HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-07-07..RESIDENTIAL.. Zzs ttorth sth streeaPPLrcAl r,N /PERI,rr Spmngfield, Oregon 9Z4ZZ Buildtrq Diuision 7 26-37 s3 Sci 3€i1 SPFiIr{GFIEL.D /3 de)rr* 5 LO7:ed :r&-(/.-, Date: So- "z/ iob Loeaticn:.5r - Aasessore .Vap #Tca Lot # Subdi;t:.sion: )-zet: aa*ess: 4L3 So Ezd Phone: '/ (7- J ztf5 CitA zip: ?Z{Z Describe llork: Val,ue ,Ec0Date of App Licatlcn Fe.uaa Additian RenoCeL General L) .D I'AIE'DEt!0 Sanilarg seset eapped :t ptopetty Lite Septic tank p;t:.ped arui f.i,Lled aith g.raizl linal - Il+1en aba)e itens ate cc:taleted. cr;d ahen Cetclitiol is conplete bt "t-r"-tt*e noued ai. preriees clbaned up. ilcmes tsLocking od, Se.i-up Plmbing eonneciians -- sane! aC walat Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blockir?, eet-uc and. plunbinq connectione m;st be qprc,;ed before requeating eleetrical inspeblior: Acceseory* Euilctng Firal - After ,.crekes, skirtina, Ceaks,etc. @e canpleled. Constrrcticn Lenden IaE City'Desigra,ted Job thnber Is EZOS t I! ia the respotsibi-Lity of -the petmit i@Ue" to see that aLL inapectiona du€ nad,e at lhe ptopet tine, that s4sfi .",1)rsss is ren;atieIy^.-t!P street, and, tiut the-petmtt card, is L*atel. at -t-h-e fz,ont of the property.'Suiaiq b)uiciot apvcxed plbt sitc,Li remain on ti edZairb- sitc at aLL tines. PP119DUPE PoR l\SPgc?rcil RgqWsr"CALLT26-3769 (recorCet) state lolt" City designa-ted. job ntriiber, job ai&ess, type of insgeclicnrequested and uhen uou.uiLL b-ieady for ir.spectiott, conttactcis-ir o,.mets nc,te cnd pnone runbii.' p;a;;;-;ecei,*ed bei-cre z:cg a?'rLiL be nade the sdze dcg, ?eque*s n:ad.e afiet 7:00 on aiLL be naCe the neet wrking dag. / ilr I I SI?E lllsPgcfi1lt: To be matie afterucduction, but pricr to se! up of fotne. AilDERSLAB PLUI,ISIIIG. ZLECIRICI.L,ltgctttic@na uork is couered. PC1TI.\IG ! FAUNDAfiCil: lo be tm.ie - atrer D?enci12s ile elequated and forms ane ez,ected, but oticr topot*irq ccnereta. UNDIRCROUIID ?LLMEI;IG, SSWP.'IAI!R, DRAI\IAGE: To be rna,te ylor to ftl-Lirq zenches. WDEPILC?P P!,U!.EI?IG I ;,IZC\ANICAL :robi@o7 floor insuT,ation or decking. POS? AND tsEA!4: To be naie ortot toffilGidof floor insuT)tion or &cking. R0aGi! ?twEIllG, ELEC?RICAL I ilScg- w:til these .Jtaoeelic-ns Twue beer nod.e atd qproued. INS{,|LA?I1N /tlApaR B!.RRIER ItrSptCTIafl :to be trade aftet, aLL tnsulaticn cd. required uapor berie?s @e in pla,ce but befcre otg l,ath, Wpsln bcatC ortnLL coueting is qplt ed, attd. beforeaty insulatran is concealed. DRfiiALL iilSPgef)N: ?c be nadeafter aLL Ct"guaLL is in place, but prior to any taVing. llAS)NR!: Steel Loeation, boni beans, gzoutin4 ot uetticd,Ls inaccotialce vixh U,ts.C. Secticn 2415,. il0oDST)'lE: Afte? instalktion is anpleted. CURB 4 APPRCACH AP-DCV: Aftet fornsee etecteC but pr[or to pout-in4 epne"ete. FI?.EPLACE - .: fuLot, to plcctrq and before franLng SfDEilALK & DRIlEl,lAl: Pot aLL cott- crete paoirq aithtn street right- of-t"cy, {.o be naCe after aLL erca- 'dtifiq sqrolete & font wrk & sub- base naterial in place.fac")ng LnSpee- tiozt. EWIIIIG: l,lust be reouested after @,2 of rcugh, pl,!ra+ng, electz.i-a,i I necistzieal. ALt toofing brac"-tq ! chir,mege, ete. rmtst be ccntpleted. jlo wrk is to be con- . cecled untiL this itsoecticn has'been nod.e cnC appro,^eti. niln?.'lhen conplete -- kotiCe or nouable seetians thrqaah lTilAL .OLAUBI|JG PTIIAL \4ECTIAIIICAL FINAL 1LEC?PICAL P. U, E. *ALL \4AI|HCLZS AtlD CLEAIICU?S:IUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADiUS?:E;tl iO 3E:llr| !',? lto:35? iC Cty ALL pnoject ea.di;ione, suci as che installat.ton of atreet trees, ec:gletion of i;e required Laztd.sccpirtg, ete., mtst be satisfied before the tstILDf:tC ifltAL can be req'uesxeC. ?INAL BUILDINC: Th.e Einal Suilcitng Inspeetion mtst be teouested cilet, the Fincl ?T.atnbinEElectrical, ori Meehar.iccl irsoeettans i"atsc been nade anti apcrouei H r iot Faces -Ibt So. F*-q. 7 cf Lct Ca)eraqe r n4 nwl _ fnterict _ Cor'ne" _ Potitcncle CuL-de-sac .7eet 2f 'Jouse Access # of Storles lotaL ileight lopogrcghy l IYIM , F!G X Vaiue Building Volue & Permit This penn:.t is gt'an*-ed on the et?ress cot'dition that the said'constmtclion duLL, tn a17- tescects,-;";f;;-to th-e- crciin's'ce xiopteC biy the city 2f l;*r"gfi;i, l)'.lilrg'"d"''zln '4 crciina'c-e, regtlct)'1g :)''e ccnstnte:i-":.,^ iri u"o'" cf butliir,Es, and' n='7 be- susperie'7 ar repckei e't ':r'! tLne uian u'c' iatt-on ci a.y prcoj,sions oi sa"JC CrCiran"ces' )lain !a!!.L t/.\LUt s. D. c. Euilding ?et-'rtut ^-+ ^ Dn.' S ?otal Changea Plumbing Permit No person si"a.!L cas'bmtct, installr- aLtet or einan4e -any /'eu.cr etisting ;ir;;;A "n dr"inog" systan in ,loie c,r' in part, unless such pet'son is the iegal v"osses"or o7'o ,Llli pt*rirnr"s Lic,ens'e, erye2t t'o'-1,p?:'17 nail lo- plGti.i-rq ao,k to poop"i4 iti.n it ot;ned, Leased or opereted by the cPpl1- cant. Reaidzntia.L (1 bath) Seuez, Pl'aniizrg Pezrit .rrJ /-! 1)a, Res. So. fta Na,s/Eztetd Circaits Tatpcrey Seruice :?::4 ?gZ hrnace 9!UtS E ha/st HooC Vent ,toz ilcotista:te -. ENCR,CACA|]E:IT -- Storcge l1d.interanc. Pemic Siria,talk /F1C'O ,)!1TAL Ai.lOUitT DUt: a .\ ( a-aa 9 L-co cJo B No.6'Z ()I SOLAR, CESS REQ.- Cto.ta Penmt Stcte L;iin:-L Pernat isstanee Llechaniccl Pennt ?otal Electricsl Permit Wete State La,t requi?es tha,t the eleet?ical uotk be 4one bg _qz Eleetrical Cont"dcto", the elictri.al portion of :his -oennit shall not be taLil until the 1,abel lus been aiqted by the Electrical Cont"ecto?. Mechonicql Permit / Ccr-st:Seitoons: Receipt * ?Lat Jzaniner I itAW CARIFULL'I IXA!|IYED t:he conpleted qpltcaticn for pezm"Jt' cnd Co hereby certiii iitat eLL "infotta=ion )zeveon is t'nte and ccttect, ad r fefthe" certify thai cny ar.d aLL uork ceriotrtted sltaL! be Co:te it aceot- dance with the 1rdincnces of the City of Sprzngfietd' onl' the Lc;s of tio State of }regon pertainina to the work iescribcd here"Jn, ct'd, tha.t l0 1CCa- ?ANcl ,iLL bb na.ie of 6flA sxraciute uithout pet*ission of ;he 3uil,Cing N- uiaion. i fi*ther eerxir"l ths.t cllg cont?cctor€ od atrplcgees aho ate in eorcllance uii:h ORS 701.05s aiLL be used on this pz'oiect Curbcu; zz,4 +/?: i Mobile Ecme €)'>