HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-08-02Recei i.. RESIDF"ITIAL.. : -- APPLICAT]Ofr/PERI'1IT 225 North |th StY'eet SprLngfield' Oregon 97477 Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Ceneral P lurnb i t hoder to oee that aLL inspections oe nade at the ft'ont of the ProPertY- Buitding Sttc at aLL- times. ( Date: {e at the propet time, that each address is readabie iob aCdress, tYPe P,equests receit;ed of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 an SP'ItNGFtEI-.D It ia the fron thetsuilding respotzsibility of the Permi stre'et. anC that the Permit' Diuicion apPt'oxed PLan sfu:L card ie Located L remain on the PP,ocsDUPE FoR INSPECTI1N .89-Q, lEsr:CArequested atd uhen you uiLL be reddy tiLL be rmde the sone dcY, ?equests LL726-3769 (tecordet) state your City Cesignated iob nw:ber, for inspection, Contractars or ALmers ncrne and plnne nwnber. mcde aftet ?:00 on viLL be nade the nett ',nrking day.qMB ro UNDERSLAB PLUT{BINC, ELECTRICAL & -ittiidtcl,t: To be made before anY 6ii-ii-i6oet'ed. FO}TING & FOUNDATIC!: To be tmCe Afi;;-$;ncnes are -etcaoated and forns are ez,ected, but Pt'ioz' to pour"ing ccncreta. UND1RGPOUIID PLUMDINC. SSHER. W.4TER' Dnalunct;-;-ta naCe prion to fil- T@-f,i6n hes. i-l uno*rrco\ prumnc q uw14-wtc,nr-, ^I t To be nade priot' to LnstaLLatLon oI floor insulction o* decking. required oapor batrie?s are in p'lace bui be|ore any Lath, gApsutn bcatC oz' tnLL couet'ing ts applied, and before oty insulntion is concealed. SITE INSPEC?ION: To be rmde aften e-.a,r;;lon;6t priar tc set uP of forme. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade PrLot to iifiTTfrld-of floon insulation ot' decking. ROI-ICII PLUI,IBII|C, ELECTRIQAL & IIECII,: autcl.f: -io 'aotk-is to be co"*eted GliTthese itapections hatse been nade and approued.. FIPEPLACE: Py"Lor to plceirq facingmcterials ard before froning inspec- tion. FRAIIINC: l,lust be requested after approval of rough plwr,bing, electni- cal & neclnnieal. AL! r,oofirq braeing E chinmeys, ete. rrust be completed. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspectton lns'been nade anC approued. FTilAL PLUI|BTIIC FIIIAL I4ECITATIICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL Iour City Deeigzated Job Nwnbet fs: VAPOR To after DRYIIALL INSPECIION: Tc be rrude ;7;"" "17-@uatTis in place' but prior to cnA tafrng. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond 6ifrijgrcuting or oerticals in aceordorce uith U.B.c. Section 241 5. WOODSTO'IE: After instalZation is ccrnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APP)!: After forns a,e erect;{6; p;lo" tu Pouring eonct,ete. SIDEWALX & DRIltEl'lAY: For aLL con- -__-__---.._:--crete pauing uithin stteet right- of-tnA, to be made after aLL erca- oating canplete & for'n utork & sub' base nnterial in Place- :l I ?ENCE: hhen conPlete -- Pt'ouiCe i&6i or motable sections througli P,U.E. ALL project cond'itions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, co:pletion-of the required Landsccping, ctc., must be sati,sfi,cd before the BUILDINC FINAL ean be requested. FrttAL BUTLDINC: The Final Building fnapection mtet be requested alter the .otnal Plunbing Eleetrical, qnC Mechar-iccl Inspections hqve been nnde atd appt'orteC. I Job Locaticn: Tcz Int flAesessots MaP # Sttbdiuision: Asner: Phone \+1"\ zip:J Address: City: Value h'ork: @tr( iLe Date of APP Lieaticn Additicn RcmoCeL t.lechanica Iilec Er c]'anecErStrDe 0R !.:)v|t Sanilary saset capped tt propett:; Lile r rlt{rr.r,rlrl(l'lti''}di""ill i''rli,l,'t Septic tork p'tr,t7ed ard filled uith gtat;el Final - h\ten abcoe itens ave eanpleted and uhen Cenolition is conrplete ov stltis- ture noveC and prercises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking o'd Set-uP Ptwnbing eonnections -- aa)er and, uater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-ua and plwnbing connecttons nrtst be apprcr;ed befoire requeeting eleclrical inspec tio:t Accessory Bui.LCi'ng pcrches, skirting, decks, Leted. Final - Afta" etc. ate coitP P4'te 1 of 2IAI,L I,IANIICI,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST RE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEII? TO BE I.I/IDE I? IIO C1ST ?O CITY Fn-q-etr) tr SOLAR TCESS REQ.-L-CO d tpt Faces - Setbaeks P. L.Ilouse Caraqe Accesa North East Fire South LOT TYPE _ fntericr _ Corner _ Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac VaLueI?EM FTG x JOB NO. Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couerage I of Sturtes Total lteight lopographg I'lain C,cxace Carport A k{ u) Aceessot'a ) TOTAL VALUE ( uclue )s. D.c. 1.5 t 62fo te Paid:3.t3 Reeea;,63 CHARGE Signed: ITETI NO,t Lt Fi-xtures Resi.dentia.L (1 bath) Sdnita?g Sa)er Wctet' N0.FEE Res. So. fta Na,t/Extend. Circuits ?atporoy Seoice CIIARCENC,rcr Ftrtaee PTUTS E=hanst llood Vent Fot llcodsto;le Mechqnicol Permit Pentn,t fssucnce Meclanical Pernrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarity Deposit Storage l.laintenance Pcrmit Cutbeu Sida,talk Pence Eleetrieal hbel Mobile Hone Building Volue & Permit Ihis permtt is granted on the etp?els cordition tlnt the said consttactionslall, in all reepects, confotm to the Ordinance adopte,L 6ly the City of Spr_ingfield, ineluding the Xoning hdinance, r,egulating the ccnstntcticn cnd -use of buildings, and mey be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- l.a.tion of any prcoisions of said Ordir.ances. Bedroonts: !teat Plumbing Permit No pereon sltall const?uct, install, alter or clange c.nA neD cn existtng plwnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unless such person is the legal poseessor of a ualid plunbet,'s License, ezcept that a pe?son ma.g do plunbing uork to property uhieh is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrico I Perm it Vhere State Lan requires t nt the electrical uork be done by an Eleotrical Contraetor, the eleettical portion of this permit slwll not be oaliC until the Label ltas been signed by the Electrical Contracto". Butlding Permtt State Total Clntgee Plunbing Pernit State State lotal Total Jrl*J Eor*vfr * I HAW CAREFULLy EXAI{INED tle cotnpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infottnation hereon is true and eorrcct, dttC I furth-er certifg that ang ard aLL uork penfonted alnl-l be done in accor- dance tLth the ordinancee of the ci.ty of Springfield' aruC tha La;e of bhe* State of Oregon pertaining to the work Cescribed he?ein, cnd tlnt N0 occu- pl.Ncy;itl bz nade of any structure uithout permisaion of the Building\ D_i.- oision. I further certif:1 that otly contractoPs and .enplcyeei dho are irt conpliance iltn cas 701.oss uiLL be used on thia project V ,I)TAL AMOUIIT DUE: ^65,63 \i9rr"d Dzte * ,tr/" l, ilO4st N/* r6l(_il. Permit No: Address: lssued Date STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: 1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. l-l My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR I hereby certify that the above information is conect and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side ol this form. tl ig le it Applicant Date CONSTRUCTION @NTRACTORS BOARD 02MJ 10t24189 COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE B I COPY TO APPLICANT @s \ IA contractor L,qt)t fi\:ts Bqnfttrt, lwi be my own iil of \\ \D i)tlL U L(