 70L.05S uiLL be used on this ptoject 2F ActcoslRI TOTAL AM)UNT DUE:*75 Signed Date l?W Resil.ential (1 bath)