HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-06-17.. RESIDENTIAL.. z2s llorth sth streeAPPLrcArr,N/PERI[Y Springfield, 2regon 97477 Buil&irq Diuision 7 26-37 53 SP'IINGFIELD 4 los Lot # Phone 2q6- 32{ (7 Describe i'lot k Val.ue ?ZO Date Job Locaticn: Aesessore Jlap # Subditision: Csnet: Adbess: LL 83 t-t 4 llq,t Daxe of AppL f7'i*oant 5 t, Z General ( i,leciwnJccl o1 D2HCLITIo!! 0P :!CV=) 3U Sanilan1 seuer ccpped ct properiJ Line Septic tank pa-ped crxi fnl!.eC u-ith gratzi F"JnaL - llhen cbcl)e .ttens are cc,rcLevei anci uhen de:tclition is coralete br sitwe-ture noued. e,C. pre-.rtaes eleaned u2. Blocking o'd. Sei-up Plmbing eonneciians -- seue? oC ueter Electn)ccl Ccntection - Blockirq, set-uc and plwnbing connectioag nr;st be qpra:bd before requesting eleelrical inspecliot: Aecessorg 3uiliin4 pcrch.es, skirting, .!eel<-s,Piral - Aftet, etc. @e ccn? your CitA'Desigra.ted Job tfuiber fs TNSULA?IOII /VAPCR BARRIER IIISPICTICiI : Io be nade after aLL insulcttcn eti requ:.r"-d oqor batie?s de in p7a.ce but befcre ory lath, gypsutn bcarC or rnLL eoueting is applied, at-d. befoz,eoty insulation is concealed. Conslrrsticn_!.n4e!_ qT1C lllQDaaa-a\t.ffi;1G I-t ie'.he reeponsibi-Lity of -the permit hoZd,er to see that aL! inspectioftt dte nod,e at *he ptoper tine, that ss4l1 -/,i-sss is readab';a if*.-t!n at"eet, ard titat the-pextrtt _c_atd is Located at the izottt'of the properfu.tZuildir4 b)utcic:z ceprov'eti cl^att silc.Ll remain on tha Buikinng Sitc'at aLL' tines.' m?cgDUP\P1R. lysP\rrcil,I9-)\1ST:CALL726-3769(reeorCer) state your Citg desigtated job nu;,:ber, job aiitess, type of insoee-.icn :-|*":t"d c<i.uhen Eou.aiLL be ready fot inspectton, contractct," oi aners-na-,reLnd plto)e natnben.' pequists reZeiiLa bZ1cre'7:c0 anLiLL be rcde the sante dcg, ?eeuests nade after 7:00 ott uttll be naCe the nett wrking daE. SzoL L{ ' To be tm.de after prt.cn tc set up of aT2ERSLAB -p!.A!.EI:tc, ZLEC|RIC{.L I i'ECllLlliCAL: lo be nade before iny uonk 't s coueted. EQC:I:iG , l)aNDA?iCN: lo be rmie A?tez' tt enci;-az'"- *caated. and. farms ate etected, but ar.iat .to pour-ir,g ccficrex€. U!]D!RG,?OU:ID ?!L'WI:IG, S9WP,'r,A!!R, DRAI\IAGE: lo be nale pzlot, to fil-Litq irenches. forme. !IIIAL PLUI,IBI;iC PI;IAL ;ECANCAL EfllAf ?r=a6ofatta LiJAU reuWL/i/tAL DRYIALL I|ISP?EICN: ?c be nadeafter aLL az,guall is in place, but prior to any taping. Location, bonC or te?ticd.Ls in U.B.C. Secticn UTIDEPPLCCR P!,UI.Eii|G 1 i,ITCEANICAL : 7o be nace ptior co installction of floor insul,ci:ion or decking. POS? AND tsEA!4: To be nad.e prtot toinstallatian of floor insulation ot deeking. Rouci! -ttu,!tsItic. !LECT?|1AL ,t !,tEctt- wrtil these i'rtspeeticrs haue beet; nad.e and. .zpctcuei. EI?.EPiACE: Hot r.o _oldcirg fce.Jngnaterials and. before frarit^q inspeb-tiot:. FRA]lIllG: ttust be neo.uesxed aftercpproual of rcugi,t pltunbing, electrL-a.L & neci,anical. ALL roofingbraitq ! ehinmegs, ete. rrust be eonpleted. ilo wrk is to be can- . cecled until this insoecticn ins'been nwde anC appro,^e\. |,!AS2NR!: SteeL beans, gzouti'n4 accordotce ,'tf,th 2415. 'iCODSTO'TE: After installation is CURB 4 APPRCACI| AP.D.CN: Aftet forms6,e e"ect;A-bu4utVfrA to pouz4itg co?Lc"ete. SIDSVALK & DRI',ENA!: For aLL con-ct'ete@Grffi street right-oi-,xA' to be naCe after all. erea- oatina cqolete & fotn ',prk & ettb- base ntatertal in place. dtil-F.Lhen conplete -- Pro,tiCe ot, ,ttouable aectians +-htouak I Dlt, *ALL i4AttHcLES AttD CLsAilcUTS:IUS? BE A11ES|IBLE, ADJaS?!!?;ti ?o 3E:.L4.ts !.?:lo:tsi ?c Cfy ALL g,o;ect conditions, such. as che instalZaxl.on oi street trees, :cni.eti.on of ile tequired Lantdsccpitcg, etc,, mtst be satislied belbre the ilILDI:iC II\AL ccn be rzq'uesced. PIIIAL tsAILDINC: The tinal Suil<iittg Inspection mtst be ?eoueste(i ai!€{ lhe lindl ?lurbintEleetrtcal, d lleehcriccl izspeettcns i..cxc been ncie rti ctprcuei.r ?c2e 1 oi 2 7 ,,orrr, roon d lr Lot ?.ees - 5e=backs ;!eat tt iouse Aceess llater :!eate!llo"rit I South 'r/oocisxou'e Lot Sq. Ft4. 7 cf Lct Caterage r nm n,Df _ fnie"ic? _ Corner _ ?rniu,nile CuL-de-sac ! of Stortes lotal leight !opogzqhy llesx -- ?ees SC., FlC x VaLue Building Vqlue & Permit This penn'.t is grantad on the eq?ess cotl.ition that the said_eonstrwc)ion sitall, in cll y.escects, confcrn to the Crdirtozee adopted ig the aitV of Springfield, lncluding ;he Sonit.g Cndinrznce, regalct-ing ;he ccnstz"aeiicn a.nC use cf butl,7ings, anci nt-u be suscend.ed or reuckei et ct2! tine upan uic- iaticn of cry ptct;isions of sail 1r4ir,ances, 1an^r 111f t f icn^14- State Sweh,tge ?otal Chdtoes N0.FE!Plumbing Permit llo pereon sha.ll consimtct, instalT-, altez' or chan4e an! leu cr ecistingplubirq or drainaae sgstan in ulole or in part, ttnless such person is the Legal posseesor of a ,talid plwnbet's License, escept tiut a petson na'1 do plunbing aotk to p?ope"ty ahich is ot"u"ed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. lt?tz;tes Resil.enti.a,L (1 bath) 5a'ter o Pltnbitg Pern:it /')L- o) "^--r*-^. -f-g c{o ,'-l 1> _t Res. Sa. fta ilil/Zztend Citcuits Tanpc"dy Selice ,all , ).,:iC !gz Eutr"zee 3!UtS bha.rst HoaC Vent !@t 7co<istaoe JOB NO s ao btq soLAR ACCE: REQ- Ccsurcncu Stcte Petmit issuance ]4eciunical Pertnt L-co d 3ed,roons Receipt l: Sigted: Electrico! Permit llhere Stnte La,t reouires tla.t the eleetrical aotk be done by an Electrical Contraetor, the elec+-rieal poriton of thia permit sira.Ll not be oaLi.C until the label las been aigned by the Electr.tcal Contlector. Mechqnicql Permit lZeetrical, ?otal Aeraes PLcn !Ea7!Lfie? f HAW CA-RIEULW 9&LW:ltD tiu conpleted cgpLtcaticn fot perqn)t' cnd. da heteby certify ;iut eI-L ittfolranion h.etecn is true and, ccrrec'-, crL f furtke! cetrif'g that cnA ard aLL uork penlormed. aLaLT- be do:re in acoor- dance vith the 2rdinc:tzces of the Citg of Spr:.ngftald, znd the Lc;s of t'ne State of aregcn perta':ning to the uork Ceseibed he'rein, ad. iha.t l0 0CC!.1- PAIICI trLLL be rna,i.e of 6nA si?uctur.e aithout peznisaion of the 3uili,-ng N- tision. I iur-.her certiii ths.t cnly cov.t?acio{s ad. etplcgees aho cte in conpliance utth CRS 701.055 utLL be used on this projeet 6-r7-Fz t0 qo -- EitVl JALEr:L.i I -- Storcge i1aintqatee PeeY:t ){obtl,e ilcne t 1",,-, Enerau Sotrees I lh.q o iic!et lctal, Crcyoes .:j, lotal Actces ;?!:1 -^f ,r .ttatt\ta ^tt?..