HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-06-21rob Locaticn, 5lO V)' / o t10 )3s ?a.c Lot tt 01f00Aasessors Map ll Subditsision: ML rro II)tmer: Y-/u qCi 7 Addtess: €/O - larbPhone DescrLbe llork: Date of AppL n La Le Home ldditicn RemoCeL 225 North Sth Street Springfiald, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ..RESIDFNTIAL APPLICAT ,/PERMIT Rcce!tll Date res SPFlII\IGFTELD rI)UAddressContractorsLisc. l e,7 I General P luinb in l.lechanic D'tM ectrE a c]-anlllec C l:Su fv DEI.IOLITIOT AR BU.TLDIi,]CS Saniloty seaer capped et property Line Final - Ir4ten abcue 'itens are eanpleted and ahen denclition is conplete or sttac- ture moued and premises cleaneC up. Septic tank p'"inpea ard fiLled aith gra;sel Hcnes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connectians -- saner atd. ua*er Electriccl Ccnneetion - Blocking' set-up and plwnbing connections mtst be approt;ed before requbsting eleclrLcal inspection Accessory Building Final - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ate completed. Pqelof2 fccittg inspec- It ie the responsibility of the permit ho,Ldet, to see that aLL inspec-tions a.ve nade at the pnoper time, that ecch cddtess is reaCable from tha- stre'et, and ttit tne piornt ca.rd is Located at .t\e. front of the -WqpertA.iauiLdin4Dil.licionapprot;edpLan,shcLLyemainontheBuiLdingSit:ataLLtimes. pRocEDURqFon rNspxcrroL,qZQyESTiCall726-3769(t,ecorder) state your city desigrnted iob nunber, iob aciress, type of inspeetich requested and uhen g-ou trLL L be peadA Ior Lnspection, Contracton"' o", Atners" ru;me Lnd phone nunber , P'equests receixed befcre 7 : 00 an ;^iil be made the sdne dcy, requests-iade afiet, 7:00 an uvtll be made l:he ncat'aorking dail. lour cit;g Designated Job Nn'nbar ," gq00 A( SIIE INSPEC?I1N: To be nade after *"A;fio", b"t pt'iot' tc sel; uP of forms. UNDERS LAB PLU!Df!,Q-_E@9!R!!!-L_ 3 MECH|IIICAL: To be made before anY 6it'7i-couev'ed, FOOTING & EOUNDATICN: ?o be rnaCe AO; *;aA are escansated and forms are erected, but Prior to pouring ccncrete. UNDXRGROUND PLUMDINC. SgbIER' W.ITER' DRAIIIAGE: To be made PtLo" to ILL-Tfr trenches. UNDERFLOOR PLUI,E ING & I,IECHANIC{L : of floor insulal;ion or decki.ng. POST AND BEAM: To be made Prior to 6iliTTi[G{of floot' insulation ot: decking. ROI\dI PT,UITBIIIC. EI,ECTRICAL & MECH- inrcnr: uo w{is to be co"-eretj GiiL these inspections hatse been mad.e and approueC. Priot, to Placirq and before froning required oapor baniers dte in place bul beflore any Lath, gyPswn baarC or rnLL couering is appLied, ard before oty insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nade ifTer an@uaTT-ts in place, but prior to cny taPing. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond TZffilgrouting or oerticals in accordance Ltith U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO'IE: Afl;er installatton i.s ccntpleted. BtlRltIER To be aLL insu IENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProuiCe gm; or mouable secl:ions through D I' D CURB & APPRCACII APP'ON: After forms o1'ezre-tA-b;T p;lo" t;o pouring concrel;e. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAI: Eor aLL con- cret.na,rfr-$in" stt'ect right- of-ucy-, to be maCe afl;er aLL etca- DaLing cornplete & fom tnrk & sub- base material in Place- tion. FRAI1INC: Wst be requested after approoal of rough plurnbing, electri- cal & nechanical. ALL roofing braeing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be completed. Ilo ucrk is to be con- , cealed until this inspection has 'been made anC approtted, FIP.EPLACE: ^at;;l;G FINAL PLUMBING EINAL MECHANICAL |INAL ELECTRICAL ILL projebt conditions, sual,t as the install.ation of slreel; t!"n_?,^ conpletion.of the required Land.sccpin.q, L*,, ,*tt be satt)sfiid. tefore the B{JILD1N; EIIiAL can be requested' FINAL BU1LDIN|: The linal Building Inspectiotz mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing-S1n.ioi,"i-,-'i,C Uechanical Inspectl'i-on" itqrto been made and approoed. *AT,L MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T'IUST BE ACCESSIBLI'ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I'IADE I\.T T]O COST TO CITY t-.t ,,,, JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO C Plant Ercminer Tate f HAVE CAREFULLy ,XAMINED the completed applieation for permit, and do lrcreby certify that aLL information het'eon is trae and correct, anC f fut,ther aertify that any ard aLL dot'k perfovned alall be dote in accot'' dance ttth the 0rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of 2regcn pertaining to the work Cesctibed heretn, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- Pl.ilcv uill be ru.ce of any structute uithout permission of the Building Di-ui'sio_n' r fu,the, ce,tifil that only cont?aciors and enpicyees uho a;e inconpliance uith CRS Z01.0SS aiLL be used on thie project * Int Sq. Ftg. % cf Lot Ccueraga_ I of Stor[es Total P,eighb ?opography LCT TYPE \J _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Zone:Bedt oomsCrou Ileat Aacess t DT llouse Lot Faces - -- Fees -- This petmit it; granted on the erpfess eondition tlnt the said-consttaction slull', in all rZspects, confomt lto the lrdinance adopted by the City 9f Sprin(Jlield, includ.ing l;|rc Zonirrg Crdinance, regulathtg the ccnstntcticn and u's-e of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or revokeC at cnA time upon uic- Lation of any prcoisions of said )rdinances. ValuelltrXITEM *S.D.C. 1.5 r TOTAL VALUE Signed: Reaeipt ll Date Paid PLanDuilding Pernit ?otal Clt *ges State Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No percon slnll constt'ttct, instal'!-' alter or change -Gnll nev cr existing plwnbing or drainage s?i$ten in uhole ot in pat't' unless such person is the Legal pbssessor of a ualid plurberts License, etcept that a petson nay !o. plwnbing uonk to pt'operty uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plunbirtg Pet'nit ILL CHAR(;EN0. Sani Seuer Fistutes Residential (1 bath) Electricol Permit Wev,e State Lau requires tl"at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractor,, the eleal;l"ical portion of this permit shall not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Conttactor. Nau/Eetend Circuits Setoice State ?otal -- ENCROACHMENT -- NC I'EE CIIARCE State Mechqnicol PermitFltrruce ETU'S llcodstozte Erhanst HooC Vent Fan Petmtt Issuance lleclmnicel Pemrit Secur.ttu Deposit Storage Man)ntertance Petmit Ctttbcut - Sideualk ElectricaZ Labcl Mobtle llone ],OTAT, AMOI]N? DUT: A /5,75 Stgned ( Date ITgM /5,0-t Pence