HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-06-06.. RESII NTIAL.. zz5 North stlr s;treeaPPLrcATr)N /PERMT? Springfield, )r,egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 # SPRINGFIELD-. (c Date It ic tha reeporto'ibi-LilV .of-tne pernrtt ho-74e" to oee tlnt aLL inspections ate nade at tlp prope" tine, that each adlrees is reaCableIyl-* at?.eet' and tlat the permit catd. ia Located at the frani of the propetty.*suiUing Noiciott aprou*ed ptan shcll remain on ti e"l./aZ"lg' siitc at aLL tines. Pi?ocEDUPE Foq IySPEcTIoN ,Ef-A- 7ESTTCALL 726-3769 (recorder) state gour Citg designated. job nttr,ber,, job aCitess, type ::fn",!"!_Td_11hen gou-uiLL beieady for inspection, contractor" oi asners"rcne;"eih.;" nunbi.' p;A;;t; recet:i:Zd'*rLLL be nade the sone dcg, ?equesta mcde aftet ?:00 an urLLL be nnde the nert aoz,kiro'day. Consj"uction Jendet, Reaui-rarl of inspeclic-n befcre 7:00 m Iour City Desigra.ted Job Number fs:88 0+1 1ticns a 0Job Locaticn:t t- Aesessors Map #?az Lot # Svbdioision:.e v I o,tner: fr Ar!, n le +t' // tP B ,/I 4Addtess:th Ci ,. Deect tbe Hork: <d/77*<.rcr /6 r.r ? o/ fiuz.-err*3 #zq-efta* value /76a. *Date of XI ,- !.!obi Add.ition RemoCel # Gqteral Plutnbing I Page 7 of 2 4{,'{,> SI?E INSPECTION escauation, but forrne. Io be nwde after pt"ior tc set up of POOTING & F)UNDA?fCN: ?o be naCeAFiffi ni-6d-ec c ao a t e d and forms are erected, but prior to pou?Lng ccncrete. Prlor to placirg facingand before fioning inspee- To to UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECI|ANICAL: ?o be nad.e prior to installation of floor insuktion oy decking. POS? AND BEAU: ?o be made pr.tot toffidTdffof floor insulZtion or decking ANTCAL: No ffitTthese inspeetions haue bem made and appz,ooeC. ETPEPLACE: tnatA;T; FTilAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL ?INAL ELECTRICAL DRYWALL TNSPECAT)N: Ic be nade @"r,ffi@aTTte in ptace, but prior to any taping. ILAS)NRL: Steel Loeation, bond beons, gz,outing or oerticals in aceordotee LtLth U,B.C. Seetion 2415. W)ODST)I.E: After instal'Lation is anpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APPAN: After fortnsee erected but prior to pour.ing cottct ete. SfDEIIALK & DRIIEWAI: For aLL con-ct.te pa,r@Affi street right- of-rxA, to be made after aLL esca- oat'ing conplete & forn Ltotk & sub- base rru,terial in plaee. ?ENCE: When cotnplete -- Prouide gates or notsable sections thtough P.U.E. DEIIOLilIO!] OR Scnitary seuer capped at propettyi Lire Septic tank p;nped and filled d.th gT a;tel Final - h1ten abcoe itens a?e earpleted cnd uhen Canalition is ecmplete o? struc-tute mooed and. ptarises cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Bloeking md. Set-up Plunbing connectione -- sa,)e? otd. uatet Electrtcal Connection - Bloektng, set-up ard plwnbing connections rni.st be apprcr;ed before nequesting eleclrical inspeetion Accessory BuilCirq TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : To be naCe aftey aLL insulaticn and requined uapor burie?s @e i-n plaee bat before oty Lath, Wpsun boatC or unLL eotsering i.s applied, and beforeag irnulation is concealed. E- To be ana coueyed. r Pinal - After etc. oe cornp pcrchee, skirting, decla, Leted. FRAL'|ING: Ifust be recuested aften @ouat of rough plwnbing, itnit"l.-cal & neelnnical. ALt roofing btactng & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be eornpleted. Ito uonk is to be con- cealed until this inspection ?as been nade anC approoed. ALL ect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of tie' T,andscapirq, etc., mtet be eatisfied before the BUfLDfNc FfNAL can be z,equested. FTNAL BAfLDING: The Einal Bui.lditrg. Inepeetion na6t be requeated aftet the ?ittat PlunbingElectrical, attC Nechanieal fnspections hque been made atd'apptoued. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJaSTltEtl? rO 8E \L4DE AT NO CCST tO Cry 2 OLAR AC SS RE a.-L-co c Reeeipt #: f ilAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED tle eotnpleted applicati.on for pennit, and do herebg certify that aLL infolrnation het'eon is true and. correct, cnd r fartker eertifg that any ard aLL uot'k perfotmed shall be dote in aeeor- dance wLth the ordtnanees of the City of Sprtngfield, and the Lcas of the* State of oregcn pertaining to the uotk Cescribcd herein, and. that N0 oCCa- PANCI tti|L be nade of any struetule ttithout pemission of the Building N- uision. f further certifg that only eont"acto"s and enplcyees Dho @e in conpliance dith oRs 701..055 ui-LL be used on this project t: \-/BeCtoor;ts -\\ce-steo\bu \\)\e.-xs\eA, \s\)\\'C\q-\tu\S.c-CCC13 \30\ N\S,\a \)\K, \\\ / JO ;"o.* - tZ-= AecessL.ilouse Lot Paces -lat Sq. Ptg. % cf Lot Cotserage_ # of Storiee Total Height, Interior Corner Panhanl.Le CUL-de-sac LCT TWE ?opography -- Fees -- Building V<llue & Permit This pernrit is granted on the ecp?ess condition tlnt the said-eonsttuetion slwll, in all respeets, eonfonn to the hdinance adopted 5y the city of Spr.ingfield, incTuding the Zoning Crd{na:nce, regulating the ccnstraeticn qnd. use of buildings, cnd mey be suspend.ed or netsokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of cnA prcztisions of said 0rdinanees. SQ. FTG ?O?AL VALUE Date Paid x Va lilain a * 2 *L\5 Sigxed: s.D.c. 1,5 c Building Petmtt Total Cltanges State Plumbing Permit No pe"eon slnl.L construet, inetall,, alter or eltonge anA nev cz, eristing pltnbing or drainage systan in uhole or in part, unLess sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunbet"s License, eseept that a pelson nay do plwnbing uork to property uhi,ch is otmed, Leased or operated bg the dppli- cant. NO,FEE CHARGEI?EM Fistutes Residenti.al (1 bath) Sede? Plwbing Pernrit State Electricol Permit Where State La requires tlst the electrical uork be done by an Eleetz.ical Contractor, the electrLcal portion of this pennit shall not be oalil. until the Label ?ns been signed by the Electr.ieal Contractor,, L PermLt *Iotal Neu,/Eatend Cit cuits Seruice ILL CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit llcodstole Vent Fan bhanst Hoo,L ,s PexwLt rssuanea Meelnnical Penntt Sec,u'Ltu Deposit zv Stotage Maintenance Permit C\sbeut Si-datalk ?ense EZectrieal Iabel i fr Mobile Hotne TWAL AMOUNT DUE: * \\ Iotal Charges \ \S ..RESiDT ITIAL... APPLICATION/PERILI? 225 North ith Street Spr"tngfield, 1regon 97477 Butlding Oiuision 7 26-37 53 ?.eeeict I SPRINGFIELD G:E lznzqefip (c lXI ,,, Addition RenoCel Date of App PLmbing ELectrical 14ecluricaL Conljruetig_Lendg" Reoti-narl Tn Desez,Lbe lloz,k: 1aryOn.(62- /6 Lr '? ol fiuz.a7z3 . Value { Date I^t ie the responoibi-Lila oi_tne petmit lzoZd,er to aee tlnt alt inspeetions oe nade at the prope? tine, that each addrees is vsnsatil Iy.-tly atree-t'. ard ttwt the-petmtt,cazd ia Located at the fvoni of the properfu*Building bi.uiciol cpproxed pLan shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL'tihes.' P?OCIDUPE FOR INSPECTI2I)\ REQUEST:CALL726-3769(tecoyder) state yout, City designated job ru.onber,, job aCi71ess, type of inspec=tcneiagfo"_i,"pection'Contlaetcisora,melsnaneand.p.nonerul,-lbet,,Pequestst,eceixed,befcz,e?:00cn';'nLL be nade the sane dcy' ?equests nade aftez, 7:00 on uyLLL be nade the ncrt uoyking'dag. Iour City Desigr,a.ted Job Nttnber Is:88 o1'r 1 .1 t!-'-i rL'''.:1 r--jJob Locaticn 6L)Aesessore Mao #?c.t lot # &tbdivision:.f A,mer: Address:r/Phone (ii .c) z_- cifu:(: GeneraL SITE INSPEC?ION: To be made after ezcaoation, but pr.iot tc set up of forms. INSULATTON /VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be maCe after aLL insulcticn a,"td required tapor bavie?s @e in pl,aee but before any Lath, g7pswn bcarC oz, tnLL coueying is applied, and before oty insulati.on is concealed. DEI.IOLTTIOI] OR |:OW' BUILDi;:CS Sctitary seoer eapped at ptoperQ; Lire Septic tank putryed and filled tith gtaxei ?inal - tt1ten abcoe itens are ecmoleted and uhen Cenclltion is conrplete'oy sttae-ture noueC and. prer,rises eleaneC up. Mobi e Hcmes Blocking ord. Set-up PLunbing connections -- aaiev otd. uater Electtical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-ut and. plwnbing cottneetions rn;st be apptctei before requesting eleclyieal i,nspeclio;z Aecessory* BuilCing Pirnl - After pcrel--es, skirting, deeks,etc. ue completed. ELECTRI,& ana L0OiIINC & FOUNDATTCN: ?o be tnaCe......:'-dftet tyencizes a?e e.ccauated and. forns are erected, but priot to pour.ing ccncrete. to UI|DERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECI{ANICAL : ?o be nade prior to instaLLation of floon insulction or decking. l)$L lltp BEAIa: To be nade pniot, tofiiiiTTiii4iof floor insuT)tion or decking, wit these inspections haoe been nad.e and. appnooed., ?o be eooered. FTilAL PLAUBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: Ic be madeafter aLL dtyuall is in p|.a,ce, but prior to ang taping. MASONPI: Steel Locati,on, bond beons, gz,outing or oerticals in accordorce vLth U,B.C. Section 241s. W1ODST)VE: After installation is ecmpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPAN: After fonnsee erecteC but ptioz, to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRT',rEWAI: For aLL eon- crete pauitq uithin st?eet fight-of-tny, to be made after aLL ecca- oating conplete & for-n tsork & sub- base naterial in place. ?I 4f\ l/ T I fI l qE IENCE: hthen complete -- fuouiCe gate; or notsable sections thtough P.U.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of slreet tz,ees, eonoletion of tie Landsecping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDING FIIIAL can be requested. FINAL BTILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection mtet be requested aftet the Final PlunbingElectrical, anC Meclanical fnspeetions heue been nad.e and'approoed. tq *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASNEW TO BE I.L4DE /I? NO CCS? TO CNY Page 1 of 2 4o\ 24 l(11 b'zo Y\ \__,. L-- /1 t: i/I '. /, V'rV r". h - Ad.dress FT.O.EPLACE: materiaLs Prtor to plccirq facingand before franing inspec- FRA||INC: ltust be nequested after appz,ooal of rough plunbing, electri-cal & meclnnical. ALL roofing ibtacLng & ehintneys, etc. mtst be " ''cotnpleted. lto ucrk is to be eon-cecled until this inspectLon has bee.n made anC apptooed. JO Lot Faces - Setbacks Df House Caraqe Access. North East South Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Caoeraga # of Stories Total lleight ?opography LCT TWE _ Inteticn _ Cone? _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac ValueTdul.t FTG x tlain Crladd e 726 Cdrpctt Accessotu TOTAL VALUE e i ^ 1' a - k Fee:28: Date Pdad-:I\,q5 r\r) .q\5 CEARGE Signed: FEE Fistt;.t,es Resi-d.ettti-al ( 1 bath) S&iitara SeDe" ilctey, a!.\-a=:ia.tEt Res. So, fta. Nau/Ectenr{ Citcuits Ianoctoy Sentiee r3\S/ ITEM iln FSE CIIA.\CE E\,rtrzee PTU'S bhanet HooC Vent Fo1 llcodsto;se Mechqnicol Permit Permit Issucnee Mechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec,u"it! Deposit Storaoe Maintenance Permtt Clttbcu! Sideualk i Penee a \ L I"abel 70 Mobile Hone OLAR AC SS REQ.-L-CO G+ Fi Euildingr PermLt State Total Charges Plunbing Pernit State ?otal Building Volue & Permit ?his penfit is granted on the eip?ess eondition tlnt the said-eonstmtetionslnll, in aLL nespects, confom to the hdinar,ce adopted 6y the City of Springfield, inelud.ing the Zoning CY&lncnee, regulctittg the ccnsttucticn and use of buildings, otd may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- lation of qny pz,cuisions of said 2rdinanees. -\he,t:t€_ o\ \sc \f6\ # Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slnll consttact, instal'|-, alter ot chonge anA nev cr existing plumbing or drainage systen in uhole or in pott, unless sueh person is the Legal posseseor of a oalid plumber,'s Li,cense, etcept that a pe"son nay dopltnbing uork to p?ope?ty uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Weve State Lan requires tlnt the electrical uork be done bg an gleetrical Cont?aeto", the electrical porti.on of this permit shall r:ot be oalil until the Label lns been signed by the Electtical Cont?acta!. f HAW CAREFULLY EXA]'IINED the eompleted appLication fon pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL info:mation hereon is tyue and. eoruect, anC f furtker certifg that any ard aLL uork perforned alnll be done in aeeor- danee tLth the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, ard. the La,;s of the* State of )r,egcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, ad tlldt N0 ocCU- P/.NCy viLL be nude of any st?ucture uithout permission of the Building N-oision. I further eertifg that otzly contractors o'd, ettplcyees uho are in eonpli-ance uith ORS 701..055 uiLL be used on this pz,oject Permit \N\e-N\\'c\ Qt-es N\S,\a \)\}<- \\\\ ..: C / fisnedTO?AL ATIOUN? DUE: A \\ Date 4 (^=Zorte: V 1 / ITEL! Tctal Chanaes -A