HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-08-21" RES,JENTIAL" APPLICA?I)N/PERI,IIT 225 Nonth ith Street Spz.ingfield, ?r,egon 97477 BuiL&Lng Ditsision 7 26- 37 53 SPHIITIGFIELD 0 fts,tt0 Date: t- d l'' 8, # General Constm.et'ton Lende? Reati.rerl Tn snacl:i,an c rlef It iB the rcepontibility of the penrtt holda to aee that all inspections ee nad.e at the p?o?e! tine, th.at eaeh addrees is reaCable fron the etteet, and that the petmtt catd. ie Located at the frcnt of the propettll.*Buildirq D,Jticion approted plan slnll remain on tlte Bunlding Site at aLL- t[mes.- PR)2EDURE FoR INS?EC?I2N R\qWST:CALL726-3769 (r,eco!det,) state Aou" City desigrnted job nwnbet,, job aCCtess, type of i,nepecli-cn tequested and ahen gou uiLL be ready fot inspection, Contracta?s or Atnet,s rntne cnd plane nunbcr. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 cnt'iLL be rrude the sane dag, "equeets made aften ?:00 67t tttll be nade the nert aoz,king day. Iour Cifu Desiqated Job Nunbe? Is g5 \srE ut rooottoo "'t i--N lr q Sffeef Aeseesone Map # l? 0 7 3b 2l i Ll50 0 rar rot # svbdioision: dNH€5 DELL-O,mer: Address:7q9 N tf*/l 5't.741 -5a srPhone srFLpl ok zip: 77't TTcity: DescrLbe Wotk: s-al-3{value f Sq59o c Date of App Lication 7,* w aoPsTat€Additian RenoCel !.!obiLe e Page 1 of 2 SIIE INSPECTI)N: To be nade after e.ccaoation, but pr.ior tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIfCAL: ?o be nade before angwrk is eoueted. POOrfNc & F)ANDATfCN: Io be rmCe afret-trench-es a"e *caoated and forns are erected, but priot to pout"ing ecncrete. UNDSRGR)UTID PLUMETNG LjEhtEt2_ t4g& @-#6nehes. UIIDERFL)1R PLUI'EING & MECHANTCAL : oy floor insul,ation or decking. PPE! 4!P PEA!"!: To be nad.e Prtor to MffiGiof f\ooz' insulation or decking. ROUGH PLU.EITIG. TLECTRTCAL & INECH-_ Aurcnr: No uork is to be couered - w*il these inspeetions lnue beer' mad.e and. approued.. EIP.EPLACE: Prlor to plaei.rq faeing matez,ials and before frontng insptee- tion. FRA|.|fNG: ltust be requested after apptoual of rough plwnbing, alectri- cal & neclwnical. ALL roofiztg btaci.rtg 8 chinmegs, etc. rmtst be . cottpleted. Ilo uctk is to be eon- - cealed until this inspectton ltas'been made anC approtsed. FIIIAL PLUAAINC PINAL MECHANICAL ?INAL ELECTRICAL INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn cd required oapor berie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, Wpsutn baatC or tnLL coueting is dpplied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYTIALL INSPEC?r)N: Ic be nwde after aLL CryuaLL i,s in p|.aee, but ptior to any taping. I'IASQIIRY: Steel Location, bond Sffiilgrouting ot oerticals i.n accorddrce LlLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. DEI.IOLITTOII AR !,IOWD BUTLDIiICS Sanitary seaer eapped at properfui Line Septic totk pz,rrped and. filled tith gra:teL linal - l{hen abctse items are eonpleted and uhen denolr,ti,on 4s canplete or sttuc- tuye motled and. prenrLees cleareC up. Mobi Hcnes Bloeki.ng o'd Set-up Plwnbin4 coltnecti,ons -- aa1,te? od ualet Electt'ical Ccnneetion - Blocking, set-uD and plwnbing connections rrust be apprcted before requesting el,eelrtcal inspteelion Accessory BuilCing Pi,nal - After pctches, skttting, decks, ete. ate conpleted. V wooDsro,te:lA eraT;tA.Aftet irrstallati,on is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ee erected but priot, to conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRf'"WAY: Foz, aLL con- erete patirq rvtthin stteet right- of-uay, to be nade aftet, aLL e*ea- oating eanplete & fonn twk & sub- base mater.Lal in place. After .fonnst Pournng IENCE: Nhen complete -- ProtsiCe gates or mooable sections thnough P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as tle installation of street trees, conpletion of bhe required Landsecping, etc., mtst be satisfi.ed before the BUfLDfNC FINAL ean be z'equested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Buildittg fnspection nuet be requested after the Final Plwnbing \--/ Electrical, otd Mecltanical fnspeeti,ons hqte been nade attd approoeC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T,,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJAST!{EI]I TO BE IL4DE A? TIO CCS? TO CI?Y cont?ac-to?s Ad.dress V -q^ffi sisned: ,r+ot &larrr.u tr f u tr JoB No. ?50 dSOLAR AC( S REQ.-L-CO Bedtoans: % of Lot Cooaage_ # of Stories lotal Height LCT TWE _ fnteri,or _ Corfler _ Panlwndle CUL-de-sacIopography Lot Sq. Ftg. Df House Lot Paces - Ileat Soulee's NEM SQ. FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erpress eondition tltat the said constructionslnLl, in all respects, conform to the Crdinance adopted 6;y the City ofSprirqfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinarrce, tegulating the ccnsttucticn and. use of buildtngs, and may be suspend.ed oz, revokeC at cnA time upon oic-lation of anA prcoisions of said Otdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Building PerwLt Fee: State Patd: ?otal Clwrgee Signed: rTEM N0.FSE UMfiUL Fi.rtuz,es Plumbing Perrnit Nq pez'son shall consfuuct, i-nstal!, alter ot eltange anA nea cr existing plumbing or dtainage systen in uhole ot in part, unless such person is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber,'s Li.cense, eseept that a pbtson nag doplw,bing uork to prope?ty ahich is otmed, Leased or operated by the oppli- cant. Resil.zntia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Penrit Na,t/Eetend Cireuits Electricql Permit Wlpre State Lau requires t?ta.t the eleetrical uork be done by an EleetriealContracto?, the electz"Lcal pottion of this permit sha.Ll not be oali.C untilthe Label has been signed by the Electyical- Contractor.Ianporey Settsiee 1 IotaL 15,06 -- ENCROACEMENT -- NC TJL ilt A Dvfr Mechonicol Permit 0 0 Echanat Hood I,lcodstooe Vent Pot PernrLt fsauqoe Mechanicel Permtt 00 Seatr.itA Deposit Sto?age Maintettance Perwit Cvtbcuf Sida,salk ELectz,ieal Label Mobile Hotne Receipt #: ?otaL r HAw cAREFaLLy ExAttrNED the eonpleted application for permit, attd do het,eby certif-y that aLL infornation heteoi is tnte ahd. correct, and t fuz,tkez, certify that ang ard aLL uo,k perfotned ehall be done in aooor-dance tLth the ordinanees of the city of bprtngfield, and. the Lcras of thestate of 1r'egcn pertaining to the uork ceseribbd herein, atd. tlat No occu-Pl.Ncy ttll_ b^e n _nce of ara st"uctute uithout pemriesion of the Bui?,ding DL-oision. r further certify that o:tly conttactors cd. etplcyees uho arb ineonpliance dith 1RS ?01.058 ui.LL be- used on this pz,oject r/zt f rs TOIAL AMOUNI DUE: *f r 5.0o Date ?ence - E Uqra D&uu LtLeI uate