HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/6/2021jCity of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision 61L Application Type (Applicant. check one) Partition Tentative Pre -Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Pre -Submittal: F Partition Tentative Submittal: ❑. Subdivision Tentative Submittal: Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Phone: 541.743.8111 Company: Jasper Road, LLC Fax: Address: 520 Conger, Eugene, OR 97402 Applicant's Re .:Anthony Favreau Phone: 541.683.7048 Com an :The Favreau Group Fax: Address: 3750 Norwich Ave. Property Owner: Applicant Phone: Company: Fax: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-02-05-24 TAX LOT NOS :6700 & 6800 Property Address: Size of Property: 1.7 Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Proposed Name of Subdivision: Jasper Gardens Description of if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your Proposal: 11 -Lot Residential Subdivision proposal description to this application. Existing Use: Two homes and vacant field # of Lots/Parcels: 11 Total acreage of parcels/ allowable tlensi 6.5 proposed # owell Units 11 Si natures: Please sin and Drint your name and date in the a Required Project information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: ro riate box on the next page. complete this section) Si ns: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: I Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ lPostage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 kl 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Date: It jC1 120 Signature I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. \ Date: �� �q.12D Signat T Wt U)R CCaiUvw Print Revised 1/7/14 kl 2 of 10 JASPER GARDENS November 9, 2020 Assessor's Map: 18-02-05-24 Tax Lots 6700 & 6800 Applicants: Jasper Road LLC 760 Conger St. Suite 1 Eugene, OR 97402 Applicant's Representative: The Favreau Group 3750 Norwich Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 541-683-7048 Attn: Tony Favreau LAND USE REQUEST The applicant proposes to divide the subject 1.7 -acre property to create 11 lots and to provide all necessary infrastructure to support the development. The proposed residential use and density (6.5 net dwelling units/acre) are consistent with the existing Low Density Residential (LDR) zoning and the City's standards for development in the LDR zoning district, where a maximum of 10 dwelling units/acre is permitted. Duplex dwellings may be permitted only on corner lots in the LDR district, thus duplex dwellings would be permitted on one of the proposed lots — lots 6. The proposal includes the construction of Kalmia Street and 43rd Street. SITE AND SURROUNDING CHARACTERISTICS The site is within an established Springfield residential neighborhood. The property is located between 44th St, and 431d St. The northern, easterly and westerly property lines of the proposed subdivision abut residential neighborhoods. The mapped soil series is #97 -Newburg - Urban Land Complex. 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria The Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Tentative Plan application upon determining that all applicable criteria have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. In the case of Partitions that involve the donation of land to a public agency, the Director may waive any approval criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be addressed as part of a future development application. A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel size and dimensions. Response: The proposed lots fronting the east -west streets meet the 4,500 sq. ft. minimum lot size and the 45 -foot street frontage requirements established by SDC. The applicant is requesting a variance for lots 7-11 from the 60 -foot street frontage requirement for lots fronting the north - Page 1 of 3 south streets. The applicant is also requesting a variance from the minimum lot size for lots 9-10 from the minimum lot size. These variance are justified in order to efficiently develop this property to its highest and best use. Also, because of the need for housing in the City of Springfield and the City Council's Policies to create more housing, these variances can be approved. B. The zoning Is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Response: The property is zoned Low Density Residential (LDR). The Metro Plan diagram for the subject property is LDR. C. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, Including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Response: a. Water: The proposed development is within the Springfield city limits and will receive water service from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). There is an existing 8" waterline in Kalmia St. An 8" waterline will need to be extended up the new streets to provide water service and fire protection. b. Wastewater: There is an existing 8" wastewater line in Kalmia St. which will service the entire subdivision. c. Stone Drain: There is an existing storm drain line in Kalmia St. which will provide service for the subdivision. The storm drain system will be designed to not exceed the pre -development flows. d. Streets: The proposed Kalmia St. construction will consist of a 36 -foot wide paved section with a 5 -foot curbside sidewalk and a 50 -foot right-of-way east of 43rd St., a 28 -foot wide paved section with a 5 -foot setback sidewalk and a 50 -foot right-of-way west of 43rd St. The proposed 43rd St. construction will consist of a 20 -foot wide paved section with a 5 -foot setback sidewalk and a41 -foot right-of-way. The proposed Jasper Rd. construction will consist of a 32.5 -foot wide paved half section with a 5 -foot setback sidewalk and a 40 -foot half street right-of-way. The Springfield Fire Department has reviewed the proposed layout and has endorsed the design. D. The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Response: See Response to part C. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WOLW Map and their associated riparian areas; other Page 2 of 3 riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified In this Code or In State or Federal law. Response: The Metro Area General Plan, Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map, State Designated Wetlands Map, Hydric Soils Map, Wellhead Protection Zone Map, FEMA Maps, and the list of Historic landmark sites have been consulted and with the exception noted below, there are no features needing to be protected or preserved on this site. If any artifacts are found during construction, there are state laws that could apply; ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during construction, it is a Class "C" felony to proceed under ORS 97.740. The site is relatively level and does not contain any waterways. Criterion 6 is met. Physical features, including but not limited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings, and historic features have been evaluated and protected as required by this Code. F. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Response: The applicant proposes to construct streets as described in section C above. G. Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this Code. Response: There is no other adjoining property under the same ownership that can be developed. H. Adjacent land can be developed or Is provided access that will allow its development as specified in this Code. Response: Approval of the proposed subdivision will not impede development of adjacent land. I. Where the Partition of property that is outside of the city limits but within the City's urbanizable area and no concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards specified below shall also apply. Response: This does not apply Page 3 of 3 n IEj'x 6= I�I.I� _F � �i611�1l69•Be11Litl66f�1l�feF.�Q�ii1a� ,1...�.ws ,w" FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF�F.6 �666Ar� FO RR :A&EFaR Q TXE FAVRFAII CiA'111P CMLENGIHEEPING GP INGBVTILR PIAN PCN SRI 9 . mreanmw nnamv v� n via .... iaC MeP Cln F O MELD I IEj'x 6= _F FO RR :A&EFaR Q TXE FAVRFAII CiA'111P CMLENGIHEEPING GP INGBVTILR PIAN PCN SRI 9 . mreanmw nnamv v� n via .... iaC MeP Cln F O MELD JASPER GARDENS DRAINAGE STUDY November 20, 2020 SITE CHARACTERISTICS The subject properly is identified on County Assessor's Maps as 18-02-05-24-6700 & 6800. It is located on the north side of Jasper Rd. east of 43rd Sl. and west of 440 Sl. The site is an operating nursey with two existing homes and consists of about 1.7 acres. EXISTING HYDROLOGY The site is relatively flat and portions of the site drain to the south. PROPOSED HYDROLOGY The proposed drainage system of piping the proposed drainage to a proposed detention pond on the east side of the subdivision on the north side of the proposed Kalmia Sl. The pond was sized using the TR -55 unit hydrograph storage indication method. The proposed detention pond has an overflow outlet at elevation 489.5. The proposed outlet will drain into an existing 10" storm drain in Kalmia St. The pre -development flow from the site is 0.55 c.f.s. The post -development flow to be directed to the detention pond is 0.85 c.f.s. The total proposed flow after routing through the proposed detention pond is 0.53 c.f.s. Attached are the following: 1. Pre -Development 10 -year flow (TR -55) 2. Post -Development 10 -year flow (TR -55) 3. Routed Post -Development 10 -year Flow (TR -55) 4. Stage -Discharge Curve 5. Stage -Storage Curve 6. Hydrograph of 10 -year Pre -development 10 -year Post -Development and 10 -year Routed Storm CONCLUSION Based on my calculations and the proposed drainage system is sized properly and will provide the necessary flow control. TR -55 Tabular Hydrograph Method Input Summary Description ..................... 10 -YR PRE DEVELOPMENT Rainfall Distribution ........... Type IA Ia/P Interpolation .............. Off Total Area ...................... 1.7000 ac Peak Time ....................... 504.0000 min Peak Flow ....................... 0.5533 cfs Given Input Data: ---------------------------- Subarea D/S Subareas Description --------------------------- 1 Support Data: ------------------------------------------------ Area CN Tc Tt Rainfall (ac) ------------------------------------------------ (min) (min) (in) 1.7000 69 30.0000 0.0000 4.5000 TR -55 Tabular Hydrograph Method Input Summary Description ..................... 10 -YR POST DEVELOPMENT Rainfall Distribution ........... Type IA Ia/P Interpolation .............. Off Total Area ...................... 1.7000 ac Peak Time ....................... 504.0000 min Peak Flow ....................... 0.8500 cfs Given Input Data: ---------------------------- Subarea D/S Subareas Description --------------------------- 1 Support Data: ------------------------------------------------ Area CN Tc Tt Rainfall (ac) ------------------------------------------------ (min) (min) (in) 1.7000 80 30.0000 0.0000 4.5000 Storage Indication Method Given Input Data: File ........... Description .... 10 -YEAR ROUTED STORM Time increment . 6.0000 min Input Files: Pre-Dev Hydrograph curve .. C:\Users\The Favreau Group\OneDrive\DRAWINGS\MASTER\hd\pre-dev 10-yr.hdc Post-Dev Hydrograph curve . C:\Users\The Favreau Group\OneDrive\DRAWINGS\MASTER\hd\post-dev 10-yr.hdc Stage -Storage curve ....... C:\Users\The Favreau Group\OneDrive\DRAWINGS\MASTER\hd\pond.ssc Stage -Discharge curve ..... C:\Users\The Favreau Group\OneDrive\DRAWINGS\MASTER\hd\POND.sdc Output Data: Routed Peak Flow ......... 0.5247 (I1+I2)/2 H1 cfs Routed Peak Time ......... 8.9000 min min Pre -Developed Peak Flow .. 0.5533 ft3 cfs Pre -Developed Peak Time .. 504.0000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 420.0000 min Post -Developed Peak Flow 0.8500 0.0000 cfs Post -Developed Peak Time 504.0000 426.0000 min Support Calculations: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Inflow (I1+I2)/2 H1 51-(01/2)T S2+(02/2)T H2 Outflow min cfs ft3 ft ft3 ft3 ft cfs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 420.0000 0.1635 29.4231 0.0000 0.0000 29.4231 487.5233 0.0000 426.0000 0.1700 60.0231 487.5233 29.4231 89.4462 487.5708 0.0000 432.0000 0.1765 62.3769 487.5708 89.4462 151.8231 487.6202 0.0000 438.0000 0.1831 64.7308 487.6202 151.8231 216.5538 487.6715 0.0000 444.0000 0.1962 68.2615 487.6715 216.5538 284.8154 487.7255 0.0000 450.0000 0.2092 72.9692 487.7255 284.8154 357.7846 487.7833 0.0000 456.0000 0.2223 77.6769 487.7833 357.7846 435.4615 487.8448 0.0000 462.0000 0.2637 87.4846 487.8448 435.4615 522.9461 487.9141 0.0000 468.0000 0.3051 102.3923 487.9141 522.9461 625.3385 487.9951 0.0172 474.0000 0.3465 117.3000 487.9951 619.1633 736.4633 488.0831 0.0506 480.0000 0.4708 147.1154 488.0831 718.2522 865.3676 488.1852 0.1142 486.0000 0.6146 195.3692 488.1852 824.2647 1019.6340 488.3073 0.1953 492.0000 0.7519 245.9769 488.3073 949.3103 1195.2873 488.4464 0.2815 498.0000 0.8435 287.1692 488.4464 1093.9607 1381.1300 488.5936 0.3560 504.0000 0.8500 304.8231 488.5936 1252.9587 1557.7818 488.7335 0.4126 510.0000 0.8435 304.8231 488.7335 1409.2562 1714.0793 488.8572 0.4565 516.0000 0.7650 289.5231 488.8572 1549.7304 1839.2535 488.9563 0.4883 522.0000 0.6800 260.1000 488.9563 1663.4521 1923.5521 489.0231 0.5091 528.0000 0.6015 230.6769 489.0231 1740.2795 1970.9565 489.0606 0.5200 534.0000 0.5492 207.1385 489.0606 1783.7396 1990.8780 489.0764 0.5247 540.0000 0.4969 188.3077 489.0764 1802.0036 1990.3112 489.0759 0.5245 546.0000 0.4708 174.1846 489.0759 1801.4839 1975.6686 489.0643 0.5211 552.0000 0.4446 164.7692 489.0643 1788.0596 1952.8288 489.0463 0.5159 558.0000 0.4217 155.9423 489.0463 1767.1202 1923.0626 489.0227 0.5090 564.0000 0.3988 147.7038 489.0227 1739.8307 1887.5345 488.9946 0.5006 570.0000 0.3792 140.0538 488.9946 1707.3158 1847.3697 488.9627 0.4904 576.0000 0.3596 132.9923 488.9627 1670.8257 1803.8180 488.9283 0.4793 582.0000 0.3433 126.5192 488.9283 1631.2587 1757.7780 488.8918 0.4676 588.0000 0.3269 120.6346 488.8918 1589.4310 1710.0656 488.8540 0.4555 594.0000 0.3171 115.9269 488.8540 1546.0839 1662.0108 488.8160 0.4421 600.0000 0.3073 112.3962 488.8160 1502.8705 1615.2666 488.7790 0.4288 606.0000 0.3008 109.4538 488.7790 1460.8867 1570.3406 488.7434 0.4161 612.0000 0.2942 107.1000 488.7434 1420.5360 1527.6360 488.7096 0.4040 618.0000 0.2877 104.7462 488.7096 1382.1806 1486.9268 488.6773 0.3911 624.0000 0.2833 102.7846 488.6773 1346.1203 1448.9049 488.6472 0.3785 630.0000 0.2790 101.2154 488.6472 1312.6394 1413.8548 488.6195 0.3669 636.0000 0.2746 99.6462 488.6195 1281.7752 1381.4214 488.5938 0.3561 642.0000 0.2713 98.2731 488.5938 1253.2153 1351.4884 488.5701 0.3462 648.0000 0.2681 97.0962 488.5701 1226.8572 1323.9533 488.5483 0.3369 654.0000 0.2648 95.9192 488.5483 1202.6866 1298.6058 488.5282 0.3259 660.0000 0.2615 94.7423 488.5282 1181.2673 1276.0097 488.5103 0.3162 666.0000 0.2589 93.6831 488.5103 1162.1731 1255.8561 488.4944 0.3075 672.0000 0.2563 92.7415 488.4944 1145.1429 1237.8844 488.4802 0.2998 678.0000 0.2537 91.8000 488.4802 1129.9563 1221.7563 488.4674 0.2929 684.0000 0.2511 90.8585 488.4674 1116.3277 1207.1862 488.4559 0.2866 690.0000 0.2485 89.9169 488.4559 1104.0156 1193.9325 488.4454 0.2809 696.0000 0.2432 88.5046 488.4454 1092.8159 1181.3205 488.4354 0.2755 702.0000 0.2380 86.6215 488.4354 1082.1585 1168.7801 488.4254 0.2701 708.0000 0.2328 84.7385 488.4254 1071.5615 1156.3000 488.4156 0.2647 714.0000 0.2275 82.8554 488.4156 1061.0156 1143.8709 488.4057 0.2593 720.0000 0.2223 80.9723 488.4057 1050.5127 1131.4850 488.3959 0.2535 726.0000 0.2210 79.7954 488.3959 1040.2132 1120.0086 488.3868 0.2476 732.0000 0.2197 79.3246 488.3868 1030.8861 1110.2108 488.3791 0.2425 738.0000 0.2184 78.8538 488.3791 1022.9233 1101.7772 488.3724 0.2381 744.0000 0.2171 78.3831 488.3724 1016.0692 1094.4523 488.3666 0.2343 750.0000 0.2158 77.9123 488.3666 1010.1162 1088.0285 488.3615 0.2309 756.0000 0.2158 77.6769 488.3615 1004.8955 1082.5724 488.3572 0.2281 762.0000 0.2158 77.6769 488.3572 1000.4613 1078.1382 488.3537 0.2258 768.0000 0.2158 77.6769 488.3537 996.8575 1074.5345 488.3508 0.2239 774.0000 0.2158 77.6769 488.3508 993.9287 1071.6056 488.3485 0.2224 780.0000 0.2158 77.6769 488.3485 991.5484 1069.2253 488.3466 0.2211 786.0000 0.2145 77.4415 488.3466 989.6139 1067.0555 488.3449 0.2200 792.0000 0.2132 76.9708 488.3449 987.8504 1064.8212 488.3431 0.2189 798.0000 0.2118 76.5000 488.3431 986.0346 1062.5346 488.3413 0.2177 804.0000 0.2105 76.0292 488.3413 984.1763 1060.2055 488.3395 0.2165 810.0000 0.2092 75.5585 488.3395 982.2834 1057.8418 488.3376 0.2152 816.0000 0.2079 75.0877 488.3376 980.3624 1055.4501 488.3357 0.2140 822.0000 0.2066 74.6169 488.3357 978.4186 1053.0355 488.3338 0.2127 828.0000 0.2053 74.1462 488.3338 976.4562 1050.6024 488.3319 0.2115 834.0000 0.2040 73.6754 488.3319 974.4788 1048.1542 488.3299 0.2102 840.0000 0.2027 73.2046 488.3299 972.4891 1045.6937 488.3280 0.2089 846.0000 0.2020 72.8515 488.3280 970.4895 1043.3410 488.3261 0.2077 852.0000 0.2014 72.6162 488.3261 968.5774 1041.1935 488.3244 0.2066 858.0000 0.2007 72.3808 488.3244 966.8321 1039.2129 488.3228 0.2055 864.0000 0.2001 72.1454 488.3228 965.2224 1037.3678 488.3214 0.2046 870.0000 0.1994 71.9100 488.3214 963.7228 1035.6328 488.3200 0.2037 876.0000 0.1988 71.6746 488.3200 962.3128 1033.9875 488.3187 0.2028 882.0000 0.1981 71.4392 488.3187 960.9756 1032.4148 488.3175 0.2020 888.0000 0.1975 71.2038 488.3175 959.6975 1030.9014 488.3163 0.2012 894.0000 0.1968 70.9685 488.3163 958.4675 1029.4360 488.3151 0.2004 900.0000 0.1962 70.7331 488.3151 957.2766 1028.0097 488.3140 0.1997 906.0000 0.1955 70.4977 488.3140 956.1174 1026.6151 488.3129 0.1990 912.0000 0.1948 70.2623 488.3129 954.9840 1025.2463 488.3118 0.1983 918.0000 0.1942 70.0269 488.3118 953.8716 1023.8985 488.3107 0.1976 924.0000 0.1935 69.7915 488.3107 952.7762 1022.5677 488.3097 0.1969 930.0000 0.1929 69.5562 488.3097 951.6946 1021.2508 488.3086 0.1962 936.0000 0.1922 69.3208 488.3086 950.6244 1019.9451 488.3076 0.1955 942.0000 0.1916 69.0854 488.3076 949.5632 1018.6486 488.3066 0.1948 948.0000 0.1909 68.8500 488.3066 948.5095 1017.3595 488.3055 0.1942 954.0000 0.1903 68.6146 488.3055 947.4619 1016.0765 488.3045 0.1935 960.0000 0.1896 68.3792 488.3045 946.4191 1014.7984 488.3035 0.1928 966.0000 0.1890 68.1438 488.3035 945.3804 1013.5242 488.3025 0.1922 972.0000 0.1883 67.9085 488.3025 944.3449 1012.2533 488.3015 0.1915 978.0000 0.1877 67.6731 488.3015 943.3120 1010.9851 488.3005 0.1908 984.0000 0.1870 67.4377 488.3005 942.2813 1009.7190 488.2995 0.1902 990.0000 0.1863 67.2023 488.2995 941.2523 1008.4546 488.2985 0.1895 996.0000 0.1857 66.9669 488.2985 940.2247 1007.1916 488.2975 0.1889 1002.0000 0.1850 66.7315 488.2975 939.1983 1005.9298 488.2965 0.1882 1008.0000 0.1844 66.4962 488.2965 938.1728 1004.6690 488.2955 0.1876 1014.0000 0.1837 66.2608 488.2955 937.1481 1003.4089 488.2945 0.1869 1020.0000 0.1831 66.0254 488.2945 936.1240 1002.1494 488.2935 0.1862 1026.0000 0.1824 65.7900 488.2935 935.1004 1000.8904 488.2925 0.1856 1032.0000 0.1818 65.5546 488.2925 934.0772 999.6318 488.2915 0.1849 1038.0000 0.1811 65.3192 488.2915 933.0543 998.3735 488.2905 0.1843 1044.0000 0.1805 65.0838 488.2905 932.0317 997.1155 488.2895 0.1836 1050.0000 0.1798 64.8485 488.2895 931.0093 995.8578 488.2885 0.1830 1056.0000 0.1792 64.6131 488.2885 929.9871 994.6002 488.2875 0.1823 1062.0000 0.1785 64.3777 488.2875 928.9651 993.3428 488.2865 0.1817 1068.0000 0.1778 64.1423 488.2865 927.9431 992.0854 488.2855 0.1810 1074.0000 0.1772 63.9069 488.2855 926.9213 990.8282 488.2845 0.1804 1080.0000 0.1765 63.6715 488.2845 925.8995 989.5710 488.2835 0.1797 1086.0000 0.1757 63.4067 488.2835 924.8778 988.2845 488.2825 0.1790 1092.0000 0.1749 63.1125 488.2825 923.8322 986.9447 488.2815 0.1783 1098.0000 0.1741 62.8183 488.2815 922.7434 985.5616 488.2804 0.1776 1104.0000 0.1733 62.5240 488.2804 921.6193 984.1433 488.2792 0.1769 1110.0000 0.1725 62.2298 488.2792 920.4666 982.6964 488.2781 0.1761 1116.0000 0.1716 61.9356 488.2781 919.2907 981.2263 488.2769 0.1754 1122.0000 0.1708 61.6413 488.2769 918.0959 979.7373 488.2758 0.1746 1128.0000 0.1700 61.3471 488.2758 916.8858 978.2329 488.2746 0.1738 1134.0000 0.1692 61.0529 488.2746 915.6631 976.7160 488.2734 0.1730 1140.0000 0.1684 60.7587 488.2734 914.4303 975.1890 488.2722 0.1722 1146.0000 0.1675 60.4644 488.2722 913.1893 973.6537 488.2709 0.1714 1152.0000 0.1667 60.1702 488.2709 911.9416 972.1118 488.2697 0.1706 1158.0000 0.1659 59.8760 488.2697 910.6884 970.5644 488.2685 0.1698 1164.0000 0.1651 59.5817 488.2685 909.4308 969.0126 488.2673 0.1690 1170.0000 0.1643 59.2875 488.2673 908.1697 967.4572 488.2660 0.1682 1176.0000 0.1635 58.9933 488.2660 906.9055 965.8988 488.2648 0.1674 1182.0000 0.1626 58.6990 488.2648 905.6391 964.3381 488.2636 0.1666 1188.0000 0.1618 58.4048 488.2636 904.3706 962.7755 488.2623 0.1658 1194.0000 0.1610 58.1106 488.2623 903.1007 961.2112 488.2611 0.1649 1200.0000 0.1602 57.8163 488.2611 901.8294 959.6458 488.2598 0.1641 1206.0000 0.1594 57.5221 488.2598 900.5571 958.0792 488.2586 0.1633 1212.0000 0.1586 57.2279 488.2586 899.2840 956.5119 488.2574 0.1625 1218.0000 0.1577 56.9337 488.2574 898.0102 954.9438 488.2561 0.1617 1224.0000 0.1569 56.6394 488.2561 896.7358 953.3752 488.2549 0.1609 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