HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-04-17Reee"j,I Date: APPLICAl *JN/PERMIT 225 North ith Street Springfield, )r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ..RESIDiNTIAL.. SPFIINGFTELD- I Job Loeaticn: Aesessors,t.p # lfl 2 a-r)Icz Int # Subdiulsion otmer: F(O ,t zip: PhoneAddtess: DescrLbe h'or'l<: Value L aq Date of App licaticn L cc .ldditicn resf i:lC t General n s Hcmes Blocking otd, Set-uP Plunbing eonnectiote -- aaae? otd, uatet' Electrical Connection' Blockirq, set-u, and ohnbina conneetions trust be apprct;ed' befot'e requZeting eleclrical inspec lion Accessory fuiHnng pcrchee, ekirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. are cqnP' Pegc 1 ol' ! P lumb in Llechanica ec trica Superv isi Elec t t' It ia the fron the stBuilding responsibility of the Pexmitreet, anil that the Penrrtt , D"ioisior appro"^ed PLan shcl ( !.ilrr P!?oc tDU PE= ! o R. r y sPE cr T 0 n 1-!-QI!E sr: C A L L 7 requested ard u|:en you uiLL be readY lor liLL be rnade the sane dcy, reEests made t holder to see that aLL incpections ate nade at the pro?er tine' that ecch cddress is readab"e cand ie Located at the fu'ont of the L vemain on tha Building Site at aL ptoperty L tines. 26-3769 (recordev') state your City designated job manber,,iob aCitees' tYPe P,equests tecei."*ed of inspec:ioi inspection,Contractc?s or A,lne?s rwne and Phone nwnber.befcre 7:00 ct after, 7:00 on uiLL be nade the nett aotking day Ioun City Desigr.ated Job ltunbet Is: Remti.ro,l fn SITE INSPECTI)N: To be made aftet'TNSIJI,ATION/VAPOR FARRIER IIISPECTION : I. b. raCe ai't"" aLL insulaticn and required uapor bawie?s are tn pl.ace bui belore any lath, gApsun boarC ot' tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. eacaoat-on, but Priar tc se+- uP of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,IL & YBcnttticat: To be nade before anY 6it7i76,tered. FC1TING & FOUNDATIgN: ?o be naCe Afrer ttencni az'e--ercauated and forns at e erected, but Prior to ?ouring ccncrete. P1S? AND BEA\I: ?o be nade Prtor to ffit-i|Tfrf,}{of floot' insulation ot' decking. ROUCH PLU\\BI!\C, EtECrn!9A!. s MECHJ ANICAL: No ttork is to be coDered GliTthese inspectiot:s haoe been rmde and approuei. Sanilaty eeuet capped at pt'operty Line Septic tank punped and filled trith gnaLel Final - t*tea abcoe itens a.te ecrnpleted and uhen Cetnolition is conplete ot' stl'u3- tute mooed and. prenrtaes cleaneC up. I uwacnoutto pluwtac, strytp, w.tr-t!-t, I onltunu: To be rmde P!'Lot' to JLL- Lirq trenehes. I uaomrr,oo! ptul.nmc q urc:!-4wc,at' ^l-) To be made prior to LnstaLLatlon oI floor insulation ot' decking. DRY\\ALL INSPECIE)N: Tc be nade T$et'-ffi-fiwatTls in p'lnce, but pnior to anA taPing. MASONRY: Steel'Location, bond Giffilgnouting or uerticals in aceordance tith U.B,C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: ccnpDtea, After installation is hhen conplete '- ProuiCe or mooabLe sections through CURB & APPRCACH A?P2-!'l: Aftet forns A;c?A;A-b;; p;ior to pourins concrete. SIDEI,\ALX & DRII.EI'.AI: For aL! con- .rA; paofi;Efri etreet right- of-rx:y, to be made after aLL esca- oating corplete & forn utork & sub' base material in Plate- tion. FRA\IINC: lhuet be requested after approvat of rough pluibing, .e'l,ectri-cil & meclnnicaL. AL'!.. ttoofing bracing E chinmeys, etc. rntst be comoleted. !!o ucrk is to be con- o"ilnd unttl this inspection lns 'been nade anC appro"-ed. FTPEPLACE:,r"t;;l;C FII|AL PLUMBIIIG FINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Pw)on to Plceir4 facing and before franing insPee- r U.E AIL proiecb aontlitions, suck as the i.nstal-Lation of street l!?e-t-'- conpleti'on.of the ?equired. Landsccping, Ltc., ,rust be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: The tinal Building Inspection mtst be tequested aften the Final Plumbing E L "; ;;";;;1-,-' ati Me chani cal r ns p e c tTon a hcu e b e en nade atd - appT oo e d' *AT,T, MANI1CLES AND CLEANOI]TS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITENI TO BE IL4DT AT NO COST ?O CffY I tr tr tr SOLAR ACqESS REQ.-L-CO C BeCroons JOB NO. SourcesLot Faces - etbacks !teat P. t,Ilousc.Aace:ts llat Fi Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cotsetage ! of Stor[es Total Height Topography INT TYPE _ fntenior Coraer Panharulle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- FTG Y VaTTEM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Fee tLglea Building Vqlue & Permit This pernrit is granted on the erpPess condition that the sitid construction slnll', in all rZspects,- conforrn'to tlrc Crdirwi'tce adop.teC 6y the Cit'y o.f Spilngiletd, inctuding'the Zoning Crdinance, re.gulcttltg the ccnstntcticn ind ,i'e of Luildings,- and may be. suspend.ed or reuckeC at ctty time upon uic- Lation of any prcoisions of said ordir,ances- Building Penttt Total Clnrgee Sta.te CEARGEITEI'I NO, Fi*tures Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani Plumbing Permit No peroon slwll construct, install, alter or ehange -cnlJ nel-cr eeisting ptrtlntlttg or drainage aystez in uhole or in pan,t, unless sueh person is the iegal pbsses"o, oi o rthlid pl*,bnr"s lic-ensb, escept that a pelson ^ov 4opfunalig uork to p"ope"tA uhich is oumed, Leased or opet'ated by the appli'- cdnt. Pltmbing Pernit State Surch,arge Tctal NO. Neu/Eetend Circuits Serttice Electricol Permit Vhere Stnte Lau requit,es th,at the eLectnical uork be done by an Eleetrical contractor, the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll not be oalic until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contracl;or. State Total ITgM FEE CIIARCE gTUIS Exhanst HooC Vent Fan * Mechqnicol Permit PentrLt fssuanee Mechanieal Permit Sec,ni Permit Cw'bcu Sidettalk ELectricaL Mobil.e ltone 5,TOTAL AMOIINT DUE:I f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eornpleted application for pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL infotnation hereon is true and earreet, anl f furthet eertifg that any ard aLL wrk perforned slall be dote it aeeot- tlance tith the 1rdinances of the City of springfield, anC the Laxs of the State of Oregcn pertainino to the uot'k Ceect'ibcd herein, cnd tlnt NO occu- Pl,NCy LvLLL bb nnde of any strueture uithout permission of the Bui-lding Di.- uision. I further certilll that o:tly contracto"s ard enplcyees dho are in cmplianee Dith CRS 701.055 ttill be used on this project Total Date Dt[e * ,d PLan Eranitter Date Pat-d Reeeipt ll: llcod::tote