HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-03-01-- RESIDEiTfIAL -- COI,IBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT A,ECSIN I SPRINGFIELO CE! O? S?RI:ICFIZLD 225 ::CilH .q!fl .ci.'.gE? sPRI:rcFrELD, 1RECO;! 97427 Bwldiq Dioisio- ?28-i7 53 \dne\,\)tL ,cL Job Loeetion, 547 S0. 3 r' Street SPRINGFIELD, OBE. Su.bCiui sion: Assesao?s [b? t 17-ry-75-3-\-te Lot # n;7o., Asner Dav il W.6 Susan K. G rooo Address 147 so. I nl sr. Po Box t26l E4@t72 il71r7 _^672 citt Spflcl ziP cl7\770re O*otionsffi'.- W*.?,Ttfo&K 8Anr3A lSNY.oo AAitioi REHABI LI TATI ON n il€|,,-{5 ,o!.tmcco?, ilane Adbesa Liscl LEO.-?eS Plone i Genartal SELF HELP DAVID GR0PP 547 S. 3 r SPFLD. 0R.747 -"672 Phnbiry rr tt il il ltttllclect?ical tt tt ttecitazie,L J0EY GAYLES HARRISBURG ORE.r-r5-[]3 gg5:83192721 5 co?lstnt tion Lend.et clry oF spFl D REHABT r-r rATr0N sELF HELp PR0GRAM Page 1 of 2 P€QUIRED I}ISPECTIONS !t is thc rcsponsibiUty of thc per.rnit holden to se! th3t all i:rspections a:re nadc at the proPer tLner tha! each address ls readable frcm the strcetr and tha: tha perait card ls located at the front of tha propefty a .{IL oanholes and claanouts ane tc bc adJusted at no cost to tha Clty IUDERSLAB pLUr{BrN6, ELEcrg.rc.{L t fvl!{EC:{AN:CAL3 To bg nade before anv I A. IiEiffiverco. FOOTIIIG 6 FOUUDT.?IoN: To be nedc SITE I}ISPECTICN:ffiati.o-;rEG forr::s. fo be urade after p:rior to set up of t?DEEt l^r naterialstior FR{UIIIG: Aprorrel, DRYI{ALL INSPECTION:Eft-e-il-r:.@Ti-is : Prior to placing facing and befcre franing Hust be requested afte!. of rough plunbing, electri- HOODSTOrES: After installation . CURB 6 APPRoACH APP.oN: After forrns =ffiEi-pr-ior to pcuring concrate.cal 6 mechanical. A1l roofing, braeing 6 chinraeys, etc. rmrst be coopleted. No work is to be con- cealed until this inspection has beeu nada and approved. IIISULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be nade after aIJ. issulation and ncquired vapon ba:riers are in place but before any 1ath, gypsun board or walJ' coveriag is applied' and any lnsulation is concealed. K m m after trenches are e:icavated ard fo:ms ar: erectrd, but pricr to pouring @ncletc. UNDERGROIJND PLI,I{BI}IG, SEWER, I{ATER, DRAIIITGE: To be raade prior to fil- Iing trenches. IJ}IDERFLOOR PLUI{BING t UECHANICAL:@orfloor insul.rticn or decking. lqST 6 BEA[: To be nade prior to Cffia{jo-; of flcor insuration or Cecking. P.CUCH PLUMBIXG, ELECTP.IC.'.L t HECH. AllCI.lL: No 'rork is to be covered GFthese inspections have been nade and approved. E To be roade ia place, 0THER IIISPEC?IONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be indicate4 in ;J.ans or by no- tice fron BuiLding Inspector. SIDEHALK 6 DRIVrdAY: For aIl, con- crete pavJ.ng rithin st?eet right- of-way, te be Eade after al.l exca- vating ccmplete 6 for:n work 6 sub- base material in place. mad,e the next rorking but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Stee1 locatlon, bond Sffigrouting or vertj.cals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2rt15. A.I'l project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, coBpletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rrquested. ETNAL BUILDIIIG: ?he Final Building fnspection must be requested a-ater the linal P!.urnbing Electrical, :nd Hechanical Inspections have been maCe a:rd apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises cen be made until the Final Building Inspection has been rnade and APPTOVEd' And a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAUCY HAS BEE}I ISSUED BY THE BUILDI}IG DIVI- SICN ['{D PCSTED O}I THE PRE}IISES. PRQCEDURE FOR, INSPECTIOII REQUEST:Cal.I 726-3769 (reccrder)state your Clty designated job nurd;-ob adCress, type oi-inlpection requested and Hhen you riIl bc rcady ;or inspcc- ticn, Contractoas or Olrners name and phone nu:nbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.E. EIUAL PLUMBIIIG rINAL ELECTRIC.{L FINAL MECHAUICI.L wiII be rcade the sane day, requests rEde sfter 7:OO dav' youR crry DESTGNATED JoB NUHBER. rs: X x A I tt It-il ililtt tt K E a JOB NI"DIEER.Y z>- P3ge 2 R^EFIIRENCE NIII,IBERS L-CO,: .-. R-/lz -3 Y-,{TYPE/ CONSTRIICTIOT\OCCLIPANCY CROUP BEDROO}1Sz0riE Lot Faces: or tlouse .jarege y'.cces; Eoat iottth llest Setbacks 3o:.;':es Heate? 0ther Lot Ty?eLot Square !tg. :', cJ' Lot Cooeted * of Siorteslotal Height lo2ogtqh:g fnterior Cortzet I LL) fhis pennt is gtufted on the ee?€rs c.ili'.':on :hEt the said cogttact;nrz ehall, ia ali "es=ec!3, eonfcr: to ttte Minaneea adopted by the Ci;J o.: Spr)ngfield' inchtiilg the Zoning Mitace, reg:tlat')ne =7e ecn- etructioi cttd. use o7 bl;tdittgs, anc .'cg be sta;erdei ot ranoked a, aal ttne uVon uiolati:n ci dti ?tc1ti' aions of said, crdinouea. BUILDTilG VALW/PERIIZT -13 Valte t Ounes TOTAL CILLRCES ,oo l(f,) {( Sq. Ftg. Cats,ga Sq. Ftg. Colott PTan Check lee Date Paid # PLTIMBINC PSMI! fro person elal1, eonatmrct, itetzll, allen cv eltoqe dtA neu or eaisting plunbing ot d,tcituge sga;en in ulole or ir: pet, tmlesa such petsoti is :he '.egzl poaselao? of a ualid pl*aberts Licerae, 2re€?t that-a person nay Cc plmbztq uotk to P?o?e?=? uh')ch ia ouned, Leaseti or opo*ated bg the apiiic*tt. Sernef SWTOT.q.L State Sutehatge rl .' TAIAL CHARGES r-l | ^ I ll WECIEICAL PEP.MIT iln of. llhere Stale La.t tequitee tlat the eiect-icc! aonk be &me by an ?Lectt'ical C2ntracto?, the eiacL*)cal pol,.- tiaa of thie peatrtt elall not be ttaliC unti'" the la,- bel ltas been signed by th.e llectt,)ccl Ccntlar:o?. fhe Electrical Safety h't iloes nct lequ':re . zelson to obtaii a License as @t eleet?Li"cn al/cr elee- tyica! co,ttraclc" to nake ot electr'leal ins=:ilcticn an p"qe?tl ahich is a'med bg lrinaeii or a -anbe: of kis hnedi.cxe ianily ulrich ie not itlensed ;':t sale, l,ease cn tent. Co-stflelion J '' Ac, .oo TdTAL CHARGES MECEAIIICAL PSUIT CE.ARGE Ezhatst Hood Vent Fot SUBIATAL E:ICROACHiIEJIT z Secqri Stctztre I HAW 1AREFULLY SXAWN1D tlv conrpleted qplication for penrtt, od Co hereby certifg that aLL infonatioi heteon is tme otd. cortect, ad. I fwther cettify ttut otg cru1 aLL wrk perfuned shall be Cone tn accot- funce utih the- rMinorcbs of tle Ciq 'of Sprttqfield, end, the r'o)B of the Stute of Or.gon pe?taining tc the uotk deecribed herein' @d' that N0 0C- CWANcy vtLL- be naaa o7 o'ry st?rcture uritlput penrtssicn of the tsuild,ing Di,siaion. I f,ttther centiig tlla.t onLA .onttacto"e od enployees wlo ate in carpliattce- vith oRs ?01.-0sS urtll be used on lhis ptoiect. ilaincnotce Perlrit loTllL Alloultt D!!E Sidatalk Zlectrieal Label Division appnolted plan shall rarein on th.e Building te at aLlATAUIE DUE L/D tznes. Sa. Fte. Accetsolt) Jp n- \q K)-\qq'Rr L { .. RESIDENTI} COI'IBINATION/APPLICATTUN PERMIT ECEIPI T SPRINGFIELO CE! O! S?RIIIOEIELD 94< *1DqU <aU aar?fr sPRr:tcFrELD, oRECOll 974?7 Buildirg Diuisioi 7 26-37 53 q-[nCIsr 8?_ .(,L ) A.aent Job Locattont 547 S0. 3 rt Street SPRI NGFI ELD. ORE. Subdh.tisicn: .4ssaesols tbp # V_n1-15-3_t+_Te bt # n17nn A,tnat Davil W.6 Susan K- Grooo Addtcsa 547 SO. f n/ Sr. pO BOX t26l PttotB il7\7-^672 citu Spfld, 0re zip clTl+77 Douia GccoDl.o8S-Sg,I -t&)oFrcgAnr3a- ban oo Deecilbe llotk tnO.-{ng , REHABI Ll rArl 0N ACC|tion Co?.tmcco"s ilane Adfuaa Liscil Ero'i.tes F6;;-7- Genarat SELF HELP DAVID GR0PP 5q7 S. i r SPFLD. 0R 747 -^672 lt ll n ll ll ll lt il il llllect?iel tt tt tteciunie,L JOEY GAY LES HARRI SBURG 0RE.27215 r-r5-[]3 995-8319 CITY OF SPFLD. REHABILITATION SELF HELP PROGRAMConetntetion Lendet Page 1 of 2 P.EqUIRED AJSPECTIOUS !t is th. rcsponsibilJty of tha pennit holder to se! th3t a].l iespcctione ars nadr at the propcr tlne, that cach address ls readable fror the straetr and tha: tha pc:nit cand is Located at th. front of thc propenty* AIL rlrnhotcs and clc.aouts ar. tc be adJusted at Bo cost to the Clty SI?E I}TSPECTICN:;;AEffi;rEC To be nadc afEcn FIREPLACE:;ffi @,after alf drywall j.s Prior to placing facing and beforc firaning inspcc-p:rior to set up of forns. I,}IDEP.SLAB PLUI{BING, ELSCTP.IC.{L € ITECTANICAL: ?o be nrade before anyi6ffivercd. FOO?IIIG 6 FOUIIDA?ION: To bc nrade after tPenches ate e::cavated aed forns are ercct:d, but pnier to gouning @ncrete. WDERGROUND PLUI{BI}IG, SEI{ER, WATER, @t To be made prior to fil- Iing trenches. MIDERFLOOR PLIJ,IBING t MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instalJ.ation of fLoor insulsticn or decking. PIST 6 BEAU: To be nade prior to $,sEilffi'n of floor insulatiou or Cecking. POUCH PLUMBING, ELECTP.ICAL 6 HECI{. A$CIIL: No Hork is to be covered unEthese insgections have been nade and approved. FINAL PLUHBI}IC FINAT ELECTRIC.TL FINAL MECHAUICI.L I{OODSTOVES: Aft.r instaj-lation .I@ea. I tiou FR{!iING: l{ust be requested after apploval of rough pluubing, elecfri- cal 6 mechanical. AJ.l roofing, braclng 6 chimaeys, etc. must be c@plet€d. No ror:.k is to be con- ccaled until this lnspection has beeo made and approvad. IilSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be nrade after aIL iusulation and requi:red vapon barie!:! .lre in place but before any la or wal,1 eovering is aly insulation is conccaled. concraete. SIDEWALK t DRIVEdAY: For alL con- ffi st?eet right- of-way, te bc nadc after a1l exca- vatlng ccmplete 6 form rork E sub- base materisl in pIaee. CTJRB E APPROACH APP.ON:#'EAtedffiior OTHER INSPECTIOIS: in accordanc€ 'rith to be indicated in tice fron Building After forrns to pcuring may bc required Buildlng Code, ;Ia-s or by no- Inspector " To be mada in placet but pnior to any taping. UASoNRY: Steel locatlon, bond EEG,-grouti.ng cn vertj.cals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2r{15. A1l project conditions, such as the instaJ.J.ation of stleet trees, coopletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rcqucsted. ETNAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection must b€ rcquested aftar the Final P!.umbing Electrical, and Meehanical Inspections have been maCe ald apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been nrade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPAUCY HAS EEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDII,IG DIVf- SICN ATID POSTED OlI THE PREI,IISES. PRoCEDURE FoR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: CaIl 725-3769 (recorder)state your City designated job nuber, job adCress, type of inspecti.on requested and when you wiII be ready for inspcc- tion, Contracto:.s or Osners nane and phone nr:"nbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.rn. ui1l be made the sane day, nequests made 3fter 7:00 dav' youR crry DESTGNATED JoB NUMBER rs: made the next working X X il lt il K K IK m N w K m B x I P:ge 2 JOB NIJ}IBER Y Z>R.EFIRENCE NIII,IBERS L-COC .-' R-/lZ -3 rYPE/coNSrRIIcrroN Y*NZONEOCCLIPANCY CROUP BEDROO},!S Lot Faees: of llou,se /.ccesa Itorih E*st South l,leat Setbacke it'4.te? 0thet Cormet Lot Type Intet+ot Lot S@.4re !tg. i cf Lot Coueredi of Stortes ?ctal Height !o2ogrqh.g FEE.S BU TLD I tI G VALW,/PE RIIIT Sq. Ftg. C@age Tlti.s permit is grotted on the eq?€ss crndi'"':on lhct the said cowtruction shall, in aLL z'ealects' eonfofr to tle 1vdina.ees dfupted by the Ci;'1 o;' Spnn4!'ield, incluiing the Zoning 2rdiaoce, regzlat)ng :7e ccn- st?.tction od, uee of btildings, eflc Trct! be eteperd.ei or te.toked a! any tine upon oiolati;n ci @t'! ptcui' eions of said Crdinonee. Sq. Etg. Caryott -79 ((Pl,ot Check \,C) ?OTAL CII4RCES q.Date Paid # PLU,IBING PffiMI! Sani Sand No pe?son alall constmtct, inete.Ll, allet ct choqe dry neo or etlsting plwtbing or drcina,ge sgs=an in uhole or in pat, unlese auch persot. ie '-he legcl poaselao? of a oali.d plunber'a Licerse, 2ree.t illat Z petson naia dc plunbin7 uork to p?e?e?=! w?ich ie ourzed, Leased ot opetated by the qVlrcant, SW?ALC,L State Sureltatge ?ITAL CEARGES Vhete State La., tequites that the eiect-tcai aotk be drme bg ot Electrical C.ntre,cto?, th.a elee*)eaZ p,or- tion cf thia peznit elall ttot be oalid untii the lz- bel lus been si,gzed by the Electriccl Ccnt?eto?, The Eleetrical Safefu h,t doea not eqtite u ?e?sonto obtain a Lieensc ae or electrician arl/ot eLec- LrtcaZ co,ttvactcr b nwke qt electrioal ina;:Llaticn on p?o?e"t'l which is ormed bg hinaeli or a -a'nbe: of ltts itnnedicte iadlU wlrLch ia not i*enizd ;':t eaie, Lease cr tEnt. ELECIRICAL PEPTEI TOTAL CHARCES SU?TtrAL ll a,, o" Er-tensicn/ Cireui Cd'lsEltclion s.oC, oo MECEAIIIC.qL P4RMIT CE.4RGE SAB?ATAL Edragt Hood Vent For Wood Sidalalk tleetieal tabel AINUil? DUE L/D E!'ICRoACH\IEN? 1eposit ilaincneoe !o?!tL AltoultT DltE Pesnit I IIAW CARE?ULLY EXAMINED the cornpleted applicdtion for pennit, ald. do h.eteby certify tlat al,L infonation herea is tmte old cortect, atd Iftttler certify that dU ovi aLL tnrk pet,fotnted sTnLL ba Cone in accor- funee u$h tle r)riinances of the Citg of Springfield, end. the La,ta of the State of 2vagon pe?taining tc tlte uork deecribad hetein, @d, twt NO OC- CWAfrCy ttill be mda of @q atflctlt e titlout penrrlesicn of the BuiZdingDi,tiaion. I f,ttthet certi,fg that otrlg eont?aetora od. atployees aro a"€in canpliatue vLth oRS ?01.055 uri,Ll be used on lhis pnoject. Diuieion appro,ted plaz shall yaein on the tuilding at allttnes. a I