HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1978-08-24CITTT O}- SPH,I\TG}-IEIJD sPRINGFIELD. OREGON S7 477 August 24, 7978 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. Brad Hoover 1109 North 4th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dear Mr. Hoover: At your request, the Building Division of the City of Springfield made a housing inspection on August 17, 1978, at 1109 North 4th Street, Springfie]d, 0regon. The following items must be repaired or replaced to conform with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfie'ld: 1. A fire wall is required between the house and garage. 2. The under side of the stairs must be covered with 5/8" type X sheetrock. 3. The guard rai) at the top of the stairs shall have no opening over 9 inches. 4. The window in the east room upstairs must have an openable section 20' X 24u with a sill height not over 44" from the floor. 5. There must be a minimum of 6 feet 6 inches head room at the stair entrance. 6. Attic ventilation required approximately 250 square inches on both the north and south side of the house. 7. Attic access doors are required to both sides,22" X 30". 8. A shut off valve is required at the water meter. 9. Replace galvanized service to water heater. 10. Install a shut off valve at the water heater. 11. A drain pan is required under the water heater. 12, Pipe the pressure relief valve and drain pan to tlre outside of the building. 13. Repair or replace toilet stool and seat. 14. Shorten tub spout and grout. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 'l Housing inspection 1109 North 4th Street, Springfield Page 2. 15. The sub fed pane'l must have all the knock outs sealed. 16. All receptac'le and light circuits shall not have fuses in access of 15-20 amps. L7. Replace the wiring from the switch to the light fixture'in the bedroom. tB. The wiring to the disposal must be in a metal raceway. All necessary permits shall be obtained before work starts and all work shall be accomp'[ished according to applicable codes and inspected before a Certificate of Comp'l iance wi I I be i ssued. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Bu'ilding Divisjon at 726-3753. S i ncerel y, Dan Smith Building Inspector DS/ct ,r0r.,,J-*, Date:,{, Job Addrcss: Olne r : I ,1- t :i/\r^ir OCCUPANCY INSIT (: I' TON API'],ICATION }]XISTINC i]UILDINGS CITY OII SI'1{INGI.' t]JLD BU II,DING DiiI)A.R'i}lIiN't fr% a q r\/ Ll'4r No. of Units: ^ ) Ltb. /t,/ L one B ^^-"(J-,ruw<-^,Address: Address: ltnq Appl icanr: For Acccss Lo property - Telcpltone: gc&- L ,,*o%": ) F,, DaLe of Irrsl>ccLiort:7- rt-t DaLe of Repor!: FCR OiTTICIi USJ] O}"'I,Y Remarks: A $20 inspecrion fee is require<r aL r-rre rime of applicaEion. qlWl IS APPLICATION FOR^Y MUST BE SIGn.ED BY TIIE OVJIIER OF TIIE TY TO BE INSI)ECTED. l/o.,r,P. n S UITL O!' PROPUR'TY YL,-*4. W DirLc of CofC: RcceipE No.: (_r "i;^l/A "4frir:*4 x 44r jw, /*A"rX" i! ', I' /,r'-':J.:1 , . ..,: -. a- 17 't ft, 't -Yn b4 ./* q--6 "f^.e {* "t wLl **-<-ta. to '4r ao*J "&r-u, I . CITY JOB AD)R.ESS OF SPRtrNGFIELD, OREGON PubIic Works BUILDING DEPARTMENT PI^7- 1t Inspectorrs Mbmo d 7 N- 4d/DATE tr*)2-29 TO O ,^t r\r g- < NOTE /Jv-> 4fr Uocy4r €f h t60 r LV/+ft Mz.7a,< ,Qe a /s+L€ 6rrr- { g au, ct fi ry,+ft,-< ,4.+-e .z44oo - U*tzg - C<2, u Pe,t €e o r,)r ffgo' 4 e u * orr*t^/ eal fi dur^st or ,/y'e y *e- - P, ?r4t re n t tg.r s€ ,+ r -fi t Lar Eozrrt^t' ("rr*o " 9 tlan GLfi'aSctu r L6eo rz- Phone 747-422L INSPECTOR P, PoRo<* ux Ele('ricat Inspection I )port 7474221 e->tZZ-" wrErryG J_Us,'f,EE€R Z/*r*e/AODRESS tTY OR TOW AODRESS OF INSTALLATIO}T LABEL NO- USEO HEIGHT =-.--- OATE wrRlNG METHoD; NoN-METALLIG SHEATIIED cAaLE l-l ^ttotro cABLE [-l "o*or,r t] ..- powER co OWNER AE,E,RESS oR TOWN) CHANGES OROEREO ffi 7 COVER INSPECTOR FINAL ACCOMPANIEO BY TYPE OF STRUCTURE