HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-08-22.. RESII'tr't\lTIAL.. APPLICA(. /pERt/trT225 North |th Sty,eet Sprtngfield" 7regon TZ4ZZ Building Diuist on 7 26- s7 53 SPH',tfGFIELf) Iour City Design"a.ted Job Nwnbet, fs: r N S U LAT IO N / V APOR BARRI ER I IIS P.ECTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn a."td. tequired uapot'batrieys are in place but befone ary Lath, gypslon boay,C ot, unLL couering is applied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be madei$erZfl-ewiTfts in place, but prior to cny taping. MAS1NRL: Steel Location, bond beams, grouting on uerticals in accordqnee uith U.B,C. Section 24L5. Recei,# l4utf Date: It is the responsibi-Lity oi-tle permit ltoldet to aee that alt inopectione ave nade at the p?opet, time, that each addyees is readabl.ef.1an-t4e str-ee.t, and that the-penrtt card is Loeated. at the f,ont'of the properiy.*Building D,luicion apptoxed plan svcll remain on thi i"llaL"ir'-s:it. at all times. PnoCSDUPEi!oR, T\SPEC?|)N,!!-QyEST:CALL726-3769 (yecord.ey) state your City designated jobr.equested and .uhen 1.1ou uiLL beieady for inspection, Contn:actars o'r oumex.s" ncne ind plnne ;|"LLL be nade the aone dcy, nequests made aftet ?:00 on vtLL be mad.e the nect aorking'd.ay. nunber, job aCdress, type nttmbet,. Requests recei"*ed rq '/g of inspecticn befcre 7 :00 tt:' SITE INSPEC?ION: Io be rrude after etcaoation, but pr*ior tc set up of forme. UNDIRSLAB ?LU\EINC. ELEC?RTCAL & MECHAIIICAL: To be made before any uoz,k is eooered. lQPllNC & F)UNDATICN: ?o be npCe a 1i e r-Ti enc4ii-ar e ie c auat e d and foz,ms are eteeted, but ptior topouting ccncreta. -a uN0lncnoulo pruuetuc, sswn, w,trtn,) Lir,4 trenches. --1 uaomprooR pLUtlBrNG & MECIIANrIAL:_J of floor insulation or decking. 7 Posr ano amy: To be nade prior to) ffit;TT;fr" of ftoor insulLtion ot decking. .1 ROUGH PLUI,IBT!|C. ELECTRTCAL & I4ECH- I until these tnspeetions haue been nade aruJ appnoued. 1 UPwtl,ct: priot, to olceirut facinoI mdGi;G awl before'iraninlg L.iup"L- tLOfl. FRA\'|INC: ltust be requested aftet, appz'oual of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & meclnnical. ALI noofittg bracing & ehinmegs, ete. rmtst be zompleted. lto ucrk is to be con- vcled until this inspection las een nade anC approxed. Aften installation is CURB e APPROAEI APPON: After forrnsd,e e;AT;V Eutnii to pourirq concrete. SIDEI,IALK & DRIIIE\IAI: Pot, aLL con- erete patsing aith'in street night- of-rxA, to be maCe after aLL exea- uating cornplete & fotn uork & sub- base material in place. ?ENCE: hthen conplete -- ProuiCe gate6 or mouable sections through P, U. E. ALL pnoject cond'it'i.ons, such as the i.nstallation of stt,eet trees, conpletion of the required LanCsccpirg, etc,, nust be satisfied before the BUILDINC PINAL canbe requested. FINAL BUfLDfNC; The Fi.nal Building Inspecti-on mtst be nequested after the Fi-nal Plubi-ng ELectri,cal, anC, Mechar'i-caL Inspeci'i.ons -ltaoe been made and apptorsed W IAL PLUI|BIIIC \L IIECHA]IICAI 7r,,,-,, I p1'lr Job Locaticn: 1--=-t2 oAasessors Map #?az Lot ll S'ubdiuiston: Otmer:I tsrAddyess:PLione City:zip 1 Ul\\Cttrt 4- fk0fory C'lu'"Y Descrtbe htot k: VaLue 5D?-Date of App Licaticn Additicn RemoCeL ctorn General Llechanica EJec E r ca P l unrb ing S upe Elec t r c 1anl-n ILDI;1CS Sanitary sasez, capped tt pnopenty. Lire Septic tank pwrped and filled uttth gra"lel Ftnal - h4ten aborse items are ccmoleted and uhen Cenolition ia complete bt, stta:-ture noued and, premises cleaneC up. Ilcmes Plunbing connectione -- scuet' ad uater Electrtcal Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing connections rrtst be apprc"*ei before nequesting eleclr"Lcal inspection Aeeessory BuilCing Ftnal - After pcrehee etc, ane conpleted. skirting, decks Blocking and Set-up , SLECTNICAL *ALLlliMtt(;tF)!; AND CLt"'1NOLt't':' llt :'1' ttti )CC\':S:;TBLf: 'Al),lll!1'!T't:il'! TO 5!:: Ii'\lt 4'r' tiO l.':rS? T0 CT':'Y r1 G+ Zone S OLAR AC^E-SS REQ.-JOB NO. L-CO Bedrooms: LCT TYPE _ Interior CoY'net Lot Faces - Iot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooerage ! of Stories _-___# Total ltei.ght P. L.House Panhandle CuL-de-sacTopograPhY t ITEM FTG x A TOTAL VALUE {;. D. C 1,5 x Fee BuildinEl Permtt Paid State Signed:Total Clarges NO.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit Fi^xtutes No percon sha-ll -consttuet, instal-!'' alter. or clnnge 'GnU nel'cr etisting plwnbing ot' dralndge t;""i;"';;";;;ltn*o'-;'" p*t' "unleei sueh petson is the Leqal possessor oI ";!ri;e"pi:'*'bJ'1ili"-n""-'"' icept ttnt a pbrson mas do plunbins aork to p..p"i7i*,,ini;;"1'" ;;;e: lll"na or operated by the appli- Residenttal (1 bath) Seuer cant. Plunbing Pernit State L * Na,t/Efiend Circuits Electricql Permit WherestateLa)requirestluttheeleett'icaluorkbedonebg-anElecttical Contractor, the electr'7Z"ilZ"tiZ"--of th.is -pennit slnll not be oali'C until tt;-1;b;1 'lras b.en signed Ay tne Eleetrteal contractor' Sentice State Total * ITlM FgE CIIARCE Mechonicol Permit I khanat Hood Vent Fot llcodstoue tOO Perw|t Issuance Mechani.cel Penmtt * Pemit Cltrba^tt Sida,talk Mobile Hone PLan Ercmtner f IIAE CARBFULLy E0AMINED the cornpleted application fo-r permit' atd do inintg certifg tto|-'alt-inlotnafibn hereon' is true an'd correet, an'C I furthbr certify that ang ard aLL aonk perfomted slall be done in accon- dance tith the ordinance.s of the City of Springfield, and the La*e of ther 1*t-? o{ -l-r'9oon p_e*taining to the wik ces'cribiod hnrrin, and ilat N0 \cca-Pr''*cv uirl be nade of any struetw,e uithout permiseion Lf tie suitding Di-oieion' r fw'then cbz*ii,1- that iiiy- ooitr"cto,s anrd, enprcgees uho are ineonpliance uith CRS 701.-lss uiLL be"uiZi on this ini,ii,ii--"-"" f'aa -w * TO?AL AMOI]N? DUE: * Date #: f 5'oo- UALE {