HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1990-12-26Aooeoaors Wp t /tc,a Lot ll lob Ontrt.: Photte: ci Addtecs: WuoLtyt CwZanf ; /*rr4, ff ffisroil@ Datc of Applicr.tior,t .- Daecribe llotk: Addittan .. RESIT-:NTIAL.. caMB INAI I 0N A. .- LI C A! I0 N /aERMI r 225 North |th Stteet Sprtngft ell,, 2regon 9?4?7 Building Dtuision ?26-3753 Reeerpt I SPRINGTIELD # io7- /4?FL Date: ,/2 - 2 - 7',o owuaCeneraL It ie.the teapanoibi-lity of .tla per-rrit lold* to eee tlut all inspectiona @a nod.e at the ptopet ttne, that ecoh addreaa is rlealablcfian the atncet, and, tlut the pe*mit catd ie Located at the frcni of the orooettu..SuiUing Divicbn appnot;ed phn elnll yetain on tE BuiWirh sitebt atl'd)nee.' PROC1DURE POn INSPECAION,E_l3t!ESt: CaU,726-?769.ltecoilht) atate your City deaignated, job rutmben, job a&toss, type of iwpacticn--fonitupocti;;-b;;;",a;;-";o*,".n-,,-iZih";;runber..-Pequeeta""L"ii,.iL,"riii.i,o-o-'i^ .;iLl fu nadc the aone &y, teqteeto-tnde d,ftir. ?:oo-GnvtLL be rud.e tlw n*t:arking day. @Iout Citg Deeiguted, Job lhorib* Io oR yola1 Sani:aA aalct cap;pei =t p,.opctt; Line Septic totk p:,mped ai filZed tith Etooking ord, Set-tp Plunbing connecticw -- ld)er qd, txrer Eleatrical Ccnnect'ion - Blockirq, set-up Acceeaory- Euildittg Fityal - After gcrchee, akirtiry, decke, etc. are canpltted. smg rJvsPEeIo/y, acatation, but prton tc eet !o be fonna. PIIIAL PLUMETIIC' FINAL AECITINICAL FINAL EI,ECfRICAL required uqon boriere de in place but before ory lath, Wpsun board ot tnLL overing ie applied,, a'td befote ay. inoulation ie concealed. DRIIIALL TilSPECIION: Tc be rmd.eaFffiTcrytetTie in pLace, but pn'tor to ory taping. IIAS2NRI: Steel location, bottd, Wgrauting on uenticals in dacotdotoe uith A,B.C. Seotion 2415. be after a IIOODSTOVE:@a.After hstallation ie CURB 8 NPRqACq APP,OU After fonwata eneoted but prtor to pourtry eonctete. : Por aLL con- etnaot right-I eeca-to.ta,Ce aftet aL { fotn wrk ll cub- in place. after up of UIIDERSLAE PWXEfiC. EWCTRICAL T@v ltod< rls oorte.;,.d. [Wllt? t FOUNDA?ICII: lo be tnde ffie+et cffiicaoatcd ard fono ote eneatcd, Dl.tt prion topurtng ccnc.rete. U!|D,RGR)AID PLU\EINC, S9HER, etAtER. Lirq trerchea. UIIDEPFWOR PLUMENC T ilECIANICAL:@o1 floon ineulation on deaking. POSI AllD BEAl,l: To be md,e prton toffiEWof ftoor inauition ot decking. ROACH PLUISTIIG. ELEONIEAL C MECH. tn thaae irupectiona hae been md,e od, appruel. FIPEPEACE: . Plrtor b plccirq fccingauteriale and, befote froning inapeo- tion. PRAHINf: ltt+ct be nequected, aftet approval of. rottgh plwbing, electri- a,L t neolanical. ALt wofing bructry ! ohimrcye, eto. truat be oorpletad,. llo lxlnk ie to be cot- oeclcd, wttil chio inspeaticd la,a been nade and, apprcved, 1-l lEflce, lthen a mplate -- HooiCeI I gatea ot ilovable oections through P.U,E. Etltl ALl, ptojeat conditiona, such ao the inetallation of srreet t?eee, crylation of ;io required bndsecping, oto., nust be aatiefiad bafore tla BUIIDI;:G PIIIAL :at le rcqtceted. /V\ .trNAL BarLDrNc: The Final Building Inepection mat ba requeateC aften lhe liruL ?l,mbing XX Eleatrical, otd, llechodeal Inepectiona luua bean nade atd approoad. . .ALL IIANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUSI BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIENI TO 8E IL4DE.AT NO COS? ?O CE!P;ga 1 of 2 'Value T tr base t Jcb Nwnbcr:Reference llwnbers -.- Faes -. ,t L-COG #: Building Volue & Permit rhis permLt ie granted on the etpreae cond.ition that the eaid conetntction'ehall, in_a-ll -reepe-c.ts, gonfonl to the Orditunce adopted by the Ctty ofSpyingfiel4, inchding the Zoning Crdina,ce, negulaiing thZ ccnettietibnotd.uae o_f building.s,. and nyA be, eusped,ed ot rbool<ed Zt ory tine upon vio-Lo,tion of any prooieiona of eaid Ondituncea. Per.flrtt State Iotril Clangea Setbacka P, L.House Gan'age Accesa. Heat Wqte!-]leatet Nottth -iansg tast Fineplace South Lot Sq, EW, Z of Lot Couetaga # of Sturtea Iotal lleight Iopognuphy Tfi TIPE * _ fntetiot _ Cormer _- Panhandle CUL-de-aac ?,ono: Lot Facee - BedroorneGrou Weet IIEN sq,FTc x Value lubin Ge-naoe CdrDoyt Acceseortt 1\c,,r7,4 n-0 TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 7,5 x oo Date Paid: 7o # N0.FEE CITARGE Ftbturee Plumbing Permit Reeidenti.al (1 bath)No, pgtson alu_ll _conafuact, inatall, alter or change cny net ct eaiatingp-lutnb-ittg ot ibainage Ba _tq in ultole on in pott, i*t."L euch peraon ia- tleLegal .poeeesgor of a oalid plrybq,, Lic.enab, ateept that a pZn"on ray doplunbing uotk to p?ope"ty ubich is ouned, Leaeed or opetated'by the "Wti-ent, Sani Seuer Plmbing Pertrit State lleu/Ettetd Circuite Electricol Permit Ilhere state Lan requiree tlnt the electrical uor.k be ilone by an Electricalcottraetor, the electrical portion of this perni* sfuflL ttci be talid unti-Lthe Label hae been eigned ia the Electrical- Cont?actot'.Sentioe : TOIAL * FEE Mecho nicol Permit Eslwnst Hood. Vent Fdr Perfitt faou@lae Meclanioal Penrtt * -- ENCfroA cilMEN? -- Secarttv Derysit Sto?dge l,kintenance Pormit Curbcu! Sida,ttlk Pence Eleetrical la.bel Mobile ltotre ?OTAL ATIOUTT DUE:'tb?o r HAVE 0AREFULLY ELAMINED the cotnpleted application for pernit, Md. dotynllv certify_ that aLL infonnatiott hereoi ie ttue "ri ioiiiili "rra tfurthen -eettify that any ard aLL uork perfonted eratt ba done it accor-darce rith the Ordinancbe of the cita Zf springli.eid" irra-laZ ra"te of ther s_tut_? of o19eon p_ertaining to the wlrl aeeLriuZh n"iZii,,-"rra- tlat tto occu-PANcy uill be nace of atlv structwe uitttout permieeion -o7 tt u aiitaing -Dt- rsisio-n. r fu.tther certify that otLy contractore and eryLoyele aho ate inconpliance dith ORS ZO|.O-SS uiLL be-used on thie ptojecit Total Consented to by Keith Clark: Date Signed Date* PLan uuid- /