HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1989-08-14tacation:to, 3 lcs Iot llAacesoors MaP ll Subdilision: (,n rnone: /(6-o 7 ci Address: Descr"ibe L'ork: 25 ValueDate of APPlicatian. .4.dditian RenoCel tll.. RESIDFNTIAL" ="",roFrELDAPPLICAT---,PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuisio.n 7 26-37 53 Date: General Plurnbing Llechan cal ec E.rica lanFllec t t:1€lSu OR BU, Sanilaty saser capped at propatty Line Septic tork p'n;tped ard filled vtth gra;tel Final - Lhen abcue itens are canpleted and uhen daolition ie canplete or atlac- ture noved artd ptattrises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking otd, Set-:tP Plunbi.ng connectione -- aaner otd uaten Electtical Cotnection - Blocking' set-up ai olwnbinq connections nust be appnoueC be fot'e requZating elec'.rtcal inspec tion Acceasory Building Pinal - After pctchee, ekirting, decks' etc. dre comPleted. SITE INSPEC'I'ION: ercatation' but forna. FIPEPLACE: ,nat;;l;G FIIIAL PLUUBINC FINAL MECNANICNL FINAL ELECTRICAL : DRY\IALL INSPECAI1N: Tc be nade ifter-dT@TTte in place, but prior to anY taPing. MASINRI: Steel Location, bond ffiilgrouting ot' Detticals in accondorce with U,B.C. Section 2415. before @ty La th, couering inaulation L8 aPp LA concea Led. After irctallation ia ?o be nade aftet' prior to eet uP of Iout City Deaigr,ated Job Nwnbet Ia a rcquired DdPor ban'iere a.!e 7.n lacep UNDERSLAB PLUMBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & wjiLiiail ?o be npde befone ang Dot k ie eaeted. FOOTII,IG & FOUNDA?ICN: lo be nade @er-tren.tro ate ercaoated anl forns ate erected, but Prior to pouning ccncrete. UN1ERCROUNp PLUMB ING? SSV.IR. w.4r-!".1. DRAI\IAGE: To be nade Pmor to !LL-Tf ifrnchee. U\\DERFLO1R PLUI.TBING 4 MECH-1NIC.!L: -io be nPde Prior to instaLlaalon oI floor inaulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Priot' to frfitGffi{of floor insulation or deckittg. ROU1H PLUt{BrIlG, E4ECAW?AL E MECH; ANICAL: No tnrk is bo be cote?ea GllTtheae inspecticns haue been nwde and, approoed. but @ty ale Ln LL gyplun board or Lied, and. before Aftet forrns to pouring concrete. Por aLL con- cre etreet right- f-txy' to made after aLL exca- forn wt'k & sub' lzce. oating canPlete & , base nntetLal in PPrior to Plccirq facing ard before franing inePec- tion. FRA\IINC: l,tust be requeoted after ffiffi| of rough pltttr,bing, electni- &'L E neclanical. ALL roofing braeing E chi,nmcYe, etc. nwaL be : eonpleted. No wrk ie to be con' , ceiled until thiB insPection lue 'been nad.e anC approued. IENCE: h1ren comPlate -- Pt'ottiCe @ or mooable sectione through P.U.E, FrNAL BU,LD,,IG: r,he tinal Building rnepection naet be reoueated alier the Finol Plwnbing O ;i\i"!r:;1:'Xlrc unonori"ol rnspectioi,i n"u" been made atd'approoed' ,ALL I,IANIICI,ES AND CLEANOUTS I\IUST DE ACCESSIDLE'AT),IUSTIIEIII TO BE I'IADE AT NO COST TO CIIY Page I of 2. l }l.1 J l T tr -.:ALL project condttions, such ae the installation of atreet treea' conpletton of bhe required Londsecptngt)"2t.,-,-7ruut be uatisfiei-L'ifoi"n-lin BUILDIN7 TINAL' can be requested' ESS REQ.-SO LAR c+ Gt. JOB NO. L-CO Bedrootna LOT ?YPE Interior Lot Facea 'Iot Sq. Etg. 7 of Lot Cooerage ! of Stories Total Height TopographY P,I, CoPner Panlnndle CuL-de-aac ITEM FTG x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This permit ia granted on the etqres? co^ttd,ition tha-t the. sailrconsLmtction shall, in atl reepects,- ioi,li*'to th-e 1rdinance edopted biy the cLty of Snninofield. inctudi.ni'tie'U"ing Cy6inance, regulaL'ittg the ccnstructicn :;"';iL";7L";i;;A;;:;a-^rv ao'""opended on rbuokec at cnv time upon oic- lation o1 ony prcoisi-ona of aaid ?t'dinances' TOTAL VALUE s. D. c.1,5 x Building Permtt Fee: Date Paid: State Receipt #: ?otal Clnrgee {Sigted: ITEM NO,CIIARGE Plumbing Permit No Deraon olnll constntct, inetall, alter or chattge ,cnY nel -cr eaisting';i,ri"br;'.; i;li"iZ-iiit-, inuloie or in patt, inlees auch person is the i;;;i-;"';i,;;';7; "Llti p\,,-ri's Lic.ene'e, e&:ept ttnt.a P?ls?n 'ta'g !o. ilifitiri uork to propniiy itttctt is oumed, Leaaed or operated by the appli'- cant. Ei.stures Resilential (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Pernit State * Electricql Permit where state Las requiree ttat the electrical uork be done by,an Electtical Cintiootor, the ,.7)ctriial iortion of this .permit slull not be ualtC until the Label las been tigned by the ElecLrical Contractor' t CUARGENC. ^ Mechqnicol Permit Na,t/Ezterd Circuita Seruice Std.te ?otal Eshanet llood llcodstore Vent Fot Permit Isauance Mechanical Perwit -. ENCROACHMENT .. Secutity Deposit Storage l*tinte,nanza- Permit Cutbca! )13.qaSida,talk ( Fence Electrical tabel Mobile ltane Total udtePLdn ExcJnlner I HAW CAREFULLy LXAMINED the canpleted application fo-r permit, and do n"ilti ;;rir|r-1h";-oll in1orrr-tibn hereoi ie true atd cortect, anc r i"rli""" certii"ly that any i"a aU uo.rk pe-nforned alnll be done in accor- 'dance tith thZ'OrdinanaZe of the City of 'Spningfield, .atd th-a Ia;e of tha siTL "t oregon pertatning'to the 'n'ik Ceecribcd herein, dnd thdt No occu- ilnCy ,ttt bZ m'Ce of any" ettucture uithout permieaion of the Suilding N' oieion. I further cbntiiil tlat oily contpac-toPs atd enplcyeea uho are in co,apliance Dith oRS ?01.-0ss uiLL be ueed on thie project g-/+- . ..,, i .,yT i hzte FSE I Fvrnaee YIU'S State Surclaroe Total Claroea {