HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1988-01-04SPFINGFIELD I 885- 1 g85 S ptiaqficld C eatcazial vcarCEY OF Historical .,)7 d+tz' ,' .."Jane Tuckei'"' Spri ngfi e'l Commission January 4, 1988 ilr. James M. Hamrick' Preservation Specialist ititi-iiiitoric Preseivation Office Sii rraae Street, S'E' ialem, 0regon 97310 RE: Property in the rdashburne.Historic District 705 l'1. sth"s;'; i46 N: 6th. st' and 734 'D' st' ipiitgti"ral-6iegon (Lane Countv) Dear Mr. Hamrick' The Springfield Historical -Conmission appreciates the opportunitv to review and corment on -the appricati;;;'-toi'"ri""iii' iti"l"["ni toi historic properties locatei'-wrtlln ip"insir"id. iie three-p"ip:"ti":-Iou submitted for our revreu--ina coment lll'iili..i it-io6-ul-sirr !*eet' 745 N' 5th street and 134 iD, Street._ "'ih;;;--qf9p""ti"s'--a"e located rithin the r{ashburne Historic Landmarr Oistiili' itt'tttoi-propertt:s^1l" classified as ,,primary significant contriiil;;; on'int'UiiiSnii Register of Historic Pl aces. TheSpringfieldHistorical-Corrmissionrevieuedthethreeapplicationsand recomnends granting approval. ;?'irti-tp"ii"f tit"iiment in each case' The Historicar conmission 'and citi' iouniir tuppi"i--irt" g".nting of special assessments for historic p"op""t'i"s-as a way to provide an incentive to home ;;;;;; il-repairing ina mi1nlalnins their proPertv' Thank you for providing this opportunity to coment' Si ncerelY, r, Chairperson d Historical Conmission 22s North Srh srreet o spilnsfierd,, oregoa gz4zz . sos/?26.s?os NEIL GOLDSCHMIDT MV€FNOB Departm e nt of T ran s po rt at i on STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Parks and Recreation Division 525 TRADE STREET SE, SALEM, OREGON 97310 February 5, 1-988 Forrest and JoAnne Arnold 706 North 5th St..Springfield, OR 92477 rn accordance with oregon I,aws LgTs as amended, (chapter 35g,special. Assessment of Historic property), 'the iolrowingaction is taken by the State Historic-preiervation office oithe application for the property identified as: County: Lane Code & Account Numbers: l-9-OO 308690 Historic Name: Location:7o6 North 5th St.Springfield, OR X Propgrty is certified for special assessment in itscondition this date for the reason(s) noted beIow.Arterations, improvements and repairs' io the propertywill be made in accordance with tie Adninistrative Rulesfor Oregon Laws j,975 as amended, Chapter 35g. - certification for special assessment is denied. COMMENT: Prope rty is a prima 'bu ing within the WashburneHistoric DistricL en ry Historic places on Feb the National Register of for this property shal ,19 7 Special assessmentry.1, l-988..J David W. Deputy S ," rrrtate Hi.l storic preservation Officer Attached is a copy of the Administrative Rules for oRs358' 47s- rf tnere are any guestions regarding thisdetermination t contact ,yames - Hamrick, preservationspecialist, state Historic preservation office, 378-5001. DWP:JMH: JnALEX. LTR Attachmentcc: Lane County AssessorSpringfield Historical Commission 73410-807