HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-11-14P':g? 1 of ": APPLTCA*)N /PERI4IT 225 North ith Street Spz,ingfield, 2regon 97477 Buildi-ng Dt)uision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD- Job Loeaticn:Tr/?rt/2033 /=5 aaAssessots Map #Tat Lot # S\bdiot-sion: Otmer: PhoneAddtess City: Describe l{ot li: Date of Appli n Nen Y/ ,(J Value <&I Additicn RenoCeL 14eclraricaL lt 1176 L \vr'q2? General ELectricaL Consttuction Lender It ia the responsibility of the permit hoder to aee that aLL inspections are nade at 2he p"opet' time, that ec.eh address is xeadabl-e frorn the street, anC that the permit card is Located at-lh-e frolt of the-propet'ty.iguildinS Nuicion appz,ou*ed plan shcll remain on the Building gite at aLL times. PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTIOII RIQUEST:CA iequesierl and ahen 31ou aiLL be ready t".iLL be made the sane dcy, "equests LL 726-3769 (recordet) state Aour City C'esignated job rutnber', for inspection, Contractcrs or )umers ncne cnd phone number'. made aftet' 7:00 an urLLL be made the ncst.'eorking dag, Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs S of incpec;ioi befcne 7:00 ct Ramn'-narl Tn snoeti.ans FC)TINC & FOUNDATICN: To be rnaCe ;fr; trfi;f;s a"e .tcatsated and forr" ore erected, but Pt'ior to pouring ecncrete. ll uttn\ncnouw ptuuetnc,. ssl{Ep. wArll' | | onuarct: To be maJe PrLol' Eo JLL- Lirq trenehes.I c rqo f llqDeanrnil. e"."u;;lorr, b"t forrns. MECHn-i,lICAL: To.-- DOt'k LS CODereA, P To be made after priar tc set up of To be nade a insulaticn ELECTRICAL & any ta of required uapor barrie?s are in place bui belore any Lath, gApswn boarC ot' tmLL cooering is applied, aruT before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL I\ISPECTI0N: Tc be made i@-a|l at'uu"tTts in place, but pt'ior to anY taPing- MASINR|: Steel location, bond 6Zfrilgrouting or uet'ticcls in accordance tLth U,B.C, Section or1< DEI.DLTTIO!] OR BUILDIiICS Sanilary seuer capped at pz'operty Lire Septic tank p''otped a'-d fi,Lled aith gra:;el FinaL - l{hen abctse itens ote ecrnpleted and uhen Cemali-tion is complete at stlul- tw,e noued anC pt'emises cleaneC uP' llobile Hcmes POST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot' to ffiil;" of floor insulation or' decking. floor insu tion ot' decking No to fr wooosroltt, Aften installation is V'l ccwleted'- tltt?B & APPRCACH APPON: Afbet" fonns d'e eiecteC but Prtor to Pourtng concrete. SIDEWALI< e DRI;.I|-!/:L: For aLL con- ;""t; DaDlrrq uithin street right- oi*u', tu be maCe after all' exca- ui"1ln"o'complete & forn uork & cub- base -mcterial in Place' IENCE: riher" conPlete -- PYoui'Ce'gffi'o" mooable- sections through Bloeking and Set-uP Plunbing connections '- sal)ev anC uatet Electriccl Connection - Blocking' set-up , and. olwnbinq conneettons mist be ap?r'ctec b; ;7"i" riequ"esting eleclrLcal insp ec lion Aceessor.; Bui.LCing Final - After pcnc-h.es, skiz'ting' decks' etc. ate comPleted" : & e these inspectiotis hats e been mad.e and. aPProuel. FIIIEPLACE: P?iot' to plccirg facing ffi;;{;l; arul before froning insPec- ti.on. FRAI'IINC: l'tust be requested aftet ""-r*;L of rough plrtrbing, -electri-JtL a ^e.t-rica1. - ALL roofing iiaoina E chitrncYs, etc' must be ionrplxed. llo ucrk is to be con- ifr,ea unti.L this i'nsPecti'on lws 'Lnnn *an anC aPProt^ed' P.U,E ALL pro;j e,ct condt !;tons, suclt ct's t be satisfi'cd befotethe -i.nstaLLat;-on of slreet the B UILDINC FIIIAL conttees, conPlet';"on requi.red LanCsccPi'r"g of the be reciue sted- , etc., tmts FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTBICAL af Ler tle FinaL i'lmblt"t -srequested anl aPPto's * Al,l, ttAltl]t'Tit-' ANl)CL'tiANCU'IS IIU!;T BE 'ACCDSSIBLN' AD,IUSTIIENT TO BE T''IAI)E !.T I]O CCST TO CTIY Trla q ,\t z)-,az,t)7ZO // job aCizess, P.equests I tr FINAL BUILDTNC : ThE Fi'NAL U:i'L!:':f' O:*"'':#;NXX:: O 'iiliiu'""i" i,c Mechati'caL rnspecx"' JOB NO.L-co dSOLAR AC SS REQ.- Beiroons:Zone Lot Faces - Ileate Il ol.s e AceessDT Lac,:t tote Lot Sq. Etg. % of Lct Ccoerage # of Stori.es Total Height Topography LOT TYPE fntet'ict' Cotner Pan?tandle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- SQ, FTG x ValueITEM TOTAL VALUE 1E-n,U.O' l.o L Date Paid: Receipt ll Sigted: Building Volue & Permit This permit is gtanted on the edpress condition tt'a.t the sctid-consttaction slnll" in all r,"espects, conform'Lo the crdinance adop.ted lliy the ci.ty 9f ip"iiift."ti, inclliding' til 2oni"g crdina.nc-e, reguLcti,tg the ccnsttucticn oL.d u'n"n of "build.ings," "i,i-r.y be" suspended oz, r-euokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of any prcttisions of said 1rdinances' BuiLding PertnLt Total Chargea State CHARGEN0.FEEITEM Residential (1 bath) Seuet' Plumbing Permit No pet,eon slutll construcb, install,r- altet or cLwnge ,cnll nel -cr existing pl,rkltrg ot' drainage systLn in ;"thoie or in part, unless such person is the TegoL p"osses"o, oio u'alid plunber's Lic-ens-b, etcept that a person may d9 pti*A'tirg uo,k to propet'ty ,hi"h i" oumed, Leased o, operated by the appli- canlt. PLunbLng yenil,t State Sttc.l^arge FNO Nztt/Eetend Cireuits Set uice Electricol Permit were state Lan requi?es th,at the eLectrical aotk be dot'"e by an Electrical contractor, the electricaL portion of this permit shall not be ualic until the LabeL lns been signed by the Electt'ical Contractor. L Permii Total ITEM FEE CIIARCE Eehanst llooC Vent Fcn ['lcodstotse ,oa 75 ALo * Mechonicol Permit PentrLt fssuance Mechanical Penttrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Pezmit Ctttbcut SLdAnALk L Mobile Hcne PLat't Ltat 2 r HAVE 1AREFULLv EXLM{,yED. t-he conpleted application for permit, and doh:"19a certtfy that aLL informatibn het,eoi'is tt:ue and. c'arrect, ani. rfu,ther :?rt?fu" th-at any ard aLL uork perfotned ahall be done- in acco?_ r y:",1 y^"2 lrn Ord.tntnee.s of the City _of Springfield, and Lhc Lans of thcDLULe or..uregcn psrtaLnlno to the aork cescribed herein, cnd that No 1ccu-PI.NCY uill be made of any structut:e uithout permission'oy tlrn Buitd.ing Di-uision, f furl;her certiiE that o:ilg cont"actor.s a;id enpLcllees uko at,e incmpliance uith CRS z01.lss aiLL be used on thii irijZ,i't--"""' lkHrF L TOTAL AMOIJII? D(JE: *,75 Date NC. Seantit! Deposit Storage Maintenance ?ence -