HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-11-04Rceeict # 127 tr Itt I q77 t' Date:(- General Congjtuet ion_-Lende" z2s North stlr streeAPPLrcA''a,N /PERMrr Spri.ngfteld" )regon 97477 BuiLding Di.utsion 7 26-37 53 .. RESIPtNTIAL..SPTINGFIELD- "tob Locaticn:.-C Aesessore Map #3Qc Iac Lot # subdiuision: A,mez,: Addtess:Phone:3 3L Deseribe hlork: f-t Value qb0t(- {=k rDate of Additicn RemoCel Page 1 of 2 I-t ie the tesponsibility of tlte pernit holdet Iy._tP st?eet, and that the peitrtt eazd. is*Building Dioicion appro"*ed pLlan stcZL t"Zniin to see tlnt all insoectiow ate nade at the ptope? tine, that eaeh ad4ress is reaCab-.tLocated at the frcni of the oropeytu.on the Buildtng Site at aLL'tihes." PnocsDUPE FoR TNSPEC?h1N -WUEsr"cALL 726-3769 (t'eeot'det) state youz, citg designlted. job ntonben, job aciress, type of inspec=icnpequested' ar'd ahen uou uiLL be ready for inspectior, coitno"l;;;- o" ormets nane Lnd. pinne nz.unbet,. Requests receixed. befcre z:00 c:i;"{LL be made the "&n d..y, ";A;;;;"^LA olt* z,oo'or-G\i-iZ'^rae the ncst uo,kins- day. @ SR/oeoIour Ci.fu Desigr,ated Job Numbe? f s: 9ITE INSPEC?ION: ezeauation, but ' To be nade after pr*Lor tc set up of W*aork ie eouered, PO;qTIN} & F?UNDATTCV Io be tmCeafcex t?enches are ercauated and forms ate ereeted, but ptior topouz*ing ccne?et€. WWP.W,ATER,WIIIAGE: fo be naCe prToz,-TifiT_Lirg trenehes. uilpFRFLoo! PLUJ.ETNG & t(ECrrANrCAL :10 De mode pz,tot to installation offloor insulation or decking. P_0. S? 4t!l \EAM: To be nade pz,iot, toinstallaticn of flooz, insulation oy d.ecRlrtg. ROUCH PLTJ!'!BII1G. ELECTRTCA: & I,IECH-ANICAL: uo aoik-ii to-6i-coierei-w:t-il these inspeetions hanse- been made qnd. approueC. FIPEP\.AQI: pz*Lor to plaeirq faeinqmate?LaLs ard. befoz.e frotting inspe1_ D1,On. yqutre!. uapor bavie?s @e in place but -before oty 7.ath, Wpsltn boayC oz,LnLL.couering is appTied, and beforeoty irnulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEC?f)N: Tc be nadeaftet, aLL C.z'yuaLL is in place, but prior to anA taping. I,IAS)NRY: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oez,ticals in accordqnce Lrith U.B.C, Section DEt[1Lrur)!] 0R TLDIiICS Sanitaq seuer eapped ct properug- Lit:e Septic totk punped and filLed tith g"ra;sel forms. FTML PLUAATNG PTNAL MECHANTCAL FTNAL ELEC?RICAL ?o be aLL Pinal - hlten abcue itens ate canoleted. and uhen Canolition is eotnplete Zr s*uc-ture maued ad. prewises eleaneC up. r WO2DST)\/E: Aftez, installation isccrnpleted. , ._. "t l CURB & APP4OACH AppON: After forrnsue erecteC but ption to pouring conc?ete. SLDEWALK & DRI,,EWAI: For a|-L eon- er^ete paoing Llithin stz,eet right_of-teA, to be maCe aftet, aLL Z*ca_uating conplete & fotn uork & sub- base mcterial in plaee. !E!!l: hlten conplete -- prouiCe gates or mooable sectians thtough P.U.E. Hcmes Bloektng otd Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sa))e? atd. uatet El-eetrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set_up ard._ plutnbing eonneetions rrus t bL- apprc"-elbefore requeeting eleelrtcal inspeZtion Accessory- BuilCnng PiTr.aL - Afteretc. az,e cotttpt', skirting, decks,pcrckes FRAI,!I\|G: ttust be requested afterapprooal of rough pT.utrhing, eiectri_cal & meelnnical. LLL robfingbtaeing &- ehinmeys, etc. rtust" becotnPLeted.. llo ucrk is to be con_ '-cealed until this inspeetion lws'been nade anC approued - ---- ALL W,oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of styeet trees, cono1etion of therequired Lancsceping' etc., mtet be sattified. t"fiir"-Ii"-iuiiotuc F1NAL can be requested., FrNAL BI)rLDrNG: The ?inal Build'ing rnspection mtst be requested after the linal plunbirq\_-/ Electnical, and. uechanic;r I;;;;;;;i"r" ,haun ti"r'rZaZ- "* app,oued. *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUT7 MUST BE ACCESSTBLE ,, ADJUSTIIETI? ?O BE IADE AT NO CCS? TO CI?Y 4 o T \--l SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- LCT TWE _ Interior _ Come? _ Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac \-p- L-co c Bedtoons: Int Sq. Etg. % of Lct Couerage # of Stories Total Height Topogz.aphy Building Permtt State ?otal C?nrges Plwnbing Pernit Lot Faces - * Sources Lace This pemrtt is granted on the erp?ess condition tlnt the sciid eonstractionsltall, in aLL respects, conform 1o the OrdLnance adopted 5ly the City of Springfield, incl,uding the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn anL use of buildings, otd may be suspended ot reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lat'ion of any prouisions of said 1r,dittances. Date Paid: Signed: Building Vqlue & Permit Plumbing Permit No person sLnl.L constvwct, instaL'!., alter ot, ehange cnA ned cr eristing plwnbing or d.rainage systaz in a?nle or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet"s Ltcense, eseept tlnt a pe?son mag do plwnbing uork to propenty uhich is otmed, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. * Pf,an Eraniner Signed ffi I HAW CAREFALLy ZXAMINED the eortpleted application for perrnit, and' do hereby certify that aLL infortnation hereon is tz'ue and correet, cnd f futther cettify that any ard aLL aork perforned slnll be done in, aeeor' dance rtith the 1vdinances of the City of Springfield, and, the Las of the* State of Oregcn pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed hez'ein' end tlnt N0 )CCa- PANCy uil.L bb rnade of any strwcture uithout permiseion of the Building Di-' oision. f further certily that onLy contractors and enplcgees dho are in eorplianee uith oRS ?0L.055 uiLL be used on this p?oieet ,il,--t, /y /gg JOB NO. P. L.House Caraqe No?th East ll South ll lilaoc Vest l I!EM x Value l,lain Ceace Ca.rport Aecessot u TOTAL VALUE cn^1<^ CHARGENOFEE Fishttes Residential (1 bath) Sanitatg Seuer llaten Electricq I Perm it Whev,e State La requires th,at the electrical uot'k be done by an Electrical Contz,actot,, the eleetrLcal portion of this pemdt sVnLL not be oaliC until the LabeL ltas been signed bg the Electrical Contracto?. * Na,t/Extend. Circuits Seruice State Iotal 2G NC FqP CIlARCE OQ 7 ,( Mechqnicql Permit khanet Hood ilcodstore Vent Fot PentrLt fssuanee Meetwnicel Pev,mtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- 9eeuritu Depoait Storage Maintenance Permit Cutbcut Sida,talk lence El.ectrical Inbel Mobile Horne TOTAL AT.TOUN? DUE:*7s Date Access. I. L?ED Tato1- Chnroes State Sut,cl".arge IotaL CTnnqes