HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-04-29Job locaticn: Aeseesors Map #02 ?ct Lot #0 Subdioieion: " RESIDET -lAL.. , AppLICAru1Itr.iRt[I 225 Noyth |th StneetSpringfieLd, 7negon g?4ZZ Building Diuision 726-3753 I SPHINGFIFI rr Asnet: Address: I I i u*o/. Descz.tbe l,lotk: taJac{a7Oq:Addition L of Applicatian V'z 7 -tL #/*DateDate GetzeraL PLmbing Value Conetntcbton Lend.er It i^B the reeponsibility froat tlu a tteet, and thdt the permit Lan shal catd ia Zocated at*guilding.Dioisiot cppro"*ed p L remain on t?e Bui of the permi t houet to eee that !\< fry.t "f th9 _woperryLd.ing Site at all,,' ttines. aLL inapections ate nad.e at |he prope? tine, tLat each ait4rees is peqCniie P?!cE!";pq Fon, ryspt r:CALL 7r.cquestea ard uhen ,oi uilT-iiTeady fortiLL be nade the sdr" a"g, requests ncd.e 26-3769 (reeordet,') stateinspection,Contz,aetcrs o? A,nere ncnte ind phoneaftez,7:00 on urill be nade the nezt 'cot king da.s-. Iour Ci,ty Designated Job Mtnber fs: a 7- requiz.ed oapor bazz,ie?e @e in pLaeebutLath, yout City designated job job aCitees, type Requests receixed nunfisy, nunber,.of inspec=icn befcz,e 7:00 c:t b03o SNE INSPEC?ION, escaration, but forrns. ?o be made after pr>Lor tc set up of ffi,,uotk is eouered. befcre ory L couez,ing insuLation tnL @ta Ls dPp gApsutn boarC oz,Lied, and. beforeis concealed. PO_O?ING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be nad.ea-Jte" trenches a?e ezcaoated and forms. are erected, but ptiot iopournng ccncrete. f WE!!!p-!z!ue!!c, svwr, ,.qrm,:. t D1|I\|AGE: ro be rna-ie@frjo--y.t-f,_ Ltr4 trenches, f upomprooa qLUL,:BnNG & MEIHANTIAL:lI-; J Io be nade piioi-to-fritatffilfr o1floot insu|a,tion or decking. f Pgsr lu,o aeau: To be made pr*iot, to: I installatian o! floot, insulation or decking. ROUGH PLU,IBITIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH-ANfCAL: No uotk is to be cot:et,ed-w:til these inspections hauo- been made and. approued.. FIREPTTACI: Ptior to plaeirg faeingmatet ials and. before franing inspeb-tion. 7 rullnc: Iiust be neqtested aften J approrral of rough pltkbing, ,iLitr"-cal & mechanical. ALL noofing btaetng & ehinmegs, etc. nast- be . cortrpleted. Ito ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspectton lne-','been nwd.e anC approued. DL!.ilALL_I_NS?ECIION: Tc be nad,ealte" aLL d?yualL is in pl.ace,but ptior to anA taping. W!!! Steel Location, bondbeonc, gtouting or uerticals inaccordorce Llith U,B.C. Section 24L5.ww After installation is PE!!E: hhen conplete -- ProtsiCe gates or notlable sections through P.A.E. I CURB & APPR1ACH App.1N: After fornsce erecteC but prior to pourtng concrete. SfDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: For aLL eon-crete pauing uithin street right-of-teA, to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & fotn Ltork & eub- base naterLal in plaee. ) nnar, PLUMBTyI \! utnr, MECHANTzAL ) anm ELEITRTzAL l ALL proiect conditione, such as the installation of street trees, conoletion of the required l,andseapingt etc., nast be eatisfied befone the BUfLDING EfNAL ean be requested. ilNAL BUILDING: The Einal Bui.Lding Inepection mtet be requested after the Ei.tta.L Plunbittg \J Eleetrical, otd. Meclnnical Inspections hare been made and approtseC- DEtnLrTroI Scttitatg seuez, capped ct ptoperey Line Septic totk pmped attd filled ttth g,ra:sel Final - h4zen abcoe itens a.ye eanpletedand uhen Catclition is canplete b;-;t;"_tuye nooed otd. g,enrtses clZutei up. Ecmes Blocking od Set-up Phnbing connections -- sa)te! otC. uater Eleetrieal Ccmneetion - Blockira, set-ua and plwnbing conneetione m.st bb- apprc,^bdbefore requesting electri,cal inspection Accessory BuilCing ' pcrekee, ekirting, deeks, Leted. Firnl - After ete. ue eomp PaEe 1 of 2*ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIU?? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI{EIII TO BE I44DE I1.T NO CCST TO CNY 4, tr r tr JOB NO.bo3a,o Lat Sq. PW. % of Lot Cooerage_ # of Stortes Total Eeight TopograPhY Plwnbing PemrLt State SOLAR I^'ESS REQ.-L-co d BeCtoona: Receipt #: Signed: Mechonicol Permit t Lot Faces - Plumbing Permit No pe.:son s?wLL.constmtct, instaL|", alter. or change -anA ned-c? exi-sting phtnbing or d"aLnage ";Z;;- ;;":'i;ie or in part' "unlesl such person is the Lesal possesson of " ;:;;e"pi:;;J'1i li"n"t"n' escept th'at ,a P1:"o." nall do p1nbins uork to orrr;i:;*""i:;i'";;;d:']nL"ea or opet'ated bv the appli' cartt. Electricol Permit WereStateLanrequil'estlnttheelectricalwot'kbedoneby'anElectrical Conttactor', the eLectri,Zot' plotl'on of this-pernit sLnLL not be oaLi'C until ;;;'Lrb;1'has b".n signed Ay tne Electtical contraetor' L ITEIl iia,t/Eatend Cireuits Settsice State TotaL iT!M 'tlcodsto:se PennLt fssuqrce Mechanicel Pernrit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Tatal hpbeu! Si,da,talk ELeetricaL f4obile Honte L PEAMLi PLan Exantner DaLe f IAW CAREEULLI EXAMINSD the contpleted application for pet'nrLt, and. do hereby certifg ttnt aLL infornati,on hereon is tnue ard. correct, cruC I futtk-ez, certify that any ard aLL aork perfotned shall be done in accor- dance vith the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield' ard the La";s of the* State of fu,egon pertaining to the aov'k Cesct'ibed herein, cnd, tlut N0 2CCA' PANcy ?'r11L bb ,,aCe of any structure uithout permisston of the Building N- uision. I futther cettify that otLy eont?acto?s and e:nplcgees uho are in conpliance dith cRS 701.055 utLL be used on this proiect I WateP lledte"Houae Cataqe Access.D T, RarlgeNorth East Swth West ValueSQ. FTG xITEM i'lain Aeceasoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 o PLan Cheek Fee: Date Paid CHARCE Building Volue & Permit This pertnLt is granted' on the etpress condi,tion tlnt the said-eonstzttction slnLl, in a'LL respects'"';t;i;;i;-lin c''dL"o'ce adopted biv the |itv of Springfield, inel,ud'tng'tnZ''zlii"g Crdtnanc.e' tegulat'ing the ccnstrucl:-":.r^ Ha- i'u'" Zf Luildi-n4s'" id' may b.e" sus!.en.dec ot' reuokec d't cna tlme upon DLc- Lation of any prctsi-sions of sat'd wd'Lnances' Bui.Ldi.ng PdftLt Total Clnrges State NO T LLITEM Fistutes Resilential (1 bath) Srflitara SeueY iletet CHARGEFEE CIlARCENC. bhanst HooC TO /5.N illretLaT /s.L i4aintenanee Perwit 7O?AL AI4OANT DUE:*/s,bo o Date -2796 LCT TWE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhardle Atl-de-sac Vent FTt CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PPLICATION AND RECEIPT CITY TICENSE f i- i't ,-- 11. ' t',, -;tt Lice nse Period Ending E New License tf Renewal j I Date of Application NAME OF BUSIN BUSINESS ADD CITY & STAT owN TYPE OF LICEN i(1i enorc7 {'7'08'7 -7 P 'l ],-/71 REMA prs. Fee s a5,rLt Received t' LICENSE APPROVALApproved Department Head Dats Department Head Date Department Head Date The above application for city license has been examined and is hereby approved Finance Director Date ffi hd 'q\ " .;J# t .,-) ( L'\r,- ,- ' :':.'"C' I I i t 'tF I I i t I ) ffi </ [.,-jjlr, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TLICATION AND RECEIPT CITY TICENSE flnrii "--,1 E tt.* License Renewal rr/ a. . j- ? '-""'.-,.' t' License Period Ending Gte of APPIication {c 1-1'l J .1 l )i NAME OF BUSI BUSINESS ADD CITY & ST ) ! q1LL1 -1 (1,,*!."lleali,.'1^. (} r lr. t,towNED IYPE OF LICENSE Fee s tt}Received OVAL Approved . Department Head DepartmEnt Head Department Head The above application Ior City license has been examined and is hereby approved Finance Director U !! ,,t,LlcE Date Oate Date Dats # ,. :'.e-f,rfga{3* it! \' l REMARKS: il t' I I I I t t t t ffi,