HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-09-07.. RESID.-NTIAL.. 225 North stt, it ulPPLrcATr,N/PERMrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SP'IINGFTET.D dvq ufu a\r.,1v ?"zo 4 7 ), Date GeneraL ELeetrical Conslmrctton_lender Reati.rai Tn cn f_t i8 the responaibility of tlc penrit holder to eee tlut aLL inspectiot'rs ee nade at the prope? tine, that eceh address is reaCabie t:or--t!y at?eet,_ atd tltat the_pemit cazd. ie Located at the frcnt of the Wope"tA.*auitdi."tg Noiciot approted pl,an shall remain on the Building site Zt aLL' tiines.' P?1CEDUPE=FoR= II!!l?ECTI0l\t.?I7UEST:CALL 726-3769(t,ecotdet) state lout, City designated job nwitber,, job aC.Ctess, type of inspeeticn reQuested av;d ohen gou uiLL be ready foz, inspection, Cont?actcy,s ir 1tmers nane and plnne nunber. Requests teeeixZd bef*e- 7:00 aq'*iLL be made the sane dag' "equests ncde afte.r 7:00 on tiLL be nad.e the ncst wrkirq day. 8 t ob7/Iour City Designated Job Nunbet, fs: # Page 1 of 2 Job Locatton: 1 5 N\B St Aeseesore Map # I ?as lot # (8U^7aol o S:ubdiuision: )uner:fi\e Address: 'l rq $st Phone:1L17-S)88 w17ci Describe Work: r#::*.'":},j[- 'n lffitr-t RemoCel t--t t--t boValue Ne1) Additian Date of I STTE INSPEC?ION:?o be made aftet,TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : ?o be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn and required oapor borie?a de in place but before oty Lath, Wpsun boarC or tnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulation i.s concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII)N: lc be nade aftet, aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to cny taping. MASONRU Steel Location, bond beons, gz,outing ot: oerticals in aceordarce vLth U,B.C. Section 2475. W)2DST)VE: After installation is atnpleted. DE!,IOLruIO\I OR Sanitary seuer capped at propertil Line Septic totk y.e:ped ard. filled with gra;sel Final - I{hen abcoe'Ltens aye ccnpleted and uhen dq,plition is complete o! st?ue- ture mooed and. prerrLaes cLeaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd, Set-up Plwnbittg connections -- aa))e? od. uatet Eleetri.cal Ccnneetion - Bloeking, eet-up ard. plutnbi.ng conneetione trust be apprcaed befote requesting eleclrical inspeetiol Accessory BuilCing FinaL - After pcrekes, skirti-ng, decla, etc. ate conpleted. ercaoation, but prtor tc se! up of fonne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL & WCHLIIICAL: To be nade befot,e anytlotk ie eouez,ed. I PO)TIN} & F)UNDATICN: To be tmCe' MEencG;-a"e eicatsated. ard fottns ate erected, but priot, to pout-ing ecncret€. UNDSRGROaID PLUI,IEING T__E!WEE2_ tnlg& @-irench.ee. ATIDERFLOOR PLUT1BING & MECHANTCAL: of floor insul,ation or decking, POST AND BEAM: To be made prior toffi&Tffi{of floor insula.tion or decking. ROUCH PLU.IBIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & IECH- ANTCAL: No aork is to be coaered .ffilTthese inspecti,ons Twue besr, nade and approueC. FLPEPLACE: PrLot to plceirq facingmaterials and. before fronLng inspee-tion. PRAI.IING: Ltust be nequested after approual of rough plwrbing, electyi- a,L & meclwnical. ALL roofiztg btacing & ehinmegs, etc. rrust be , corqleted. Ilo uork is to be eon-. cecled until this inspectLon lus'been trud.e anC approtted. PTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH APPAN: e.e e;;;t;AEtViA After fonnsto pouring conc"ete. SIDE'\IALK & DRI|EllAf : For aLL eon- c"et; pa,r@niffi stz,eet night- of-txA, to be made after aLL ecca- oating eonplete & forn ,prk & eub- base naterial in plaee. m IENCE: Wen conplete -- Prooide gates or mouable sections thnough P.U.E. xl _l ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the required Landsccping, etc., rntst be sati.sfied before the BUILDING FINAL ean be reEtested. ?INAL BUILDING: Ihe Final Building Inepeetion rruet be requested aftet the Final Plunbing Electtical, od I'teelanical fnspections lw[e been nade atd approoeC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS tlUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI\EM ?O BE I'\,4DE AT N0 CCST f0 Cny tr \J Conttactors Ad.d.ress oI z JOB NO. Building Permtt State Total Clwrgee ?otal soLAR A-':ESS REQ.-L-co c Bedroons: lleat Date Paid Reeeipt #: Signed: tou-e Building Vqlue & Permit This permi,t is gtanted an the erptess condition tlat the said consttwctionsltall, in aLL respects, conform to the Or&Lrwnce adopted 5iy the City ofSptin4field, including the Zoning Cydinance, regulatlng the ccnstrubticn otd. use of buildings, and nay be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon oic-Lation of dtA prcttisiona of aaid Ordinances. I HAW CAREFALLY EXAILINED t?e conrpleted application for penrtt, and do hereby certifg that aLL itfotttwtion hereon ie true and. cbrrect, and. I lurther eertlfy that any ard aLL uork pe.rfotned slnll be ilone in aecor- dance ttth the hdinances of the City of Spr"tngfield, and. the Las of ther state of 1regon pertaining to the uoik cescribbZ hnoZir, cnd ttat No occa- PANcy oill be rmce of qv st?uctute tvithout pernission of the Buildtng N-oiaio_n-. r further cez'tifg that only cont?ac'tors ad enpiogees uho arZ inconpliance vtth )RS ?01.055 uiLL be-used on thia project \ri Q -1o.7 7 Iat Pacee -Enetqu Sourcee Tuoe Setbacks Df House Carage Access. Not,th Ran East South / of lot Cooenage_ LOT TWE NEM tiu A Va Lot Sq. Ftg. Interiot Corner Panhandle CUL-de-sac # of Stories Total Height ?opog?aphy West l&ain C,saae Cuoort Acceasorl,t ?OTAL VALUE Check Fee: Plumbing Permit Ng pereon shall consttuct, install, alter oy c?wrqe anA rLeu cr existing plutrbing or dtainage sgetan in uhole or in pant, unlees such person is- tle Legal poseessor of a oalid phtmbet's License, e*eept tlwt a pe"son nag dophnrbing uork to p?ope?tA ahieh ie or,tned, Leased or operated by the dpp|i- eant. Electricol Permit Wlpte State Lan requires tlnt the electrieal uork be done by an Eleettieal Contraetor, the electricaL portion of this permit stnll not be oaliC untilthe l^abel lns been aigned by the Electr.ical Conttacto?. ?otal NO.FEE CEARCE NO FEE Fi,sturee Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plmbing Penrit State Sutehange Neu/Ectend, Circuits Iqnpc!@A Setoice ETU., -- ENCROACHMEN? -- NC.PEE ,t Mechqnicol Permit blunet Hood llcodstooe Vent Fa1 Perwtt fssuance l,leclnnicel Pennit leqrity Depoait Sto?age Llaintetunrce Petmit Cvrbeu! - Sid@alk cps, Electnieal Ia.bel Mobile llane PLcn EoonLnez,Uate TO?AL AMOUN? DI]E:*--&Signed Date S.D.C. 1.5 x ITSM ?otal Cltatoes $tate Swclnrge 9ence