HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-05I I.. RESIDENTIAL.. AppLIcArI- , /pERMrr 225 ionth |th StY'eet - SprLngfteld, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 General P Iurnb I.lechtrnica Ul.ec E,rica SPFlIHGFIELD & $r Mt6: S up erv Elec t r (: lil rrn It ia the raeponoibility o! tle permit holder to aae that aLL inopectione are nadE at the ProPer ttne, thdt acch addreas ia teadab'.e fnorn the atreet, aruC that the pet'rrtt oard ia Located at the fnont of the propetty.tBuilding N-vicio:": approv'etl plan shcll remain on the Building site at aL! tinee. PnoCSpUEE FOR INSPE!!!9!_!19!ES!:CALL726-3769(tecorder) state your City deeignated iob numbet, iob aCdteea, type_9f inspeclior eadyforinapection,contractol8oiobters.noneatdplonenwbu.Requeet8receivedbefow7:00c:t'-ill be nade the oante dcy, r'equetts ncde aftet ?:00 on vLLl be nade the nctt tlcl,kirq day.- lour Citu Deoiarated Job Nwnber ia: { /lu 'Tfqpilt Retruired fnspect'Lans Pagte 1 of 3 460 N. 37th St., Springfield, ORJob toeaticn: L7 0Z 3l - 1 3 rc,* rot il 04301Aeoeaaors Map ll Subdiuision: ci 97478'tip: Jose A.Asner: Address: K. Ortiz Phone: 7460 N. & Charlotte 37th sr. resrs Add on shop to existing garage. Deacribe Nork: 9-2 5-89Date of Appli.caticn value $1, 568 .00 ,q.dditicn ffi poormc & ForJNDATrcu: To be nsCe LN ;ftetffi;; areZrcauated. and. fonns are erected, but ption to Wurtng ccncrete. t uNDSRcRoullD PLuMryls)_$ttll_tlg!& LA)Litq trenehee. 7 utoenpLooR pLrJlgrlvc r, ttEcltANrcAL:tlof fl.oor insuktion or decking, P)ST AND 8f,1,!!: To be nade prior to ffiTGlGTof floot, insulation ot decking, Rot-till Pr,ulqIilc. Er,ECLnlCA!, I MECII- GilT.thcee inspectiors hav': been DRYVA|,L INSPEC'II)N: To be rrude after aLL dty,nll ts in place, but prior to any tapit'tg. MASINRI: Steel Location, bond .beans, grouling on oerticaLa in-accordance vLth U,B.C. Section 24.J s. ,!0e29!98:anpleted. After installation ia eoncrete. SIDEIIA|K ,9 DRfVEH|,Y: For all con- ctete w,fr-Gttln etneet right- of-tni1, tc be nade after aLL erca- vatLng canplete & j'orn unrk & oub- base mzterial in place. A!!!_-E jllBPAeU_Ei1N: After fornaa7.e;r.;te7Et pffi to pourttq m m mI SITE INSPE!?fIN: lo be naCe aftet, ezcat atl;;-frt priar tc set up of forne. UI,IDERSLAB PLUI,{BINC. ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be nade before any w?k ia aoucred, r N s u Ltt r Q N 1 vLlQLBi\ R&IER !!E!89!!p N :DETIOLffIOII OR !.IOVEDroE,,nAa1ftet, AIL -ilauUtiid rcquired vapot barriera @e in pla,oe but before any lath, Wpltrn board ot unLL oooening ia applied, cnd. before ary tnculation ie concealed. Sanitary aaser cappeil et property Line Septic totk ptttped atd fil,led utth gnatel Pinal - l{hen above itens are ccmpleted and uhen Cenolition is oanplete op atrur- tute norted ard premisea cleaneC up. Blooking otd Set-up Plwrbing connectione -- B€uev anC utater Electrioal Conneotion - Blookirq, aet-ut atd plunbing conneatione nuat be appnc"*ed before requeeting el.eotrtcal inapeclion Aooeeaory- Building Pinat - Aftar pcrchee, akirting, decks, eto. are oarpleted. made arul apptoued. !fPAPI.ACE: Pt-)ot, to plccir4 mctet*tals ard befot,e fratningtion. facing LnEpec- 1FA1:INC: l,tust be requeated after apptoual of nough plutrbing, electni-cal E neclnnieaZ. ALI rooftng bractrq C chinmcya, etc. tntst be conpletcd. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until thia inspection lue been nade anC appnoved, !A.!E: hhen conplate -- ProtsiCe gatec on mooable aections thtough P, U,8.. FNIAL PLUI4BIIIC FTNAL MECIIAIIICAT. FINAL ELECTSICAL ALL project conditions, such ao the t.natallation of otreet treea, conplatton of the ' re.quired LanCsecp'ing, ete., rmtat be aatiafted bafote tha BAILDIIIC FII'IA\ can be requested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnepeation mtst be tequeatad aftet the Final PlwnbingElectrical, anC Meclnntcal Inspectiona lnva been nade atd approued@ .AT,L I.IAIIIICLES AND CLEANOUT! TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?NENI TO BE II4DE A? NO COST TO EPY I l [] JOB NO SOLAR cEss REQ.- Gl- L-CO d Be1roons:Iat Sq, Ptg. Z of Lot Cooerage LO? TWE fnterior _ Cormet ' _ Panlurd,Le - Cul-d.e-aa.c Lot Faces -te !leat ! of Stortea Total Height Topography D llouae Access, toue F7C 5t to.sg 5'.4o Building Vq lue & perm ir Thia -perttttt_i_o granted on the axpreal condibion tlnt ttrc t;aid cottstt:zcLi.on ZY!!'^::,2,t 1e2pc,c.tc, conform'to the ordinor;r:a r;oe.;;i'i,;j-ihZ" ctty o1bp\Lngl'Lel:1: i,nc!.uding th_e Soning Crdinancc, rogulcLittlT ilrlc acnstntcti,t t:Ir\: -.J- luilding.s,. and n^;y bo a-ucpendcd or reuokeC'at cr!! tine upon uic-tatlon oJ- any prcuisiona of aaid.Ordir,ances. (2s7. A TOTAL VALUE 5Ll O s,D.c. 1.s a I Pawit 5b.5o State .e3 Patd: ?otal Clangee 59 .zz tlt Signed: NO, Fiztut es Plumbing Permir ll9 p9t'eon ala_Ll constt'rct, inalal!, alter or changc GnlJ ne, cr existing ll*ltrrg on drainagTe suglq in ulole or in part, i,rles"s "i"h- pei;son is' theLegal ^posaesaon of a uali.d qlulbe.r,s lic,ense, erccT,t that a p'o:,son nay doptw,tbing uork to property uitich is ot^med, Leascrl o'r opctated'by- the aip,Li-ednt. Reaidentia.L (1 bath) Saner Plwbiag Pernit 9tate a llatt/Eatend Cireuite 2_I Electricql Permit l{herer State lant '.'a_qui*oe t:io.; the cla:tri.ca! .scrl. be tlone by att Ele::tricalcontractor, the electrical portion of thta pennit stnll not be ualic wttilthe Label haa been aigned by the Electrical Contractor,Seruiee zz. go Irl L 23,b3 A cllAncE Mechonicql Permif Ethanet, Hood Vent For PermLt feeuaoe lleclunl.oal Perfitt -. EITCROACHMENT -. ..#-t it rtlttbi tt ll 1 , i I'b.intenance Parmit Cvrbcu! Sida,talk Fcnee ,Zcs MobiTe Hane Add'*;"L P/r - CA., k /?. {o I UAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application fot permit, and dohereby certify that aLL info;:nation heteon'ie true and. cortect-, anC ffurthet.certify that any ard aLL uork penforned altatl be dote in aceon- dance ttth the 1rdinancea of the Citg of bpringficld, and the Lase of tha4 State of 0regon pentaining to the urik Ceacribod herein, cnd llnt NO OCCU- PANCY DilL be rmd.e of any Bttuotut,e uithout penniasion of the Building N-uieio_n. f furthen cet,tif;i that otly contrdc'tors at;d enp'Lcyeed uho arb in canplianee uith oRS z01.1ss uiLL be uaed on thie projec-t ?otal Date?OTAL AI,IOUTT DUE: I loz.6 6 ,te-7-9--6D-- l0 -w? I a