HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1991-01-31.?ob Loeaticn: Ascesaors lbP ll Tc,s Iot il tubdiuis A)ncr: Addneaa: t.. R[ COMBTNAWAN 225 Not"l;h |th Stteet SpringfieH, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 JDFNTIAL.. A, .._.I C Ar r0 N / PEP.I,lff Date: Deecribe l,lotk: Date of Addition General Sod1aa aaset sqPei :t P.oPe:fii line Septic tork p'aryed ai filiad ith Va;tet Pinal -,I,.4ten cinvc iteas ate ccrtpleted ad when lotoiition ta cqlete or ltnrc' ittre ^ooed o.C prazri'sas cleanei up' HcneB Btooking and sat-tP Plmbiry connecticns " *a)er atd uaier Electriccl Ccdnection' Blockirg' let-up . and olwnbins connecticns t;et :e Q?rcxea i,e|oirc reqieting elec=rical inspectio:t Acceaeory* Buildin4 Fittal - After pctchee, skirting, decks, etc. are canP':,ated. F;;e 1 of 2 SfiE INS?ECIION: erca:uation, but forma. nwde attd. aPProrteC. FIP,EPLACE: ncten'tala FITIAL PLUABINC' FTIiAL UC'XANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL To be tmde after priat' tc aat uP of To be tmde Ptton to floot insuhtion ot tions haue been DRYWALL IIISPECIION: TC bE NOd,E @ie.inplace,but pt'ior to cttY tdPlng' iIASONRI: Steel Location, bottd' ffigfiititq ot venticdls in or.oniddce dth a.B.c. seetion 2415. I'IOODSTOVE: enpGA. After installation ia UN\ERSLAB PLaMsrtlG. zLFCIRI=CAL e Wffiiimi: ro be mde before anY ilfrflffioered. tr2TINa 4 F1UttDATICtt: lo be rn'de Tftffiacatated atd forns ate erected, but Prior to pouriig conctets. unpmcnowlD PLUMDING,. SgtFR, .etfi-Ep. DRAIilACE: Io ba naJe PrLoP to JLL- Tfi-lfrn"hes. llluPFwoR PruMING 1ilqc -To be nade Priot to LnotaLLatlon oJ floor ineuia,tion ot decking. cuRB I APPRCACH APPi)N ate etected but Prton IENCE: hthen comP @ or;nouable P.U, E. coretete. SID11ALK A DRIW4I: Fot aLL con' ;Gt;ffiAtffin etneot nisht' of-rxu'. to be noCe aftet aLL exca' olti"a- conplete & for-n wrk & cub- base -naterial in Pl,ace' : After .fornsto PourLng -- Proui,Ce through fuion tn PLccir,S atd befone frafing fccing inspec- tior., .1RA|':ING: t'lnst be requected afier 6ffit of rough plwrbing, electti- iL d *ectanical. - ALt roofing bracltq ! chhmeYa, etc. rruat be c,;nrla7od,. No trork ie to be cot- "ril"d until thio inoPeatian laa been nade anC aPPtoued, _.: ALL woiect conditione, such ao the required landsccping, eto., must be inelaLlation of srreet t?eea, canDlstion.of =he ;:;;;;|i;e b;;fLire- tte BITLDI;:C ErtiAL -'an be neouested' ,IINAL BAILDINC: The Final Buildi,ng Inepection nuet ba fequeatec after ihe litul ?lmbing (J ;i::;i"72;i:'';a fiil'-'l'iZi tnsptec{ioio'rrava bean nade atd approuzd' tALt 14 NIICLES ANDcLEANcUTst|UsTBEAccEssIBLE,ADJUST!'Eu1IToEEM4DE.^TN0C0S7T0CIly Xo,E Citl Deeigrcted Job llttntb* l n il tr tr tr I tr trr Erl .freferenee llunbers: Iot ?aces - L-COC il: Bedroona: Iat Sq. Ftg. 1 of lot Coueraga_ I of Stortea Iotal Eeight Iopogrclthy TNT NPE _ fntetior _ Coraer _- Panlandle Cul-de-aac Job Nunber:rccB P.L.Houae Garaqe Acceaa. North FirepLaceEaetl South llII Wbodstoxe Weet FTO x ValueITEM lbin efrn6o- Carw"t Acceaeora ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Date Paid: Receipt ll: Building Vqlue & Permit lhie permtt ia granteil on the etpteaa cotdition ttat the aaid condtmtction' ehall', i.n all rZapecte, conform to the 2rditance adopted by the Ctty o! Spr"tngfield, inctlding the -\oning CT dinanc-e' tegulating the constmoti'cn Ad "oZ of buildings,- otd mag be- euspended ot reooked at dty tine upon oio' lntion of any prooiaione of aaid Ordi.nancea. ..- Fees -.. )t , Building Pe?mit Iotal Clutgea State Plumbing Permit No peneon elull conebraet, inetall, alter or clwnge cnA net cr existing pfuinbl,.ng or dtainage eyetan in ulole or in part, unl,eaa aueh petson ia the iegal p-oeaee"on of a rtLlid pl*,ber'e Liceneb, etcept tlut a P?rlol ,a! 4o.pti^t;.ig uork to property itvLch is oumed, leaaed ot operated by the appli- aant. FEE CITARCE t * I?EM Ftbturea Reeidential (1 bath) Seuen Plwnbtng State Electricol Permit wlpte state lan reqtitee tlwt the el,ectrieal uotk be done by ut Electrtcal Conttlactor, the elictrica?. portion of thi| pettrrit slull tot be valid. until the tabel lae been atgned by the Eleatrieal Conttactor. *?otal lleu/Extend Citcuite Semtice Mechonicql Permit Eslwnst HooC Vent Por Ilcodetooe Pernrtt fosueoe Meclunicel Pernit State I -. ENCROACIIMENT -. t FWEcaniie"Date Permit f ilAW CAREFULLy ExAMIt'lED the conpleted appltcatton for pernrit, atd do hereby certifa that alt infolttwtibn heteoi ie tmte and ootrect, atd' I furtien centZiy that oty ira aU ..i,o7.k pe?fonted ahal-t be -ilone i-n accot' 'dance ttth th| OrdinancZe of tlre Ci,tg bf Springfield, atd the lans of the * State of Oregon pettatning to the tntk deecr"tbed herein, and tlat N0 oCCU' pANCy ;fiL bz nade of any atruature wtttrout pennieaion of the Bui.lding Dt- oi.eion. f further iottly tlnt o:tly cot t"aators otd -enplcyeee uho a"e in catpliance -U* ons 701.b55 aill be ueed on thie proiect Total C\ttbcn! Sideualk Mobile llone T)TAL AM1UlfI DUE: a Date I I