HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-02-06.. RESID' ITIAL.. APPLTCATtdv/PERrLn 225 North Sth Street Spr.Lngfield" )regon 97477 Building Diui.sion 7 26-37 53 ldechatical Constnrct'ion Lender SPFINGFIEL.ID Reeei I Date: 7"Zea r-t ia the teaponaibi_LilU oi-tne pernit ho-ld* to oee that aLL inspectiot'r,s ee nade at the prope? time , that eceh aildtess is z,eadabi.ef.y--t!g atnee-t,. and tltat the-permit.card ia Located at the fuoni of the prop*ty.*guiuing Dioisior cpproxed plan shclL remain on the Bunlding sitc'at aLL' tikes.- ?RocgDUPE;F0\ IySPEc?r1N,WyEST:CALL726-3769(recoydet) state yout, Citg desigrnted. job nwnber, job aCitess, typenequeeted and uhen gou uiLL be z'eady fot' inspection, cont?aet"r" o7 a,mers nctte L"a pnohn niunber.' aniq"iiit receilZd'**iLL be nade the eane day' tequests-made afta ?:00 on t^yill be mad.e the nett nriif iay. of inspee:icn befcte 7:00 cn You? City Desigra.ted Job Nunber fs:$soog 7 Job Locaticn:# ?as Lot #Assessoz,s Map # Subdioision: Aner: 6s enone: Q$/-de?Addtess:P 7t/ 77Ci Desct-ibe h'ork: Addition Date of App Licaticn /- /7-s, ,lS , 4/{0 ?,Q"tU ,eo General SITE INSPECTTON:e4"A;i|;;;Et forme ' Io be nade aftet,pt"ior tc set up of I N SULAT I ON /VAPO R BABILIE R I TISPE C T I O N :DEI,IOLTTIOII ORIo be nade after aLL insulcticn a'd. required uapoz, banie?s @e in place but before ay Lath, Wpsun boatC or unLL cooering .Ls qplied, and beforeoty insulation is eoncealed. Sanitarnl saney capped at properel Lire Septie tank p;atped ard. fill-ed trith gra:;el Final - I{hen abcve items are ecrtpleted and uhen Cqnclition is cornplete or st?uc-ttue noueC and. prerises cleaneC up. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECI{I1\ICAL: To be made before anyttotk is coteyed, LOPI Nc & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be np,Ceaften t"encffi;-a"e e&catated and forns are etected, but pz,ioz, to pouring ccne?ete. UND1RGPOUIID PLIJA?ING, SE',IEP,'/ATER.onaiunci:@- Lirg trenchee. utlDFRFL)1R ?LUMBTNG & \|ECilANICAL: ?o be nade prior to installation of floon insul,ation oy decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade pr.Lor toffiidTffiiTof floot insuT)tion or decking. p\ DRY\IALL INSPECII)N: Tc be made lA I after aLL dtyualL is in place, - but Wior to ang tcping. I MASONR! Steel Location, bond beans, grouti,ng or oertieals in accotdotce Lt|th U,B,C. Section 2475. IIOODSTOIlE: ;ctrpleteA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP)N: After fonnse,e e"ect;AhEnio" to poumng conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRTWWAI: Fot, aLL con-c"etendofrAm street right-of-txy, to be nade after aLL ecea- oating conplete & forn uork & sub- base nwterLal in plaee. IENCE: h4ten complete -- ProoiCe gates or mooable sections through P.A.E. ALL project eonditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpletion of the required T,andseeping, etc., tmtst be eatisfied before the BUfLDfNc FfNAL ean be requested. 1! PINAL BULLDING: The Einal Building fnspeetion rmtst be z,equested aftet the Fi,nal PlwnbirgElectrical, qtd Meclnnical fnspections haue been made and approtseC.I E l these inspeetions haue beer, mad.e and approueC, FIPEPLACE:nat;A;G FTilAL PLUTIBIT|G FINAL AECHANICAL ?IIIAL ELECTRICAL Priot to placirq facingand befote froning inepee- lhuet be reqttested after Ecmes Bloeking ord. Set-up Pkmbing connections -- 8€1re? otd uater El,ectrteal Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-uD and pltmbing connections rntst be qprcr;bd before requesting eleetyical inspectiott Aecessory BuiTding pct ehes, skit ting, decks, Leted. Firal - Afteretc. ote eomp Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUT9 I,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE,BE IL4DE AT NO CCST TO CI?Y ,x r T l @ u Z JoB No. 8500 F? soLAR ^^cEss REQ.- lnt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage # of Stories Total Height Topography Iotal w X tntez,ict, L-co c Bedtooms: Receipt #:bq I ir LCT TWE a'2-;T Corner Panhand,Le Cul-de-sac k##,Sv@q ffi f HAW CAREFULLI EXLI4LNED tle cornpleted application for pentrit, and. do het'eby certify that aLL infolrnation hereon is true and. cotrect, and. f fuz,thet, certifg that any ar.d aLL uotk perfor.ned sltall be done in accot- dance tLth the Ordinances of the City of Spr"tngfield, and. the Lcas of the* State of )regon pertaining to the uork Ceseribed herein, end tltat N0 )CCA- PANCy rtill be nade of any sttueture vtthout permission of the Building N-oision. f further eettifg that o:rLy cont"acto?s md enplcyees uho are in eonpliance Ltith oRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet 4 -/ -- trJ-- Lot Faces -Enerau Soutebs Tuoe lleat Df House Cataqe Access,l,later lleatet North ./a'Range East zr2'FirepLaee WoodstoteSouth West z4r, -- Fees -- ITEM fiu x Va Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the e0.pre6s eondi_tion tlat the said-eonstn)ction shall', in a|-L r,\spects, conforn 7o the crdLnance edopted 6iy the City o.f Spz.ing?ieLd, ine|-uding- the Zoning Cldinance, z'egulating the ccnstructicn i,l. ""uZ of 'buildings, utd may be suspended oy reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of qn7 prcoisions of said ov'ditnnces. Itbin ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Permit C{a .oo State Date Paid: t- r7'8 Total Clnrges ?,(/Signed: FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No peteon slnll consttuct, i.ns+.al'!., altet or change -anY ned-cr eristing -ptuint'tnq or d.z,ainage sAstqlt in uhole ot' 1n part' unless sueh pet'son is the iegal pbssessor of a ualid plwrbetts Li,cense, eept tlut a pe?son nag do ptbnt'i.izg uork to properfu ihich is ourned, Leased or opetated by the dppli- cant. Eistures Resil.zntial (1 bath) Sa,ser Plunbing Penrit ?ctal NO.FEE Electricql Permit I'tltere State Lan requires tllot the electrical uotk be done by an Electvical Contraetor', the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electtical Contraeto?. Neu/Ertend, Circuits Sez,ttice 6a ?otal 6;a -- ENCROACHMENT -- ITlM NC,FEE CHARCE Mechqnicql Permit E*hanst HooC Ucodstooe Vent F@t Petttrtt fssucnee Meclnnietl Pernrtt Seeurit! Deposit Storage l,laintenance Perwit C'utbcut Sida,taLk IEELeet?leAL LabeL a Mobtle Home TO?AL AMOUN? DUE: *€v,e? {.t Date 7-l ?*7+*. hl?ffioe P'l'lltS Iotal C'haroes State Swehanqe - .qence