HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1990-09-17" RESIDE}*" lAL" APPLLCATION /PqRMII 22[t North Sth Street Spr"ingfie-Ld, Orecton 97477 I3rilding Diuision i .,u-o / ac fhnODr ( Plione /2- ?;iyt :2 Desct"ibe L'orli SPFIINGFTELD 23 tob Loc:tti:>n:1 lssessrrrc itol, /0 ?ct Lot fubdtutston: lsner \tldt,e:;s :I lv I ::t { icnet-;tI 'lurttbing krclrir ri lca i ()lr r I'il(: t()rs ifct:Lri::ir itl lrr'uvcfl.ir.'l l lil ec't r ic: irttr rt is the responsibitity of the permit holden to aee that aL! tnspea2len" are nade at the p?oper time, that eceh ad.dress is readable tion the street, anC that the pernnt catd ie'l,.ocated at the fpont of the property.tltui.ldi4l D.jui:ion opprotecl plan shall yemain on tle lluildiryt :'i.tc crt aLL tirnes. )lioclt)ttt?E FoR INSPtCTIglLt?lQlE!;!.rCall 726-3769(rccontlen) staLe 11our Cit11 Cesigrntetl job nwnber, iob aCdress, type. of -inspecltat@eady!'ot,inspcction,Contractorsot,asnersnaneandphonenumbet,.Requestsreeeivedbefcre7:00c:l:ill be narle the sane dcy, "equests ncde after ?:00 on vill be nntle tlte ncxt uorking day. Your City Desigr:ated Job Ntunbat' Is - u !,t D\Rc 20 t t !,t D p LUM?J NgJl!a2_.!!!!!&) Al;l!!-i'ruT;,afi p,4;,:.T;-fn- Lir:g trt:ncles. UIIDEPFT,OOII PT,UI.IBIIIC & TIECIIANTCAL:Trli,d@of J'lc'or insulction or clecking. To be nade prior to f floor insulation ot' deaking r u, f, {,Eet q :lli__l__uE8!-: Ui'-tot* is to be aou'ered ::r'!!: IN:;t,L:/-":l()N: ',lo be rruule aftet, ;;auano", buL prior te set up of fotms. yN lA !!!V-!!,!A!!-y!,--g!! cY!!!U--g ,:,!l;L'l!i|llt)Al: 'fo be nade before ,ny *>yk is i:oucred. FaTtTINC 1 FOUNDATICN: To be nncle aJ'ter treru-.les dre etcavated aml J'ctuns ane erected, but pn'tor to pout,irtg ao-ncrete. POS'I ANI) BEA!'I:Tisnttrtin o !!g!!!4!!_9!/!A!!-J r.,t!LU LU !!!! U:A9 N : To be rnaCe aj'ter all insulaticn atd required uapor banriers d.re in place but befone any Lath, gypsurn bcarC or unLL coueting is applietl, aru| befone oty insulation is concealed. DRYHALL INSPE(TION: Tc be made aftir:ATT iQuitT-ts in ptace, but prior bo cny baping. MASONR!: Steel location, bond TiiG]groutittg ot' uerticals in accordantce LJith U,B.C. Section 9A7< LloODSTOtlF::-"c,npTri;d.After tnstallatton is cUtO 4-4!!!94!ll 4!!'a_N: After forms are erecr;{6ut p;lo" to pouring concrete. SIDEIIALI( & DRII'E\|.4Y: For all eon- cre* pau{ng ii'thii street right- of-telt, to be naCe after aLL erca- oating eanplete ,3 i'orn utot'k & sub- base matertal in place. V AN1 CAL;;{rthese inspections haue been marle arul aporboeT. FMF?!.A!'E: Ptioy, to plccirrj faeing,*'tr"irrt, arul before franing inspec- ti r>n. l!t!!J!ri, ltust be ?equested aftet, appt'oual of rough plwnbing, electti- cal & meclanical. ALI roofing bractru3 E chimeys, etc. mtst be completcd. !!o ucrk is to be eon- cealeil untiL this inspectton Las'bcen nadc antl. approved. T'II1At, PLU!.!BTilC F I IIA I, I,IEIIIA,V I CAI, T' I NA T, I.: I,I:C'I'!I I (:A I, IENCE: hihen conpl'ete -- tYottiCe gates or nottable sections through P, U, E. ALL project corulititsns, suck as the /zstallatton of slveet trees, conpletion-of the req1iretl .Lan<liccping, cto,, mtst be satisfied befone the BUILDI\IC FINAL ean be requested. /fX 7TNAL BUILDINC: The Firuzl Btdlding Inspectiotr mtet be requeeted alter the final Plwnbing W Elcctttcal, anC Mechar.ic,tl Inspeebions hqoc been made ard appnooec' /\ BU ILDI;ICSOR Sanitary seuer capped at property' Lir:e , rlrl ! I ,,ll !-'tr,/r ', tl ,, l: I Septic tank putlped and filled vith gratel Ftnal - tt\ten abcue itens are ccmpleted and uhen Cenolttion is eonplete or stl'ti3- ture moveC and pt'enises cleaneC up. e llcmes Blocking arul Szt-up Pltnbing connections -- aa)e? and, ualer Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-ttp and plutnbing connections rust be appna;ed before requeating eleclrical inspeclion Aecessor,,; BuilCing Final - After pcrehes, skit'ting, decks, etc. a?e conpleted. Pt1:e ! of il X )-ss,* -1 ,,r^,,,/*D P-/.#, 1 ;'o,,,ro ,,o,, Datc of Value 1 ll l :ll:l l l .. ll r, i.lt1\tilill,ti!i :\ND Ctl,;,]NOu't':: lltt:-r 8t :1fi:fiSSIRl,ti, AD,lttST!t!.-tll TO SE l'l'4118 '4'r llo CtlST T0 Cf'!y SOLAR 'nauss REQ.-l-cocjl BecltoontsJOB NO i:one 7';trt LOT TYPE Intericr [pt Faces -!leat 7 cf tct Cooeralle Total P,eight P. t,I lott t; o Ca Aaccss llattt;cCortrcr Panhandle Cul-de-sac L'.'tlre e Lh L -- Fees -- I'TT:M SQ. FTG v Val.ue Building Vqlue & Permit This perm'JL is gronte'lon the exp.res.1 co^nd,1lion Llnt tlrc {;'ri'j'idtrrrl)1/'/ I:')'l shnll. trt oll respccts, conform t:o -tt\e. ordt'i'tae :ztloS'te'l lty Litc t'ttl 'f Spfin11lieLd, including Llrc 2oring Crdinanc.e' re'iuLcLitto Lle a('tliL I'i{''r;' 'r orul use ol bui-Ldirnt;,. ";;;'';"qi.'o"*!'"dod or rouokec dL r:r:tl t"Jr;r tt1" t: rtt' - i.tion of ,ny Ttrcoi'siona of said ordirutnces' I'lain A TOTAI' VA|'UE S.D.C 1.5 x o Feo Duildi.ng Petmi,t ,Date Paitl SLate 53 .03 Si,g:tedTotal Clnrgea NO.FF;E CHARCE Plumbing P erm it Fistures ig pq,"ou "ho,LL ,?.o:"-t:,Zi;,i,,t3!ii"";:r"i^";"i"f"n"i,r2l|!" ii,i,,''r"-f"^,i,"'r'"" ,,u. plwnbing ot dratlye-t',;roo orr^oor's Li'censel- elcept tl"'at a p-ct'so11 nq'' '1oLegal possessor ol d u plwtbins dork to ,'"r;ii;""'n;;;"i'" "';;d' i'L"i- "" operateti bv Lhc a;i'Li- canl;. Residential (1 bath) Sar,i Seuen Plunbing Pernit State NO Electricol Permit l,lhere State Latt requires ttut the ele-ctrical uork be done by an ElecLrical contractor', the electrliZoilo't'io"- of this -iirmit shall not be oalic until ;i;';L;;;f i*i Lnn" sisned t'v tne ElecLt'ical conLractor'Neo/Estend Circuits Seroice L Total ,( ITTM NC FEE CIIARCE Mechonicol Permit bfuuet IIoo'7 Vent F@r l,lcodstoite Perrtt fssucnce llechaniael Penmit te IHAIEIAREFULLyEOA}\INEDLhecompleLedapplicationforpermit,cnddo;r';;;; z)7'*i-init |jt- t"ii,-fi;n hereoti is true and corrccL, an7 I fut'then cenlify tt at oiu- oli ilt 'o't' perforned alull be done i:t ac'oP- dnnee tLttt the or,tinan'c1.r"',;f ;;r; i\i '"r iprinsficLd, .and Lh.e Lc;e of thc State of ,regcn p"*toi,-"1io-'to- iirn *'n,- Ceseribbd here'-n, cnd llnt NO OCCU' pANcy dttl be nnce .f";;;;' ,i;r;i1i- ",itii;t permis;ton of ile BuitdtnQ Di' tliaion, I further certi'f;i thaL only contrac'tors arni enp-Lcyecs usl:o are t;: i^rp1,lon"oiltt cns zol."o"ss uiLL be used on thie proiact Permit Mobile ltane q /2-2effi, TOT/IL ALNUNT DI,IE:. Sec,tri *TotaL t Signeil73?s -- ENCROACHMENT .. lo,Cttrbau! Sida,salk o. ReceiPt ll: /4-/A 1.?1/?-eaaasfl-af ade Cat not't rNA ,ur?*/ 7 -+o