HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1967-06-26Planning Consultant TPPTIGTTIOil TON TEXIPONf,NY USE PETIMT, COilIIITIOIIf,I. USE PEMIIT, ZOMilG ON Vf,NIf,TGE TO ZOilIIIG ONDIIIf,IICD T0: THE COMMON C0UNCII AND CITY PLINNING COMMISSI0I{ SPRINGTIEID, ONEGOI{ Gentlemen: The undersiEred applicant hereby requests that the lollowing described real property that is either owned bv or under contract ol sale to the applicant. in Sprinqlield, 0reqon: Re'plat of Lot 22 of. Clark and Wasliburnrs Addifion-- Block 1-- Lots 5 and 6. 1 1 22 Norfll I'iftlr Depue Street and Broadway , be granted special consideration in accoldance with the laws ol the State of 0regon and ordinances ol the City ol Springlield as checked below V^IRIINCE FROM USE RESTRICTIONS ANIINCE FROM AREA, HEIGHT IIMIT, OR YAND REQUINEMENT CONDITIOI{AL USE PERMIT TEMPORARY PERMIT FOR NONCONFORMING USE REZONING x)o(OTHER - SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPTICANT PRQPOSES T0: (State lully and clearly what is intended to be done on or with the property il this application is approved) Raise rabbits as a hobbv. CHANGE OF ZONE OR VANIANCE TO ACCOMPTISH ABOVE USE cial use permit which wouldspe allow the raising of rabbits in an R-1 Single Family Residential District. Da 26 June , 19 67 Signed Telephone 747 -7 530 Mailing Address 1122 N. sth St. Springfield, Oregon Date tee Paid $ 26 June 1967 10. 00 FOR OTTICE USE ONLY Journal Number: Date Fixed for s-67-27 Planning Commission Hearing 5 July 1967 Action Taken lppeal By lpplicant Date fixed For Common Council Eearing: Action Talen: Love 1122 North 5th Springfield, Oregon Ordinance llo.: - as recorded in Deed Book-, Page-, in the County Clerk's 0llice, said property situated at on the west side ol the street between CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFMT,D PI,ANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PIIBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, L967, AT 7:30 P.M. , IN TIIE COUNCIL CIIAMBERS, SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL, ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT: KarI F. Love (Journal No. 5-67-27) Assessorrs Map L7-03-26-3.4 Tax Lot 2900 Located on the west side of North Sth Street, being LL22 ith Street. Requests a special use permitthat would allow the raising of rabbits in an R-L Sing1e Family Residential District. C PL h P-\R-l I A\- OADt.r)A D. sT. I R.zl n.l l-- Larry L. Johnson, Secretary Springfi eld Planning Commission NORTH Scale 1tr - 400r AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR RAISING RABBITS IN AN R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIA L DISTRICT. 6 6 a a h a /rG c-l R-t R-t R-l g-t R-l R-z R-z