HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-06-17" RESIDENTIAL" 22s North rrr r,ronnawLrcATroN /PERI'Ir SprLngfield, 2t,egon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 s3 DescrLbe Ltotk Nel) SPFIINGFIELD tlll t--t Date: 9ot, t6 7 O ',,,'c / Additicn Construction Lender /Ud-ru/ r RenoCeL n Dateof appli*tion l'| -87 'Value 3.lo GeneraL Plwnbing Mechanical d. i Job Ipcaticn:Jr YTTP=Aesessors Map #Tas lat # Subdivision: 0,mer:€p ? 0'{8 A)7/ ?7//7-sfJ7Phone:Addtess: ?7/ 7City: -'J, 4A It ie the respdnsibility of tle petmit holder to see tlut aLL inspections ae nade at the ty--tll" st?eet, and that the,pettrtt card ie loeated at the front of the goperfu.*Suilding D.iDisiot approt;ed pl,an shcll remain on the Bunlding Site at aLL'ttmes." PPOC9DUPE F04 INSPEC?IOI'I ?I?WST.'CALL726-3769(z,ecorder) state Aou! City desigrated job requested a_rd ahen '21ou uiLL be ready for inspeetion, Cont?d,ctc?s o/, Asners rwne and plnneuiLL be made the sane day, ?equests ncde aftet, 7:00 an tiLL be rade the nect aorking'day. you" Citg Desigr,ated Job ltutnber fs: PtoPe! , ntmbet ttwlbet. tine, tLat each cddreas '[,s vsa)aAie ', job aCilese, tApe of inspeclicn P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 crzg10s6r IlE IIISP|CTI2N: Io be nwde aftere4caoat|;;;8, pz"ior tc set ip of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHA-iIICAL: ?o be nade before anywtk is eotseted..'\ 2- Poofrhtc e FourtDATrcN: ?o be mace AftA trellcG oxe eoca,,tated and. fotns ate erected, but ptiot, to ccne?ete. trenehee. /f ,U ? UIIDERFLOAR PLUI,ETNG & MECHANTCAL :Io be nade prior to installation of floot, insu1,ction ot decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade prtot, to installaxion of floot insulation ot decking, aoucu thratnc- mtcYntcfi a MEcu: ANICAL: No uork is to be coaet,ed .ffir:L these inspections haue beer, nade arui approued.. FIPEPLACE: Prior to plaeirg faeingmaterials atd before froning inspec- tton. ,*,[frr, Ltust be requested. after approoal of rough phtrbing, electri-cal & neclwnical. ALL toofirq btacing E chitrmeys, etc. trust be . eottpleted. lto uork ie to be con-. cealed until this inspeetian lus'been made anC apptotsed. L PLU!4BIIIG Hor,*r*nrro, \.14 FINAL ELECTRICAL ?o be made after aL lattcn required oapor burie?a @e in place but befote oty l.a.th, Wpsutn boatC or tnLL couez,ing is applied, otd before otg insulation is concealed. ll DRYIIALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be nade -. after aLL dtyualL is in pl.ace, but ptior to any taping. \4AS)NR!: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticcls in aceotd@tce tith U.B.C. Section 24L5. W))DST)\'E: Aftet, installation i,s arnpleted. DEl.fiLTT-oR !.:owi Sanitoty seuer capped et properfii Lire Septic totk p;oped ann filled rrith gra;sei Pinal - Ilhen abcue itens ate eonpleted and uhen Csnolition is cornplete or struc- ture moued and. pretriaes cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking od. Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- aaoe? otd, uatet ElectticaL Ccmnection - Bloeking, 6et-up and plurnbing eonneetions rr;st be apprc"-ed. before requesting eleclrical inspeeliott Aecessory BuilCing Piral - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. are cornpleted. a tr E I T tr Z a Z Z _l CURB & APPROACI] APP,ON:e,e';;AiATu, wG After fonnsto pourirq concrete. SfDilIALK & DRf',WAI: Eor all eon- crete patsing uithin street right- of-txA, to be nade after aLL esea- tsating canplete & forn Lso?k & sub- base naterial in place. y. FTNA ?ENCE: llhen conplete -- PtouiCe gatea or nooable seetions through P.A.E. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street ttees, eonoletion of tie required Landsccping, etc., nust be satisfied before the BULLDfNC FfNAL can be tequested. PINAL BUfLDING: The linal Building fnepeetion mtst be nequested cftet the Final Plunbing Electrieal, otd. Mechanical fnspeetiona lppe been made atd approued. x .ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAN1U?S MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\.E\|! ?0 BE t!4DE /\? ll0 CCST ?0 eny Page 1 of 2 ./r C e lrja JOB NO F(, Zone )ccuDancr Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooerage # of Stories Iotal lteight Iopography LCT TWE _ Intericr _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces -Enetau Sounces 7?toe Setbaeks lleat DI House Caraae Access llate? lleate"North East Fireplace South Woocistou'e West -- Fees -- I?EI4 SQ. FTC x Value Building Vqlue & Permit ?his penntt is granted on the eipress condition tlwt the said constraetion slnlL, in all respects, conform to the Ordirnnce adopted biy the City ofSptingfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ecnstzacticn and use of buildings, otd mey be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of any pncoisions of said Ordinanees. 20a ?4. ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Euilding Perrtt 5;a Cheek Sta.te V-z=.Date Paid-)Receipt #:lotal CLnrges 83. zz Signed: N0.FEE UruEUL Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll consttuct, instal'!,, alter or ehnnge anA nev cn eristing plwnbing or drainage sAste"n in ahole or in pott, unless sueh penson is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's License, eseept that a pe"son may dopltnbing uork to p"ope?tA uhich is ot^med, Leased or operated by the qpli- cant. Fistutes 7-sa Resil.enttal (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Perrrit 9tate Sureharae .62 6a ;to.FEE Res. Sq. fta 2t,"rldz ??-12 Ianpcrey Setoice 'Z?.Sa .22 =7- rb NELI Nan/Eetend Circuits ?otal Electricql Permit hlzet,e State Las requiz,es tl"at the electyical uork be done by an Electr.ical Contractor, the electz"Lcal portion of this permit slnlL not be ualiC untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electtical Cont?acto?. *Ll s Mechqnicql Permit khanst HooC Vent Eor llcodstooe Seeutn Permit htrbcut Sideualk Petmit fssucnee Mechanicel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -- ?otaL (, I HAW CAREFULLY EXAMLNED the eornpleted application fon pennit, and da hereby certi.fg that aLL infornation het,eon is trae and. eornect, cnC f furthez, certify that any ard aLL uork perfor-ned sLnLL be done in accor- dance rtith the ordintnees of the City of Springfield, and. the Las of theState of Oregcn pertainino to the wrk Cescribed herein, end t?at NO OCCU- Pr'fiCI uiLL be nwd.e of any structuye uithout pennission of the Building Di-oision. f further eertife- that only eont?acto"s and enplcyees uho atb in eanpliance uith 1RS 707.055 uiLL be used on this project 1 Mobile Hcne F!E Li;MCL htrnace BTU'S 2 aaO i/-ee6 62 ?e da iOTAL N4OU]IT DUE:'/39 -32 I d- lr tz 3bS soLAR Ac,^Ess REe.-c+L-CO Beitoons: 6 -/2-a> ua|e