HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-11-26tt.' RESIDE['* lAL "'r"",*oFrEr-D APPLICATI1Nt TERMIT 225 North |th Street Sprtngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 Job Locaticn: Aasesaone I'kP I 10b7, Sttbdivision: A)ner: Ad&,ess: ^Ici zip:712 Describe [t'ot'k: edditicn i^rLatl los (ur^lLCL tio L L. Date: VaLueDate of General es Tca'lot il t6D Phone:zb13a P lurnb i lilec r. r nrca a SrrDe Evc.f,tiir-'|8 lilec Erlc ian at the proPer tine' that acch cddtees ts rea4abi,e , It iE the froot thetBuilding ' responsibility of tle permtt hoden stpe'et. anC that the perzrtt catd ia : uiirlo" approted pLan slall renain to oee Located on tlP 26-3769 (recorden) inspection,Contrac after ?:00 a vil L to maCe that aLL tnePections ate rnde at the frcnt of the ProPertY. Building Sitc at aLL times. PttocsDUPE FoR INSPECIION \1!!!!!:CALL 7 "adY fol',:iit Ae rade the sane dcy, tequests ncde state you? CitY desigruted iob 'tors oi asnerl ttane and P?one be nade the ncct wtki.rg daY. iob aCdteas, tYPe P.equests receited of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 crnw:ber, rutnbcr. 4lw City Desigr,ated Job Nunbet f8: after uP of 'ION:l SITE INSPEC?ION: ezcavation, but forne. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIC F I I.I A L I4EC IIA I'I I CA L FINAL ELEENICAL To be prtor tc se! - uNpERst,AB PLUTETNC. ELFelRr-cAL e I ilECHtilIcAL: lo be nnde betore anY -____J ----r----;-b:or.k La coucrea. - ITmrNc t F)UNDATT)N: To be naCe I after trenches are exeauated atul - for.s are etected, but Pt'iot' to pouring ccncret€. -1 uwancnouro ptuusrNg ssryP*, w.tw' I o*Nnact: To be nflxe Prlot' co JLL- Lirg trenches. 1 unoenrrcon prutnrstc 4. lttc:linrqat" ^ -) fo be nad.e prior to instaLLablon oJ floor inaulctton or decking' a Posr AND EEAM: To be nade Prior to ) tAAt6mof floor insulation or deeking. -- RO'-tAt Pr,ullBItc. ElEnn!?AL e ptEctt; I luIceL: No wrk is to be cot:erea - A|Tthcse insPecliorts haue been nade atd approtseT,. 1 nn*uctt Prior to Plccir4 facing ) ,,a;;;l;G and before franing insPec- tion. -1 paellnc: Plust be requested aften I 6iffit of rouqh plrttrbing, electt'i- - ia'L 6 nectanicai. 'ALl toofittg bracin4 C ehitmcys, etc. mtst be conpletcd. !!o ucrk is to be con- . ceiled unttl thta insPeetion las 'been nade anC approted. bam,iers ate in Place Lath, gypsun baat4 or is applied, and before is concealed. DRYWALL INSP1tr!)N: lc be nnde if;er aTT-&vu"t-le .in Place' but ption to anY taPlng, MASONRY: Steel location, bond fiffiilgrouting or oertieals in accord&ce Ltith u.B.c. Section 241 S, required, uaPon but befone anY rnll cooering ory insulation I,IOODSTOYE: &mpT;tA. After installation is CURB & APPRCAC\\ APP:?L: Aftet .fornsat; e;AtA 'o"t Prion to Pouring concrete. SIDEIIALK e DnllEl-t4y: For all con- ;;;;;;6fr Dlihin street nisht- of-ttcu'. to be nade aften all etca- oLfini- canplete & forn rrnk & aub' base iaterial in Place' ?ENCE: lthen conPlete -' Prorti'Ce @ o, mooable sectiana througli P.U.E. - .: --; ALL pnoject cond.ttions, such as tl.re inatallation of 8!r-'eet t-fe-e|.'c!frDlction of the required tand.secptng)-LtLl., ,*"t t" "oU.of;f,1-l,"io'"n-li" EUILDTN| FISAL can be nequested' IINAL BUILDINC: The fina| Building. Inapection ,7uat be reauested alten the Final Plwnbing (J ;'ri2i;i:"1:'Ti i","nori"ol rnspectlions'haoc been nnde atd' apptooec. Sanilary setet eapped at propentE Lfr'.e ,, ,rt. r,i.,rllrta LtYtur/t,''.;rl i", '[1. ", Septis totk p't:rVed and ftlled vith gna:;el Final - l{hen ab:oe itens ave ccnpleted and uhen Cer,olition is conplete or st,'ltl.s' tute noueC atd premises cleanei up. llcnes Blocking and Sat-uP Ptunbing connectiona -' aa!,er od ualer Electrical Ccmneetion' Blocking, eet'ut - and olunbinq eonnections rrust be aPp?cted befine requ-eeting eleclrical inspec"ion Aceeasorg BuilCing Pinat - After pcrlehes, skittlng, decks, ete. ane eonPleted' P*Je 1 of 3 IAI,T, I'IANIICT'ES A ND CT,EANOUTS IIIET NE AECESS1BLIi, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE illIT'E I'T IIO CCST TO CT?Y VA blNll tl iE i-] Aacess.ItouseP,/ of Lot Cooenage n of Stories TopogruPhY IDT TTPE _ Interior Corner Pantundle - Cul-de-sac VaLue TOTAL VALUE s.D,c. 7.5 x FEE Pbturee Resilential (1 bath) Seuer Nal/Eitend Circuits Seruice Electricol Permit llhete State Iat requitea th'a't the electrical wrk be done by 'an Electrical contractor, the electnlZoliool';on- of this p"iit it-tt "ot- b" valid until i;;l;b;f i-i i"L" sisned av tne Elee*ical contractor' '.1 NC. B,hanet llooC Vent Fot 6DlLq 0 Mechq nicol Permit Petnrit fssuance llechanictl Pemit -. ENCROACHMENT -- Pcrmit Cwrbcu! Sida,talk L Mobile llone soLAR AccEss REQ'-L-CO G+ Date JOB NO.Bedtoonet: tat Facee - Building Volue & Permit This perrnt ia grante'l on the etprecs cond.ition tlat the said'con-sttuction shall, in atl neapeets,";":;fz;i;']i',1 o&i;"ce adopted 6v the c'itv of Spri.ngfield, inclttdtng the'wning Crdinanc.e' regulctittg the ccnstntctlcn ' and use of build'ings, ;;;^;;-';""suaPende'{ or teuokec at cny t't'ne upon otc- lation of ony prcoisione of eai'd ot:dinances' I I Building Perwit Sttte Total Clargea Plunbing Pernit State ?otal I Paid: ReceiPt ll: Si.gned: Plumbing Permit No Dereon ah1lll construct, ins!al!, alter or clatlge .Gna neu.cr e:isting ptt;*ins or drainase ";"ti;"';;-;;:tJ9f i" part' "unlesi such penson is the lesal possessor of " tZ1il"pi'^f,'Ji'i1-l'"-n"2L' es""pt tt^'at a Person nnv do plunbins uork to p."p;;i;""i;;;"i'r;;;;:-1zl"La oir operated bv the appli- cant. , Ttari Erzniner IHAWCAREFULLyEXAI,)INEDthecotnpletedapplicationfotpennit'anddo herebu certify ttot' oii-t"ii"o'tibn hereii ie true an'd cortect' tnl' r ';;;1i,zr"-"'";;i7s- ti"t ;;y- "a ail wrk petfonred etall be done in acco?- ;";;:; "i; li*" onai,,n""."*lr lin ati .'"7.bpiiiZf"^Lizrri ":Y ,ff|" r"rr ,ii:r-Tti-" Zf- or"gon pertainins to the uork Ceec pAttcr ttitl be nnce ,;';;:;" 'i;";;;;;-;;it7;;1-iZit'"io" of the euitdins Dt- oision. I further ""'i'iii1 thet only con-traiirs ard e'plcyeea dho are itt Z;pi:;;*'"Llli'b:ns zo1'bss uiLL be-uaed on thia proieet ,rorAL Attoutr DUE:' Zb.li 2€ q?a- D,vte / , * C'TY OF SPR OREGO'U 225 FIFTE STREET SPRTNGFTELD, OREGoN 97477 INSPECIION RBQUBSTz 726-3769 0FFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION(> IJGAT DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRA(;TOR INSTALI.,ATION Electrical Contracto Address Ci ty Phone Supervis License Number Expiration Date IO Constr Contr. Number Expi rat i te ql S Blectrician SPrlI't.GFIELE) EI,EC'IRICAL PERUIT APPLICATION Job Nunber COHPIJTE FEE SCEEDUI,E BELOS Nev Residential-Single or MuIti-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service Included: I tems Cos t $ 8s.001500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Uanuf'd Home or Ilodular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 1s.00 $ 3s.00 B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amPs - 601 amps to 1000 amPs 0ver 1000 amps/volts - Reconneet OnIY 3 A DE Sutn a5_ve L I c.Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 201 amps to 400 amPs - S over 4b1 to 5oo amps - S Over 600 amps or 1000 volts se $ 3s.00 $ 60.00 $ 80.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00 35.00 40.00 80.00 ,e ilBtr ON D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel 3LName Address Ci ty Phone The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for saIe, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: One Circuit Trro to ten Circuits Each Addt'I ten or portion thereof SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL 0Nl * $ 3s.oo $ s0.00 t '4h-21^13 $ 1s.00 E.Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 36.00 Sign/Outline Lighting- S 36.00 Signal Circuit or Iimited energy panel $ 36.00 5 RECEIVED BY: Ci ty