HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-07-27" RESIDLT(TlAL" APPLICATION/PERITIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 Job locaticn:2a Aesessors Map i Subdiuision: Asner: Addt,ess:P 2< SPFIINGFIEL.D Tcs Lot # Phone:?,4 zip: \il1 bolt 6)b tTIDescri.be Ltot'k: lls,; f1 rn oo",,h Zrzrrgr2*c.E ^ Date of App Licaticn 2-? 2-8>Value e.,7. .?Zf (ry.r-Z oF &z->72.>a, Additicn O {26> -e Date:2>-3- s GeneraL Plwnbir,.e ELectricaL l4ech.o:icc 1 Cong!ruction_lendeL Reati,na,l It i8 the responxibility of tle Penrit holdet to eee that aLL inspeetions ee nade at lhe prope" tine, thdt 2ssfi -,];rsss is rendni^Le fran the at?eet' and tilat the per'nrit eard ia loeated at the front of tle DtoDe"tu.tPuitding Dioiciot: qpto"'edpLan shclL remain on the Buikiing Sttc at aLL'tines.' PIIOCEDUPE,FO4fNSPEOI1N.?lqWSfrCALL726-3769 (teeorder) state Vour City desigruted job nrmbet,, job aii.ress, type of inspee=icn re4uesced ar.zi alren i;ou uiLL be reatiy fot'inspeetion, Contrdctcts o! Asne?s nctne crui p'none nunbet. P.equests receiied befcre- 7:00 ctziLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests nc.de aftet ?:00 on ttill be nade the nc.ct aorkirti day. Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nunber fs *2o{z z T QTad TilCD!^n|nit.?o be nacie aftet TNSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER II\SPXCTTON :nrraa- T4T^ll hD t.^tE' )it To be naCe after aLL insulaticn avd required oapor beriers @e in place bat befcre oty Lath, Wpslun bcatC or ra.LL eouering is cpplied, and. before oty insuT.a.tion is concealed.- UI|DERSLAB PLUr,tBr;ic, ELIC?RIC,1L &i I l.ECit;:XC;L: ?o be nacie beiore cng u)o?K Ls coue?ed. a rcormG I FIuNDATT\N: To be nnce'J Afiez.i;enci;;'at e escansated and forms ote erected, but priot to pourtng ccnerete.l l 1 posr nwo atm: ?o be nade pnior to -J dstitilcn ol floon insulation ot, deeking. ----f ROUGT; ?LA:BIIIC, ELECTRICAL & IIECH- I - w:til these ir*peetiors haue been nade and aporouei. 1 rntpuczi wto, to plceir4 fceing) ^atfifuLs and befote'fronini ir"p.L- eccauation, but prior tc set up of forns. UIIDERGPOUIID PLUININC, SEWE , W.4TER, DPAIilAGE: To be maiie prior to fil-Lirq trenches. AilDEPFLOOR PLU|EI\]G E I4ECIIANICAL: o7 floor insulction or decking. tion. FRA|NG: lhust be tequested aftet, approual of rough plutrbing, electti-cal & meclnnical. ALl, roofing braa ng & ehinmeys, etc, trust be , arnpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection lws 'been nade anC approoed. PII]AL PLUI,IBIIIC PIIIAL MECHA\IICAL PII:IAL EIECARICAL DRYWALL LNSPIC?f1N: Ic be made after aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to cny tapirg. ILASONRI: Steel Locati.on, bond beons, gtouting or oerticals in accotdotce tLth U,B,C. Section 247 5. After installation is Sanitaty seser capped ct properQi Lix,e Septic totk p'"i;ryed r,d fnlled tith gra;:el Final - h4ten abcte itens ate cqaleted and uhen ienclition is complete bt s*ac- ture noued otl prerrLses eleaneC up. Iicmes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- sclr)e? otC uater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloekirq, set-uc and plunbing eonnections tn;st be apprcved before requesting eleelrical inspecliott Aceessory BuilCing Final - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. are canpleted. T]OODSTOT|E: ccmpT;rA. CURB & APPRCACI] APP,ON:After formsee erecteC but priot, to pourtng cofi.c?ete. SIDEWALK & DRIIEWAI: For aLL con- crete patsirry thin s treet right- of-uny, to be naCe after. aL!- eeca- tating conplete & fona tnz,k & sub- base naterial in place. h _l l l I ?ENCE: hrhe* conplete -- PtooiCe gate6 or mooable seetions through P.U.E. ALL pt'oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, eonoletion of tie nequired Landsecpirg, etc., nuet be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be nequested. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeetion mtst be requested cfter the Final Plunbitq Eleetrical, od Meclnrieal Inspections hsoe been nade atd approoed. 'ALL l.tAtlHcLES AND CLEAN)WS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI\EIE T0 BE IIADE LT UO C?ST T0 Cr?y Page 7 of 2 tr T \q . JOB NO SOLAR A/.--'-ESS REQ.-L-CO G* Zonc: ', Iat Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Cotterage # of Stot"tes Total Height ',Iopography Grou:. LC? TWE _ Intericr _ Conner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac /Cor.st Bectoons :leat -- Fees -- This permit is granted on the eip?ess eondition tlnt the said constntetton slwll, in a|L nbspeets, eonfoym to the Crdinance adopted fuiy the City of Spt'ingfield, includ.ing the Zoning CYdinance, r,egulating the ccnstraeticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended oz, reuokeC at cny tzme upon uic- Lation of atly prcoi.sions of said 1r,dinances. Date Paid -2 Sigted Building Volue & Permit Plumbing P rrrit No pereon slw-l.L consttact, instalL, alter or ehange cnA neD cz, e:istina plutnbing oz, dtainage systen in uhole or in part, unless sueh person'is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet,'s License, etcept th,at a pelson nay do pltnbing aork to ptoperty uhich is orumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. TOTAL V.4LUE tDcS.D.C. 1.5 r Euilding Pernrtt State ?otal Clntoes )la! listutes Resi<ier,,ti.a.L (1 bcth) Seuer Plunbing Pen:tt )2 FEE e Lot Faces -Enerau Sourees Setbacks DI Hous e Caraoe Accass,Wata" !.!eate"llortil i'ircpLace South tloodstoxe Hest x Valuc v laa-oe a>e Reeeipt #: t-hAt LtL /o"5D- J. liau/Eztend Circuits Setoice Total Electricol Permit llhere State La requites th,at the electrical uork be done by an 9leetrical Contraetor,, the eleelrical pottion of this pernit sltall not be oalil until the label has been signed by the Eleetrical Contracto". Per-nit =a i:-.]..-'| E:itast llooC Vent Fot 'lcotisto;le iestrt PetmLt Issuance Meciunicel Perrrit -- ENCRCACHT|ENT .. Mechq nicol Permit I HAW CAREFULLy gXfiLINED tlte cornpleted application for permit, and da hereby cettify that aLL info:nation hereon is true anC. ccnect, drud f farther certify that any ard aLL aork perforned siull be dote in aecor- dance wtth the Ordi-nances of the City of Springfield, anC thc La;s of the State of 2z,egcn pertaining to the uork Ceseribcd herein, cnd titat NO lCCl- P/.NCy uilL be naCe of any structure uithout permission of the Building Di.- tision. f further eertif'g tlnt otLy contracto?s ai;d ezplcgees uho are in canpliance aith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project )cl,nrtt ?otal Charoes )utbcu! )ide.taLk lenee "LeetrtcaZ Ia.bel lobile llane -97 -;;i i.:ii:,;' ;ra:./ 7-6P ,. 7-e I 72>9> - )AD IOUP DATE REclEvEo ZoNE OccuF.t'lcY G CUP,\iICY >-4 \ T-yrg C(.r:tr-i.STCN I ES Z. :lfL-D CiTY OF gPRii''iGFIT.: APPNCVEO BY T',ON3 i.',!inr .ci-trii i'." ' BY 1:.IE FJUILDIN:; .I;,ON. ALTTRA' lA'-. f,'', oRE GON oare /-2 ADtrR.:ss C$.,NER tvl;"1-',F'f , e :i-C!7 g: i^LL Bg Lir.i{l3E3 t %t' tta*tD "Ltt-S--o-tt -l"loC,o5 oa) coroscT'C: watlt o>'-,jL Sfi'as --t 0 FPeQlac'a 5c€ al Fna 1* ar :Trtr* ii \2e->?-,e'J 2a I I5F a