HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1985-10-11.. RESID \TIAL.. APPLICATTON/PEilTTT 225 llorth 5th Street Springfteld, )regon 97477 Building Di.uision 7 26-37 53 SIIE INSPIjII)\J: Io be nade after eccauation, but priar tc set up of fotne. U}IDERSLAB PLA,{tsTNG, ELEC?RICAL & LSCE;.||ICAL: To be macie before anyuork is eotseted. FC)?IIlc 4 FOUNDATfCN: lo be naCe - al-tet t"encnes ale eccauated and, forms are ez,ected, but ptiot to pout Lrq cc-nc?ete. UIIDIRGPCU!]D PLUMzINC. SEWP, W,TTER, DP,AIIIAGE: ?o be nad.e priot to fil-Lir4 trenches. AilDERFLOOR PLUI,ETNG & I|ECHANICAL:robe^a<i@o7 floor insulation or decki.ng. POST AND EEAI4: ?o be nade prioz, toinstallaticn of floor insulation or decking. Rot-tcq PLnEIIlc, ELEOI?TCAL & I4ECE-Atttctr,:Mw:tiL these inspectians haue beer maie anC aooroued.. SPFIINGFIEI..D SIDEWALK & DRTTEWAY For all, eon-c";tenat @GtEn street right-of-rny, to be made after aLL ecca- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base material in pl,a,ce. t--&/-o/c- Date: TNSULATTOTI/VAPOR BARRIIR fi\SPECTIOII : ?o be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn ed. required tqor borie?s d"e in p'lace bat before ory Lath, Wpsutn bcat'C ortnLL cooering is applied, ord befoteoty insulatinn i,s concealed. DRIWALL filSPgClf1N: Tc be madeafter aLL dryttall is in plaee, but prion to any taping. \4ASONRI: SteeZ. Loeation, bond beans, groutittg or uerticals in accordotee uLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WO2DST),IE: Aftet ittstallation teampleted. CURB & APPRCAC\| AppON: Aftet, fornsee erecteC bui prior to pourLng conc?ete. ?TOfuT A 'D , mcteriaLs Prior to plccirg and before franing facing LnaPee-tion. I rru::fnc: ltust be tequested after ) appr.v"t of rough pltrr,bing, eleca.t-cal E mecitanical. Al?, roofing bracing 6 chinmcys, etc. rrust be . conpleted. lto ucrk is to be eon-. cecled until this inspeetton las'been mad.e anC approtted. YENCE: hthen conplete -- fuouiCe gateE or nottable seetions through P,U.E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstallat:.on of slr,eet trees, conoletion of tierequired landsecpirq, etc., rmtst be .satisfied before the BUIL1IN| FfliAL can be requesteil. EINAL BUILDIN|: The Final Building. rnspeetio-n rru6t be requested. cfter the Final plwtbirgElectrical, otC Necltnrical Inspections haoe been nad,e atd'aoprooed. FTilAL PLU!1BII\G PII|AL I,IECHA\]ICAL tob Loeeticn:7// lssessorc Map #oa Tcz lot #QoO tubdiuision: 'nsner: Phone:7Hiddress :ifu: Desez,ibe llork: ?-/riloid/ Jprr;"- Date of -r Value Additicn RenoCeL iLectricaL t ie the respottsibi-Litl of _the permLt holder -to aee that all inspeetlorTs @e nad.e at lhe ptoper tine, that ecch .zl,lness is vsa)a'^'-gron tie atteet' dtuC ti@t the pxrtt catd is T,ocated at the ftotti of the orooeytu?uilding Diuicioz approu'ed pl-ot shcll remain on tie Building site 'at att'll.hZi." )onstntetion Lender E;O 7zoIout, Ci,ty Desigra.ted Job Nwnber fs: inspec=icn726-376 9 ( yeeordet) state gour City Cesiqnated job mtlbet, job aCiress, type ofui':en uou be ready fot inspeetion, Conttacta?s befcre ?:0C azo? Afie?s nane cnd piane nur.tber. Requests receixediLZ be natie the sane dcy,lequests made aftet ?:00 c7t urLLL be made the nxt :,nrkinE dag. DELTCLITIO!] OR Soi,tazy saner capped at propefi! lir:e Septie tank pr"a--ced aad filled vtth gtoel Final - l{hen abcoe itazs are capleteC and uhen Certclitiotz is cor,plete b:r s*ri:-ture noueC otd. prenrLees cleaneC up. l'1obi e Ecmes Blocking otd. Sat-up Plunbing connectioas -- aa;e? od. uater El.eetrical Ccnnection - Blocking, aet-uu and plwnbing eonnections m;st be apprcxbi befor e requesting eleclrical inspec !io;: Aecessory Bu'LLCirq Pinal - After pctches" skirting, decl<s, etc. oe ccrnpleted. Page 1 of 2 fo*, ELECTRT,AL 'ALL |'IAI\HCLES AND CLEANOUTS \NST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI1EiE ?O BE L'"[DE ltr UO CSST ?O C:.y &/ _l )eneral l l T | .roe No.soLAR Acc'^S nee.-r-co c* Ipt Faces - Df Carao€Accessllortn Ran East Sot;th l,/est I?il.|Vaiue tlain Ggace Cd?Dcrt Aceessottt TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Ccea Cratt:tseiroons: Lot Sq. Ftg. = cf Lct Ccuerage ! of Stortes lotal Height ?opogrcphy _ Intericr _ Cornet - _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac hcat Building Volue & Permit rhis pertnt t is granted an the etp"ess cond.ition tlla.t the sai.d. eonstmtotions-tal.L, _in_alL _respects, confonn to the Ordinance adopteC biy the Ci.ty ofSpr-ingfield, including the Zoning Cvdtnance, z,egulct'ing th-e ecnstru3ticn cnd .use o^f building.s,. otd miy be suspended or rbuokec Lt "-y tine upon uic-lation of dny prcuisions of said Ordir.ances. 4 EU1-LALiA yefin-t State ?otal Clntges Resid.ertti-a| (1 bath) S%ile? Pli.etbina Perr:tt ?cta! Date Paid: Receipt #: Sigred: 5jsi.g'es * Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll consttact, instalL, alter ot etnnge dnA neD cr e:istingp-Lutn2ir,g or drainage systen in ;,thole or in patt, unlesl such person is- th.eLegal.possesso, of a ualid plunbet,rs License, eteept tt".dt a pur"onnay dopltnbing uotk to propeptA which is outed., Leised on operatii ty- ttn qpti-cant. i,-. I t LL i Nau/Ezxerd. Ctncuits laoc?@y Sensiee Stcte Electricol Permit were state La) ?eaui?es tha.t the electrical uov,k be done by an Eleetrica|contractor', the eleetrtcal pottion of thts pezmit shall rot be t:a\.il. untiithe Label las been sigmed by the ElectrLcaL' Contyaeto?. i !.i.j.:G: 1O "oo r'o/0.b tic Mecho nicol Permit bharct HooC llcodsto;se Pentnt fssuqnee Mech"enieel Pertrtt r'5r I ctiA.RCE F.rl.r,cee STU|S Vent F@t I -- EITCROACHT4E!]T -- latal Chcroes PLdn Date Pernrit Cutbeut. sLA€)iLk r HAw CAREPULLy EX,LaINED the conpleted application for permit, qtld ilohereby certify that aLL info:mation hereoi is trae ai| eioruect', ann i-further -certif"- that any ar.d aLL uork perfor-tted slnll be done in accon-dance '"ri,th the orcinancb.s of the city of bpringfield., "rra tn" Lcrns of thct state of O_regcn pertaining to the uork ces'crib"cd herlii, cnd.- that No occ:.)-PANcy vill be nade of any structura uithout permission bf tnn Build.ing Di-vision. r further eertify thzt o:zly contracltors a.a errpicy.Ls uho ate ineatplianee utth CRS ?07.055 uiLL be used on this project I Mobile Hane ba-*-<--* /o - ?C?AL A}!1U!i DIJ?:'lo,le a ?'zr Date /r -Y q 4 ilctey Res. So, ft:. it,\: