HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-07.. RESIDENTIAL.. .{:P::JJr:3J /?!R!4r! 225 llor=h 5!c S=reec Scr)ngft-elC, )recon 97177 tsutldina )iuisian /za-o/oo SPFIINGFIEI.D L.t--, e oAt'.rz' / -/" /9. o o .Go r{Ao PLwbir,4 =7 .^r*'^-7 Constrlelicn_li@gr !'- ia ahe restottsibiT.ity o.f tle per*t! hoZder to see that aL! inspections @a nade at ihe pz,opev tine , thct ecch address is rea;aoie froat the st?eet, cnC titct the oenrt.t cad. id Located at the izrtt of the cropertg.13u';!d.i"4 luictot cli"ov'e(i pi.an sVzli tenain on tie Euiici-Jr.i :aic at aLL'tines,- ?P1ClDU?t F1n i;ls?iflCil RSCU]ST.'CALL726-3769 (yeconCet) stcte !ou" City Cesigr"tted job nw;:ber, job al,itzss, type of inspec:l)cn requesxid ari a.;tenyou uill ce ready far ir,speccion, Cont"cc.c?e ct, A,zets ncte a,l phone ntnber, P.equests z'eceiteti be;'cte 7:00 c:''-ill be tacie the sar,e ic7, rec.ltesxs naie cftat 7:00 cn ttLL be rade the ne=t:,nrking daE. 7- You" CiW'DesiEru.ted Job lhnbet Is:?sPrt ?eouireC Tn sr ccx"lns ?3 (: .-)/o"e-iob beecicn: Tcz lot #Assesaorc ila-c ll StbCi:tisian: .L "/Le-rn a rfa- l*Ad&esa 5 iqz-??qo 7/77 7 ^*rro"n Ln-o-() g A/^-,.- f1 an oanr 7.lo_t/Jr-^ O 7 ,,oorr, =o"" t Date of ^rOrr"r"r"n I @'?' W - Lha^/ u / vot"€6s-2. )esc'm)be lt'ot'k:fX,,, al/+Genetal, tlctres tsLocking otd, Set-up Plunbin4 conrec=iats -- sare? otC uazet Electz;.cal Ccntectlon - Blocking, sei-,t= aru! pl"unbin-g eottnections rntst be cp-D"2o-ed before requesting electricel irsoec=l.o:': Accessory* SuilClng ?tt.tl - After gcrckes, skirting, Ceei,s, etc. @e 2inole=ad. ?t;e 1 oi J 3I?9 I:ISFIC::):I: eacav,5.x'-ofi, tut lo ce nrce afler Vricr :c se! u? of fcrms. llrla?ae. t2 =tttttu?tta ="?r31.^.r t ;89!;:!ici!, 7o be nde ceJore cny wtk :.s eopcteC. ?COT!:;C 1 ?AUJD,M31: ?o be raCe ;t4;;-;enci;;-.!. "- e=cc-ts ct eC ad fcztts c.te erected, but ?"":or lopotrirq ccncteta. U:IDZRG?OU:ID ?LI.':43::;C. SJ'=P,'J.I!!?, 9PAi)IACE: lo be ra;e prtcr tc i:.L-Lir4:renchcs. lttrtFad"^aD Df .tt@fta ) tt=-.1at^. f . @o1 fZaor ir.suia.=ictt ct deekinc. P1S? .lilD 3t/.!1: 76 ls rcie ir4ar tol6ilElioi i..',cor i*uk=ic,; cr Ceckitrg, .?.0t:tci: ?arBi:!c, !:z:?.?!c:.a , ;.8C.1- A:liC;.L: :lo ':orr. .)s :o :e cc"-e:ed wi'.'- t i2esp.'.1".s9ect.,a7:s ..ale ieeri i\TSULA?IO\I /IIAPCP SARRIIR IIISPIC?fi II : lo be naae zf'ter aLL insulattcn ei rcquired vcpor berie?s @e in pi.ace ttt beicre azg kth, W?s'.m bcarC or unLL couering is cpplied, dnd beforeay instl,a=icn is concealed. DP.YIALL lllS?lC!fill: lc be nade -.. aiter aLL ct-ruali is ln olace, but prior to an! tcpir'g. tlLSolr?!: Steel Locatlan, boni ffijgauting or lterciecls 'in aceordarce tLih U.B. C. Sectlon 2415 After ,)nstallattoa is CURB 8 I.SPRCACH .4?PClt: Aftet tornsa.;=;A;A-b;; ?nA to pczmns conE?ete. SIDE\IA.LK ,1 )PliTtif.'!: Fot, aLL can- crete pauitq uL1:h1.n street rlght- of-,EA' lo be naie after all erca- uatinq canolete I lorn xoz'k & aub- itase acteial in place. !ENC!: r,{r,en ccnpT-ete -- ?rouiCe - gates o? nortabie sectl-ons ti".t'ough Dilt tzt:1Li!i)I aR ;.:cw2 tsuiLDI;ics Sanitazg se.ter capgeC ct prcperty Lite Septte tank yt4eC atzd fnllad. ,ith grc--zi Plncl - i{hen cbctse itens ate ccno1-eted a,:d ;hen ier.tclition is cqalete br s*.^:- tute naueC ai prerLaes eibanei u2. r I I II:l o nccz :raa -=r>lei.:-t ri:tetsczi z*Lor :o >Lcc----z ,ccir.c lt-| | nc=e-i,ila :.nzi beicre :'rta/g .)nsce-c- -1 ipt:::lc: itust be reo:.esteci ey'ier,J "?r,*u"i of ra,igh -tlu:bir4, e'!ectr.-cal I neciar,ical. AL! moliry brar-rg I ehir,aegs, etc. r,isc beanoleted. :!o .;cr< is to be ccr.- - cecled unc:.L this inscecicrt i.zs 'been naie ani cpprtreci. =7trA r af rt.E f t'a ?II;L :,!E:P,4:IiCAL i.i.nAL 2-J--.-.J-au ALL pnc;ect ooreit'Jcns, such cs ch'e;..nsrai.Zaticn cf'saz,eec xrees, :o:zlet'Jct cf tie req.,tirei ianCscccirl, c'ic., nust be sat'JsiieC bci'ore =he 3UiDIi:G ?I!!AL:en be reqtested- i::lAL ilILDIJC: !7.e Fi:".aL Euildir4 Insoeetion tast be reauestei cilet' the linal ?lwoing STeccrical, otc lleciun'Jcal inseecticns itque been nc.<ie aai apcrouel. 'Ai: ;.!A:t;!Ca!s AUD cLrAticuT, :!us: 2E .r.c:isi:31;, .{rfi,s?t::.'i! i0 3s .t!^,i! !.? ::c ,':5! :1 :I:'! ( I I f)55[o\ l' SoLARA jESS REQ.-L-CO G+ 3ec-?con3 Building Vqlue & Permit ?his pernr')t ,)s gycnted on the eq"ess cotldition tlat the said constrtclianshali, in all resoects, confcrrn to the Crdinanee cdoctz,L cy the City of Spr,-ng;tel,7, includ.ing lhe Zoning Ctdinatce, regntlc--ir.o ;ke ccrstrtet-icn ctd use of b,tiliings, ,z:C nzy be susoeruie,L or reuckei x,t cr.! t:.ne u2cz uic- Laticn oi a-y prcoisions oi' saiC CrCirances. euild"Jrg Pe"ftLt Stdta Total Clargea Plunh.ng Pen:it -- i;icRSACH;.!t:!? -- # Sigred: Plumbing Perrnit llo_ per.eon siu._Ll ,coastmtct, inslal!-, alter ot change cnV nel ct e:isting glun4ing cr dtainage stlstqrl in uhole ot in patt, tu:,Less such petson is th,e Legal possessor of a oalid plwrberts License, encept th.ct a cb:son nay doplunbblg uork to p"opett! wlrich is otmed, Leased or ooerated by the appli-ccnt. PLcn Ecanllie? I HAW CAREIALLy gLa"UInED the conol,ete-d acplication for Tetmi:, arui dc hereby certify thdt aLL itio:natilon hereai ia true anC, cZrrect', otC I f"*thet certiiy that cny arL aLL aork oeriotned shall be Cone in accct- dance tith the Otdincnces of tite Citg of SpingfielC, anC. the Lc;s of thet State of Aregon pertaintno to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd ti"a.s :tO CCC'..I- P.t-nC'I 'raLL be nwde of any 3ttuciu"2 r,tithcut pernissiol cf the 3utlding Di-uision. i fuz,ther certifi th.at atly contrectors a;d. etclcgees uhc oe i;t co:tol:-ance utth CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this pnoject l4obii.e ilcae Lot laces - Setbacks )f Cdraae ,lccass P.an Eas-" Santh l! cf Lct Cc.tetcga _ I/.ie?ic" _ Cormet _ Panhad.Le CUL-de-sac >t I l:ix .{ JOB NO. # of Stor)es fopogrql',i ].bin Cecce )ceessct:t !C?,41 VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 s li.stz"res ResiCential (1 bath) Seuet Electricol Permit llhere State La,t reouires tl'lat the electrical uork be Ccne bg an lXectricalContractot,, the electrical potlion of this petnit slu.Ll not be ualiC uttilthe Label lus been aigned by the Electr-)cal Cont"acto?, lotal Neu/E:tead. Cits,tits Sensice oo /s t5" n 0 Secud Mechonicsl Permit bltast HooC Tcodstotse Vent Fat Petttit fssu,ctee UD ^ix-' ^-1 D^H' L Storzae Mcinxen*tce Curb,:tt L t3!.1L .4i,!AUt? DU!:'/.6 '0 IL /-w-/t 7 ?:n:e