HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-15" RES-.ENT|AL.. 22 s ttori;h rrn r, rr""APPLicAT r2N /PERI'ffY Springfield, 1regon 9Z4Z? Buildtng Dtuision 7 26-37 s3 Const?rcticnJg*lg!_ I! ia lhe reaponsibili ty of the penrit hodet to seejron the at}"eet, anl, :lnt the' Vivictct ':ppro"*ed p pemit catd, ie locatedtSuiHiry IIiSP!CiICII ALL 726-3769 raube nade the sone dcg, requests naie aftet ?:00 that,all, inopections oe:;tade at ahe pyoper tine, t.L,at ecch.z,4,|-esa is rea;-bie *t .l\". fryt of the -?ro?ettybuaoalno :LtC aE 3t,L iLn€5. ') state your City Cesignated job ru.o;bet,job aCiress, type Pequests receited of insoec=icnCont"actc"s or A*teis r,ane and plone ru,mbcr.befcre 7:00 ct ?.ccez SPFIINGFIEI N lJoaJS+are- q?" ls?o tbo I z-79 th.e ,0O 14 +n V 6iqbe tnCe ttze neet tnrkins das. Iour Cifu Desigr,a.ted Job thnber !s:EzzqtsFr1 9M its?!l::itt: ?o be rmie after escct)atian, but prtor tc set u of fonts. uitDg3sL;a ?!i.,t:.B!:tG, zLEc?PIC,tL I ,1.!ECii).iiiilL: ?o be nd.e belore cny wy,k is ecterei. PCCliiG t ?Ct-';!DA?:Cll: ?o be nr.Ce;Fffi"ncA at ;;ccanated anl forms ue erectei, but priar to pounng ccncreta. u!!DtRG2CU:t9 ?iL'!.!? f:ic, SIW?, "t.|T!R,DRAIiIAGE: io be r.aie pr-ot co iil-lirg crerches. UIIDEPFLCAF. ?Li]19 IIG I, }4!C!!ANICAL : Io be maie prncr co ":nstallat.on oi f.oor ineukxion or Cecking. PCST AilD 3EA!,!: ?o be ncCe ciot +-o tnsiatEicn of fl,oor insuLa.tiort ot deckittg, 2itta! 2ftFrot,-a a?=/6o?aat 2 rE-z t*tii :hese ')*ceeticrs 'naue Seer na=e s"d. :9grcu'ed. |NSULATIOII/YAPCP SARRIT? ITISPICTJCII : To be naCe aftez' aLL insulcticn ed, tequired oqor ba,riera @e in pl,ace but before ozy lath, WpsTon bca.rC ct unLL eouering is cpplied, and. beiore @r! .igulation is concealeC. DRI||A.LL illSPlCIfCN: Tc be naCe ai-ter aLL czgual,L is in olace, but prior xo cng taping. l'lAS1llRY: Steel Location, bond beans, gzouting ot uerticd.Ls in accorbtce ,.nth U,ts.C, Sectiott 7< ,(AODSTCW: After installatioa is ccrwLeteci. e!?8 ,3 E?f,cACH AP90N: After fornsa'" eyectAnutnio" to porty:ng co?tctete. SID!W4.LK & DRI',WAY: ?or aLL ear ctete paoitq uich:.n stteet right- oi'-t c"!, tc be naCe a;"-er aL!. ezca- ratinq canolete & fotn ,,;ork 3 cub- base nctertal in plaee. f5,,,?g'.: ;lhet conplete -- fuouiie gates o? nouable aections tlu'ough P. U, E. ALL projeet conditions, ;uci as tle installantcn cf street ttees, :otoleti.cn cf tie requite<i Lcntsccpirq, ctc., ntast be saxisfiei befcre the SUTLDI:IC FfiiAL:cn be reqaested.. IINAL BUILDI\IG: The Final BulLdinq Insoection nust be recuested :fl:er th,e linal PlunbinTElectrical, qnl lleciwniccl fnsoect'-cns 'navc been nede atd. atorouzi. ,lll I I - F?.!,!i:lc: :dtst be recuesxed cfter '. I d???ora,L cf ra,igh =Lurbing, electr--cal I neciunical. AL! rooiirq bracing 7 chitncys, etc. trr,sc becoilpleled. |to .;crk ts to bo- con- - cec-Led wttil this insoecicn ia,s'been nade cni apotcu^eC. tiot. FT|IAL PLU:/,l:ic FI:IAL :4EC.IA:IICAL aftrAt ar=FD7,<.t. itrdu euea..iat^p *'^,.^ ^i-^;--.'--'--? %Y wt1 crd. befre fronrg inscec- I ,] :l o Job Loccticn Aasesiol,e ,\!d? I Ics Iot I Subdits.)stcn: *aer: Aci&ess: t oeJ Slave--!-',rcnh<-( Descz.ibe l{ot k: Daxe of Appl Vaiue t-t 1 d) ACditicn RanaCeL ceneral llectriceL Scni:ey se"tet cqped :t prcpettg Lire Septit tank pt:ped a,.d. filled uith gratei Pinal - tlhen abcue 4*ens ote ccnaleteiqtC ahen !.aqcL'J;iotz is eotclele Zr s',t*:-ttpe naueC al. cre::rlses cleanei up. i!cnes Blocking od. Sat-u.o Plunbitq connecticns -- sare? al. utalet Electr"Jccl Cotnec',1on - Blccking, set-u: and plmbing eonnections m;st be qprcted. befor e requeatang electz,ical insc ee2iot: Aceessa'g 3uilding Firtzl - .t,fter :.?ehes, skiz.ting, dec2s, etc. @e ccncLeled. .ALL i4A:ltiCLES AIID CLEAI|CUTS:,IUST BE ACCESSitsLi, ,4DJUS?:E:IT lO 2E:.!\DS.'.! !:O ::ST 7C Ci:'! t-l il T JOB NO tpt Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Corseraga I of Stor-es iota! ileight Topogtaphy SOLAR,SS REQ.- Interiot Cor.ner Panhandle Cul-de-sac ft;lcal L-CO G+ tseitcans ^-+^ 9-;). Reeeipt # Signed Mechq nicol Permit Plumbing PerrLt State Stcte Pe*rLt fssltzoe Meeh"aniccl ?enrrzt Plumbing Permit llo pereon shcll corlsttuct, inslallr- altet ot ehar'4e-ang v'ea.cr etisting olwtbirn ct, dvainaqe sistL" in ut,ie ot in paz't, unless sueh person is the i;;;;';""-";";;-;7; ,Lzii pt'-i.r's Lic.ens-2, a'ce?t tt"at " ??."1: 'ot 4o. ptGt[ng aork to poopn"ug ini.ch is ouned, Leased ot apercted by the c??Li" @ttt. Electricol Permit vhere state La,t requires tt^a.t the electt'ical uork be done bg an gleotticaL Cont?dctar, the el)ctrLcal pontion of this 2ernit slu.Ll not be ualiC uniil the Label itas been aig:ned by the Elecfi"ical Contractor' vTdt-i'c,iret' I HAW 1AREIULLY lL4llIlED :hz completed appltcation for pernit, ai da hereby cerit,fy tha,t aLL .)rfonalton h.erecn is t?ue arl, correct, ard. f furlket, cettiJi that dnu crl aLL uork teriortted shall be done in aecor- ddnce'ith the 1rdinqzces a1' the CLty c! Sorzngfield., ad. rhe Lc;s of ahe State of 0regcn geri;inina to tke utotk Cescribcd herern, crd. '-hct Y0 1CCA- ?AnC:! fiLLL be ,m.de of dtry sr?ucture uithout permiseion of the Suilding h"-uision. I fu.rther =e:tii'g chst otly ecntractcra a;d *.tolcgees ti-c cre in canpl:.ance a1.th CRS 707.055 aiLL be used cn thia pz,cjeet L inerau Sou"aes lLeeiat leces - ieat 7/dte!:!eatercf'tlouse Cdraoe Aeeess. LACeEast i{est Building Vqlue & Permit This oerrr|t is granted on the e.??ess eond.i"ion ttat the said-cons'trwc;ion siall, ln til z'esoeets,- ion\or-.'t,o th-e 3z'dirnnce edop.ted biy the ti:i-1i- sp"::"i:::"ti, tncl.irng'the'loning crdirat'-c.e, regulcttng .:ke c11si:"tel:":-,^ i.-a "L2 oi bu:_ltiings,- cnd na1 be_ susperuiec or reuckei at cr! t'.ae uicn ui.c- La.t:-on c1: ny prcttisions cf said Criitcnces' -- lzes -- r a=tt d^d4r 'rr.tt? x '/a /'ut pclrr!!4 r<- lotal Charges Euilding ?ent:,t !i.rizees Resi.i.zntial (1 bath) Scliitan2 Seuer ,lc!e! CiIIGE)i0, Res- Sa. fte. Na,s/Eztetd Cireui'"s latocray Semsice :: :,1 t3E ?.ttne.ce ZTUt S *hanst HooC Vent ?an Tcoasxale )/ g?o 1<,oo ,bD ls. t"t) -- i:1c.2.cAC:::.:3:!! -- lear,)ty Deccai.. Storcge ilainteret^:e Permit Mobile \Icne ?CTAL A,+!AU\E DUE:'+ ElecxriccL Fv3