HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-269f,..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFTINGFIELD APPLICATTON /PERMIT 225 liorth |th StYeet -- Sprtngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 2 Dato: Job Locaticn: tc,.r lnt llAaaeaaore MaP ll fi$division: Asner %'s'azaPhotrc:Address ?Ci DeacrLbe h'ot'l< Date of Appliea er*r, 4O Value ldditicn RenoCe 7kD A-I/L k/d&; rsonE General P Iurnb 1ng l.lechan ica I l.eccr ca SuDer',,ng tilectr.it: irrrr It ia lhe reoponcibility of the permit ho_tder to see that aLL inopec_tiona a.rs nade at the ptoper tine, that ecoh aildreae ia readab"e J\,on the otre'et, ani that the,pet,nrit_oard ie Located 1t.t-h.e. f@-t1t: of the-property.inrilding Nuisiot approted plan slull rernain on tle Duilding Sitc at all tinea. pnOCXDUnE prln IN.rpE!"rION ?SQUES'1':CALL 726-3769 (rccot,cler) ctate yout' City Ceaigmted iob req"C;;l-;;lii,iiiTillt A" ""ady for inspection, Contraatora or a,tners nana arul plane,":iil be nnde the aaine dcy, nequeata- mcde aft-er ?:00 on viLL be n.r.de the ncrt tntking day. nwrben, iob aCdteaa, type of inspeclicn nwnbcr. Requeltl veceiued befcrc 7:00 ct Iour City Deoi.grated Job Nwnber fa:8qa5lr Remti.roi fn :;neati.cns e"c;;;no", -bit priot' tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLL'!'{BINC, ELECTI]IIIL 4 iiECHAllIcAL: To be nade befot'e any6F li-i6ucred. -lV poortnG t Fou,\D;t'tfttt: To be tmCe ^ I ;fter-r;;;;i;c ,1rc excavated and forns at e erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. ultpsRcsout!p PLUMSINc! - slt!.EP, tt.4rg!. DllAItllQE: 'l'o be nale Wtor co ftl-Tfr'66nch"". UNDERFLOOR PT,UI,!I]INA,I \IDC|IANICAL:of floor lnaulction or decking, PAST AND BEAII: To be nadc Pt'iot' to TiGTGIGi'of floor insulation on decking. noLtil r !, t,u! rB T ! p@t--ylg+ ANICAL: No aork i! to bc coce,'ed GiT-thcse inspec'-ior:s have beet; na<le arul approve:!. FIPEPLACE: Prior to plccir4 facing,rc;;;l;T; antl bcfore -frcuning inopea- tion. FRAIIINC: I"tuct be requected after approval of rough plwnbing, electni- cal 3 nech.tnieal, ALI roo!'ing bracing C chimcya, etc. mast be . conpletcd. llo Dcrk io to be con- . cecled until thio inspection laa 'been nade anC approved. DRlHAt,t, INSPTL'II)N: Tc be nada al'tet; aLL ch;ytwll-it ln place, but prior to any taPing, |IASINRI: Stcel Location, bond tiddlgroutitrg or: uerticala in accordanae Lrith IJ,8,C. Section 9d 1 q SITE INS!'!C':ION: 1'o be nnde af ter INSUI,A'I'ION/VAI'OR BAIIRIL:R IIISPECTION : To be n<tCe after aLL inaul:iticn avtd rcquired vapor batriera are i,n plaoe bui before any latlr, gypltn boat:C or unLL couering ia applied, cnd bofore ay inculatiorr is concealed. DENOLITIO!,I OR Sanilaty aeuet capped tt propett'g Lire Septic totk pwrped ard filled aith gratel Pinal - Ithen abote itens ate ccnpleted and uhen denali,tion ie oanplete or atnt.- turo noved od prerriseo oleaneC up. Ilcnes Blooking od Set-up Plwnbing connectione -- saie{ anC ualet Eleatrioal Conneotion - Blooking, let-u) and plwnbing conneotiona mrst be apprcved befotc requeoting eleolrical inapec2io:t Aoceasory Bui.lding Firal - After pcnchea, akirting, decks, eto, ate oanpleted. w HOODS']'OI/E: cc,rrpf;iA. After inotallat'ton ia CURB & APPftCACII APIIQN: Aftet forns "r" .;A;A bfi;l;; to pout'tig conct'ete. SII)I:UA|,K ,q DRII'II/AY: For all con- cr"t" prru'fr;l;il; street, right- oJ'-tx:!J, to bc naCe after all esca- vating canplete E forzz urt'k ,3 eub- base rutterial in place. / P.tllc '! ol 2 !E!!!: l'!\rcn comPlate -- Provide [iti,; or nooable oaationo tl*'ouglr P, U. E. FTilAL PLU|:BIIIC FINTIL tlECllAitICAl, FIIIAL ELEC?RIC/,1 ALL pnoject c:oncl.itic:ns, ouch as blrc iaatalZation of atteet traeo, conplation-of tie re.qu'ired lanCsccping, ctc., rmtot be aatiafied before the BUILDI\IC FINA\canbe requested. IIIN;IL BUII,D\NC: 't'he I'inal Butlding htopeotion mtat ba requeotad after the Pinal Plwnbing ELcctt"ical, anC lteclwr.ical Inspectiona hqva been ntade ard appnoVed 'At.{, ttAtlllCLES AND CLI::AN}UI': tltt:'l'D[: ACCI:SSIDLE, ADJUSTIIEN! T0 BE \'L4DE AT N0 C2Sf ?0 CM [-l JOu No.SOLAB-ACCESS riEQ.-L-co Gor BttCroor:ts [.ot I'acen -Eu llcat P. L.llouoc Crt c Acce ss 7 of lot Couenage LOT TYPE fnterior' _ Conner ." _ Panhandle CuL-d.e-oac ll of Storiee Total lteight Topography Iat Sq. Ftg. t -- Feen --rTEil FTC ,(uc Irhin cp Car TOTAT. VALUE @ s.D.c. I.5 r Datc Pa'1| : a+ Building Vqlue & Permir Thia pcttni.L i.o oronLul on tho. cx:preon conli.Li.t;n Llut!. the r,airl const.tttct.i.n-,lnl.l., _irt -,t.ll. rcr1,,:,:1.:t, cDr!'ot1il Lo tltc Orrli.rttr;(:tt :rlo[. 1.,..1 lt,1 iro CtLrl ofSpr.inlTfiaLd, i.ttahuli.nq i)tc l,,onitr,l Crd!nant:c, t,t:ilul.,;t.t'.t:.1 t.h',: cctt:, 1t,:rcLi.t.trand,use o-f bui.Ldtn.t_:; ,. an(l n.;tt b.o eucpcntl,:,1 or til::tol:cC','tL criti L:.p,: 11,ot: r.ttaLiorr of o,tlJ prcuiiiot;o ol taid.Ordisnnces. 'Building Pernrit ?otal Clargea Stata Si11:t NO,I'''F CIIARCE F12tutea ReeidenLia.L (1 bdth) Sanita Seuen Ng pct:cott olnll corrcttttcL, inal;al!-, all;er or clnnoc 6.ny neu cr e:istittgplunb-in,j or drainaJle nyst,e;n i.n ulote or,[n part., irlcsi such person is thlegal.poencsnor of a uali.d plunben,a Licots-e, ezcepl; tl:ct a p'c:.son nail doplunbi.ng utork to ltt,oltcrl;y t,thtah is ot;iled, l.ces,,,l c'r oi;crat,ect tty the ai;t,Li cant, P lumb in g ermit Pltnbing Pernit State 1 FEE RGE Nett/Eetend CircuiLd o Sertlice Electricql Permit l{hera state f,au roquitcs tlat, Lhc elactrical uork be donc by an slect.ricaContractor, thc cleatrical portion of lhh pennit. slull not bt: ualiC .,tti,the label lnc been oi.gned by the ELcctrical Contractor, *aTotal St6 ITSM CIIARCE Ezhant llood Vent Fot l',codetote 4 Mechonicol Permif PermLt fdeuoroe Neclaniaal Pernrit -- ENCROACIIMENT -- I Pcrmit Cvrbcu!, Sida,taLk L I Mobile llcore I IIAVE CAREFULLy EXAI'IINED tlw conpleted appltcation for permit, and do lrcreby certify tlnt aLL inforuLation hereoit'ie true and correct, aruC Ifurthet certify Lhal; anu ard aLL uonk parfotned atnll l>e dote in accor- dnnca ttith lJrc Ordinanceo of the City of Springficld, and thc L6rs of tha Stata of 0rc11,trr pet,taini.rrg to tha r,tork Ceacribcd herein, cnd tlnt N0 OCCU- PANC.I r.till. be rrnle of an1 atructut,e dithout permia:tion of the Building Oi-uieion, I furthct, cartif;1 that o:tly contrac-tors a2;l g.zplc,:Jeea al:o ar'e in calplrance dith CtlS 701.055 uiLL be uead on t;hie project ?otal ^ tcinl/og t'6-/*eTat;-- {