HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 1/5/2021X364170 ARefRxaminR Ramon TO: ,l' 1 -DT 3VDD Western Title 8 Esemw Company of Lana County 497 OakwaY Rd. Suite 340, Eugene OR 87407 Recording requested by, and AFTER RECORDINGRETORN TO: FDIC CBRichisd Ellis 2001 RossAvenue + p Dalla%TX75201 Lane County Clark �,011�oQ�6�V6 Lane County Deeds and Records' 6GYID M&Q TFIVDNISTO• III IIII IIIII I IIII II 11111111111111111111111111111 $91.00 RDIvfrMAC, LLC 3693E.GaneFanxEd. 01268362201100660880120124 Sprvugfreld,OR97477 121091201101:36:08 PM RPR -DEED Cnte1 Stne8 CASHIER D2 AssetNo. 10273007912 $60.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 SMCLAL WARRANI'YMED STATE OF OREGON r COUNTY OF LANE RECITALS WHEREAS,Dba*Back,anOregonStockBmk(tbc'%sdtution'�, acquired the Propertybythat cen,aiu WanantyDeed— SWuuujyFonn, dated October26, 2007, and recoidrd on October 30, 2007, as hustnnnent No. 2007-073783 in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon; and Wfi P,PAS, the hustitutionwes closed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on July 30, 2010, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the "FDIC) was appointed as receiver for the Institution (the'TucodveP); and WHEREAS, as a matter o££edcaal law, 12 U.S.C. § 182l(d)(2XA)QX the Receiver succeeded to all oftheright, tide, and interest ofthe lnstin hon in and to, among other fbings, the property. NOW, THEREFORE, the Receiver (hereinafter, "Grantor°), whose address is 1601 Bryan Street, Dallas, Texas 75201, for and in considerationofthesom ofFIVE HONORED AND FHS fY THOUSAND AND NO1100 DOLLARS ($550,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration to said Grantor paid by Grantee named herein, the receipt of which is hereby ardmowledged, has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and byduesepreseins does GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto RDMeMAC, LLC ("Grantee"), whose mailing address is 3693 E. Gameporn, M Springfield, OR 97477, thatca7am real pro" situated in Lane County, Oregon, descarbed on Exhibit "A" attacbedberein and made a part hcxoffor all purposes, togetberw th wand all impmvemmts thereto and all and singdarthe right3 and to adjacent W.4s, alleys or rigbtsof-way(mlleuftwly, the "Prnpertyr'), sabjedbovvevato all standby fees, teal estate taxes, and assessments on or against the Propertyfnrthe a>IIerrt year and subsequent }ems and subsiNuart taxes and assessments for prior yeazsbeo ming due by reason of a clingo in usage or Page 1 Special Warranty Deed (Cash —Receiver) For rue with "LF(rev. 11107/10)ffdiclmgfmmresalescontractl l07lOBnal—rec.dm" ovmeaship, orbadr, oftheProperty, as wcJ1 as zoning building and atherlaws, mgolatiorl%and ordinances ofm,,,impu1 and other govarrnneotel aulborities, ifany, affectingthe Property, and all matters set fotlhon Exbbit`V' attached hereto andmade apmthawf for ell Purposes (all ofine forWingbeing collectively rd=W to as the`PaurittedExc yslions'�. Giwtee, byits execution and acceptance of delivery o£this Special WaffmtyDeA assume and agees to perfummry and all obhgahm ofGrentor ulhelnsfinmoa under the Permitted Exceptions. FURTHER,GRANTEE, BY ITS EXECUTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY OFT THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED, ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT (i) EXCEPT FOR THE SPECIAL(ORLAMED) WARRANI'YOFTITLEMNTAINEDHERUN, GRANTORHASNOT MADE DOES NOTMAKE, AND SPECIFICALLYNEGATES AND DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, PROMISES, COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS, OR GUARANTIES OF ANYKhsD OR CHARACTER WHATSOEVER, WHETHER EXPRESS OR THEREON, (D) THE COMPLIANCE OF OR BY THE PROPERTYORITS OPERATION WITH ANY LAWS, RULES, ORDINANCES, OR REGULATIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY OR BODY, (E) THE HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABR.ITY, MARKFTAB=, PRnRtT'ART[TrV OR FITNPSS FOR APARTICULARPURPOSE OF THEPROPFIRTYORANY IF ANY, INCORPORATED INTO THE PROPERTY, (G) THE MANNER, QUALITY, STATE OF REPAIR, ORLACK OF REPAIR OF THE PROPERTY ORANYPART 'THEREOF OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS THERETO, (H) THE EXISTFNOE, QUALITY, NATURE, ADEQUACY, OR PHYSICAL CONDITION OF ANYUIILI[7ES SERVING THE PROPERTY, OR (1) ANY OTHER MATTER WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY, AND SPECIFICALLY, TIM GRANTOR HAS NOT MAD$ DOES NOT MAKE, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY RPPMI NTATIONS RFGARDTNC ODMPIJANCE WITH ANY ENVRLONMENTALPROTP.CITON, POLLUTION, OR THE PROPERTY AND THAT THE CONVEYANCE HEREUNDER OF TEE PROPERTY IS "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS," AND GRANTOR HAS NO OBLIGATION TO ALTER, AFFAIR, OR IMPROVE THE PROPERTY OR ANY PART THEREOF OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS THERETO; AND (iii)NO WARRANTY HAS ARISEN THROUGH TRADE, CUSTOM, OR COURSE OF PURPOSE, OR EFFECT, WHE TIE R EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, ARE HEREBYFXPRESSLY, UNCONDTTIONALLY, AND IRREVOCABLY WANED, DISCLAIMED, AND EXCLUDED FROM THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY CUSTOM OR PRACTICE TO TETE CON'T'RARY, OR ANY STATUTORY, COMMON LAW, DECISIONAL, HISTORICAL., OR CUSTOMARY MEANING IMPLICATION, SIGNIFICANCE, EFFECT, OR USE OF CONTRARY IMPORT OF ANY WORD, TERM, PHRASE OR PROVISION HEREIN. Page 2 Special Warranty Deed (Cash—Reviver) For use with"LF(r .IV07110)/fdiclongformre wa contactl)07105na1 =.doe" BEFORE S1GNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, TINDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIES INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED IAT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300,195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009. Further, by its acceptance of delivery of tlils Special Warranty Dmil, Cnantce or anyone claiming by, thrwlgh, orlmde' Grantee, hereby fully releases Grantor, the histitutfon, andthe FDIC in any and all of its various other capacities, and than respcctive employers, officers, directors, representatives, and agents from any and all damns, costs, losses, liabilities, damages, expenses, demands, actions, car causes of action that it or thcy may cow have or hereafter acquire, whether direct or indirect, known orunknown, suspected or unsuspected, liquidated or contingent, arising from or related to the Property in my romner whatsoever. This covenant releasing Grantor, the Inslitutioq and the FDIC in my and all ofits various other capacities shall be a covenant running with the Property and shall be binding upon Grantee, its successors, and assigns. TO HAVE AND TOI OLD the Property, hogeberwilh all and suagailar the rights and minces thereto in any wiaebelongingto Grantor, unto Grantee, its legal represemabves, Suecessois ipcs forever, and Grantor does hereby bmditself, its successors and assigns, to WARRANT represealtatives, successions and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully dracringmto cla same m any part thereof; by, through, or under Grantor, but nototlrerwise, subject, however, to the Permitted Exceptions. The fact that certain encumbrances, limitations, or otherm niers or conditions maybe mentioned, disclaimed, or mmlited in any wayherein, whether specificallyor generally, shall notbe a covenant, representation, car wamucyof Grantor as to any encr®biances, limitations, many other matters or conditions not mentioned, disclaimed, in excepted. Notwithstanding anythingherein to the contrary, however, nothing herein shall be construed or deemed as an admissionby Grantor or Grantee to my third party of the existence, validity, enfrlceablily, scope, or location of any encumbrances, limitations, or other matters or conditions mentioned, disclaimed, or excepted in ay Way herein, and nothing shall be construed or deemed as a waiver by Gramoror Grantee ofits respective ngbN if any, but Without obligation, to challenge or enforce the existence, validity, enforceability, scope, or location of same against third carries. AI ad valorem taxes and assessments for the Property for the yearn which this Special Warranty Deed is executed have been Fronded by the parties barrio as ofthe dazeofthis Special Warranty Deed. By its execution and acceptance ofdelivtxy of this Special Warranty Deed, Grantee hereby assumes the Page 3 Special Warranty Deed (Cash—Receive ) Forasewith"LF(rev. 11/07/30)/fdiclongfomaesakscurir 11071OEnal—rec.doc" payment of all ad valorem taxes, stmdbyfees, and general and special assessments ofwhateverl:ind and character atRxUng the Property which are due, orwbichmaybecome due, forthe cument tax year or assesmientperiod and for my tax yearm assessmentperiod subsequent to the date of this Special Warranty Deed, including, without limitatron, taxes or assessments farprior years becoming doe by reason of a charge in usage or ownersbip, or both, of the Property or any portion thereof. INWDNPSS WHEREOF, dris SpecialWarraotyDeedis eirecuted ontbis to= dayof December, 2011. GRANTOR: FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, as Receiver r be B an Oregon Stock Bank Ay av-r Name: Title: AU in Fact R JOHN DAVIS ATTORNEY IN FACT ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF I E X /) S COUNTY OF b 6 L L 6 S /�4 tram was acknowledged before me on the -(o _ day of December, 2011 by AUomey in Fact of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver for LibertyBank, an Oregon Stock Bank onbdralfofsaid entity. Notary blic, tate of E H S My commission expires: Page 4 Special Warranty Deed (Cash—Receiver ) For ase with "LF(rcv. I V07(l0)/fdidongformmsalescontactl107105oa1_rec.dod' GRANTEE: RD MCMAC, LLC Bye Name: 0 c ti e.r n Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF VV61"tV5^ COUNTY OFIC_T This instrument was ac1r�- owledged before me on the (v—FP day of December, 2011 by of RD McMAC, LLC, personally known to me (or pr ved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on this instrument, the person, or entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed this instrument on behalf of said entity. Notary b ic, State of WA My commission expires: *yr I>2, "4 Notary Public State of Washington HIKANO GOMEZ My Appalntirent Expires Apr 12, 2011 Page 5 Special Warrarav Deed (Cash— R=iver) For on with "LF(rw. 11/07/10)/fdiclongformmmiescontractl 10710final_rm.doc" EXHIBITA Legal Description Lot 3, LIBERTY PROFESSIONAL CENTER,teomded October 25, 2007, Docmnent No. 2007-072835, Lane CotwtyRecom1%inLaae Cowry, Oregon. Tac Parcel No. 17-03-1540-03400 FW6 Special WarrmntyDmd(Cash—Recei ) Forwc with"LF(rev.11107/10)ffdicimgfmmreselescaa�dl 10710Ena1_tec.doc" S7CABIT S Permitted Exceptions STANDARD EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which menet shown es eristing liens by the retards ofany taxing authority that levies taus or assessment on real property or by the public retard, proceedings by apublic agency which rmyresult in taxes or assessments, ornotmes ofmch proceedings, whether cruet shown by the records of such agency m by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which me not shownby the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said 1®d or by making inquiry ofmccars in possession thereof 3. Easements, or claims of easement, net sheuvbythe public records, reservations or exceptions inpatem or in acts authorizing the issuance thmeef, water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment(ofeximing improvement located on the subject land core adjoining land or ofexistiag improwmmrs located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation or adwrse cbcumsfance affecting the tide that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of thesubjectland. 5. Any lien, or right to lien, for services,labor or material heretofore or hcmfter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. SPECIAL. ERCEMONS _ 6. Unpaid taxes for the you 2011-2012 Original amount $29,800.85 DUE, plus ivteret Tax Lou No.: 17 03 15 40 03400 Awount No.: 1806577, Code 00478 7. An easement created by imormcat, including the terms and provisions thcreoQ Recorded: July 1, 1994 DocumentNo.: 9449199, lore ComtyRewrds In favor of City of Springfield 8. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereon, Recorded: Novembm 14,1994 Document No.: 94-79882, Lane County Records In favor of Cityoflipmrlfield 9. L%.dypmfessionel Curter Business Park Development Final Master Plan, including the Lerma and provisions therw& Recorded: October 2, 2007 DocumentNo.: 2007-068172, Lane County Records 10. Easements, conditions, restriction and notes as delineated on the recorded plat 11. Terme, provisions and conditions 0f easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in instrument Recorded: Ocm4mr25,2007 Document No.: 2007-072836, Inue County Records Page 7 Special Warranty Dead (Cash—Receiver ) For use with"LF(rev.11/07/10)/fdiclongformresalesconh dl1071Dfwal—rec.doc" 1Rer reedrdivg please return to: 11 1P ( 281 41896 nlc 612�1BFJTB2g0 9p 491 \tfv: Angela Minor .601 Bryan St )a11aa. TX 75201-3430 LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that the FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, a Corporation organized and existing under an Act of Congress, hereinafter called the "FDIC," acting in its Receivership capacity or separate Corporate capacity or as Manager of the FSLIC Resolution Fund has acquired and will acquire certain assets for liquidation and has determined that it is necessary to appoint a representative to act on its behalf in connection with the maintenance and liquidation of said assets, hereinafter called the "Acquired Assets." WHEREAS, the FDIC desires to designate R- John Davis as Attorney - in -Fact for the limited purpose of facilitating the management and disposition of the Acquired Assets; and WHEREAS, the undersigned has full authority to execute this instrument on behalf of the FDIC under applicable Resolutions of the FDIC's Board of Directors and redelegations thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the FDIC appoints R. John Davis as its true and lawful Attomey-in-Fact to act m its name, place, and stead, and hereby grants R. John Davis the authority, subject to the limitations herein, as follows: (1) Sign, seal and deliver as the act and deed of the FDIC any instrument in writing, and to do every other thing necessary and proper for the collection and recovery of any and all monies and properties of every land and nature whatsoever for and on behalf of the FDIC and to give proper receipts and acquittance therefor in the name and on behalf of the FDIC; (2) Release, discharge or assign any and all judgments, mortgages on real estate or personal property, including the release and discharge of the same of record in the office of any Prothonotary or Register of Deeds wherever located where payments on account of the same m redemption or otherwise may have been made by the debtor (s), and to endorse receipt of such payment upon the records in any appropriate public office; (3) Receive, collect and give all proper acquittance for any other sums of money owing to the FDIC for any Acquired Asset which the attorney-in-fact may sell or dispose of; Limited Power of Anomey Febmary, 2011. R Sohn Davis Page 1 (4) Execute any and all transfers and assignments as may be necessary to assign any securities or other choses in action; (5) Sign, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all agreements, easements, or conveyances as shall be deemed necessary or proper by the FDIC Attorney -in -Fact in the care and management of the Acquired Assets; (6) Sign, seal, acknowledge and deliver indemnity agreements and surety bonds in the name of and on behalf of the FDIC; (7) Sign receipts fm the payment of all rents and profits due or to become due on the Acquired Assets; (8) Execute, acknowledge and deliver deeds of real property in the name of the FDIC; (9) Extend, postpone, release and satisfy or take such other action regarding any mortgage lien held in the name of the FDIC; (10) Execute, acknowledge and deliver in the name of the FDIC a power of attorney wherever necessary or required by law to any attorney employed by the FDIC; (11) Foreclose any mortgage or other Jim on either real or personal property, wherever located. Limited Power ofAaomey February, 2011 & John Davis Page 2 This Power of Attorney shall be effective November 22, 2010, and shall continue in fidl force and effect through November 30, 2012, unless otherwise terminated by any official of the FDIC authorized to do so by the Board of Directors of the FDIC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the FDIC, by its duly authorized officer empowered by appropriate resolution of its Board of Directors, has caused thesepresents to be subscribed in its name this Zi day of February, 2011. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION By: S0 (v,)2-�—` Name: Same, L. Parrish Title: Customer Service Manacer Dallas Reeional Office Signed in the presence of. Wimes Name: tk _ T. Ioc AL Witney Name: W" TT2fntmn Limited Power of Ammey February, 2011 A John Davis Page 3 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS On this sly of February,2011, before me, allotmy Public in and fmthe State of Texas appeared James L. Parrish, tome personallyknown, who, being byme tirstduly mom did depose that he is Customer Service Manager, Dallas Regional Office of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the "Corporation"), inwhosename the foregoing Limited Power of Attorney was executed and subscribed, and the said Limited Power of Attorney was executed and subscribed on behalf ofthe said Corporation by due authority ofthe Corporation's Board ofD rectors, and the said James L. Parrish, acknowledgedthe said Limited Power of Attorney to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Now NowPr aWYL0Y86 aa My Commission expires: . 3'2O/q arooA 3warmIS-PA9 an4 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS 0nthia; day ofFebmary 200,11�`,eTo me, allotary Public in and forthe State of Texas appeared '. �- (witness #1) and G -a .T l.n"''����TTTTii (witness #2), to me personally (mown to be the persons whose names are subscribed as witness to the foregoing instrument of writing, and after being duly swomby me stated on oaththatthey saw James L. Patrish, Customer Service Manage, Dallas Regional Office ofthe Federal Deposit bvsuriance Corporation, the person who executed the foregoing instrument, subscribe the same, and that they had signed the same as a witness at the request of the person who executed the same. Notary nblic�/J ¢arY l.G�B My Commission expires:. /'.2 .'zz?l wwm®a+sxrmrs /Pa9, 914 Limited Power of Attorney February, 1011 R Jolm Davis Page 4 TRUE AND COPPECT COPY OF ORIGINAL FILED IN DALLAS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE nemvcarfms ,.... fpuattaauw 1pah8nmaQQN ¢my Ha:+�e a'..n :'!R�aR�tBb a fi4 aRNYM�tl v�>�Mm.l:k on ik ".�itr`San40m Re� aoA az aPa R m�Ypad-m me =^= 9�° a nv oBlavoEta µRat�WaOa trMmuoRnta bamxJ'tl4+aO?1:�, , �� W allaF.yA exa Fll.d aM Rwlld Ofll Oi❑ R lle ftm,do Jo F. "I'-, Canty Clerk Della. C..t,. 1 a314n14811 13;48748 P8 M.M LRILW4 9M After recording, return to: Rohn M. Roberts Arnold Gallagher, P.C. 800 Willamette Street, Suite 800 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Until a change is requested, mail all tax statements to: 200 International Way, LLC P.O. Box 529 Eugene, OR 97440-0529 Tax Account No. 1806593 7AY GoT 3600 Lane County Clerk 2014-065194 Lane County Deeds and Records $57.00 01419328201400051940030030IIIIIIIIII 02/13/2014 03:00,26 PM RPR -DEED Cnt=1 Stn=15 CASHIER 19 $15.00 $11.DD $21.00 $10.00 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED GARFIELD ASSOCIATES, an Oregongeneral partnership, Grantor, conveys and warrants to 200 INTERNATIONAL WAY, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, situated in Lane County, Otcgon, to wit: Lot 5, LIBERTY PROFESSIONAL CENTER, as platted and recorded October 25, 2007, Reception No. 2007-072835, Lane County, Oregon. The Property conveyed is free and clear from liens and encumbrances, save and except for those matters shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. The true consideration for this conveyance is $10 and other good and valuable consideration paid by Grantee. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010- THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGU- LATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY 1 -STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. �f _ DATED this -/—day of ✓Ae 2014. GARFI�Lk).ASSOCIATES �an iusuna, aztner STATE OF OREGON ss. COUNTY OF LANE This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 44�t day of C aAw"ar 2014, by Dan Giustina, as a Partner of Garfield Associates, an Oregon general partnership. OFFICIAL SEAL DEBBIE L BAILOR NOTARY PUBUCAREWN COMMISSION NO.480613 FMMISSION DFIRES SEPT04BER 24, 2017 2 - STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: EXHIBIT A TITLE EXCEPTIONS 1. Easements, notes, conditions and restrictions shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Partition Plat and Correction Survey File No. 31927. 2. Public Utility Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Springfield, recorded July 1, 1994, Reception No. 94-49199, Lane County Official Records. 3. Public Utility Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Springfield, recorded November 14, 1994, Reception No. 94-79882, Lane County Official Records. 4. Easements, notes, conditions and restrictions shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Plat. (Liberty Professional Center) 5. Liberty Professional Center Business Park Development Final Master Plan, including the terms and provisions thereof, as set forth in instrument recorded October 2, 2007, Reception No. 2007-068172, Lane County Deeds and Records. 6. Declaration of Easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, as set forth in instrument recorded October 25, 2007, Reception No. 2007-072836, Lane County Deeds and Records. 7. Easement for Sidewalks, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, by instrument recorded September 24, 2008, Reception No. 2008-053697, Lane County Deeds and Records. 3 SteNtory Warranty Deed %/fX LaT 3�fOd *0321581 C4. PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT 2ND SUPPLEMENTAL OLD REPUBLIC TITLE December 17, 2020 ATTN: HILLARY MORGAN Report No: D321581 299 SOUTH MAIN STREET Your No: -- SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111 Seller: 3D MCMAC LLC Buyer: CEORCF OF JESUS CHRIST Of TEAT F.R-f Al SATNTS PR?TTMTNARY REPORT FOR: Owner's Extended Policy $2,165,000.00 PREMIUMS: Owner's Extended Premium $6,348.00 OTIRO 209.10-06, 222-36, 208.1-06 Endorsements $100.00 Gov. Lien/inspect Fee 533.00 We are prepared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA title insirance policy(ies) of OLD REPUEL-C NATIONAL TITnE INSURANCE COMPA.Nv, in the usual form insuring the title to the ]and describea as to Lowy: Lot 3, LIBERTY PROFESSIONAL CENTER, as platted and recorded October 25, 2007, Reception No. 2D07-092835, Sane County Deeds ar_d Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Vestee: RD MCMAC, LLC Es-atc. BLE SIMPLE DATED AS OF: DECEMBER 07, 2020 at 8:00 A.M. Schedule B or Che poliey(ies) to be issued will contain he fol -owing general ane special exceptions un-ess removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCE2TIONS (Standard Coverage Policy Except oro): 1. Taxes or assessments .,to are noL shown as exLst r, liens by the-ecords of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of sich proceedhgs, whether or net shown by the records of suci agency or by the Public Records. 2. Facts,-ighrs, interests er cl aims whi eh are not shown by the Public Records but whlrn could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or by mating inqu-ry oL persons in possession hereof. No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued find ,Fidl policy premium has been paid. MAIN OFFICE FLORENCE OFFICE VILLAGE PLAZA OFFICE 811 WILLAMETTE ST. )Li HWY 101' FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 4750 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGE6'E, OREGON 99401 MAILING: POBOX508" FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 EUGENE, OREGON 99401 PH: (541) 689-2233 " PAX: (541)4850307 PH: (541) 997-8417 • FAX: (541)999-8246 PH: (541) 651 5622 > F4X: (541) 844-1626 Order No. (321581 Page 2 3. Easements, or claims o- easement, net shown by the Public Records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title 70 water. 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse c-rcumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accura Le and comule Le land survey of the Lane. �. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, 1 abor, mate-ial, equipmra� rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law aid not shown by the Public Records. S2ECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 6. INTENTIONALLY EELE'1'ED Easenents, notes, conditions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set fortt, and/or delineated on the recorded 2artition Plat No. 93-PO421, Reception No. 1993-P0421, mane County Oregon Plat Recores, ane Correct'.. on Su-vey File No. 31927. 8. Public Utility Easement, including tie terms and provisions thereof, g-ar_ted to the City of Springfield, recorded Daly 1, 1994, Recept_on No. 1994-049199, Lane County 0--iaial Records. 9. Public Utility Easement, including the terms ane provisions thereof, granted to tte City of Springfield, recorded November lt, 1994, Reception No. 1994-079882, Lane County Official Records. 10. INTENTIONALLY DELETED 11. Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions and decicatiors as shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Plat of �iberty Pro£essienal Center, recorded October 29, 2007, Reception No. 2007-072635, Lane .County Deeds and Records. 12. Dec oration of Easemen L, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Roper, LLC, recorded October 25, 2007, Reception No. 2007-072836, Lane County Deeds and Records. 13. Our examination of the t -tie to the subject- proper_y discloses nc open Trust Deets or Mortgages of record. The accuracy of this conclusion should be confirmed in writing prior to closing of the proposed transaction. 14. A copy of the Operating Agreement of RD McMac, LLC, including any amendments thereof, should be fur, aged -o Cascade Title Company for the purpose of ascertaining members authorized to execute on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. 15. Any -ion, or right Co a lien, for services, labor, material, equipmen_ rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 16. Prior to writing an AiIA ONNERS policy, Cascade Title Company should be furnished with a statement as to parties in possession and as to any construction, alterations or repairs to the premises wi=hip the last 75 days. Nue also request that we be notified in the event that any funds are to be used for construction, alterations or repairs. Exception may be taken =o such matters as may be shown thereby. Order No. 032158' - Page 3 17. A survey of the subject property prepared by SSW Engineer's Inc., Michael R. Dahrers, Surveyo_, Project No. 20-7188, daLed Saptar:,ber 18, 2020, discloses: a) No sau_er listed Any claim rising Lhereby and any ether matters as set Porth on the above referenced survey are hereby excepted. 1S. We are advised chat a property line adjusdrenu is -n process. This report will be ,,,ended aL Iron Lime Cascade Title Company is provided a legal description of the intended parcel. Said amended report may be subject to additions- matters as say be disclosed or imposed by the prooerty line adjustment. NOTE: The property address as shown on the Assessor's Ro.. s: 25C International Way Sprincficld, OR 97977 NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 1806577, Assessor's Map No. 17 C3 li 9 C, 43900, Code 9-78, 2020-2021, in the amount of $30,C75.36, PAD IN FILL. NOTE: A judgment search has been made on the above named Vested (s(, and we find NONE except as set forLh above. NO'T'E: As of the date hereof, there are no matters age'_. not Tin CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, which would appear as exceptions in the policy no -ss-e, except as shown herein. NOTE: According to the public Iacono, the following deeds) affecting tse property herein described have been recorded within 29 months of rhe effective date of this report: NONE NOTE: This report is being supplemented to update taxes, show exception nos. 6 and 10 as "INTENTIONALLY DELETED", and add new exception no. 18. This report is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of title insu-ante and shall beCCae ncll. and void unless a policy ^-s issued and the full preminm cai_d. Cascade Title Co. mm: Title Officer: TYLER YORK 7 -RX LoT 3600 STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT EVANS, ELDER, DROWN S SEIBERT INC. Da[ -e: DECEMBER 17, 2020 ATTN: JEFF ELDER Our No: Cm -0324456 101 EAST BROADWAY, SUITE 101 Charge: $300.00 ELAINE, OR 97401 Aa reguesLed, Cascade __t_e Co. has searched our tract indices as to tee to]lowing described real property: Lot 5, IIEERTY 9ROFESS=OVAL CENSER, as platted ane recorded October 25, 2007, Reception No. 2007-072835, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lace County, Oregon. and as o'_: DECENBER 07, 2020 at 8:00 A.M., we `_ind the following: Vestee: 200 INTERNATIONAL WAY, LLC, an tracer, limited liability company So property is subject to _he fol owing on record mattes: 1. Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set -�rLh, and/or delineated on the recorded Partition Plat No. 93-PO421. Affidavit of Correction recorded April 2, 1994, Reception No. 1994-030646, Lane County Official Records. 2. Pub --c Utility Basement, including the terms and provisions the-eo£, granted to tie City of Spr�iigfield, recorder July 1994, Reception No. 1994-049199, Lane County Offs, al Records. 3. Public Ut--'_l ty Easement, including the terms and provisions theraof, yran Led Lo the City of Springfield, rete-ded November _4, "_994, Deception No. 1994-079882, Lane County Offic_al Records. 4. Easements, notes, condiLions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set forts, ana/or delineated on the rere-ded Plat of Liberty Professional Center, recorded Oc_ober 25, 2007, Reception No. 2007-C72835, Lane County Deeds and Records. 5. Liberty Professional Center Easiness Park Development F1 no]. Master Plan, including the terms and provisions thereof, as set LorLh in ir_sti Lant recorder October 2, 2007, Reception No. 2007-068172, lane County Deeds and Records. MAIN OFFICE FLORENCE OFFICE VILLAGE PLAZA OFFICE 811 WILLAMETTE ST 71511WY 101- FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 4750 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE. 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAILING: PO BOX 508 * FLORENCE, OREGON 99439 FLUENT, OREGON 97401 PH: (541)687-2233` FAX: (541N85-0307 PH: (541)997-8417*FAX: (541)997-8246 PH: (ON 653-8622"FAX: (541)844-1626 Order No. 0324456 Page 2 6. Ceclaration of EazemenLs, including the terms and provisions thereof, as set forth in instrumen_ recorded October 25, 2007, Deception No. 2007-072836, Lane County Deeds and Records. 7. Easement fc- Siaewa Les, including the terms and provisions thereo`, granted the C_ty of Springfield, by instrument recorded September 24, 2008, Reception No. 2008- 053697, Lane County Deeds and Records. 8. Notice of Sto-mwater Operations and Main-enance Plan, ion ceding the terms and provisions thereof, as set forth in instrument recorded Jauary 17, 2013, RecepLion No. 2013-003509, Lane County Deeds and Records. 9. The rights of tenants holding -ender upreco-ded leases.. 10. We are advised that a p-cperty line adjustment is in process. T9is report will be amended at sich time Cascade Title Company is provided a legal description of the intended parcel. Said amended report may be subject tc additional matters as may be di., and or imposed by the property line adjustment. il. This report does not include a search for financing statements filed in the office of the Secretary of State, or in a County other than the County wherein the premises are situated, and no liability is assumed if a financing sta_ement is filed in the office of the County Clerk covering fixtures, eghpmenL and/or personal properly on the premises wFerein the lands are described other than by metes and bounds or under the rectangular survey system. 12. A copy of the Operating Agreenen- of 200 International Way, LLC, including any amendments hereof, shoild be furnished to Cascade ^_itle Company fo- the purpose of ascerLaining members authorized to execute on belalf of the Limited Liability Company. NOTE: The property address as shown on he Assessor's Roll is: 200 International Way Springfield, OR 97477 NOTE: axes, Account No. 1806593, Assess, -'s Nap No. 17 C3 -5 4 0, 43600, Code 4-78, 2020-2021, in the amcun_ of .$51,523.86, P91E IN FDL . Phis repoiL is to be utilizes for nformaticn only. This report is not to be used as a basis for trans''- erring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liabi ity of Cascade Title Co. _s limited to the addressee and shall -ot exceed Lhe premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: =/as: Title Officer: TYLER YORK CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 17-03-15-40 004-04 THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREE'T'S, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON.