HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Board of Appeals 1988-09-29# zzs North rrt rrr"lr""cArroN /PERI'I,, Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESI- -NTIAL..SPHI]{GFTELD -)--{(D-Job Iocaticn: ?as Lot #Aesessors Map # Svbdittision: Ormer:L Addvess:Phote4G& city:zip: ?-aq- s,a t1{9, . C o l--t Na) ValueDate of al '?t ,- -bL- <A6".rr*-1Additicn RenoCel Conttactors Add?' GqreraL x Page 1 of 2 lltl loo \ Date: -5{r772e-,:z /-7- Plwtbino ELecttieal l4eehanieal Consjruction Lendet Reati-rai I-t ie the tespono'ibi-LilV of -tne Pen?it tzotdet to see that aLL iwpeetions ee nade at the prope? tine, thdt each addtees is reqCabi.efrotn the atteet, and tlut the pdrtit eatd ie Located at the frctti of tlte orooertu -*guiHing Diuiciott cpproxed plnn slnll remain on tle Bunlding site'at "lt'lii"ii." 4ROCEDUR\FoR. IySPE1?I2N.El-q- IJEST:CALL726-3769(z,eeotdet) state your City designzted job rwnbez,, job aliress, tgpe of inspeelicnre.quested and uhen gou uiLL be ready fo_t'inspection, Contractor" oi a,rters-ncme L"a pn 7" nwnbey.' rrq"i"i" rece.ti;Za bZlcre'z:00 cnr"ill, be twde the sane dcy' reqtests-made after, ?:00 on urLLL be nndp the nest iril"g'a. Iour Ctty Desi,gr.ated Job Nunber fs: SITE INSPECTf)N: ?o be rnade aftez, ercansation, but prtar tc set up of forne. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?IAN : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn ed. required uqon bavie?s @e in place but before otg Lath, gApsun bcarC or tnLL cooering i.s applied, and befone or.y tnsulation is concealed. DEI-IOLTTIAT OR :,:OW' BU, Sani:aty seuer cappted at Wope?w- Li,xe Septic tank p;^ttped and filled vith gz,a;sel yuplRSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRTCAL & WCH4ilICAL: To be made befoz,e angtnrk is eooeted. POO?ING & F)UNDATfCN: To be rnaCeAfrA tlencGe a"e excauated. altd forns ote erected, but pnior to poun'tng ecnereta. u N DERGP) UU D ?LUME IN G,_S tWE!2- r/!! X& :,LLrg rTenehee. UIIDEPFLOOR PLUI,ETNG & MECHANTCAL:Io be nad.e prior to instalLatioi of DRIWALL INSPEC?f)N: Ic be made after aLL dryuall is in pl,aee, but prior to ang taping. IL,4SONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accordotce Llith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: etltpLeTA. After instatlation ie ?inal - l{hen abcue itens are ec,ttpleted and uhen dqtclition i,s cornplete o" strac-tute notled and. prewises cleaneC up. P1ST AND BEN|: ?o be made prior toinstallatian of floot, insulation ot,deckirw. e t l:" 1l td' ROUCH PLUIBIIIG,.WEERJ*[, & MECH- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be coteredw:til these inspeetions haue been nade attd approtted. EIP.EPL:ACE: Pr.tor fn placirq facingma.ter.tals and befot,e franing inspe-e-tion. Wllt: ltust be requeeted after approoal of rough plwrbing, electni-cal & nechanical. AL! toofirq bnaeing 8 ehinmegs, etc. nast be . coilpleted. lto wcnk is to be con-. cecled until this inspeetton las'been twde anC approted. floor insulction or decking, /,\ PTilAL PLUMBITICo^>,\ PTNAL MECHANTCAL ?INAL ELEC?RICAL eoncrete. STDEWALK & DRIIWAI: Pot, aLL eon-ct;te gDfrAffi stteet night-of-txy, to be nade aftez, aLL erca- oating canplete & forn utork & sub- base nlaterLal in place. ?ENCE: h4ten complate -- ProoiCe gateB o? nooable sections thnough P, U.E. Mobile Hcnes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing cotmections -- salte? od. uatet, Electr"ical Ccnneetion - Blocking, set-up and pLwnbing connections tnist be dpprc,^ed befot,e requesting eleetrical inspecliott Acceesory Bui.tding Pirnl - After pcrches, elorting, decl<s,etc. ate cornpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ee erecteC but prior After formsto pouring tr ALL proiect conditions, such ae tte instaLlation of stteet trees, conoletion of tietequired Landseeping, etc., rmtet be eatisfied before the BUILDINb FIN'A|, can be requested.. IINAL BUfLDIN9: fhe Pinal Buildittg. fnspection rnuat be requested after the Firal plwnbingElect,ical, anC Mechanical fnspeetions 1141)e been naie- ird'ipprou"ri. x w E *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?IIEII! ?O BE I44DE AT NO COST TO CIry Desct4be ab RRP: \O5 7Ybrzs tr rlc JOB NO.SOLAR AACESS REQ.-r--co# Bedrooms Sourees Ileat -- Fees -- Date Paid {. Sianed: PLan Esaniner uate f HAW CAREFULLY EXAIILNED the cornpleted appltcation for pennit, and do hereby cettify tlwt aLL infortnation het'eon is true and cbz,r,ect, cnC f furtker certify that any ard. aLL aork perfotned shalL be done in accor- dance trith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Laas of the State of Oregon pertaining to the uoyk Cescrtbed herein, cnd. tlnt NO )CCa- PI.NCY uill be nad.e of anA straettl?e uithout permission of the Building Di-oision. f further eertify that only contracto?s a.d enplcyees dho are in eotpliance uith oRS 70L.05s uiLL be used on this pz,oject ?otal /-a7-t( I AccessL.House Lot Faces - North East Fire South LO! TWE _ fnterior _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac SQ. FTGI?ET,I x Value Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cooerage # of Ston'ies Iotal Eeight ?opography l,/est bb.in C,@dqe Cdrpo?t Accessotu TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c ?5 Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpreas cond.ition tlut the said eonsttuetion s_VnL.L, in,a-ll -respeets, gonform to the fudinance adopted fiiy the City ofSpryngfield, ileluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulatirry th"e ccnstta"cticnqnd.use o-f buiLdings, cnd may be, suspended or rleuokec "ot "*y time upon oic-Lation of any ptctsisions of iaid 2rdinances, Building Pe?ntit Iotal Clwgee State Plumbing Permit Nq pez,son shall consttttct, tnstall,, alter or elnnge anA neu cr eristing qlut b_irq or drainage sAstel in uhole or in patt, inles-s sueh person is theLegal .possessot, of a ualid plutnbet,,s Licensb, e&cept tlnt a pZt"on may doplunbing aork to propez,ty uhich is ormed, Leased or opetatei by the "ppli.-cant. /5."5 EEE r * Etbtures Resid.entl:al (1 bath) Seuen b3 t3 Plumbing Pemit State Stocllange Electricol Permit Whez,e State Lan reqtiz'es tlat the electrical uork be dnne by an El,eetyiealContraetor, the eleetrLcal pontion of this permit slull not be ualil, untilthe Label ?ws been signed bg the Electtical Contractor. ?otal NO PetmLt NailEcterd Citeuits Setoice -. ENCROACUMENT -- NC.TLL CIIARCE I ,oo b 75 Mechqnicql Permit blwtet HooC llcodsto;se Vent Fot Permit fssucnee Meehanical Peymit Seeuritg Deposit Stotage Maintenarre Pennit Clsbcut -- Sileualk lenee Electz,ical Label MobiT.e Hane TOTAL AM)UNI DUE: *#'lro Signed Date /50D-