HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-10-13..RESIDE: IIAL.. APPLICATTOiI/PERIIIT 225 llcy.tii 5th Street SprLngft-eld, Oyeaon 97477 Builiitl3 Diuisiott /zLt-orb.) tb Loeaticn:C ,sesso"suaof /r70A3a </ sPFllNGFlFt rr ?cec:- Sianed W,qw ( ,fu {,/-c/( Tcs lat fl c2q bdiuision: nte?: dau,e s s : Adtitticn Qescribe h'onk: Y/t!-ab^d^ [-,t-t o h v,j ilr Renodel- :r-+- ^a ,-- CO t0 -\3 ar Value AC:? C C: 36b- cnstrtetict1 L:rier : is lhe rescotzsibiltty cf tig Demat hcitier xo see tha'- at! insoecxions ane r,anie d.t the ?roper tim., tlet ecch ai;ness is rea*i---:'ot xhe Bx?eea, azl titct the Derrrtt cctc ts Lccaxei ci .ih. itont= oi xhe orooercg:;tiliz:= il.ut:io- dzzrob*ed p[cn sh:LL yenc.:r. c- ziie EuilctnL St;: c: cll tines. ' ^aa-'ra -tiyq1 fz JCA C-a '-'aen iiOU ii t ; Oe jJSI:CALL 726-3769 (vceo?de!) sacxe uou? Cztu iesior:steC job nw:lcer, icb ccitess,xlcn, Corli?detcrs cr O-tte:s t2cne caz a r..one ,iutlpcp ieqaes=s necei";ei ce;ct: 7:i3 €-.v D9 ,iQ,A€ X4€ Sdme AC?t ,reoliesxs ncie cr.=cy 7:0C c11 t-"iLL be ncie xhe nczc -sor<ir= ds:. Yc'ur City Desiar.at,ed iob i'itotber fs A4s l l l c--a f"a----_..,.?o ce ncd.e aixer prtcr tc se: up ofezcauS.t'-cn, but u;:!:.?sLt? i:'-,:3r,.2 :::::F::,.,L S tcouzreri uaoor borie?s @e in place but beicre ory Layh, gypsun bcatd or ual-r covering is eoliei, arui beforeotg insuLation is concealeti. t :::::Lf:::;; ;.? .'-?;:-- ;: - .r:z-8.....-;-: jO DA nCAe DejO?e Cnii uoyk is eauereii,. F?27.f::C i i3!t:tD,1TIC:t: ?o be na.Ceajae:. Efenc^es are ezca;laxed ani fcnn.; cte erecxei, buc prior to pour-lr,a ccrierea€. nQ\':._trI r:rcDr47arr. t^ a1'xct, aLL ctlquall is in bux prior xo cny tapir.g. De made olace, Sanitatl seset, ccpcei ct proper;g lite Septic tank p'rped. *. filled uzth grs:ei ?inal - khen cbcve ite:ts ate cc=plexei c::i uhen iezcl'-=ion is cc::;Le:e c:" s:-r--- xuz.e noued, anc pretrtses cle.nei u?. l 't ) ltttaaDa-.t'zri;:-qii,tr?: -c oe raae crior xo tr nA Dorla LS XO OC Hl-q1ilP!: Steel Loeation, bond De@1:s, a?outing or ve"ticals Ln aceord.otce Ltith U.B.C. Section Bloeking o'd Szt-ttp Plunbing eonnections -- aa)e! o!. ucier Electriccl Cc'nnection - Blockir4, aet-u= arri plutnbing cant eetions n:st te a>rciai beforc requesting e'!.ec:rtcal it:spe'd=io- Aeeessory Building Pinal - Aftcr lcrches, skirting, decl<s, etc. are conplelcd. i:,.iCAL Lir4 crenchec. I w:olnrrcr: :,zu:sn:c a rc::tt::tct:,J io De nace pricr tc instaltacion of floon insulction or d.eckino. I PCS: 419 E!A!:: To be naic prior to) L.nsiaLLc.tcn of floon insulatior or aecK7.t1s. After installation is CI'.qi d APPPCACH APPON- are ereetei bux priot' conc"ete. Sf DEHAL]: I DRf\Tu,,.y: Eor all con-crete pauing within sx?eet rioht-of-Mi, to be naCe after aLL Zse-a- vatina ssmDlete I fora wrk a sib- base nctertal in pl-aee. urtil titese- ansoeetiors laue been PF.tM!!3: l4ust be requesteC aft.erapprov;.l of rouah pZtnbing, electri-cal & meci,anical. AL! rooiitq braeirn 5 chinmcys, etc. rrust beeotwletca. llo ucrk is to be con- cecleti untrl this inspcction iws been matic and apptoued. FTilAL PLUIIBINC FII;AL IIE2IIA:!ICAL FINAL EL5:iPICAL Fw Afte? formsto pottrino maie arui accrouei. ) rr*uqti poro, b ptceirq fceing) mcterials ard before ironino inspe-e-tion. l Y .!'nJ3E.. hhen conolate -- ProuiCe oaLea o? mooable sectians through P. U, E. AIL pro,iect conditions, such as the -i.r.stallaci.on of s*reet ttees, cozolecicn oi tie rcquired Larisccpir:g, ctc., irust be eatisiieC bcfore the BU|LDI];C FI1IAL canbe requestcd FIi:AL BUILDINS: The Final Buildit4 In;ocction mtst bc requestei cfter the Pinzl Plunbirq Elcctnical, oi. Neeiurical Tnspeet-.ons havc been nade aru) approvzi. P4e!o!2.ALL IIAI:EEL'S AIID CIEANEITS ilU?T BE ACCESSIEL', ADJUr:!::I! TO 9E I.I4D' II? I:O '!gT TO CI?Y Phone: tr u tr ioE bto. 6(fr lS (SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-t -co c* ' afle Grott ot Sq. Ptg. . cf lct Ccueracc of Stortes otal P.eight coogrcphy _ Inte?io? Cor'nef _ Panitandle Cul-de-sac :1ea'- hanc;: COi ': -- Fzes -- L,ot faces - Setboers Df Latao c llortit Eas t South llest iet?oor.s: X l'a iur:::;!Building Volue & Permit ?CTAL VALUE This penrit is gnanted on the erT?ess cottdition tlta.t the said.constrttction I slall, in all resoeets, confctu to the Ordinance adopteC bilt the Citu of Spningfield, ineluding the Zoning Critnance, r,equlcting the ccnstrteticn otd use of buildings, otd ney be suspend.ed or reuokeC at dy t:.me upon vic- Lation of dny prcuisions of said Or<iir.ances. k Fec Date Paad Reeciat # Sia:'rec: D.C. 1.5 Euilctr":g Pernrit ?otcl Cltetges i I Stc;e Suyei:eyae Plumbing Permit Ilo cercon sh,all consttttct,'tnstai!, aite: or c'range Gn! neD cr e:tsiit:= olu:bit3 ct, dtainaae susxea in ;lhole ot in par'-, unLess suc4 ielson is thc ieaal oossessor of a ualid pLwnber's License, ercegt tl'a.i a De?scn na7 ic olu.,::bin-o uork to p?oDerty uiticit is o,*>tei, Leasei or opez,acee by ti.e cVVLi- Tct:! Cr-::ces T t.,-.i I I I I i Electricol Permit hrnere Stste Lan reouires x'rct. t'ne electrical uork be dole b'J cn i;.ecttic=i Con;tac=cr, the elee=rical ;ortion oj ;h:-s Defiiai si.c.Ll no-" be :;s!-;.:ir.:i. xhe -tabel hts been aignec cy xhe Zlecxyzccl Con=ycc;ct. L Penrit F Niechonicql Fermit 1a$t HooC. -.istore :tit:t 420 c Pen*t Tssuanee Meci",anic:l Permtt -- z;;ct'oACllt:E:17 -- ?otal Cncracs P Lanz f EAW CAREFULLy !XL,'|INED the cornoleted aoclicaticn for perni:, cnd dchereby eerti,.f_y that aLL .t'.fc:netion hereon' is tnue ari e'crrec|, dr,.C. ffurther ccrtifs- that dny ari aLL uork petforneC sizaZt be dote ;n n.=ot,- ti.ance :,ritlt the Ord.inances cf titc Citg of Sprinofieia, atC th: Lc;s of thcstate of oregcn pcrtaininc to the uork iescribcd hcrein, cr..c tis: i:o cccu-PAilcy DitL be nadc of anu sttuctute uithout petnissiot of thc suildinc Di-vtsion. I fu?ther certif;; tt"..tt o:zly eontralto"s a;d enplcyees uho cr'e i;.tcctplzance Dith cRS ?01.0s: uiLL be useci cn this projcctesalk ile llane lo- l3-trb a {o/s ,uo [5,@bo l5.Ad :L A:.OU::: DIJ!:'/s (fr Signed dyrrll Date I i I : Ir