HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-11-14APPLIC\.t1N/PERI,IIT 225 North Sth Street SprLrqfi,eld, 2regon 97477 Butlding Diuision 7 26-37 53 ..REsINCNTIAL.. SPFTINGFIELD-. robr.oeation 5lO XIO"Il,.l l1)R- AeseeaoreMap# lt? ()3 35 t3 ?az bt # O4Sf>O svbdiuision: fy'lc Ca-A,mer: ,2-Addtess:Phone: c;ry: &e=+,re l{zip: nl4Zt- Deeeribe l,lotk: W QL'**' --A-"-,J-Dt -rtu-r-n-"-- 0 l[ * r+- a8 oU ValueDate of App Lication L 1C,4 Additian Page 1 of 2 Leee'- Date a II\\ # qo> General L I-t i8 tha tespotto'ibi_Lila of -*e permit ltolder to aee thot alt inspectione oe nade at the p?ope" tine, that ecch ,;ddress is rea4abiefron the atreet' and, that the permit, catd ie Located at the frcni of the orooetbt.*Buiaing Diuicion approxed pLan svnll remain on the Building site 'at att'iihis." INSPEC?TOII 726-3769 (reeordey) state your City desigrnted job ntmber, job aCi;tess, type of inspeeticn aou be ready for inspection, Contyaetc"s or Aine?s ncnte and plnne nunber. Requelts z,eeeixed befcre 7:00 anbe nade the sane dcy,"equeets mcde after ?:00 an uLLL be nnde the nect uotking dag Reoti.na,l Tn Youv CiW Desigr,a.ted Job Nunbet, Is lo SITE INSPEC?fON: To be nade aftet, etcauation, but priar tc set up of forna. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCH{ilICAL: To be made befoz,e any r,soz,k is eouered. POOTIN} & FOUNDAIICN: To be naCe TNSALATJON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTTON : ?o be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ard. required oapor borie?s @e in pl,ace but before ory Lath, Wpswn baatC or tmLL cooering i.s applied, a'nd. before o'ty insulation is concealed. Sanitarg seser capped ct properfi; Litce Septic totk g"nped attd fi.Lled tr{,th g,a;tel ?inal - l{hen abcoe itens ate ccnpleted and uhen Canclition is eotnplete o" struc- ture nooed atd g,emLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- eede? otd. uater Electrical Ccnneetion - Bloektng, eet-up anl plwnbing eonneetions nlrist be apptct;ed before requesting eleclrical inspec+-iott Accessory Bui,LCing Pital - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. are cornple'ued. after trZncEe s are-eccatsated and. fotns ate erected, but ptiot, topouring ccncrete. UND1RGROUIID PLUMEING, SIWER, W,4TER, DRAIIIAGE: To be nade ptiot, to fil-Lirq trenehee. AUDERFLOOR PLUT,IBTNG & MECHANICAL : o7 floor insuT,ation or decking. P)ST AND BEAU: 7o be nade priot todfittdf,ffof floot, insuT)tion ot decking. ROUGH PLtlltBIllG, ELECTRICAL & ltlECH: ANICAL: No uotk is to be co.^ez,edutil these inspeetiotts haue been nade and. appz,oued. FIPEPI,ACE: Pr.Lot to pkeirg faeingma-tenials and before franing inspeb-tion. FR/LI.IING: l,fust be requested after appnoual of rough plwrbing, electri-cal & neclanical. AL! roofittg bracLng & chittmegs, etc. rrust becornpleted. Ilo ucz,k i,s to be eon- cealed until this inspeetion has been mad.e anC approoed. DRYWALL fNSPECTI)N: Tc be madeafter'-alT-6ynfiTls in p'Lace, but prior to any tapin4. MAS1NRU Steel Location, bond beans" gtouting or oerticals in accotd@tce LlLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO'IE: @rnpT;tA. After installation ia CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON:After fonnsoe erecteC but prior to pout"i.ng cort=rete. SIDEIIALK & DRf',EWAI: For aLL can- cr.A; pAfrnZffi styeet fisht- of-teq, to be maCe after aLL erea- oating canplete & fom Ltoyk & sub- base naterial in plaee. FTUAL PLUUBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL g\ ALL project conditions, such as the installation of stteet t7ees, conpletion of tie required Landscaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BULLDIN? FINAL ean be requested. n FINAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Build.iw Inspection mtst be t,equested after the Final Plunbing \-,/ ELectrical, anC Meclnnieal fnspections hq)e been made and apptotteC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS ML\S? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSntENt TO BE M,4DE LT tt) CCST TO CIry *<*- dc d'Y-1 Constmrction Lender T I u l tr J N1 | fE.l CE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe f\u.t. Efii1-? es JOB NO.soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c D^^^ Bed.t oons udte Building Volue & Permit This penn t is gnanted on the ecpress eondition tlat the said eonstntctions-hall, in a_LL.respeets, conforn to the Crdinance adopted tiy the City ofSprLngfield, inc!.uding the Soning Cydinance, r,egulating th-e ccnstru-cticn and.use of buildirqs, otd nag be suspended or rbuokeC -at cny tine upon oic-l,ation of dtA prcuisions of eaid Ordinmrces. /r Euilding Penrtt State ?otal Clwrges ?otaL * Date Pai.d: Receipt #: Signed: l'Lcn Eram,ne? f HAW CAREFALLy EXAj,ffNED tle eornpleted application for permit, attd dolereby eefiify tTwt aLL infornution het,eoi is trae and ebz,rect, anC f futtket, certify that ang ard aLL uork perfotned slnll be dote in aceot- dance vith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, ard, the Las of the* state of 1regcn pertaining to the uork cesbribbd hnoZin, an^d tlnt No occu- PANCY tvlll be nade of any st?uctu?e uithout permiseion of the Buitding N-oision. I futthe, certify that only eontuacio,s od anplcgees uho uZ inconplianee uith ORS Z07.0SS aiLL be used on thie ptoject tq ( Lot Faces - Setbacks DT House Carage Aceess North East South Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage_ LO? TWE _ fntetiot _ Corner _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac SQ, FTGI?EM x Value # of Stortes Iotal Height Iopogrqhy llest ttb,i.n Ceaae Carpot,t Aceessonu TOTAL VALUE S. D.C. 1..5 t No- pereon slnll consfuuet, inotall, alter ot ehange an! neD cr eristing el*\inA or drainage systst in uhole or in part, unlesb such pet,son is'the Le_gal .possessor of a oalid plwnbe!'s License, eacept that a pe?son nay doplmbing aoyk to property uhieh is oaned, Leased or opetated by the "ppti-cant. NO FEE CHARCE Seuen ITEM Resilential (1 bath) Fi.ctutes Plunbing Perntt 1 Plumbing Permit Electricol Permit were state Las reqttiyes tlnt the electrlcal uork be done by an Eleetrical Contraetoz,, the eleetnical portion of this permit sllall not be ualil, untilthe Label lns been sigzed bg the Electtical Cont?acto?. ?otal Nan,/Ertend. Circuits ?atporeg Seruice NC FEE CIIARGE * Mechqnicol Permit Erhanst HooC llcodstotse Vent Fot Permit fssuance Meclanicel Pernrit Secarity D?posit Stotage Maintettanee Perwtt Cttzbcut Sida,talk Fence €.oo Electrical Label Mobile Horne TO?AL AMOUN? DUE:*4.<- <>d Date